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Imran Khan termed terrorist Wali-ur-rehman as "Pro-Peace"

Actually credit goes to Imran for he brought in CodePink activists to Islamabad to make the Americans and the West aware of the effects of drone warfare.

At that time, all newspapers here carried the coverage of that anti-drone march. It was Medea Benjamin of CodePink (she was in Islamabad too) who in Obama speech stood up and shouted out for end to drone campaigns.

What Imran has done, our Army Chief or other politicians could not imagine to do. So give the credit where its due.
We are trying to work out a tangible solution to it. Some steps have been taken, some more will be.

To make PDF IK's PDF or neutral PDF? If i look at moderators open support through all their given tools than it hardly to believe that there could be any neutral space left in PDF.

And also time for PDF to discourage such propaganda items against any political party.

Means "Jis ki lathi us ki bhense" all worshipers of PTI so we should "JEI PTI KI"
so much related to freedom and neutral phenomena of forum.:pdf:
the Thing most people here don't understand here , is that if Deaths/Force could solve the Problems . Afghanistan & Iraq would be peace full , Palestine would have stopped fighting back . & Kashmir would have Accepted India.

Dont believe what media tells you , they are sold out liars .. who will do anything for rating .

Sure he was a Bad Man , a horrible person , but had his death solved anything , Pak Army would have killed him long ago , what do you tink happens when you kill a terrorist commander .. you think Taliban disperse ?? , NO they split into groups with each their own leader & own purpose & the more you kill the more they multiply , they dont have any shortage of volunteers .

To defeat them you need to defeat their ideology First , Killing them is not a solution , no matter how tempting it looks.
Mystery solved, so now we know why our security forces have failed to kill top TTP leaders. :rolleyes:

yes he was pro peace he wanted peace with Pakistan and wanted to focus against USA and NATO
Zarvan, can you prove that?
Niazi sahab, haviz sultan is repeating on this forum again and again that only imran khan has solution to TTP problem because his mother is burki....does it make any sense?.....as if it grants you special magical powers to solve the things.
And the funny thing is that he doesnt agree on any thing with imran khan regarding his approach to taliban.

You Are 1000% Right?
Thats Why I Always Wanted To See Him Out Of Politics, He Is Too Inocent to Be With These Darinda,s?
But Peoples Think I Am Against Him?
Yet another stupid comment from Imran Khan. When the Pakistani establishment was spreading rumors that there was a split between him and Mehsud , and that he wanted peace with Pakistan, on February 2013 he appeared in a video with Hakimullah Mehsud and reaffirmed his loyalty to him and then both of them praised Al Qaeda and its global jihad, and again on May 14, 2013 in a video message he strongly condemned democracy in Pakistan.

So does that sounds a message of a peaceful man or a message of a global terrorist?
Imran should adopt mature stance ... What peace talks ...TTP men are animal & Human can't talk with animals ... And mad animal has to be crushed ... He should join hands with army ...........
Here We Go Again?
JI Fought For Pakistan, Or JI Puting Its Banners On The Graves Of Those Whom died Fighting for Pakistan?
Well Last I Check Its Imram Visiting ÙS & ÇANADA To Get $$$, Isnt Thats True, The Donating Dinners?:lol:
Infact JI Was The Biggest Group Getting Regans Accounts?
We Live In A Smal, World, These Days?

ji fought for Pakistan and got killed and one off their leader was tortured to death because he refused to say Pakistan murdabad Jim fought USSR to defend muslims and now against USA

You Are 1000% Right?
Thats Why I Always Wanted To See Him Out Of Politics, He Is Too Inocent to Be With These Darinda,s?
But Peoples Think I Am Against Him?
he is a really smart person and knows the problem pathetic are those partners and puppets of USA who don't have any idea about this issue and how to solve it Imran has
Its tro he was one of very few and maybe only at top who wanted to make peace and put down arms. But USA killed him since thet dont want peace here when they leave its not in there interesset
ji fought for Pakistan and got killed and one off their leader was tortured to death because he refused to say Pakistan murdabad Jim fought USSR to defend muslims and now against USA

he is a really smart person and knows the problem pathetic are those partners and puppets of USA who don't have any idea about this issue and how to solve it Imran has

his brilliance was the tusunami on 11th may, which never came out for him?
thn again his wisdom was tested when he went up to that dam lift?
these 2 examples are clear enough to check his appliance of his brains?
well i think, we as a pakistani nation hve wasted so many years on making a strong army, we should hve given an open contract to JI, to become an army for pakistan?
without genrl zia & pakarmy wasnt that was posible for jamat e islami to even to think crossing pak afghan boders that time?
well, poor karkuns went to fight the soviet army in afghanistan & became shaheeds while QAZI shbs own sons & daughters went to US for higher education? wow what a great islami example?

