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Imran Khan ready to expose Geo News Owner

hahah... liar liar pants on fire.. i gave to you the link of court's decision.. not what mubashar luqman says in his studio..

Regarding funds read my post # 37... and about working against Pakistan's interest please let me know which program is against Pakistan exclusively being aired from Geo.. and not from other channels.. every channel is showing Indian programs.. every channel shows bollywood news in the news bulletins.. what is the difference then?
Pakistan: $3 Million US aid sought for Jang/Geo TV to ‘reform judiciary’, pressure lawmakers | Al Ufaq @MM_Haider
Pakistan: $3 Million US aid sought for Jang/Geo TV to ‘reform judiciary’, pressure lawmakers
Posted on August 27, 2013 by admin

By Imran Jattala | August 26, 2013

A document requesting millions of dollars from the US government and proposing to use the funds for helping people of Pakistan understand their constitution, demand their rights, and influence certain Pakistani institutions for the purpose of their reforms, has come to a light recently.

The leaked document appears to be requesting 3 Million dollars from the US Department of State to be used by Geo TV to primarily influence the Judiciary of Pakistan.

The leaked document, initiated by Mir Khalil ur Rahman Foundation (MKRF), an NGO with reportedly controlling influence over Jang/Geo Group, shows that MKRF made the funding request from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) of the United States Department of State.

The foundation caries the name of the media group’s founder Mir Khalil ur Rahman.

The request entitled “Access to Justice: Media Campaign” is made on June 30, 2013, and the anticipated funds appears to be fully earmarked as a source of revenue for Jang/Geo Group.

The documents outline how the pressures will be created on lawmakers and judiciary by purchasing media spots, through editorial impact and influence through popular anchors already working at Geo.

The document submitted by MKRF claims to have successfully run different campaigns in Pakistan in the past.

Geo cited their campaigning success with reference to Hudood Ordinance by creating awareness on their program Zara Sochiay (“Just Think”) and through Aman Ki Asha, a joint venture between Jang Group and Times of India.

It is of note that the both of the platforms cited for campaign successes in MKRF’s funding request had received less then spectacular reviews in a report issued by the Media Commission appointed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the institution MKRF now seeks to reform.

The Commission had found that in many instances in the Pakistani media non-transparent foreign sources influenced the contests carried by various outlets.

The report specifically highlighted Geo TV’s Zara Socheey program and Jang Group’s Aman Ki Aasha project.

“It was revealed that lot of funds were pouring into the media outlet from abroad in the form of sponsorship. For instance, ‘Zara Socheey’ programme had received sponsorship to the extent of Pounds 20 million,” the Commission wrote.

“Another instance reported,” the Commission wrote, “was that of ‘Aman Ki Aysha’ programme which was being funded by Norwegian NGO named ‘Friends without Borders’.”

“Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the foot-prints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian State Television, the Doordarshan.”

Download Leaked pages: MKR-Found-Geo-US-StateDept:

Judicial report on Jang Group’s Aman Ki Asha: “the footprints lead to Indian sponsors including Indian state TV”
posted by Shahram Ali | July 14, 2013 | In Blogs Cross posted, Original Articles

Islamabad, July 13, 2013: Findings of Supreme Court’s Media Commission reveal that content and discourse in Pakistani media, particularly in Jang Group / Geo TV is largely influenced by non-transparent foreign sources of funding and dubious advertising. In particular, Jang Group’s dubious Aman Ki Aasha project, coordinated by Beena Sarwar, was revealed to be funded by Indian state sources via some Norwegian NGOs.

There are serious charges of tax evasion against Jang Group. In April 2010, Federal Board of Revenue raised tax demands against Messrs Independent Media Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. to which Geo News is a subsidiary totaling to 1,680.000 million rupees, failing to what Deputy Commissioner, Inland Revenue, FBR, proceeded to arrest Geo News directors; however, Sindh High Court on the latter’s appeal granted stay order against this move.

The Supreme Court appointed a two member Media Commission comprising Senator (R) Javed Jabbar and Justice (R) Nasir Aslam Zahid on 15th January, 2013 and submitted the first part of its report on 21st March.

