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Imran Khan says he has the support to become Pakistan's future leader

imran khan reminds me a character of a self rightous individual who always have nothing good to say about anyone but himself. a bit like air marshal asghar khan, very grounded, very honest but got nowhere in politics. i mean i could go to anyone of the state own companies like pia or wapda or see the way our cricket team plays and can easily give a rehtoric about correcting the methods and techniques employed by these companies. but once in charge you realize after a while that you realise that it is not as simple as correcting just methods and technique but what involve is the overall hauling of the system. honesty, grounding and other related traits can help to a certain degree but it takes vision, political acuman, will and head the country to a direction where it gains respect in the international community and its surrounding region. i am sorry but i failed to see that in ik.

You made a brand new account to say all that hahah man these mqm n mush supporters are very smart ;)
Does he have a road map for his policies? No.
Yes! He is the only one who has everything clearly on paper. The rest are just doing hawai firing and have a reactive form of governance.


The Manifesto


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf


A New Beginning

The PTI agenda of resurgence articulates the long neglected aspirations of our people and spells out the vision of a modern Islamic republic that advocates tolerance, moderation and freedom to practice the religion of one’s choice. We look to the future with hope and confidence as we set Pakistan on a course to political stability, social harmony, and economic prosperity for all.

The PTI is not merely a political party; it is a broad based movement that embraces the interests of all Pakistanis. A people whose cultural and ethnic diversities blend into common goals and aspirations for a just society based on a democratic culture and the rule of law.

The PTI is determined to provide a credible new leadership that can restore Pakistan's political and economic sovereignty through building a new bond of trust between the government and the people. Only through the active participation of the people can we collectively mobilize our human and material resources to forge ahead on the road to a confident and self-reliant nation.

Our Ideology

Pakistanis crave dignity and self-respect. Any hope of recovery from the multifaceted crisis engulfing the nation remains illusory without reviving the self-esteem of the people and restoring their confidence in the political leadership. We can achieve this by following the Principles of “Unity, Faith and Discipline” as expounded by the Quaid-e-Azam.

PTI is committed to transparency in government and an across the board accountability. It believes in federalism and functional autonomy of the provinces, based on the spirit and fundamental principles of parliamentary democracy as envisaged in the 1973 Constitution.

Our strength lies in our people. Human development would thus remain our highest priority. Pakistan has rich and diverse cultures including those of the minorities. We must nurture and allow every opportunity for this diversity of culture and traditions to flourish.

Our family values bind our society. Despite the grinding poverty and injustice that beset us today, it is the structure of the family that provides the net that keeps the social fabric intact. The present dismal state of women and children in terms of their access to health care, nutrition, and education can not be ignored. Investment in women and children would ensure that the family structure remains intact and future generations are brought up in a healthy and secure environment.

Our Mission

Whilst establishing the rule of law and ensuring protection of human rights through an independent and honest judiciary, strive for the social development and economic prosperity of our citizens, especially the poor and underprivileged masses.

Our Goals

· Establish Pakistan as a truly independent and sovereign state that becomes a source of pride for our people.
· Strengthen state institutions to promote democracy and complete political, economic and religious freedom for the people.
· Provide an accountable and efficient government that ensures the protection of life and property of its citizens.
· Launch an Education Revolution to promote universal literacy and raise the standard of education in our schools, colleges and universities.
· Ensure the availability of adequate Healthcare services for all citizens.
· Highest priority to poverty alleviation through policies aimed at creating more job opportunities and enabling ownership of assets to the poor.
· A merit based system that provides equal opportunity for employment and upward social mobility for all, specially the working classes
· Create an environment which encourages the private sector to grow and create greater wealth and employment opportunities.
· End the VIP culture by setting an example in simple living and an austere lifestyle.
· Eliminate draconian laws that give unchecked power to Police and the Agencies or which limit the rights of Citizens.
· A self reliant economy which is free of dependence on foreign aid.
· Promote regional peace and strengthen our relationships with friendly countries.
Our Ideology

As a nation we cannot progress as long as our economy depends on handouts from international lenders and donors. The policies of international lenders have strangulated the capacity of the ordinary citizen to live a life of dignity. We must strive for self-reliance. The goal of self-reliance does not in any way imply that we isolate ourselves from the global economy. It only shows our conviction that by restoring the trust of the people in public institutions we can harness their potential and mobilize them for a better tomorrow.

We offer a new and credible leadership that is committed to restoring Pakistan's political and economic sovereignty by building a new bond of trust between the government and the people. Only through the active participation of the people can we collectively mobilize our human and material resources to forge ahead on the road to a confident and self-reliant nation.

