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Imran Khan views on War on Terror

I seriously have no words for you. I will be following your posts!!
Please tell us more about the current situation.
I am very curious.

Be honest when writing, unbiased.

Thank you.
"Terrorism, extremism and fanaticism is not an emotional state but a state of mind. It is an idea, and you can not kill an idea with bullets or bombs, regardless of the quantity. To defeat extremism, you have to deny it the environment it prospers in. You have to eradicate the causes which makes it conducive for the extremists to forward their agenda."

MABS: You are absolutely right. However, we have to kill hard core terrorists who are not ready to listen. General Kiyani opening a school in Balochistan also echoes what you posted earlier. We need to educate people, give them opportunities, soft heart for talibs will disappear.

Bad guys are still there. You just need to stop that PHENOMENA TO SPREAD!! AND TO STOP IT, YOU NEED TO EDUCATE THE MASSES!!!

And that guy deserved to be assassinated, i don't believe i need to explain why. :P
I seriously have no words for you. I will be following your posts!!
Please tell us more about the current situation.
I am very curious.

Be honest when writing, unbiased.

Thank you.

Thank you for your warmth and good wishes, they mean a lot. I would like to stress here that I did not do anything extraordinary but only my duty. Most of us do feel bad about Pakistan and what it's going through, but do little to convert our sentiments into practical actions. We have to get out of our comfort zones, and learn to look beyond ourselves and our needs, if this country is to prosper. But that should not be our destination, our end goal should be to get politically active in some way, and the least we can do is vote. Not many people would know that the PPP right now is sitting only on a 20% vote bank, which is just 8 million people. We keep complaining that, the same old politicians keep coming back-- well they do, because only a handful of us vote, and most of them are from the rural areas. We just need 21% people out of the eligible voters to bring about a change in this country, if we can't even achieve that, then probably we really don't care about Pakistan.

I see a lot of people say that Imran Khan is the only person who can save Pakistan, and it makes me feel sad. No because IK is not worthy, but because of the fact that no one person can save Pakistan, WE all can. We have been waiting for too long for a messiah to come, and take us out of our misery, but that messiah is us, each and everyone of us. If we feel that IK is worthy to be a PM, then lets go out there and campaign for him, educate people about his policies, show them what they have now, and what they can have. Even if we are able to convince one person, we are a winner, because who knows how many people will that person be able to convince.
. .
The problems in North Western Pakistan’s tribal area were not a creation of the United States. Do you not forget…? The rise of the Taliban occurred during a period when the US had disengaged from the region strategically. How then are we responsible for events that began during the 1990s, when we ignored them at our own peril? You seem to forget that the US only involved itself in this conflict after it was brought to our doorstep, murdering thousands of our own citizens. Did we not enter Afghanistan in pursuit of terrorists who had been attacking us for over a decade before finally hitting us at home and killing over 3000 innocent Americans on 9/11? You are insinuating that the US is funding the Taliban! Why would we fund them even as we attack them and arrest their leaders? Would it make sense to spend billions and sacrifice the lives of our soldiers? You are correct to say supplies for militants don’t “fall from sky,” but you seem to forget that the Taliban continues to receive funding from its narco-trafficking and supporters who have bought into their propaganda. The Afghan border is porous and militants do not engage openly. Instead these terrorists blend themselves among villagers and use civilians as a cover. Have we not pursued and destroyed them whenever we had credible intelligence?

Did you not know that the government of Pakistan made a deal with Sufi Muhammad to place Swat under Taliban control? If Taliban were sincere they would have made efforts to show the world how “honest” their leadership is and how “just” their rule is, but soon did we not see them create mayhem by publicly executing people who would not adhere to their ideology? Did we not see them destroy schools and deprive women from receiving educations? ‎Did they not force parents to marry their young daughters to Taliban thugs? Did millions of peaceful innocent people of the Swat valley not leave their homes from fear of Taliban and move to other areas? And that was the Taliban forced exodus from Swat not one of the reasons Pakistan had a high number of displaced people throughout the country. By now we know the only solution for a peaceful region is to remove the inhumane insurgency the Taliban have inflicted upon the innocent people of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The US and Pakistan shared the same interest in their defeat, and our growing strategic partnership is the only hope we have in halting their operations and removing this menace once in for all.

LCDR Bill Speaks

DET- US Central Command

The problems in North Western Pakistan’s tribal area were not a creation of the United States. Do you not forget…? The rise of the Taliban occurred during a period when the US had disengaged from the region strategically. How then are we responsible for events that began during the 1990s, when we ignored them at our own peril? You seem to forget that the US only involved itself in this conflict after it was brought to our doorstep, murdering thousands of our own citizens. Did we not enter Afghanistan in pursuit of terrorists who had been attacking us for over a decade before finally hitting us at home and killing over 3000 innocent Americans on 9/11? You are insinuating that the US is funding the Taliban! Why would we fund them even as we attack them and arrest their leaders? Would it make sense to spend billions and sacrifice the lives of our soldiers? You are correct to say supplies for militants don’t “fall from sky,” but you seem to forget that the Taliban continues to receive funding from its narco-trafficking and supporters who have bought into their propaganda. The Afghan border is porous and militants do not engage openly. Instead these terrorists blend themselves among villagers and use civilians as a cover. Have we not pursued and destroyed them whenever we had credible intelligence?

Did you not know that the government of Pakistan made a deal with Sufi Muhammad to place Swat under Taliban control? If Taliban were sincere they would have made efforts to show the world how “honest” their leadership is and how “just” their rule is, but soon did we not see them create mayhem by publicly executing people who would not adhere to their ideology? Did we not see them destroy schools and deprive women from receiving educations? ‎Did they not force parents to marry their young daughters to Taliban thugs? Did millions of peaceful innocent people of the Swat valley not leave their homes from fear of Taliban and move to other areas? And that was the Taliban forced exodus from Swat not one of the reasons Pakistan had a high number of displaced people throughout the country. By now we know the only solution for a peaceful region is to remove the inhumane insurgency the Taliban have inflicted upon the innocent people of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The US and Pakistan shared the same interest in their defeat, and our growing strategic partnership is the only hope we have in halting their operations and removing this menace once in for all.

LCDR Bill Speaks

DET- US Central Command


The U.S. DOES, in fact, ever country shares same interests provided everyone is FAIR.

"If Taliban were sincere they would have made efforts to show the world how “honest” their leadership is and how “just” their rule is, but soon did we not see them create mayhem by publicly executing people who would not adhere to their ideology?"

I am not supporting Taliban nor you. If you were sincere with the PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN, we would not have seen dictatorship days nor corrupt politicians. I acknowledge, we should not blame you of our problems but if you want to justify your friendship with us, you are no good than taliban. You commit/committed an organized crime against countries while al qaeda commit/committed 'uncivilized' crimes. By uncivilized I mean, killing with low tech weapons only.
"Did you not know that the government of Pakistan"
Did you know that in coming two months, western soldiers will kill at least four Afhan soldiers. We will talk in about two months. Then I'll tell you about your future policies.
Hang on here.

EDIT: Kill four soldiers in ONE/single incident.
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