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Imran Khan Toofani Jalsay | Storm moving towards Islamabad | Why these cities? Signals from India?

What normally happens is : is a leader is chosen to be a popularist and rise to power and then is eliminated and replaced with a more pliable agent takes over.
Because before British , Muslims were ruling subcontinent.

Muslims were ruling different parts before British. Sikh empire was ruling Punjab, Afghan Empire was ruling FATA, and Balochistan was independent (both Iran and Pakistani parts)
You only think its bad because you weren't around in the 1970's where it was at its peak. Its been on steady decline since then.

No they don' t. Afghanistan can't really do anything.

With time + when Pakistan starts developing peoplw will eventually merge into one and all these issues won't exist.
I agree to some extent.

But there needs to be a realistic outcome here. IMO, the best way if you want to retain Pakistan is merging Afghan Pashtun areas into Pakistan, but they won't want this at all.

It's too easy to tug on ethnic nationalism within Pashtuns lol, a smart Afghanistan government will not use force to take KPK, they will use brains. Their people are kinda stupid because they alienate Pak Pashtuns, and in the past tried to invade. As Pashtuns they should've known this was a counterproductive method.
Inshallah I’m wrong.

I agree to some extent.

But there needs to be a realistic outcome here. IMO, the best way if you want to retain Pakistan is merging Afghan Pashtun areas into Pakistan, but they won't want this at all.

It's too easy to tug on ethnic nationalism within Pashtuns lol, a smart Afghanistan government will not use force to take KPK, they will use brains. Their people are kinda stupid because they alienat Pak Pashtuns, and in the past tried to invade, as Pashtuns they should've known this was a counterproductive method.

Nobody wants Afghanistan to merge with Pakistan . That would be a bad idea. Best solution is for Afghans to deal with their own country and accept Pakistans existence. That's it. They should leave us alone.
For 25 years, people have been encouraging Shahid Afridi by openly forgiving him for being out at zero.
But Afridi aroused the anger of the people for 25 years by portraying the criminals of the nation as heroes.
Now people are forgetting Shahbaz Sharif and remembering Afridi's dismissal on eggs.
I agree to some extent.

But there needs to be a realistic outcome here. IMO, the best way if you want to retain Pakistan is merging Afghan Pashtun areas into Pakistan, but they won't want this at all.

It's too easy to tug on ethnic nationalism within Pashtuns lol, a smart Afghanistan government will not use force to take KPK, they will use brains. Their people are kinda stupid because they alienate Pak Pashtuns, and in the past tried to invade. As Pashtuns they should've known this was a counterproductive method.

They've tried everything including soft propaganda which again was at its peak in the 1970s. They also tried force. Nothing works so its not happening
Nobody wants Afghanistan to merge with Pakistan . That would be a bad idea. Best solution is for Afghans to deal with their own country and accept Pakistans existence. That's it. They should leave us alone.
A merger with Afghan wouldn't be for economic gains at all, in that sense it would obviously be a burden on Pakistan.

They've tried everything including soft propaganda which again was at its peak in the 1970s. They also tried force. Nothing works so its not happening
A smart leader in Afghanistan can take KP in a few decades. He doesn't even need an army lol.
A merger with Afghan wouldn't be for economic gains at all, in that sense it would obviously be a burden on Pakistan.

Nobody in either side would want this. Better that try and have normal relations. Deal with our own countries

A merger with Afghan wouldn't be for economic gains at all, in that sense it would obviously be a burden on Pakistan.

A smart leader in Afghanistan can take KP in a few decades. He doesn't even need an army lol.

No they can't, as I've said they've been trying everything for decades and have failed miserably. They wont be able to do anything. Pakistan is not going anywhere , it is not breaking up only in their dreams I guess.
Nobody in either side would want this. Better that try and have normal relations. Deal with our own countries
Wrong lol

Most Pakistani Pashtuns would probably want that

No they can't, as I've said they've been trying everything for decades and have failed miserably. They wont be able to do anything. Pakistan is not going anywhere , it is not breaking up only in their dreams I guess.
They ain't tried hard enough 👽

Calling Pak Pashtuns Gul Khans and slaves of Punjabis, and ordering them to kill Punjabis is hardly a smart tactic lad
"low standards", what an unfortunate choice of words.

Here is another of her post.

Indian media is obsessed with money and TRP. pakistan is somewhere between Cricket and Road accident in Media "news worthy list".

Anyway, here is her latest take on IK.