We are committed to political stability through credible democracy, transparency in government and accountability of leadership. We believe in federalism and functional autonomy to the provinces.

We strive a moderate society that banishes hatred and religious bigotry. We are focused on addressing the root causes of religious extremism, which are injustice, poverty, unemployment, and illiteracy while Islam and the Two-Nation Theory remain the bedrock of Pakistan's foundations, religious dogma must not be used to whip up passions to create fear in society. On the contrary, a truly Islamic society advocates tolerance, moderation and freedom to practice the religion of one's choice without fear. Sectarianism is a curse that must be eliminated from society.

Our family values bind society. We must preserve and strengthen them, as they are our strengths for the future. Despite the grinding poverty and injustice, it is the structure of the family that keeps the social fabric intact. Mere passing laws do not change ground realities that force parents to send their children to work. We cannot ignore the present dismal of the children in terms of their right to healthcare, nutrition, and education. Our mothers need to be healthy and educated to properly nurture our young.

An Islamic Society must care for its senior citizens who are most vulnerable. They need special attention and care as not only are they vulnerable, but also most valuable and yet most neglected part of society.

Pakistan is a great experiment in nurturing and sustaining political unity among diverse people based on common ideology. Despite the common strands of national unity, we have rich and diverse cultures, including those of the religious minorities. Cultural and ethnic diversity doesn't bring discord but makes our society rich and tolerant. We must nurture and allow every opportunity for this diversity of culture and traditions to flourish.
Trust me, if Pakistani people had any sense, Insaf is THE party to put your weight behind. Don't just view them with their statements about the war. Much of that is just political opposition and politics.
I think Indo-Pak relations could improve with Mr.Imran Khan at the helm of affairs.


: Imran Khan takes a call from his ex-wife Jemima at the Godrej bungalow in Juhu on Thursday. Earlier in the day, he relaxed by the poolside

He surely feels at home when he is in India. Wat say ;)
These pictures are at least 20 years old from his Jawani days and your captions are misleading.
Trust me, if Pakistani people had any sense, Insaf is THE party to put your weight behind. Don't just view them with their statements about the war. Much of that is just political opposition and politics.

Asim bhai i fully support Imran but what i am afraid of is that he will chopp off our claws.

what do you think?
These pictures are at least 20 years old from his Jawani days and your captions are misleading.

These pictures were shot at the time when BB was assasinated in Pakistan.

Pakistan may be on the boil following the assassination of former premier Benazir Bhutto , yet cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan finds time to relax.

Imran is in Mumbai on a personal visit.

Imran, at a press conference in Mumbai, had expressed concerns that 'people have lost faith' in Musharraf and 'nobody is safe in Pakistan.'

"Who will now address a political rally? Who will come to attend the rally? A recent survey said 80 per cent of the Pakistani people want Musharraf to step down but he refuses to leave his post," he had said.

Photograph: PTIF

Imran Khan chills out in Mumbai

PS.He was in India before BB was shot dead.
i dont know why people like to peep into someone's private life.
If i am not mistaken than the two recent by-elections in NWFP for provincial seats PTI (Imran Khan's party) bagged votes in the thousands and came out as 2nd and 3rd in the elections. In the up-coming NA-55 elections PTI is expected to bag votes in the 10's of thousands. Gone are the days when PTI wouldn't even make top 10 for most of their seats. Hopefully by the next 3 years we will see PTI as the 4th largest party, above MQM.
Imran Khan is the most honest (active) politician in Pakistan. The problem is that even though he is really popular now, because of our parliamentary form of government, even if he is elected by popular vote, he still needs a bunch of theives in the government who support him.
Nobody is saying that Imran Khan is perfect or he has all the answers. I, for one, don't like his soft stance against the TTP.

But he is miles ahead of the corruption ridden PPP and PML-N. All the other civilian (feudal) "leaders" are a despicable, sorry lot, and Imran Khan is the least objectionable choice out there. About Musharraf, I heard he was ready to give away Kashmir, so that rules him out completely.

Ironically, the best solution might have been a coalition government with Imran Khan and the MQM -- the former for his honesty and integrity, the latter for their no-nonsense "get things done" attitude. Too bad they hate each others guts to the core...
About Musharraf, I heard he was ready to give away Kashmir, so that rules him out completely.


Everything you hear is not necessarily true ... No one in Pakistan can give away Kashmir and Gen. Musharraf will be the last person so do so.

BTW, I have a lot of respect for Asfandyar Wali as well, kindly add him to your wish list of leaders as well.

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