First of all all ignorant trolls should understand that "Sharia Law" is a set of boundaries (limits/laws) defined by Allah for implementaion in a muslim society. You don't make fun of Sharia Law to show your opposition to Talibans or their interpretation or method of imposition of Sharia Law. If some group mis-interprets Quran, you will not start making fun of Quran to show your opposition to that persons interpretation. Period.
For those who are not aware, there was an agreement between GOP (probably Benazir gov) either in late 80's or 90's (I don't specifically remember the year correctly) and representative ruler of Swat which specifically mentioned that Sharia law will be implemented in either you don't agree to something in the first place, or if you do you fully support that with all honesty otherwise no one will ever believe you are take your promises/agreements seriously.
Learn some more about the real issue before posting ignorant comments on a forum.