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Imran Khan Suggests Joint Indo-Pak Civil Nuclear cooperation.

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Imran Khan, cricketer-turned politician and the president of Pakistan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party, on Saturday proposed a joint civil nuclear programme between India and Pakistan that will help the two countries sort out their energy shortage. Such a plant on the border, jointly operated by the two countries, would be a confidence building measure between the neighbors, Khan said.

India, Pakistan should set up joint nuclear plant: Imran Khan - Livemint
No thank you. Mr Khan needs to stop acting like he is the Prime Minister of Pakistan or Ambassador to India.

And why is it that we are always offering something. Have the Indian people, politicians, military, and media ever come into confidence or shown a slightest interest in what we say ?

Rather than promoting peace, Indians are exporting terrorism in our western borders and are surrounding us with bases set in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran.

China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Sri Lanka are our allies and we must continue to build our economic and strategic relations with them.

As far as nuclear power plants our concerned, we will continue to expand with the help of China and can go out to help Sri Lanka also if we have to
Let's put pakistan first, peace will come when you make this country strong militarily and economically.

Peace without strength is peace with no meaning.
No thank you. Mr Khan

“I sincerely hope that they (relations between India and Pakistan) will be friendly and cordial. We have a great deal to do...and think that we can be of use to each other (and to) the world.”

Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

With people and mentality like you and patwari league, Pakistan is doomed and cut off from the rest of the world.
Please don't lie Pakistan has no economy in the first place that is no economy where a small country earns billions from IT industry and Pakistan only earns 1 billion in 5 years from IT poor poor progress. Ah yes heard from very reliable sources patwri league are trying to open private bank in sri lanka.
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I hope he isn't being misquoted otherwise thats a seriously retarded thing to say !

Visa-Free kaaam abhi hovaa nahin aur Nuclear Power Plant baneiii chaleiii haiin - Waaah !

The man needs some medication, this is not a cricket trip, day by day he is starting to sound restarded.
“I sincerely hope that they (relations between India and Pakistan) will be friendly and cordial. We have a great deal to do...and think that we can be of use to each other (and to) the world.”

Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

With people and mentality like you and patwari league, Pakistan is doomed and cut off from the rest of the world.
Please don't lie Pakistan has no economy in the first place this is no econmy where a small country earns billions from IT industry and Pakistan only earns 1 billion in 5 years from IT poor poor progress. Ah yes heard from very reliable sources patwri league are trying to open private bank in sri lanka.

We'll Mr Jinnahs words are hardly a verse from the holy quran or the bible, he didn't live long enough to know how reality is very different.
“I sincerely hope that they (relations between India and Pakistan) will be friendly and cordial. We have a great deal to do...and think that we can be of use to each other (and to) the world.”

Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

With people and mentality like you and patwari league, Pakistan is doomed and cut off from the rest of the world.
Please don't lie Pakistan has no economy in the first place this is no econmy where a small country earns billions from IT industry and Pakistan only earns 1 billion in 5 years from IT poor poor progress. Ah yes heard from very reliable sources patwri league are trying to open private bank in sri lanka.

Wrror, whatever Our Father said should be seen in a context - One doesn't go about building Joint Nuclear Power Plants with India when we've got a hundred different hurdles that we need to solve with them first !
Wrror, whatever Our Father said should be seen in a context - One doesn't go about building Joint Nuclear Power Plants with India when we've got a hundred different hurdles that we need to solve with them first !

For civil purposes joint NP with UN watching over it, that's not a bad idea, we agree such steps would need both sides to show confidence and high level of trust in each other but media would definitely twist this statement just like patwari league is already twisting it on this Forum and outside, ofcourse IK means the case has to be studied, simple minds just can't understand jumps over with their poor logic and replies.

I read a thread a couple of days earlier where moderator presented his twisted view that drone dharna and stopping of NATO containers is to hide incompetence of PTI where everyone knows KPK has progressed alot in past few months but he forgot to tell us his Karachi is dying everyday where has the progressed being made while he never finger points mqm, anyway such subject should left to those who really think deep not patwaris leaguies who come to conclusion printing billions of rupees daily to destroy Pak economy.
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Wrror, whatever Our Father said should be seen in a context - One doesn't go about building Joint Nuclear Power Plants with India when we've got a hundred different hurdles that we need to solve with them first !

I agree, they sponsor terrorism they are also diverting water and of course there can never be peace without the Kashmir issue being resolved.

I don't mind Kashmir going independent but until the day the dream of the majority of Kashmiris is completed I can never be at peace with those who oppress my brothers and sisters .
Is he for real? never going to happen Imran bhai all we ask is better relations in trade but for that to happen the victims of 26/11 must get justice.
Imran Khan always welcome in India!! So he always have a second option. :D
Imran Khan is a nice enough fellow but sometimes.... he says stuff which I am like! is he being serious?
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