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Imran Khan Riaz gives a harsh reality check to Muslims

for example...let's take this character...I mean just LOOK at this guy...just LISTEN to him...this is the kind of "religious leadership" that will lead us against europe & america? can you honestly take this guy seriously & let him dictate our affairs or even give advice on our affairs? 🤦‍♂️

Dawah Man gives good relationship advice tho. And he's not really a scholar he's more of a lifestyle guy. He's correct on a lot of things.
I don't always agree with him, but I gotta admit, he totally nailed this one right in the bull's eye! Here's the excerpt from his vlog today.
Pakistan is a worlds biggest donkey people producer. Jahil awam should be locked up in Chinese camps so they can grow some sense.
for example...let's take this character...I mean just LOOK at this guy...just LISTEN to him...this is the kind of "religious leadership" that will lead us against europe & america? can you honestly take this guy seriously & let him dictate our affairs or even give advice on our affairs? 🤦‍♂️
Islam is kidnapped by jahils.
Dawah Man gives good relationship advice tho. And he's not really a scholar he's more of a lifestyle guy. He's correct on a lot of things.
I dunno, never listened to him so can't say.
100% disagree with all due respect. for all the scholars that cry out "SUNNAH" so loud that your ear drums rupture, how did they miss that the BIGGEST Sunnah is to provide provide upright political leadership AND militarily dominate is just beyond me save the fact (yes, FACT) that they were being tools of a yahud o nasara to peel the masses AWAY from the realm of politics, science & technology.
Again dude this is a one sided a narrative. You seem to be painting with a very wide brush stroke.

But let's agree to disagree.
Again dude this is a one sided a narrative. You seem to be painting with a very wide brush stroke.

But let's agree to disagree.
not that easy sir. please prove me wrong BUT with well established historical facts within the last 500 years that shows that these so called "scholars" contributed to EFFECTIVELY to unity & spreading the economic & military influence of Islam on a massive scale...I'm all eyes bro.

Please don't use Islam and ulema together in any context. These ulema (of all groups, Sunni to Shia) are loyal to their own groups only. They regurgitate what's written ONLY in their group's books - that's what they learn in formal study. Direct study of Quran and Hadith is prohibited in these groups.
well let's run with facts, shall we? well known, verified, cold hard facts. our so called scholars were busy debating if it is halal to eat a pig disguised as a goat when the mongols annihilated them. they were busy playing moghul favorites when the british humiliated them. they were busy isolating themselves in half hutted madaris when the hindus took over british indian beurocracy. the ones in the gulf countries were attacking fellow Muslims as the europeans were building universities, factories, weapons & navies. they also sided with the british & french when dismembering the Ottoman empire. most of the arab scholars sided with jews when they were offered $$$ to sell Palestinian lands. fitna like mirza qadiyani emerged from the mullahs of the subcontinent. last but not the least, most of these same mullahs of the subcontinent sided with the hindus instead of Jinnah. and finally, the mullahs of Pakistan who proclaim to be "ashiqaan e Rasool" S.A.A.W. were busy chugging down drums of halwas when every single fiber of what The Holy Prophet taught us was being shredded through the national wealth being looted by the pee pee pee & the noora league & Pakistanis were being slaughtered by the ttp. need I say more? cuz I can...
what about scientists whose job it was to discuss other things? what about rulers whose job it was to build universities and schools and colleges? The mullahs (as you like to call them) were busy protecting the teachings of the religion while the british were hell bent on wiping out anything remotely religious among muslims. also, a lot of "Mullahs" also sided with Muslim League. you are just pissed off at other things and choose to blame the mullahs because it is convenient and in vogue instead of doing anything yourself.

as for them chugging drums of halwa.... what were your dear highly educated muslims doing to counter this? oh wait! they were asking to burn down mosques and madaris and kill anyone with a beard.
Please don't use Islam and ulema together in any context. These ulema (of all groups, Sunni to Shia) are loyal to their own groups only. They regurgitate what's written ONLY in their group's books - that's what they learn in formal study. Direct study of Quran and Hadith is prohibited in these groups.
nope. please dont lie. their methods of interpreting the Quran and Sunnah are different. but nearly all are based on Quran and Sunnah. So we will use Islam and Ulema together. As if without these Ulema you would have any knowledge of Quran and Sunnah remaining after the British took over.
100% disagree with all due respect. for all the scholars that cry out "SUNNAH" so loud that your ear drums rupture, how did they miss that the BIGGEST Sunnah is to provide provide upright political leadership AND militarily dominate is just beyond me save the fact (yes, FACT) that they were being tools of a yahud o nasara to peel the masses AWAY from the realm of politics, science & technology.
Soooo, you are saying that they should be actively involved in politics? if the biggest Sunnah is to provide upright political leadership then you should have no problem if these Ulema take part in politics and join military and civil services?

