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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

Oh no
I am fine, The report of drowning in shame is wrong,
Health worsened, I Was feeling dizzy, now feeling better,
" Fazlur Rehman"

Wow, you are one dumb motherfuc*er to even suggest this. How about use those weapons on our enemies, instead of our people. You dumb fu*k!

Everytime they use weapon on enemies they lose, they surrendered half country in 1971, Surrendered Kashmir
and surrendered to TTP and BLA. Now their only option is unarmed civilians who pay their salaries, they show their
bravery by killing disabled, women and children.
IHC just suspended the warrant because they have failed to achieve what they wanted, public response in Lahore and all over Pakistan showed them, that they can not do what they wanted.

IHC is playing for PDM, to give them the reason to back off for face saving etc....
Everytime they use weapon on enemies they lose, they surrendered half country in 1971, Surrendered Kashmir
and surrendered to TTP and BLA. Now their only option is unarmed civilians who pay their salaries, they show their
bravery by killing disabled, women and children.
It’s because they were ingrained as an organization to follow the British in putting down local revolts. That mentality hasn’t changed. They serve their masters and if they can earn a few $$$ on the sides, then so be it. Hell, the masters prefers it that way because those $$$& get deposited right inside western banks!
Chain of command starts with the head of state. Here in the US, the training starts from elementary school. We are taught the President is the Commander-in-Chief. There is NO chance a soldier will obey the army chief over the President.
ah that must be the reason dotard trump is still in the top seat, oh wait... whatever happened to his revolution? who put it down within a couple of days?

same would have happened to the Pakistani retard and his worshipers had they been in a country like the USA (i.e no room for egomaniacal narcissists). as things stand in Pakistan, they are still haunted by the specter of 71 hence free for all crooked scum
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The scene is changing now, not of Zaman park but this stunt of IK. He never listens to law still law is relaxed for him to bring him into senses. LHC has relaxed it again for a breather.

The changing scene is that he is now being seen as a dangerous customer for Pakistan by Military and ISI. They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely.

Firstly, 90% chances that in his case of becoming PM, they will intervene so he doesn’t become PM. They have started to consider him dangerous in destabilising Pakistan and its affairs. Secondly, bright chances that he will be assassinated somehow sooner or later.

This Zaman park incident has made the civilian bureaucracy hate him too. They consider him mentally unstable to run country.

Let’s see what happens next but this psycho khan thinks he has played a politically perfect move instead he is being highly disliked by making a mockery of law (whatever is left of it in Pakistan) and also trying to destabilise the country. As a politician he is seen a trouble maker.
IK not giving himself in is a mockery of Law but grade 22 PUBLIC SERVANT ( you know who I am referring to ) interfering in civil matters isn't a mockery of law?

If IK is a psycho then thus current regime that's prone to torturing people, kidnapping even kids now, yesterday case of 4 kids abducted from their house in Islamabad. That's not psychopath behavior? Isn't the current regime too then unfit to rule?

You are a senior here, my respect for you 🌹, looking forward to an unbiased response.
The grave situation in Zaman Park Lahore for the last two days must be an eye opener for those who have some functional brain. What we have observed there in these two days is no less than a mutiny - an active war against the state - by a sick-minded crook who thinks of himself above the law of the land. The way the uniformed men, ranging from police officers of DIG level to soldiers and the personnel of Punjab Rangers (a semi-military official entity), have been attacked by the terrorists of PTI with stones, sticks, and petrol bombs, and the way the armed criminals of PTI aimed their modern automatic guns on the DIG and police, all of that is no less than a war against the state of Pakistan waged by these criminals in behalf of and with the orders of that sick-minded coward druggy mouse who is shamelessly hiding there in defiance of court orders, summons, and arrest warrants. That sick-minded criminal keeps lying day and night against the state, state institutions, and of course his political opponents.

This sick-minded liar preaches other to break the statue of fear and yet himself is cowardly hiding deep inside human shield, claims to enforce the rule of law equally on all - poor and rich - and yet consistently defies the law, the constitution, and the court orders, talks of Riyast-e-Madinah and yet refuses to face the law for receiving illegal foreign funding, using charity money (meant for a hospital) for his political activities and money laundering. He claims to be sadiq and amin and yet has at least a known illegitimate child and has been sleeping with other women until recently. It's amazing that how such a bloody criminal is able to misguide this nations youth, men, and women. The state of Pakistan is facing a tough time dealing with this filth is one thing but I am just wonder how much working brain those idiot generals had in their upper compartment who nurtured this filthy sick-minded criminal, actively supported him for years, and brought him to the power after rigging the general elections of 2018. Couldn't those mentally blind people see how loose character this filth IK was and how much serious a threat it turn out for Pakistan in future? Now we understand why we have been on a continuous and consistent retreat/defeat on the J&K dispute with India despite the huge sacrifices offered by the members of the lower echelons of our military.