Part-II of the Media Commission report contains 17 annexures including versions of Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA), Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) and other stakeholders.

In an observation which is critical of the editorial independence of TV content, the Commission noted that advertisers influenced the prime time content in Pakistani media. “Advertisers virtually dictate prime time content preferences by using a narrow, relatively non-representative, heavily urban and consumption oriented rating system to pressurise channels into cut throat competition and to a lowering of standards of content,” the Commission said in its findings. Pakistan Advertisers Society (PAS) informed the Commission, “the ad-spend in Pakistan is approximately Rs40 billion and the share of the print media is about 30 per cent.” PAS expressed its regrets before the Commission that views and news had lost the distinction as certain anchors openly forced their views upon the public and in this context cited the role of anchors in Malik Riaz case and the assassination of Governor Salman Taseer. Jang Group played a very negative role in building a negative image of Salmaan Taseer presenting him as a blasphemer to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), something which led to his murder at the hands of a radical Islamist bigot. Several anchors and columnists in Jang Group including Ansar Abbasi, Kamran Khan and Najam Sethi are known for their soft and apologist stance to Jihadist sectarian terrorist groups including Taliban and Sipah Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ).

In what is perhaps the most secretive aspect of most business enterprises in Pakistan, the Commission identified lack of financial transparency in the media. “Non-transparency in financial aspects of media, e.g. advertising rates charged, grants or support received from overseas sources, fees and salaries paid to staff, assets and income of media owners etc, “ the Commission observed.

The observation of the Commission about foreign sources of funding was based on PEMRA’s allegation.

In its statement to the Media Commission, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) claimed:

“A couple of media houses are reported to have received large grants in the form of advertising contracts from overseas sources. It is said that one such grant is 20 million British pounds. Some part of this amount may be for paid advertising or sponsorship of a programme. The actual facts are not conveyed to the public or to PEMRA. It is also said that all, or part of this amount is received by an entity which is part of the media group and is used to sponsor non-advertising campaigns. Any attempt by PEMRA to probe such matters immediately leads to claims that there is an attempt to curb freedom of the media and there is always the recourse to obtaining a stay order if an inquiry is held.” (Click to see Para (t), Page 103 of Media Commission Report, Part-II).

Specifically identifying the programmes which received funds from foreign sources, the official statement of Chairman PEMRA Chaudhry Rashid Ahmed, Executive member Dr Abdul Jabbar and other officials before the Media Commission alleged that “Zara Socheeya” had received sponsorship to the tune of Pounds 20 Million.

Citing another instance of ‘Aman ki Asha”, headed by Jang Group’s Beena Sarwar, the PEMRA officials alleged the programme was being funded by Norwegian NGO named Friends without Borders.“Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the footprints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian state television, the Doordarshan,” PEMRA officials alleged. (Click to see Page 204 of Media Commission Report, Part-II).

Reportedly the spokesman of Jang and Geo denied all these charges against Jang Group, Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman and Beena Sarwar (of Aman ki Asha) and warned that a defamation case would be filed against all those who made these baseless allegations against the Group in front of the Media Commission members. Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman, the owner of Jang/Geo Group, flew in especially from Dubai to appear before the Commission and narrated how the group had been victimized by successive governments from Zia-ul-Haq to the present time. “The Group had suffered a loss of Rs140 Billion during Musharraf regime when GEO was put off air for such a long stretch of time,” Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman told the Commission, adding, the figure could be verified from the documents about the quantum of advertisements just it was put off air and the quantum of advertisements after being allowed to go back on air. (Click to see MSR version, Page 240, Media Commission Report, Part-II).

In an interesting disclosure before the Commission about an entertainment channel Urdu 1, PBA said the channel was owned by Rupert Murdoch and two Afghan brothers (Mohsini brothers) who were based in Dubai. “This channel (Urdu 1) was granted landing right much before it went on air anywhere in the world,” PBA told the Commission, arguing, that channels which came to Pakistan under landing right license should not be allowed to compete with local channels by dubbing programmes in Urdu language. (Click to see Page 230, Media Commission Report Part-II).