But then, people like you would you be shouting at the top of your lungs that these mullahs belong in the Masjid not in parliament. please dont be a hypocrite.
Direct study of Quran and Hadith is prohibited in these groups.
Ever heard of a ceremony named "Khatm e Bukhari"? happens in nearly every madarsah big and small. that is held upon completion of direct study of Sahih Bukhari. oh and many of those mullahs know arabic, and are huffaz. so have much better knowledge of Quran and Sunnah than you.
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our so called scholars were busy debating if it is halal to eat a pig disguised as a goat when the mongols annihilated them.
just for my information.... whose job was it to protect the borders of the muslim lands? ulema or the military and the rulers? what were they busy doing? also, i suppose you were there when the debate was happening, because you seem to know so much about it? were ALL ulemah busy in that? or a few people were doing that, and someone like you, who obviously hates traditional scholarship, decided to blame them instead of politicians, the military, the judiciary and the rulers of the land for the defeat at the hands of mongols?

A simple study will show that the rulers at that time, and at the time of British takeover did not really like to listen to Ulemah (like you do not), and were busy partying, dancing, and enjoying company of prostitutes, and too busy selling themselves out to the british against other muslim rulers. The blame lies squarely on the rulers and the military. not on ulemah, who did what they were tasked to do, while others were busy whoring away the nation, much like nowadays, and then blaming ulemah, who they do not listen to, for their problems.
what about scientists whose job it was to discuss other things? what about rulers whose job it was to build universities and schools and colleges? The mullahs (as you like to call them) were busy protecting the teachings of the religion while the british were hell bent on wiping out anything remotely religious among muslims. also, a lot of "Mullahs" also sided with Muslim League. you are just pissed off at other things and choose to blame the mullahs because it is convenient and in vogue instead of doing anything yourself.

as for them chugging drums of halwa.... what were your dear highly educated muslims doing to counter this? oh wait! they were asking to burn down mosques and madaris and kill anyone with a beard.

nope. please dont lie. their methods of interpreting the Quran and Sunnah are different. but nearly all are based on Quran and Sunnah. So we will use Islam and Ulema together. As if without these Ulema you would have any knowledge of Quran and Sunnah remaining after the British took over.

Soooo, you are saying that they should be actively involved in politics? if the biggest Sunnah is to provide upright political leadership then you should have no problem if these Ulema take part in politics and join military and civil services?

But then, people like you would you be shouting at the top of your lungs that these mullahs belong in the Masjid not in parliament. please dont be a hypocrite.

Ever heard of a ceremony named "Khatm e Bukhari"? happens in nearly every madarsah big and small. that is held upon completion of direct study of Sahih Bukhari. oh and many of those mullahs know arabic, and are huffaz. so have much better knowledge of Quran and Sunnah than you.
just for my information.... whose job was it to protect the borders of the muslim lands? ulema or the military and the rulers? what were they busy doing? also, i suppose you were there when the debate was happening, because you seem to know so much about it? were ALL ulemah busy in that? or a few people were doing that, and someone like you, who obviously hates traditional scholarship, decided to blame them instead of politicians, the military, the judiciary and the rulers of the land for the defeat at the hands of mongols?