The war against the state waged by that sick-minded crook IK and his armed cohorts is no more only a matter of fulfilling the court orders to arrest this criminal and bring him to the court for face the law. It has by now turned a much more serious situation of mutiny against the state and state institutions. Grave attacks on uniformed men of the state constitute crimes of the gravest nature. Now after arresting this idiot and his criminal comrades, state must prosecute them all according the provisions of the constitution. The state needs to investigate their roots and links and bring their backers to the justice just as well. The half-hearted effort to arrest these criminals must be turned in a determined operation to kill or nab all these criminals. Or else the state will be setting a very bad precedence for other gang-masters, mafia-heads, and mass murderers to defy the court orders, the law of the land, and law-enforcement agencies in future too. This lanati criminal IK must be made a sorrowful example for other potential offenders of future.

I am really unable to understand the state's strategy to take a druggy into custody. Apparently proper planning is missing. There was no element of surprise in this half-hearted operation. Rather to the contrary, criminals had plenty of time and paths to reach Zaman Park rather with ease without any checking. And then instead of taking those terrorists head-on, police and rangers kept playing hide-and-seek game with them. A probably most convenient and safest way could be to surround IK hide-out and turn off the electricity, gas, and water to that whole street. These few hundred terrorists would probably try to flee from there in the absence of toilets and with their tongues hanging out due to the heat in the absence of electricity. Anyone coming out would have been arrested and interrogated thoroughly in order to determine their role in this face-off. A head-on assault would definitely result in many deaths with IK hide-out getting wiped out, and he himself probably getting hrama death in action. In fact, many PTI leaders expected that head-on assault last night after the PTI terrorists attacked official vehicles with petrol bombs. That's why many of them were sitting outside away from the building.

It's now state's utmost responsibility to crush these PTI terrorists one way or the other for the sake of establishing state's writ and to safeguard the law and constitution from a handful of terrorists, anarchists, and criminals. Any soft treatment given to them will most certainly result in similar mutiny and blackmail at even bigger scale. Tomorrow, Ali Amin Ganda can start fighting against and blackmailing the state. And that Ganda idiot is a smaller filth. We have much bigger filth-heads in our country.
The grave situation in Zaman Park Lahore for the last two days must be an eye opener for those who have some functional brain. What we have observed there in these two days is no less than a mutiny - an active war against the state - by a sick-minded crook who thinks of himself above the law of the land. The way the uniformed men, ranging from police officers of DIG level to soldiers and the personnel of Punjab Rangers (a semi-military official entity), have been attacked by the terrorists of PTI with stones, sticks, and petrol bombs, and the way the armed criminals of PTI aimed their modern automatic guns on the DIG and police, all of that is no less than a war against the state of Pakistan waged by these criminals in behalf of and with the orders of that sick-minded coward druggy mouse who is shamelessly hiding there in defiance of court orders, summons, and arrest warrants. That sick-minded criminal keeps lying day and night against the state, state institutions, and of course his political opponents.

This sick-minded liar preaches other to break the statue of fear and yet himself is cowardly hiding deep inside human shield, claims to enforce the rule of law equally on all - poor and rich - and yet consistently defies the law, the constitution, and the court orders, talks of Riyast-e-Madinah and yet refuses to face the law for receiving illegal foreign funding, using charity money (meant for a hospital) for his political activities and money laundering. He claims to be sadiq and amin and yet has at least a known illegitimate child and has been sleeping with other women until recently. It's amazing that how such a bloody criminal is able to misguide this nations youth, men, and women. The state of Pakistan is facing a tough time dealing with this filth is one thing but I am just wonder how much working brain those idiot generals had in their upper compartment who nurtured this filthy sick-minded criminal, actively supported him for years, and brought him to the power after rigging the general elections of 2018. Couldn't those mentally blind people see how loose character this filth IK was and how much serious a threat it turn out for Pakistan in future? Now we understand why we have been on a continuous and consistent retreat/defeat on the J&K dispute with India despite the huge sacrifices offered by the members of the lower echelons of our military.

