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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

The changing scene is that he is now being seen as a dangerous customer for Pakistan by Military and ISI. They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely.

Firstly, 90% chances that in his case of becoming PM, they will intervene so he doesn’t become PM. They have started to consider him dangerous in destabilising Pakistan and its affairs. Secondly, bright chances that he will be assassinated somehow sooner or later.

To phir lagao martial law and be done with this farce.

Rename the country to Military Dictatorship of GHQ rather than Islamic Republic of Pakistan, aur band karo tamasha.

Awayeen paisay lagatay ho elections par aur adalton par aur in sab topi dramon par.
If I was on the army side, I'd just send in a few tanks and some cobras for backup, armed with hellfire missles. Seeing a tank would naturally disburse most ppl. The cobras or Apaches in the air would also provide a shock effect. Just trying to see this from a tactical lens.
Wow, you are one dumb motherfuc*er to even suggest this. How about use those weapons on our enemies, instead of our people. You dumb fu*k!
It's still early, but it's starting to look like Imran may actually win his war against the boys at Pindi. Initially I didn't expect much from his movement, but when PTI was able to save Elahi in VONC despite the establishment blackmail, it was a first.

Momentum can only grow in his favor as the country will be back at the IMF's doorsteps this year and the allied countries will not give anymore.
Love your name man! Family guy is my go to humor.
Religious people are always targeted more regardless of the situation and regardless of the political party or organization, and not only in politics in day to day activities religious people are often treated poorly than others be it in social gathering, jobs or university
What makes a bearded man with shalwar tucked above to bare the ankles more religious than a clean shaved man in pant shirt?

I got 2 warnings for that one.. can't reply
Lekin insaan ni ban'na tum ne.
What makes a bearded man with shalwar tucked above to bare the ankles more religious than a clean shaved man in pant shirt?
I think the point he was trying to make is overly religious wear ie beard, prayer cup, hijabs etc is looked down upon in a society like Pakistan due to the haram behavior by the establishment the last 20 years. There’s open discrimination against them , unlike who’s clean shaven but religious person.
I think the point he was trying to make is overly religious wear ie beard, prayer cup, hijabs etc is looked down upon in a society like Pakistan due to the haram behavior by the establishment the last 20 years. There’s open discrimination against them , unlike who’s clean shaven but religious person.
Sir, The point I was trying to make is stop wearing your religion and start practicing it.

Outward symbols of religiosity are frowned upon because of what shenanigans they are associated with.

While you're at it, try and grow out of this toxic molvi disease that we imported from the christians. There are no padri's in Islam. You don't confess to a padri in Islam. You have a direct connection to Allah. We need Ulama to interpret Sharia but know where to draw the line and don't be pawns, like TLP youth usually are.

Example, A PTI or even a PML-N worker knows what he is getting for taking a certain position. Like, people going to Zaman park have a concrete/tangible reason for facing the brutality of the sate. Has anyone of the blind devotees that make up almost the entirety of TLP workers ever wondered what they'll achieve by kicking out a western ambassador. Do they not know what this will INCREASE hostility and therefore, blasphemy committed by the westerners and give India even bigger moral high ground
I am a hard-core IK supporter but I didn't like what he allowed to be done with TLP rallies.
That was just wrong.
I'm pretty sure that is always the case in discussions when these kind of situations arise and are then assessed.
e.g. for IK it was actually used, and for TLP it was actually forgo
im sure Ik wouldn't have orignated the idea, specially when plans to overthrow Ik was already in play in 2021

I am not here to play word games just showing the mirror
Me neither, TLP tries to be religious party but its not different from Fazlu's party along with prop of casual in using force.
So, its better not to play innocent card. in power game, only power rules apply. don't expect NS's level playing field
Chain of command starts with the head of state. Here in the US, the training starts from elementary school. We are taught the President is the Commander-in-Chief. There is NO chance a soldier will obey the army chief over the President.
Hence - culture.
Culturally Pakistanis aren’t there yet.
Pakistanis have multiple social and leadership cultures depending upon which part of the country they come from.
Hence - culture.
Culturally Pakistanis aren’t there yet.
Pakistanis have multiple social and leadership cultures depending upon which part of the country they come from.
they literally failed at such an easy task. It was headed under IK tbh, a notion of a modern Pakistan state was coming into formation, and the internal and external powers that be couldn’t stomach this.
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