The Commission took a scathing view of the “breaking news” culture and blamed it for promoting hysteria, hype and trivialization of issues. Moreover, the media is blamed for promoting acrimony, conflict and grievances in the society by the Commission. The Commission believed some sections of the media compromised national security at a time when the country faces varied threats by linking it to criticism of civilian and military institutions. The Commission observed: “Tendency on the part of some sections of media to conduct criticism of civil and military institutions in terms that are remarkably similar to criticism of the same institutions by sections of overseas media including Indian media, thereby adversely impacting internal national cohesion and solidarity during a time when the country faces harsh internal as well as external threats.”

The observations of the Commission were also echoed by PFUJ which admitted the absence of professional skills in journalists who had entered the field of electronic media. “Unlike the print media where the journalists undergo training whether in the field of reporting or editing, in the electronic media freshmen were recruited into senior position without any aptitude or experience resulting in utter chaos,” PFUJ said in its official stance before the Media Commission.


Tags: aman ki asha, beena sarwar, Corruption, Democracy, Jang Group Jang & The News & Geo, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, Pakistan,Pakistani Media, Yellow Journalism
Pakistan: $3 Million US aid sought for Jang/Geo TV to ‘reform judiciary’, pressure lawmakers | Al Ufaq @MM_Haider
Pakistan: $3 Million US aid sought for Jang/Geo TV to ‘reform judiciary’, pressure lawmakers
Posted on August 27, 2013 by admin

By Imran Jattala | August 26, 2013

A document requesting millions of dollars from the US government and proposing to use the funds for helping people of Pakistan understand their constitution, demand their rights, and influence certain Pakistani institutions for the purpose of their reforms, has come to a light recently.

The leaked document appears to be requesting 3 Million dollars from the US Department of State to be used by Geo TV to primarily influence the Judiciary of Pakistan.

The leaked document, initiated by Mir Khalil ur Rahman Foundation (MKRF), an NGO with reportedly controlling influence over Jang/Geo Group, shows that MKRF made the funding request from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) of the United States Department of State.

The foundation caries the name of the media group’s founder Mir Khalil ur Rahman.

The request entitled “Access to Justice: Media Campaign” is made on June 30, 2013, and the anticipated funds appears to be fully earmarked as a source of revenue for Jang/Geo Group.

The documents outline how the pressures will be created on lawmakers and judiciary by purchasing media spots, through editorial impact and influence through popular anchors already working at Geo.

The document submitted by MKRF claims to have successfully run different campaigns in Pakistan in the past.

Geo cited their campaigning success with reference to Hudood Ordinance by creating awareness on their program Zara Sochiay (“Just Think”) and through Aman Ki Asha, a joint venture between Jang Group and Times of India.

It is of note that the both of the platforms cited for campaign successes in MKRF’s funding request had received less then spectacular reviews in a report issued by the Media Commission appointed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the institution MKRF now seeks to reform.

The Commission had found that in many instances in the Pakistani media non-transparent foreign sources influenced the contests carried by various outlets.

The report specifically highlighted Geo TV’s Zara Socheey program and Jang Group’s Aman Ki Aasha project.

“It was revealed that lot of funds were pouring into the media outlet from abroad in the form of sponsorship. For instance, ‘Zara Socheey’ programme had received sponsorship to the extent of Pounds 20 million,” the Commission wrote.

“Another instance reported,” the Commission wrote, “was that of ‘Aman Ki Aysha’ programme which was being funded by Norwegian NGO named ‘Friends without Borders’.”

“Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the foot-prints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian State Television, the Doordarshan.”

Download Leaked pages: MKR-Found-Geo-US-StateDept:

Judicial report on Jang Group’s Aman Ki Asha: “the footprints lead to Indian sponsors including Indian state TV”
posted by Shahram Ali | July 14, 2013 | In Blogs Cross posted, Original Articles

Islamabad, July 13, 2013: Findings of Supreme Court’s Media Commission reveal that content and discourse in Pakistani media, particularly in Jang Group / Geo TV is largely influenced by non-transparent foreign sources of funding and dubious advertising. In particular, Jang Group’s dubious Aman Ki Aasha project, coordinated by Beena Sarwar, was revealed to be funded by Indian state sources via some Norwegian NGOs.

