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Imran Khan signals desire to build bridges with Washington


Aug 28, 2006
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US strongly condemns shooting of Imran Khan, says Ned Price​


Imran Khan signals desire to build bridges with Washington​


US urges India to restore political rights in IIOJK


Talking points:

1. Positive signals from both sides. Rapproachment is possible.

2. US is important for Pakistan's economy, and can help rebuild Pakistan's economy. Khan understands as much.

3. Lobbying efforts in US shall be revisited. Pakistani Americans can play a constructive role.

Related discussion in following thread:

Constructive dialogue is the way forward. Let us see.

US strongly condemns shooting of Imran Khan, says Ned Price​


Imran Khan signals desire to build bridges with Washington​


US urges India to restore political rights in IIOJK


Talking points:

1. Positive signals from both sides. Rapproachment is possible.

2. US is important for Pakistan's economy, and can help rebuild Pakistan's economy. Khan understands as much.

3. Lobbying efforts in US shall be revisited. Pakistani Americans can play a constructive role.

Related discussion in following thread:

Constructive dialogue is the way forward. Let us see.
Democrats leaving .. Republicans are in ...good news for IK.
Obviously, American govt officials said before ...they are ready to sell their mothers for a few dollars ...
That was way different. It was said for Aimal Kansi, we repeated this during Mushi era, also allowed drone attacks etc. IK said before that we don't want enmity with the US but we will seek our own interests, so no hired gun etc.
However, saying the conspiracy is behind me is strange but then it is news and perhaps not his exact words.
However, saying the conspiracy is behind me is strange but then it is news and perhaps not his exact words.
Right after that, he repeat the one sidedness of the relationship so I don't think he is going to drop that narrative. Just seems like a bad choice of words. I think he just means the fighting against the regime change operation is no longer the main focus of his struggle and that he has bigger fish to fry or something like that. Kinda like nawaz sharif used to say, our fight is not with IK, but with selectors etc etc.
In any case, looks bad
That dog didn't hunt. It is time to let it go.
What I think is it was a successful op (so I didn't fully understand that phrase). However, IK has many other battles to fight and this narrative can lead him to power again, but to stay he must focus on eco, governance and justice.
Obviously, American govt officials said before ...they are ready to sell their mothers for a few dollars ...

Well technically, it was a United States Prosecutor who said it. A chaprasi, imagine an elected official's opinion about Pakistan, and funnily enough, we made a hue and cry and lodged protests over a chaprasi.

Besides Pakistani protests, history has shown this nation another face and no possible way to salvage its image. Next, I'm sure Pakistanis would sell their wives and daughters.
What I think is it was a successful op (so I didn't fully understand that phrase). However, IK has many other battles to fight and this narrative can lead him to power again, but to stay he must focus on eco, governance and justice.
The thing is local lap dogs will never let these sectors to improve. All of the current setup is beneficial to the few who will cling to it and their puppeteer will help them till it favors them. A corrupted and crippled Pakistan is in the favor of the west and the elite. It is easier to tame and easier to steer...

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