with just a leader killed by america, you are calling them the dam angels from heaven of saudis?
what about genrl zia ul haq, his 7 more genrls died in that plane crash? all if them should given the status of gods, killed by CIA?
all this episode of great traitory is just nothing but another surrender to terrorists of TTp , who were hired by CIA to take pakistan inch by inch!
& sadly imran has become an integral part of it?
he is taken the side of the killers of pakistani peoples & its armed forces, lets see when khalifa e azam mullha fazaullha & his sipa-salar gives thier hands to seek bait from mullha imran?
his brilliance was the tusunami on 11th may, which never came out for him?
thn again his wisdom was tested when he went up to that dam lift?
these 2 examples are clear enough to check his appliance of his brains?
well i think, we as a pakistani nation hve wasted so many years on making a strong army, we should hve given an open contract to JI, to become an army for pakistan?
without genrl zia & pakarmy wasnt that was posible for jamat e islami to even to think crossing pak afghan boders that time?
well, poor karkuns went to fight the soviet army in afghanistan & became shaheeds while QAZI shbs own sons & daughters went to US for higher education? wow what a great islami example?

with just a leader killed by america, you are calling them the dam angels from heaven of saudis?
what about genrl zia ul haq, his 7 more genrls died in that plane crash? all if them should given the status of gods, killed by CIA?
all this episode of great traitory is just nothing but another surrender to terrorists of TTp , who were hired by CIA to take pakistan inch by inch!
& sadly imran has become an integral part of it?
he is taken the side of the killers of pakistani peoples & its armed forces, lets see when khalifa e azam mullha fazaullha & his sipa-salar gives thier hands to seek bait from mullha imran?

win and loose happens in life that is not criteria for wisdom his wisdom and stand has proven right every time he has given the solution which now USA is following in Afghanistan you are taking side off those who killed park stains in tribal areas in thousands and because off that war started you are taking side off puppets off USA
win and loose happens in life that is not criteria for wisdom his wisdom and stand has proven right every time he has given the solution which now USA is following in Afghanistan you are taking side off those who killed park stains in tribal areas in thousands and because off that war started you are taking side off puppets off USA

sory friend ,
i am at my own side, & its pakistans side?
his wisdom was tested when he went to marry goldsmith,s daughter?
look what happen? a broken marrige? a leader with a failed personal life?
i am off the side of great old col. imam who trainned peoples to fight soviet occupation back in 80s? but was kiddnapped & shot in cold blood to show the bravry of TTp commander?
then we were also fighting US war against the most power full communist superpower of the world? why then the same US wasnt called our master & we as his puppet?
& if we are its puppet why didnt hadnt hve surrendered our nucks to them?
its all false prapoganda created just to justyfy the creation of TTp, which is killing pakistanis with uniform or without uniform anyway?
if TTp are the real hellarmy for americans why not then , they fight it out in afghanistan? because they are there?
sorry to tell you but its a historical fact, TTp isnt fighting the afghan occupation , its been made to deal pakarmy which still is the biggezt moral supporter of afghan,s real resistance called mullaha omar ,s talibans!
TTp is a terrorist organization, which isnt doing anything good for afghanistan or pakistan, it was created just capture pakistani lands & create hell of terrorism in pakistan , so pakistan couldbe taken out of its nucks?
for that imran is supporting them without knowing thier purpose, wali ur rehman may could be the softest of them, but again how many of terror strikes been planed by him, supported by him, which had resulted in how many pakistani lives you & your imran may not know, but both you & imran hve declared him innocent?
what you think he was selling icecreams in the sawat or fata to talibans, which still are killing pakistanis nonstop?
thats the biggest prove of the wisdom of imran, that even without knowing them , he is declaring them innocents just because munawar hassan & JI wants it?
lol look at the Taliban khan fanboys falling over each other in trying to defend their imam Mahdi. Isnt it a bit obvious that Ik fanboys think that Imran khan is infallible? Cmon anyone with an ounce of humanity can see that the man Ik is calling pro peace is responsible for killings of innocent people and will probably be burning in hell. Inshallah.

And if you think that we should beg for peace on our knees just because they hold a gun to our heads then you are all cowards. I have lost family to these Animals we will never anything else except justice, And if you think you should make peace with them cause they hold guns in their hands then remember then we can take up arms too( those who lost relatives to these barbarians), Will you make peace with us or launch military operations against us?

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