There are serious charges of tax evasion against Jang Group. In April 2010, Federal Board of Revenue raised tax demands against Messrs Independent Media Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. to which Geo News is a subsidiary totaling to 1,680.000 million rupees, failing to what Deputy Commissioner, Inland Revenue, FBR, proceeded to arrest Geo News directors; however, Sindh High Court on the latter’s appeal granted stay order against this move.

The Supreme Court appointed a two member Media Commission comprising Senator (R) Javed Jabbar and Justice (R) Nasir Aslam Zahid on 15th January, 2013 and submitted the first part of its report on 21st March.

Part-II of the Media Commission report contains 17 annexures including versions of Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA), Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) and other stakeholders.

In an observation which is critical of the editorial independence of TV content, the Commission noted that advertisers influenced the prime time content in Pakistani media. “Advertisers virtually dictate prime time content preferences by using a narrow, relatively non-representative, heavily urban and consumption oriented rating system to pressurise channels into cut throat competition and to a lowering of standards of content,” the Commission said in its findings. Pakistan Advertisers Society (PAS) informed the Commission, “the ad-spend in Pakistan is approximately Rs40 billion and the share of the print media is about 30 per cent.” PAS expressed its regrets before the Commission that views and news had lost the distinction as certain anchors openly forced their views upon the public and in this context cited the role of anchors in Malik Riaz case and the assassination of Governor Salman Taseer. Jang Group played a very negative role in building a negative image of Salmaan Taseer presenting him as a blasphemer to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), something which led to his murder at the hands of a radical Islamist bigot. Several anchors and columnists in Jang Group including Ansar Abbasi, Kamran Khan and Najam Sethi are known for their soft and apologist stance to Jihadist sectarian terrorist groups including Taliban and Sipah Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ).

In what is perhaps the most secretive aspect of most business enterprises in Pakistan, the Commission identified lack of financial transparency in the media. “Non-transparency in financial aspects of media, e.g. advertising rates charged, grants or support received from overseas sources, fees and salaries paid to staff, assets and income of media owners etc, “ the Commission observed.

The observation of the Commission about foreign sources of funding was based on PEMRA’s allegation.

In its statement to the Media Commission, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) claimed:

“A couple of media houses are reported to have received large grants in the form of advertising contracts from overseas sources. It is said that one such grant is 20 million British pounds. Some part of this amount may be for paid advertising or sponsorship of a programme. The actual facts are not conveyed to the public or to PEMRA. It is also said that all, or part of this amount is received by an entity which is part of the media group and is used to sponsor non-advertising campaigns. Any attempt by PEMRA to probe such matters immediately leads to claims that there is an attempt to curb freedom of the media and there is always the recourse to obtaining a stay order if an inquiry is held.” (Click to see Para (t), Page 103 of Media Commission Report, Part-II).

Specifically identifying the programmes which received funds from foreign sources, the official statement of Chairman PEMRA Chaudhry Rashid Ahmed, Executive member Dr Abdul Jabbar and other officials before the Media Commission alleged that “Zara Socheeya” had received sponsorship to the tune of Pounds 20 Million.

Citing another instance of ‘Aman ki Asha”, headed by Jang Group’s Beena Sarwar, the PEMRA officials alleged the programme was being funded by Norwegian NGO named Friends without Borders.“Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the footprints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian state television, the Doordarshan,” PEMRA officials alleged. (Click to see Page 204 of Media Commission Report, Part-II).