The war against the state waged by that sick-minded crook IK and his armed cohorts is no more only a matter of fulfilling the court orders to arrest this criminal and bring him to the court for face the law. It has by now turned a much more serious situation of mutiny against the state and state institutions. Grave attacks on uniformed men of the state constitute crimes of the gravest nature. Now after arresting this idiot and his criminal comrades, state must prosecute them all according the provisions of the constitution. The state needs to investigate their roots and links and bring their backers to the justice just as well. The half-hearted effort to arrest these criminals must be turned in a determined operation to kill or nab all these criminals. Or else the state will be setting a very bad precedence for other gang-masters, mafia-heads, and mass murderers to defy the court orders, the law of the land, and law-enforcement agencies in future too. This lanati criminal IK must be made a sorrowful example for other potential offenders of future.

I am really unable to understand the state's strategy to take a druggy into custody. Apparently proper planning is missing. There was no element of surprise in this half-hearted operation. Rather to the contrary, criminals had plenty of time and paths to reach Zaman Park rather with ease without any checking. And then instead of taking those terrorists head-on, police and rangers kept playing hide-and-seek game with them. A probably most convenient and safest way could be to surround IK hide-out and turn off the electricity, gas, and water to that whole street. These few hundred terrorists would probably try to flee from there in the absence of toilets and with their tongues hanging out due to the heat in the absence of electricity. Anyone coming out would have been arrested and interrogated thoroughly in order to determine their role in this face-off. A head-on assault would definitely result in many deaths with IK hide-out getting wiped out, and he himself probably getting hrama death in action. In fact, many PTI leaders expected that head-on assault last night after the PTI terrorists attacked official vehicles with petrol bombs. That's why many of them were sitting outside away from the building.

It's now state's utmost responsibility to crush these PTI terrorists one way or the other for the sake of establishing state's writ and to safeguard the law and constitution from a handful of terrorists, anarchists, and criminals. Any soft treatment given to them will most certainly result in similar mutiny and blackmail at even bigger scale. Tomorrow, Ali Amin Ganda can start fighting against and blackmailing the state. And that Ganda idiot is a smaller filth. We have much bigger filth-heads in our country.

oye kam use kar ChatGPT :lol:
Pakistan govt must announce elections no. I think they have to do eventually.
Pakistan army is afraid that IK would ruin its relation with US and other western allies on which they are dependent for funds and loans.
Plot to kill policemen, another case should be registered against Imran Khan.
Good, wish they kill all of them
The grave situation in Zaman Park Lahore for the last two days must be an eye opener for those who have some functional brain. What we have observed there in these two days is no less than a mutiny - an active war against the state - by a sick-minded crook who thinks of himself above the law of the land. The way the uniformed men, ranging from police officers of DIG level to soldiers and the personnel of Punjab Rangers (a semi-military official entity), have been attacked by the terrorists of PTI with stones, sticks, and petrol bombs, and the way the armed criminals of PTI aimed their modern automatic guns on the DIG and police, all of that is no less than a war against the state of Pakistan waged by these criminals in behalf of and with the orders of that sick-minded coward druggy mouse who is shamelessly hiding there in defiance of court orders, summons, and arrest warrants. That sick-minded criminal keeps lying day and night against the state, state institutions, and of course his political opponents.

This sick-minded liar preaches other to break the statue of fear and yet himself is cowardly hiding deep inside human shield, claims to enforce the rule of law equally on all - poor and rich - and yet consistently defies the law, the constitution, and the court orders, talks of Riyast-e-Madinah and yet refuses to face the law for receiving illegal foreign funding, using charity money (meant for a hospital) for his political activities and money laundering. He claims to be sadiq and amin and yet has at least a known illegitimate child and has been sleeping with other women until recently. It's amazing that how such a bloody criminal is able to misguide this nations youth, men, and women. The state of Pakistan is facing a tough time dealing with this filth is one thing but I am just wonder how much working brain those idiot generals had in their upper compartment who nurtured this filthy sick-minded criminal, actively supported him for years, and brought him to the power after rigging the general elections of 2018. Couldn't those mentally blind people see how loose character this filth IK was and how much serious a threat it turn out for Pakistan in future? Now we understand why we have been on a continuous and consistent retreat/defeat on the J&K dispute with India despite the huge sacrifices offered by the members of the lower echelons of our military.

