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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

No Mujeeb got more electoral colleges then bhutto. 160 for awami league 81 for PPP. There was no question of who won. Yahya simply refused to hand over the govt initially. And when he finally agreed for talks feeling the heat of public pressure, Mujeeb put the condition to remove Martial Law first and hand over complete power to civilians.
Yahya completely declined and started mass killing in East.
The difference of Mujeeb and Bhutto was that bhutto wanted a united front with Mujeeb against Martial law removal in a 2 halves sort of setup. Mujeeb demanded to be the leader of whole Pakistan being winner of majority seats and refused Bhutto offer for a united front.
Where did you quote those figures from, about electoral colleges?

There was no mass killing.

Yehya came into power in March 1970.
He should have arranged elections in July August, but that was also moonsoon season.

Yehya delayed election due to "Bhola cyclone ". Which was a world record breaker natural calamity.
That happened in November 1970.

But then under pressure he had to hold election in December 1970 , just a month after one of the most destructive cyclone in recorded History .
That was not the time for election but rescue and relief. But both Bhutto and Mujeeb had their way.
Later Yehya had no idea whom to transfer power to as both claimed victory.
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سچائی کی بات ہے بنگالیوں نے قربانیاں دے کر
کرائے کی فوج سے قبضہ چھڑا لیا اور آج مقبوضہ پاکستان سے بہتر حالت میں ہیں۔
کالے فوجی قبضہ نہیں چھوڑیں گے۔
Pakistan is their only life line for plots, money, women, power.

Did, Musharraf also treated Mawaz like that? Except Lal masjid ( which was justified, but he used excessive force BAU of army) I don't think he committed atrocities?
Where did you quote those figures from?
“The results also confirmed the provincialism of Pakistan politics. The two major winners were the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and the Awami League (AL). The AL secured 160 seats of the National Assembly out of which only seven candidates belonged to West Pakistan. However, the AL could not win a single provincial assembly seat from any of the west wing provinces. The PPP won got 81 seats out of 130 allotted to the western wing but achieved no seat from East Pakistan.

According to the LFO, the National Assembly was responsible for making a constitution within 120 days before government power was liable to be transferred to the elected members. But unfortunately, both Bhutto and Mujib failed to maintain the unity of Western and Eastern wings; they couldn’t do away with the huge differences over the Six-Point formula that led to the tragic division of the country with the result that a separate sovereign state of Bangla Desh emerged on the globe.”


middle finger for alow life
middle finger for alow life
This and the other PDM tout lanti are beyond only a finger.

Bajwa the great ended up exposing Army, ISI, Judges, bureaucrats, journalists and woke the entire nation from their deep sleep.

Allah helps those who help themselves. Pakistani awam is waking up and once fully awake what happened in Zaman park will look like a trailer and I am afraid Wisky Hafiz won’t go home till the whole movie is shown.
بھائی لوگوں
میں تو امید کھو بیٹھا ہوں۔
غدار جنرل وردی اور تمغے سجا کے ناچ رہے ہیں۔
عدلیہ جی ایچ کیو کے اشاروں پر گھنگرو توڑ رہی ہے۔

اور سمجھتے تھے کہ یہ ملک خدا کے رازوں میں سے ہے۔
My CA friend has been laughing on me for days now.

If IK goes, I swear, I will work for the cessation of Karachi.
PCB has moved PSL final to 18th, clearly a ploy to distract the public when IK gets arrested.
They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely.

Hahahahah when plan backfires
Just disown it

It's the same as military disowning soliders as kashmiri mujahdeen in kargil.

It's same as saying we were neutral in VNOC.

Khan have clearly said it's army chief behind this trying to fulfill his promise to nawaz shaiff
Khisyani billi khamba nauchay
“The results also confirmed the provincialism of Pakistan politics. The two major winners were the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and the Awami League (AL). The AL secured 160 seats of the National Assembly out of which only seven candidates belonged to West Pakistan. However, the AL could not win a single provincial assembly seat from any of the west wing provinces. The PPP won got 81 seats out of 130 allotted to the western wing but achieved no seat from East Pakistan.

According to the LFO, the National Assembly was responsible for making a constitution within 120 days before government power was liable to be transferred to the elected members. But unfortunately, both Bhutto and Mujib failed to maintain the unity of Western and Eastern wings; they couldn’t do away with the huge differences over the Six-Point formula that led to the tragic division of the country with the result that a separate sovereign state of Bangla Desh emerged on the globe.”

There was nothing wrong with 6 point formula especially looking at what happened before 1971 when elections like now were delayed for 25 years by various generals

Bhutto was simply a front man of army
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