Reportedly the spokesman of Jang and Geo denied all these charges against Jang Group, Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman and Beena Sarwar (of Aman ki Asha) and warned that a defamation case would be filed against all those who made these baseless allegations against the Group in front of the Media Commission members. Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman, the owner of Jang/Geo Group, flew in especially from Dubai to appear before the Commission and narrated how the group had been victimized by successive governments from Zia-ul-Haq to the present time. “The Group had suffered a loss of Rs140 Billion during Musharraf regime when GEO was put off air for such a long stretch of time,” Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman told the Commission, adding, the figure could be verified from the documents about the quantum of advertisements just it was put off air and the quantum of advertisements after being allowed to go back on air. (Click to see MSR version, Page 240, Media Commission Report, Part-II).

In an interesting disclosure before the Commission about an entertainment channel Urdu 1, PBA said the channel was owned by Rupert Murdoch and two Afghan brothers (Mohsini brothers) who were based in Dubai. “This channel (Urdu 1) was granted landing right much before it went on air anywhere in the world,” PBA told the Commission, arguing, that channels which came to Pakistan under landing right license should not be allowed to compete with local channels by dubbing programmes in Urdu language. (Click to see Page 230, Media Commission Report Part-II).

The Commission took a scathing view of the “breaking news” culture and blamed it for promoting hysteria, hype and trivialization of issues. Moreover, the media is blamed for promoting acrimony, conflict and grievances in the society by the Commission. The Commission believed some sections of the media compromised national security at a time when the country faces varied threats by linking it to criticism of civilian and military institutions. The Commission observed: “Tendency on the part of some sections of media to conduct criticism of civil and military institutions in terms that are remarkably similar to criticism of the same institutions by sections of overseas media including Indian media, thereby adversely impacting internal national cohesion and solidarity during a time when the country faces harsh internal as well as external threats.”

The observations of the Commission were also echoed by PFUJ which admitted the absence of professional skills in journalists who had entered the field of electronic media. “Unlike the print media where the journalists undergo training whether in the field of reporting or editing, in the electronic media freshmen were recruited into senior position without any aptitude or experience resulting in utter chaos,” PFUJ said in its official stance before the Media Commission.


Tags: aman ki asha, beena sarwar, Corruption, Democracy, Jang Group Jang & The News & Geo, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, Pakistan,Pakistani Media, Yellow Journalism

if the leaked claims are so authentic why did Mubashar Luqman never showed these to court? and back off from their claim?

The petitioners further submitted that another allegation was that ‘Aman Ki Asha’ programme was being funded by a Norwegian NGO ‘Friends without Borders’ and it had been further alleged that the footprints of this funding led to Indian sponsors including the Indian state television namely Doordarshan.

Hamid Mir and Absar Alam contended that propriety demanded that evidence, if any, be presented before the Commission and the apex court regarding the aforesaid allegations and the same might be made public as that was the primary purpose of the Commission.

Officials back off from allegations against ‘Aman ki Asha’ - thenews.com.pk

Not only this, Imran also repeated the allegation that Geo/Jang Group’s peace initiative ‘Aman ki Asha’, which was praised by Khan himself many times, has received big money from a Norwegian NGO ‘Friends without Borders’. It is important to mention that after PTI started airing this allegation few months back the said NGO had responded in writing that it has never ever funded Aman ki Asha initiative.

Imran repeats charges already proven wrong in SC - thenews.com.pk

Geo never criticized any corrupt politicians. They always supported the corrupt governments. When zardari, nawaz raja pervaiz looted the money of pakistani people and done corruption at large scale. They never showed even a single news regarding their corruption. And when people like sheikh Rasheed and imran khan disclose their corruption then this geo mafia burst into them by saying they are immature.

Geo used to air a series of 'ajab corruption ki ghazab kahani' in 'Aaj Kamran Khan k Saath'.. with pictures of politicians.. and full front page stories against politicians..

anti-state terrorists coming from across the border were massacred...in huge numbers
and i dont feel sorry for them, they got what they deserved and if I were in a position involving Command -i'd have taken the decision 1,000 more times
you obviously are oblivious about the role of the Army

that's why general said.. that he was going to change the race of the bengalis... and what we got in return? Bangal separated and 90K POWs... doing the same thing again and again and you expect different results? they would have learned from their mistakes

Yes. And I wasnt ranting, just trying to impart some sense into you but I'm probably just wasting my valuable time on a dead-beat.

you claimed that you can go to FATA while MoD is of different opinion!.. so your claim is absurd.