The war against the state waged by that sick-minded crook IK and his armed cohorts is no more only a matter of fulfilling the court orders to arrest this criminal and bring him to the court for face the law. It has by now turned a much more serious situation of mutiny against the state and state institutions. Grave attacks on uniformed men of the state constitute crimes of the gravest nature. Now after arresting this idiot and his criminal comrades, state must prosecute them all according the provisions of the constitution. The state needs to investigate their roots and links and bring their backers to the justice just as well. The half-hearted effort to arrest these criminals must be turned in a determined operation to kill or nab all these criminals. Or else the state will be setting a very bad precedence for other gang-masters, mafia-heads, and mass murderers to defy the court orders, the law of the land, and law-enforcement agencies in future too. This lanati criminal IK must be made a sorrowful example for other potential offenders of future.

I am really unable to understand the state's strategy to take a druggy into custody. Apparently proper planning is missing. There was no element of surprise in this half-hearted operation. Rather to the contrary, criminals had plenty of time and paths to reach Zaman Park rather with ease without any checking. And then instead of taking those terrorists head-on, police and rangers kept playing hide-and-seek game with them. A probably most convenient and safest way could be to surround IK hide-out and turn off the electricity, gas, and water to that whole street. These few hundred terrorists would probably try to flee from there in the absence of toilets and with their tongues hanging out due to the heat in the absence of electricity. Anyone coming out would have been arrested and interrogated thoroughly in order to determine their role in this face-off. A head-on assault would definitely result in many deaths with IK hide-out getting wiped out, and he himself probably getting hrama death in action. In fact, many PTI leaders expected that head-on assault last night after the PTI terrorists attacked official vehicles with petrol bombs. That's why many of them were sitting outside away from the building.

It's now state's utmost responsibility to crush these PTI terrorists one way or the other for the sake of establishing state's writ and to safeguard the law and constitution from a handful of terrorists, anarchists, and criminals. Any soft treatment given to them will most certainly result in similar mutiny and blackmail at even bigger scale. Tomorrow, Ali Amin Ganda can start fighting against and blackmailing the state. And that Ganda idiot is a smaller filth. We have much bigger filth-heads in our country.
Love to see your @** burning.
Next time we should fire grenades on em🤙
IHC just suspended the warrant because they have failed to achieve what they wanted, public response in Lahore and all over Pakistan showed them, that they can not do what they wanted.

IHC is playing for PDM, to give them the reason to back off for face saving etc....


Warrant was not suspended.

IHC said that you are presenting a surety bond for presence at the court hearing.

To jis court main pesh hona hai usi ko bond do wohi warrant cancel karay ga, not to us. Come to us if you want to appeal the warrant.
The grave situation in Zaman Park Lahore for the last two days must be an eye opener for those who have some functional brain. What we have observed there in these two days is no less than a mutiny - an active war against the state - by a sick-minded crook who thinks of himself above the law of the land. The way the uniformed men, ranging from police officers of DIG level to soldiers and the personnel of Punjab Rangers (a semi-military official entity), have been attacked by the terrorists of PTI with stones, sticks, and petrol bombs, and the way the armed criminals of PTI aimed their modern automatic guns on the DIG and police, all of that is no less than a war against the state of Pakistan waged by these criminals in behalf of and with the orders of that sick-minded coward druggy mouse who is shamelessly hiding there in defiance of court orders, summons, and arrest warrants. That sick-minded criminal keeps lying day and night against the state, state institutions, and of course his political opponents.

This sick-minded liar preaches other to break the statue of fear and yet himself is cowardly hiding deep inside human shield, claims to enforce the rule of law equally on all - poor and rich - and yet consistently defies the law, the constitution, and the court orders, talks of Riyast-e-Madinah and yet refuses to face the law for receiving illegal foreign funding, using charity money (meant for a hospital) for his political activities and money laundering. He claims to be sadiq and amin and yet has at least a known illegitimate child and has been sleeping with other women until recently. It's amazing that how such a bloody criminal is able to misguide this nations youth, men, and women. The state of Pakistan is facing a tough time dealing with this filth is one thing but I am just wonder how much working brain those idiot generals had in their upper compartment who nurtured this filthy sick-minded criminal, actively supported him for years, and brought him to the power after rigging the general elections of 2018. Couldn't those mentally blind people see how loose character this filth IK was and how much serious a threat it turn out for Pakistan in future? Now we understand why we have been on a continuous and consistent retreat/defeat on the J&K dispute with India despite the huge sacrifices offered by the members of the lower echelons of our military.