A simple study will show that the rulers at that time, and at the time of British takeover did not really like to listen to Ulemah (like you do not), and were busy partying, dancing, and enjoying company of prostitutes, and too busy selling themselves out to the british against other muslim rulers. The blame lies squarely on the rulers and the military. not on ulemah, who did what they were tasked to do, while others were busy whoring away the nation, much like nowadays, and then blaming ulemah, who they do not listen to, for their problems.
the "ulema" claim to be the thakaydaars of Islam and yet, except for a handful of to truly sincere scholars, most turned a blind eye to the deep political, financial & social corruption of not just the current politicians but also rulers of the past. they just behind EXACTLY the excuse that you have presented, that their job is to teach "Islam", tawheed, aqeedah, and not get involved in politics and military industrial affairs. and when they finally do get involved in politics, it is to join the corruption & work against the military strengths of the nation and act as the 5th columnists. and to answer your question, yes, I would like to good scholars step forward and provide good, strong political leadership that has honesty, integrity & is visionary with a dynamic & viable plan to ensure our dominance on an international scale where when we say "jump", europe asks "how high sir"! Do we have that today? Have we had that for the last 500 years? the answer is no. I can't BEGIN to explain how disappointed I am in jamat e Islami. I honestly, saw talent in siraj ul haq after 2013 elections but alas...disappointed, utterly, UTTERLY disappointed. I mean...just look at his coziness with the pee pee pee & noora league. mullahs ko kuch nhi dikhai day ta...bas jeans vali larki par fatway aur doosray firqon par fatway...aut uskay baad, khao daba kay halway! 🤦‍♂️
@S.Y.A @ahmet
tell ya what, let's forget about mullahs for a minute, please tell me something...in just a few sentences, can you summarize what you believe is the true purpose of Islam? The true mission that is given to Muslims by Islam? I look forward to your answers.
the "ulema" claim to be the thakaydaars of Islam and yet, except for a handful of to truly sincere scholars, most turned a blind eye to the deep political, financial & social corruption of not just the current politicians but also rulers of the past. they just behind EXACTLY the excuse that you have presented, that their job is to teach "Islam", tawheed, aqeedah, and not get involved in politics and military industrial affairs. and when they finally do get involved in politics, it is to join the corruption & work against the military strengths of the nation and act as the 5th columnists. and to answer your question, yes, I would like to good scholars step forward and provide good, strong political leadership that has honesty, integrity & is visionary with a dynamic & viable plan to ensure our dominance on an international scale where when we say "jump", europe asks "how high sir"! Do we have that today? Have we had that for the last 500 years? the answer is no. I can't BEGIN to explain how disappointed I am in jamat e Islami. I honestly, saw talent in siraj ul haq after 2013 elections but alas...disappointed, utterly, UTTERLY disappointed. I mean...just look at his coziness with the pee pee pee & noora league. mullahs ko kuch nhi dikhai day ta...bas jeans vali larki par fatway aur doosray firqon par fatway...aut uskay baad, khao daba kay halway! 🤦‍♂️
Thank you for being honest, finally. see, the thing is, that most turned a blind eye because that is what most academics do, whether a professor, or whether they are ulema in a darul uloom. a tiny bit of them get involved in political activism, most of those who do that are just attention seekers (JUI-F or hoodhbhoy). it is good that you think that ulema should enter politics, but once they do, people will be screaming at them for not limiting themselves to masajid and madaris. and yes, jeans wali larki par fatwa agar koi poochhay ga to uska jawab dena unka kaam hai.
@S.Y.A @ahmet
tell ya what, let's forget about mullahs for a minute, please tell me something...in just a few sentences, can you summarize what you believe is the true purpose of Islam? The true mission that is given to Muslims by Islam? I look forward to your answers.
To spread Islam and guide people to the right path.

I think you are inspired by Dr Israr, and think that establishing a govt is the ultimate purpose. even then, establishing a govt cannot be done until and unless a majority of people support those ideals and are are ready to fight for them. are you ready to go out in the streets today and ask for establishment of khilafah?
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
I think this is what aboutism on steroids.

And cherry picking of the ulema.

As you have very selectively left out the ones who were ulema and scientists at the same time discovering new ideas and founding new disciplines in science and founding whole new principles upon which our science today is based. Even the regular ulema countless of them stood up to the forces of taghoot and even lost their lives in the process.

I'm sorry but I think either deliberately or otherwise you are portraying a one sided narrative.
Porkis are the worst they rant about moulvis all day long accusing them of ruining Pakistan.Nawaz sharif,Zulfi Bhutto were not Mullahs they ruined Pakistan along with the beloved Miltary pakis worship all day long.Every other Matric fail teenager becomes a commie or liberal hoping to get some traction aint gonna work btw.
Pakistan is a worlds biggest donkey people producer. Jahil awam should be locked up in Chinese camps so they can grow some sense.
As they say be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.
Porkis are the worst they rant about moulvis all day long accusing them of ruining Pakistan.Nawaz sharif,Zulfi Bhutto were not Mullahs they ruined Pakistan along with the beloved Miltary pakis worship all day long.Every other Matric fail teenager becomes a commie or liberal hoping to get some traction aint gonna work btw.
I am against both extremes. So is Islam. Pragmatism and rationality should prevail.
build universities
1st university IN THE WORLD was started by a muslim woman called Fatima in Morroco (Al Maghrib in arabic) who was an alema. She got her ijaza(degree sort of) first and then started the university which is still thriving and is one of the premier universities in Al Maghrib (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia etc etc) region
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