Maligning ISI: ‘Army to take legal action’ – The Express Tribune

let me know when it happens.. just writing a letter to PEMRA is not a legal action.. there will be a stalemate..

Everyone knows raw involvement in balochistan and in Karachi target killings and that's why hamid mir kafir is hiding this truth in the name of aman ki asha.

RAW is involved then why not protest at international level instead of abducting innocents? If those people are involved in any unlawful activity bring them to court.. why to commit extra judicial murders?
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I am not spokesperson of HM or Geo.. the only thing I know is that if HM or Geo had claimed something without any proof.. Army could have dragged them to courts instead of indulging in mud slugging which is not as per the decorum of an elite institution of country.. they have made them laughing stock themselves..

Exactly....actually it shows their inner guilt against HM case, this whole propaganda and arms twisting against Geo shows how vulnerable they are.
if the leaked claims are so authentic why did Mubashar Luqman never showed these to court? and back off from their claim?

The petitioners further submitted that another allegation was that ‘Aman Ki Asha’ programme was being funded by a Norwegian NGO ‘Friends without Borders’ and it had been further alleged that the footprints of this funding led to Indian sponsors including the Indian state television namely Doordarshan.

Hamid Mir and Absar Alam contended that propriety demanded that evidence, if any, be presented before the Commission and the apex court regarding the aforesaid allegations and the same might be made public as that was the primary purpose of the Commission.

Officials back off from allegations against ‘Aman ki Asha’ - thenews.com.pk

Not only this, Imran also repeated the allegation that Geo/Jang Group’s peace initiative ‘Aman ki Asha’, which was praised by Khan himself many times, has received big money from a Norwegian NGO ‘Friends without Borders’. It is important to mention that after PTI started airing this allegation few months back the said NGO had responded in writing that it has never ever funded Aman ki Asha initiative.
Imran repeats charges already proven wrong in SC - thenews.com.pk

Geo used to air a series of 'ajab corruption ki ghazab kahani' in 'Aaj Kamran Khan k Saath'.. with pictures of politicians.. and full front page stories against politicians..

that's why general said.. that he was going to change the race of the bengalis... and what we got in return? Bangal separated and 90K POWs... doing the same thing again and again and you expect different results? they would have learned from their mistakes

you claimed that you can go to FATA while MoD is of different opinion!.. so your claim is absurd.

let me know when it happens.. just writing a letter to PEMRA is not a legal action.. there will be a stalemate..

RAW is involved then why not protest at international level instead of abducting innocents? If those people are involved in any unlawful activity bring them to court.. why to commit extra judicial murders?
Mr all of these were shown to courts courts are nothing but pets of Geo Group I told you before and in reply to Aman Ki Asha allegations yes they first refused to accept getting funds but later in their own news papers they admitted getting funds some of them came from Norway

Exactly....actually it shows their inner guilt against HM case, this whole propaganda and arms twisting against Geo shows how vulnerable they are.
Mr Arms are twisted of those who follow agenda of enemies they are attacking them so they an later attack Pakistan and mafia don nawaz is standing with traitors
As per CNN iReport, Apple’s motion to dismiss the case rejected by U.S Federal Court.
Apple to either remove the trademark infringing apps by Independent Media Corporation from iTunes store or face the legal proceedings

Just when you think Geo Network would not dare to create another embarrassing scene on an international level for Pakistani Media after the infamous faux pas with their rendezvous with Hindustan Times back in 2013, Geo Network proves to top their earlier mistake off by again making Pakistan’s name hit the news for all the wrong reasons. International Technological circles are abuzz with the latest Trademark Infringement suit being faced by Apple Inc for offering Geo Network’s apps: “Geo News”, “Jang” and “The News International” on iTunes store.