The war against the state waged by that sick-minded crook IK and his armed cohorts is no more only a matter of fulfilling the court orders to arrest this criminal and bring him to the court for face the law. It has by now turned a much more serious situation of mutiny against the state and state institutions. Grave attacks on uniformed men of the state constitute crimes of the gravest nature. Now after arresting this idiot and his criminal comrades, state must prosecute them all according the provisions of the constitution. The state needs to investigate their roots and links and bring their backers to the justice just as well. The half-hearted effort to arrest these criminals must be turned in a determined operation to kill or nab all these criminals. Or else the state will be setting a very bad precedence for other gang-masters, mafia-heads, and mass murderers to defy the court orders, the law of the land, and law-enforcement agencies in future too. This lanati criminal IK must be made a sorrowful example for other potential offenders of future.

I am really unable to understand the state's strategy to take a druggy into custody. Apparently proper planning is missing. There was no element of surprise in this half-hearted operation. Rather to the contrary, criminals had plenty of time and paths to reach Zaman Park rather with ease without any checking. And then instead of taking those terrorists head-on, police and rangers kept playing hide-and-seek game with them. A probably most convenient and safest way could be to surround IK hide-out and turn off the electricity, gas, and water to that whole street. These few hundred terrorists would probably try to flee from there in the absence of toilets and with their tongues hanging out due to the heat in the absence of electricity. Anyone coming out would have been arrested and interrogated thoroughly in order to determine their role in this face-off. A head-on assault would definitely result in many deaths with IK hide-out getting wiped out, and he himself probably getting hrama death in action. In fact, many PTI leaders expected that head-on assault last night after the PTI terrorists attacked official vehicles with petrol bombs. That's why many of them were sitting outside away from the building.

It's now state's utmost responsibility to crush these PTI terrorists one way or the other for the sake of establishing state's writ and to safeguard the law and constitution from a handful of terrorists, anarchists, and criminals. Any soft treatment given to them will most certainly result in similar mutiny and blackmail at even bigger scale. Tomorrow, Ali Amin Ganda can start fighting against and blackmailing the state. And that Ganda idiot is a smaller filth. We have much bigger filth-heads in our country.
What a delusional fool you definitely living in a different planet to everybody else.
Actually, IK is probably the only bloody civilian that's managed to do as much to challenge the writ of the state and hegemony of the establishment.

Sure, some cost will eventually be extracted from him, be it self-inflicted even, but it's not hard to envisage the following turn of events:
  1. Government backs off and/or goes home - frankly they have no credibility left anyway, politically, economically, even basic writ of the state is gone​
  2. Elections happen and IK wins by a clear majority - polls can be inaccurate, but the margin of lead here is significant enough for it to be comfortable for IK.​
  3. PTI majority forms government without any coalition.​
  4. A new government and via the President, pending cases begin to become unwound under the discretionary powers of CJP Bandial, he's here till mid-September. The government can also quickly push through bills to grant immunities and legislate against pending cases in courts against IK.​
  5. With no pending cases, with the establishment already on the backfoot, opposition in for a prolonged period of roughhousing, IK sets his sights on the GHQ.​
  6. Could Hafiz sb become the next Jahangir Karamat? Hard to say, but might not be necessary. The government theoretically has the power to control the ISI, it may be enough for IK to bring back Faiz Hameed out of retirement and remove the current ISI Chief.​
A lot of stars need to align, and even then the end (eventual and long-term) may not be pretty, but this sequence of events is a possibility. Even if a few on the list are achieved it's a big win for Imran and a massive relegation of status for the army.

And let's also remember, the establishment's preferred method of dealing with political nuisances in the modern day is to either embolden other politicians to do their dirty work, or to conduct heavy handed and long-term political engineering. The former is currently failing, the latter would be pitted against a decade worth of momentum of their equal and opposite efforts in recent history, and the days of doing coups are over - you have no strategic value to anyone, if you coup, you become a pariah like no other, not to mention the fact that the political cost will be higher than the good old days of narrative control via PTV.

The only thing irrespective of outcome of IK is that only so called uniformed force of the country has badly exposed itself and has proved itself to be more far from its duty moto than every other institution.

From now on whatever they do, there public perception would be worse than the police.
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