‘India, I love you’ — but why now, Imran Khan? Kashmir to Covid, India was perfect cover

From shedding Modiphobia to praising 'azaad' India's foreign policy, calling Indians 'self-respecting', Imran Khan's U-turns are nothing but dovish cloaks.


One moment we are told India is happy with Imran Khan’s ouster, in another, we find out that isn’t the case. At least a veteran actress and retired Major cut it to the not-so-happy list, for sure, notwithstanding the love pouring out from the former Prime Minister for the eastern neighbor on which he spent more than three years, villainising.

The poor man’s Oprah Winfrey told us how Imran Khan is many things but corrupt, even if the daily dose of corruption scandals continues to surface. But we should believe her only because she’s known the former PM and his pir for 40 years. Then there is the “fifth generation warfare” favourite – Major (retd.) Gaurav Arya – convincing us of Khan’s services to India. Apparently, Khan saved India thousands of crores of rupees and bullets by achieving what it could only dream of. Now, what will that be? ‘Pakistani awaam (commoners) abusing Pakistani fauj (army)’ — and the man behind it is Khan. This makes him India’s best friend.

The feeling is mutual on some days. On other days, the love for India is non-existent.

‘Azaad’ foreign policy

What began during the last days of Imran Khan in office has continued — public rallies and television addresses in which he imparts wisdom to Pakistanis on how India had a successful sovereign foreign policy and Pakistan didn’t. He is playing on loop his entire backstory of ‘being pushed out of office’ because he was pursuing an independent foreign policy. Not to forget the sob story about the United States regime change et al.

Now more appreciative of India’s diplomatic juggling, even more than Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is Imran Khan — how the neighbour called itself a strategic ally of the US while being part of Quad and calling itself neutral in the ongoing Ukraine war. Apparently, India is importing oil from Russia despite sanctions because its policy is for ‘the betterment of its people’, unlike Pakistan. To Khan, Indians are a very “self-respecting people” and take no dictation. Yesterday’s fifth-generation warriors would have shot back at him – “Did you just call us beghairat?” But these days, they have their hands full with discontent against the military command for not saving the former PM.

Our re-education continues. The same US, which, according to Khan, sent him home packing, is now being praised for its relationship with India. Meanwhile, former Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi considers India a party to the regime change conspiracy because the neighbour wants a “soft government” in Pakistan. Now, in that case, isn’t the removal of Imran Khan yet another feather in India’s foreign policy cap? We wonder.

In his last address to the nation as Prime Minister, Khan almost cried while talking about India’s foreign policy. Touched with gratitude was the Modi government, and the Indian media must have felt it won the 2022 world cup. And why not. ‘No one can dictate India: How Imran Khan praised Modi govt’s independent foreign policy,’ and ‘Imran Khan once again lauds India’s foreign policy’ were some of the top headlines in Indian publications. When such headlines are garnered by a Pakistani politician who isn’t Imran Khan, the latter and his minions jump to hand ghaddari certificates. The statements of former prime ministers Nawaz Sharif or Asif Ali Zardari would, in itself, become evidence of “Indian funding,” “R&AW sponsorship”. They would bring printouts of the same headline to press conferences — “Look how India is celebrating”, “Look how India is happy.” Somehow, India’s happiness is always a cause of worry; its unhappiness, not so much. That’s why we have also been told by Imran Khan that the neighbouring country was the happiest on his removal. Who told him? Definitely not Simi Garewal or Major Arya. By now, we also know that he knows Indians more than anyone else.

Dushman now ‘dost’

We continue to be convinced by Imran Khan how great azaad India’s foreign policy is, and, in the same breath, how he isn’t ‘anti-India’, as if the last three and half years never happened. The likes of Nawaz Sharif paid a huge political price time and again for pushing for the normalisation of ties with India. Then there was Imran Khan, who constantly otherised India he now suddenly claims to be not so against. Seeing that he made hay over the anti-India rhetoric in office and in Opposition earlier, I’m not one to buy this newfound dovish cloak. It is as legit as the claim of wearing salwar kameez for “national honor” when inside the PM’s office but donning Polo, Nike when fighting for khuddari against Americans.

From the time when Imran Khan’s letters and calls didn’t connect across the border to the post-Pulwama airstrikes in Balakot and the abrogation of Article 370, the time was never right to have any normal bilateral relationship with India. It is convenient now to say ‘I actually wanted a good relationship with India, but the government in Delhi was of Narendra Modi’ — the same Modi, whose election win you were predicting would solve the Kashmir dispute, and which he did.