As per the news report on CNN iReport, Apple Inc. is facing a legal suit (No. 1:13-CV-13130-RWZ), filed by a person named Naeem Ahmed, who claims to own the copyright and trademark usage of the terms “JANG” “GEO” and “THE NEWS INTERNATIONAL”, which happen to be the names of the applications being offered by Independent Media Corporation (Pvt) Limited (Parent company of Geo Network and Daily Jang) through the Apple’s iTunes Store.

Previously, Facebook also restricted access to ‘Daily Jang’ and ‘The News International’ official facebook pages in USA, UK and Canada based on the trademark infringement. Google Play, the android app market, has already removed the trademark infringing android apps from being offered in the Play Store to android users based on the trademark infringement claim. Apple, however, opted to serve a ‘Motion to Dismiss’ the trademark infringement notice, in response to which District Justice, of United States Federal Court for District of Massachusetts, has denied Apple’s “Motion to Dismiss” the complaint.

Trademark Infringement seems to merely add a “feather in the cap” for Mir Shakeel ur Rahman, owner of Geo News and Daily Jang, who is no stranger to controversy and lawsuits. Be it tax evasions and financial misrepresentation amounting to millions of Rupees or using his media enterprise for blackmailing, manipulation and promoting paid foreign agendas, the grimy history of Mir Shakeel ur Rahman’s career offers a wide array of utter disregard to laws and ethical boundaries. Despite all the evidences available and even broadcasted on online media, talk shows as well as the “Khara Sach” book published by Mubasher Lucman, the legal and regulatory authority are continuing their act of obliviousness.

Whether Apple decides to fight the legal battle or look for an out-of-settlement after the backlash by removing the controversial infringing apps of Jang, Geo and The News International from its iTunes store, the damage done to Pakistani Media Industry’s reputation and its morality has been done irrevocably by this disregard to intellectual property practiced by Geo Network on an international scale. The Government of Pakistan as well as the concerned regulatory body, PEMRA, should also take notice of the disciplinary violence of international laws at the part of Jang and Geo Network.
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  • The extracted document from House of Lords Debates provides evidence of foreign funded media campaign that was aired on GEO TELEVISION
  • MKR Foundation and GEO, both, previously denied running any “Foreign Funded Media Campaign”
Media Ethics and Transparency– these two virtues seem to be rather nonexistent when talking about GEO Network’s programming. Whether it is showing the faces of rape victims on national TV insensitively without protecting their identity and considering their right to privacy or blatantly disregarding PEMRA regulations by showing objectionable content that spills anti-nationalist venom amongst the viewers – GEO Network has left no stone unturned to make money by hook or crook. When GEO Television Network faced another expose’ of their black deeds by the Media Commission Report and the leak of MKR Foundation’s plea for foreign funding earlier this year, the network strongly denied receiving any sort of foreign funding for the programming prepared and aired by them. Yet in another document extracted from Lords Hansard from British Parliament, The British Government’s Department for International Development has openly admitted to have provided over £950,000 to Mir Khalil Ur Rahman Foundation (the governing NGO of Jang / Geo Group).

In a question asked by Lord Ahmed in the British Parliament’s House of Lords, regarding the amount of money spent by Department for International Development education awareness programme on advertising in Pakistan, DfID admitted to have spent just over £950,000 to date on a media campaign to raise awareness of Pakistan’s education emergency, through print radio and television. In response to another question by Lord Ahmed regarding how much funding they have given to Geo/Jang Group in the present and previous financial years, DfiD responded that it has not provided any direct funding to the GEO/Jang group directly although admitted to have provided the funding to The Mir Khalil ur Rahman Foundation, which runs DfID funded education programme in Pakistan. DfiD further mentioned that MKR Foundation has however purchased television time from GEO at a discounted rate, as part of a transparent process of subcontracting media organizations to deliver this aspect of the programme.

The surfacing of this document has put a question mark on the credibility of Mir Khalil ur Rahman foundation, which has blatantly denied any type of foreign funding received for any sort of media campaign previously. The document also casts a shadow of doubt over the unbiasedness of the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan, who reprimanded PEMRA to “behave in a responsible manner” after PEMRA raised allegations of GEO TV’s programming to be funded by foreign sources earlier this year.

