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Imran Khan says he has the support to become Pakistan's future leader

once i came from london to pakistan in late 80s and i needed to make an id card for myself. my father who knew how the system works in pakistan told me that he would ask one of his contacts to make me one. i was qiute adamant that no i need no contacts and i can do it for myself with no bribes. after 3 months of constant going to the id office i gave in and asked my dad to make me one.
the point is whatever sounds good and easy from someones mouth or on paper it nearly always turns out just the opposite.
You made a brand new account to say all that hahah man these mqm n mush supporters are very smart ;)

i am glad u called me smart which by the way i am. but i want u to be smarter for not judging people straightaway, that they are from rival groups when they dont agree with ur thinking. thats the job of a fundamentalist which i am pretty sure u r not.
once i came from london to pakistan in late 80s and i needed to make an id card for myself. my father who knew how the system works in pakistan told me that he would ask one of his contacts to make me one. i was qiute adamant that no i need no contacts and i can do it for myself with no bribes. after 3 months of constant going to the id office i gave in and asked my dad to make me one.
the point is whatever sounds good and easy from someones mouth or on paper it nearly always turns out just the opposite.

Did you opened a police report
Did you complained to head of that person
Did you took the matter to court

Unless you take action , you can't blame it on others , if someone wants bribe , yell out LOUDLY , look I can't give you bribe in WHOLE OFFICE ... YELL it loud - :pakistan:
In regards to the PTI manifestoes Asim posted, I still think they're more of a wish list than an actual plan of action. But to be fair, its still more substance than any thing provided by our longer established political parties. The PTI does excel in tapping into the minds of disillusioned yet inexperienced youth through their use of the internet. However, it is still very unlike that the PTI will see large scale electoral success anytime soon. They are actually given a lot more coverage than their electoral credibility merits only because of Imran's blustering and outspoken style, which in my opinion, is starting to weary people now.
Yes! He is the only one who has everything clearly on paper. The rest are just doing hawai firing and have a reactive form of governance.

While I am all for giving him a chance (he will disappoint just like Musharraf who meant well but could not get through the dirty minefield of Pakistani politics), however do we think any of the leaders including even Zardari think differently than the following points from PTI? I think not. The challenge is making this happen. It will take more than a couple of leaders to get Pakistan out of this mess working on a similar domestic and foreign policy for 10 years. There is no alternative to this approach and there is no single person who can turn around governance in Pakistan. This is my belief after having heard promises ad-nauseum:

Our Goals

· Establish Pakistan as a truly independent and sovereign state that becomes a source of pride for our people.
· Strengthen state institutions to promote democracy and complete political, economic and religious freedom for the people.
· Provide an accountable and efficient government that ensures the protection of life and property of its citizens.
· Launch an Education Revolution to promote universal literacy and raise the standard of education in our schools, colleges and universities.
· Ensure the availability of adequate Healthcare services for all citizens.
· Highest priority to poverty alleviation through policies aimed at creating more job opportunities and enabling ownership of assets to the poor.
· A merit based system that provides equal opportunity for employment and upward social mobility for all, specially the working classes
· Create an environment which encourages the private sector to grow and create greater wealth and employment opportunities.
· End the VIP culture by setting an example in simple living and an austere lifestyle.
· Eliminate draconian laws that give unchecked power to Police and the Agencies or which limit the rights of Citizens.
· A self reliant economy which is free of dependence on foreign aid.
· Promote regional peace and strengthen our relationships with friendly countries.

See here for the PPP manifestos...I am sure Zardari is paying attention to these...;) I hope you get my point.

Every registered Party in Pakistan has the same content for public consumption.
IK's candidate in NA55 gets barely 3000+ votes. no need to cmment on his popularity.
The man has not been able to organize his party, how can we expect him to run the country!!!
He has not yet laid out his political, economic n foreign policy guidelines. if he gets a chance tomorrow to run the country he neither has done his homework nor organized a team to implement his policies.
i'm afraid he is a dictator by nature n lacks the vision as well to effect any worthwhile change.
The issue at hand is not that there is no one sincere like Imran, the problem is that the sincere politicians do not take the risks that are needed in order to purge the ranks, risks which Imran may take considering that he has no such allegiances, however will he get such an overwhelming mandate from the Pakistanis?

There are sincere and good people in PPP, PML, ANP and MQM ranks as well, it is not like all of them are corrupt to the core and do not have any qualities.
They are however not able to control their parties to serve the national cause more than the party cause.
To put it more bluntly, the parties are somewhat victim of dynasties which control them rather than democratic institutions in themselves.

However with PTI will this change?
A big question. Certainly it seems Imran will not bring his family to politics so on that aspect may not hijack the party, on the other hand the party does not have any dynamic leader who steals the spotlight and is given due merit in the public eye.

I like Imran's honesty but on the other hand his statements pertaining to TTP is something i cannot digest...this may change if he comes in power and has the visibility that is offered to the executive branch...however it seems that his views do not change readily and he has given too much benefit of doubt to militants.

The thing which has me worried more is who has Imran trained and nurtured as his lieutenant?
Where are the future leaders, the ones who will carry the party forward?
Do you see numerous dynamic leaders in his party who have won massive public rating in their extremely well articulated arguments and statements in mass media?

One thing which the readers have to take note is that Imran has it much more easy than the likes of Asghar Khan (a very capable and decent, honest man who was an outstanding leader) because he has started a party in a time when there is unprecedented free media coverage and any and everything you say and preach can be communicated via TV, radio and newspapers to millions of Pakistanis without much censure...he should use this to his advantage and show his leadership and organizational skills!

Following in the footsteps of the stooges like Qazi Hussain Ahmed and towing their line is not what the public expects of Imran, if he can compromise enough to ally himself with Jamaat Islami despite their shady history then what principles dictate him to not cooperate with PPP or PML which are much bigger parties and have played a much more positive role than JI in the past?
To me he is playing the wrong kind of politics and as a result this teething phase of TI has gone on far too long...
He should tread the middle ground and only then he can succeed...it is a very long road ahead for his party at current pace.

I wish Imran best of luck and i pray that he lends ear to what the educated masses want and not fall prey to the Islamist agenda which is nothing but a sham of some parties who want to use Islam as a tool to gain power, these parties have always supported the usurpers and the rape of our constitution so Imran should beware and detach himself from any such alliance which will hamstring his party permanently and inhibit its growth.
He should debate on Justice, Health and education so that he is not derailed and dragged down by the Mullah parties and isolated.
change we need ...
kick out the state plunders..
may be Imran khan can change the fortunes of this great wounded nation ...
Pakistan Zindabad !
:rofl: Yeah right Ejaz khan jazi PTI's candidate from NA-55 got 11000 votes when he was an independent candidate
when he joined PTI he got about 3000 votes :rofl: he ruined his political carrier by joining PTI
and imran khan has almost zero support in every city of pakistan
his supporters (the youth) are still 12 years old :rofl:
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