Imran Khan’s contribution to Kashmir remains standing in the sun for 30 minutes on two Fridays while going missing on the third one. It is also putting up a black Twitter display picture to mark India’s Independence Day, deserving of a chapter in our history books, if not an award of valour. This unwarranted rhetoric came in the former PM’s own way after he decided to lift the ban on trade with India and then took a U-turn on it — no trade until Article 370 abrogation is reversed. This was despite knowing that sugar, at that time, was not India’s but Pakistan’s essential need. But Imran Khan the prime minister wasn’t satisfied with Imran Khan the commerce minister on these decisions. Now imagine, the green signal came as a result of the ongoing backchannel talks between the two countries.

There was Indiaphobia, and then there was Modiphobia — Modi’s chest, Modi’s Covid-19 policy, Modi’s re-election, Modi meeting Nawaz Sharif secretly in Kathmandu, and now Modi’s foreign policy. The elitist jibes of “Small man in big office,” the unending sermons on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), ‘knowing’ people in India, them knowing him — nothing was left out of the mix. And the rest of us? We apparently knew nothing. The anti-India rhetoric conveniently became a cover for running a failed government whose game would have been over if there was no ‘project internationalisation of the Kashmir cause’ and Covid-19 later on. India was a blessing in disguise for Imran Khan.

India, I love you, but why now?

It could still remain a blessing. Pakistani dictators, like the rest of the world, even in India, gain a lot of prominence. One can argue that an ‘authentic ruler’ from Pakistan will take centre stage. Even after leaving office, General Pervez Musharraf was much revered in Indian media, invited to conclaves as speaker, which gave him a bigger audience. Now Imran Khan also considers himself worthy of the same attention, no less than a tin-pot dictator himself. Here lies the method in this newfound love for India – his rehabilitation post-premiership. While at home, the questions on corruption cases keep increasing. So it is good to plan for the future, and what better future than where you can mint your past: I have friends, I have played cricket, I know India best. Forget that the recent past in policy doesn’t resonate. Till then, let’s keep harping on the idea that India takes no dictation from the world as if it were Pakistan’s success. Or is it?

This love for India remains a double-edged sword. On the one hand, Imran Khan signals how as the PM he was punished for pursuing a sovereign foreign policy, something that India does without the direct interference of its military. While he might be addressing the people, his actual target is the establishment. A Punjabi saying sums up Imran Khan’s strategy as a desi saas: “Kehna dhi nu sunana nunh nu (Reprimanding your daughter, while your daughter-in-law remains your real target).
Parwarion ki tarha is naila inayat BJP ki rakhail ki wesy he khan sa phati rehti ha :lol:
Wrong lol

Most Pakistani Pashtuns would probably want that

They ain't tried hard enough 👽

Calling Pak Pashtuns Gul Khans and slaves of Punjabis, and ordering them to kill Punjabis is hardly a smart tactic lad

Nope, how many Pakistani Pashtuns do you know. Internet is not real life 🤣🤣🤣

Wrong lol

Most Pakistani Pashtuns would probably want that

They ain't tried hard enough 👽

Calling Pak Pashtuns Gul Khans and slaves of Punjabis, and ordering them to kill Punjabis is hardly a smart tactic lad

Again you haven't seen the propaganda from 1970s kid, you have no idea how bad it was. Khair you need to chill
Nope, how many Pakistani Pashtuns do you know. Internet is not real life 🤣🤣🤣

Again you haven't seen the propaganda from 1970s kid, you have no idea how bad it was. Khair you need to chill
Bro I definitely know more than you 😭😭

Your opinion indicates you don't know many

I literally live in London, so many Afghans work in shops near my home.

In fact tag any Pakistani Pashtun here, let them decide who's opinion they think is correct
Probably an unpopular opinion here since Pakistan is literally the opposite, but making multi-ethnic countries thrive is difficult especially when the ethnicities within differ a lot, phenotypically and level of conservatism. Culturally too of course, but in Pakistan's case it's not too much of an issue as it's very similar already and heavily Islamically influenced.

How does India and China make it work? Both are multi ethnic.

Calling Pak Pashtuns Gul Khans and slaves of Punjabis, and ordering them to kill Punjabis is hardly a smart tactic lad

Afghans are too arrogant. Always leads to their downfall.

Most Pakistani Pashtuns would probably want that

The idea of "joining Afghanistan" is unpopular but I will say lots of Pashtuns are angry with Imran Khan being kicked out and the army airstrikes in Afg.

Immi Kaka was a stalwart against any PTM or Afghan maneuvers.
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