Now that all the best kept secrets about hidden sources of revenue of Jang/Geo Group have come out in open (not once but twice!), every eye is on the judiciary with one burning question in all of them.. Will the justice be served to the Guilty or once again, the favoritism and lobbying will win the game for the Sellers of National Integrity?

I am not spokesperson of HM or Geo.. the only thing I know is that if HM or Geo had claimed something without any proof.. Army could have dragged them to courts instead of indulging in mud slugging which is not as per the decorum of an elite institution of country.. they have made them laughing stock themselves..
And I'm also not the spoke person of army but if army really tried to assassinate this bullet proof hamid mir then why he didn't lodge FIR against army?
And I'm also not the spoke person of army but if army really tried to assassinate this bullet proof hamid mir then why he didn't lodge FIR against army?

because you never know what is going on behind the closed doors.. Army and Geo will come to a stalemate and masses will be on roads to protest.. as usual..
why it is so hard for you to provide that link of news? you are a proven liar in this forum insofar as your discussion with me is concerned.. here is the news on your face.. MR..

Officials back off from allegations against ‘Aman ki Asha’ - thenews.com.pk

On 30 June 2013, geo news (AKA jay news) got $3 million of funds from USA to broad cast anti pakistan programs. And those programs which was in critical of ISI and Pak armed forces. Such programs included; aman ki asha, VOA, Ghamdi, Aliya nay pakistan chor diya, ik din geo Kay saath, geomentry, Zara sochiyeh, and many more.

Following are some links :






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if the leaked claims are so authentic why did Mubashar Luqman never showed these to court? and back off from their claim?

The petitioners further submitted that another allegation was that ‘Aman Ki Asha’ programme was being funded by a Norwegian NGO ‘Friends without Borders’ and it had been further alleged that the footprints of this funding led to Indian sponsors including the Indian state television namely Doordarshan.

Hamid Mir and Absar Alam contended that propriety demanded that evidence, if any, be presented before the Commission and the apex court regarding the aforesaid allegations and the same might be made public as that was the primary purpose of the Commission.

Officials back off from allegations against ‘Aman ki Asha’ - thenews.com.pk

Not only this, Imran also repeated the allegation that Geo/Jang Group’s peace initiative ‘Aman ki Asha’, which was praised by Khan himself many times, has received big money from a Norwegian NGO ‘Friends without Borders’. It is important to mention that after PTI started airing this allegation few months back the said NGO had responded in writing that it has never ever funded Aman ki Asha initiative.
Imran repeats charges already proven wrong in SC - thenews.com.p

Brother. Mubashar didnot backed off from his claims and neither did imran. It was na ahal Cheap justice which turned down the petition against geo news. Because why would cheap justice takes action against Jew tv when Jew news is
talking in favor of cheap justice. We can't hope for any justice from this cheap justice because he values his job and his image more than his countries interest. And as far as aman ki asha is concerned imran was against this campaign he said that, geo news has taken very unique stand, on one hand geo are appreciating aman ki asha with india (who is killing innocent Kashmiris in Kashmir ) and on other hand they want war with Taliban but no dialogue.

And secondly I'm really amazed that Why geo news always is talking in favor of india. During the Kashmir day they never showed any programs related to indian terrorism in Kashmir and when ambassador of india was arrested in USA , it was geo who showed every single news about this incidence. And geo is broad casting every match of IPL. When I was watching geo news few weeks ago they showed that modi was not involved in muslims massacre in Gujarat . And if you open their jang newspaper, it is filled with indian news.And they also emphasizes government to give MFN status to india. And important thing is that they never ever spoked even a single word against raw involvement in balochistan. And when india is making dams in our rivers, no anchor person and journalist of Jew news spoke against this indian terrorism. And why would they speak against india, when they are getting money from there.

Geo used to air a series of 'ajab corruption ki ghazab kahani' in 'Aaj Kamran Khan k Saath'.. with pictures of politicians.. and full front page stories against politicians..

That show ajab ki ghazab kahani was aired lots of years ago, since than no show was broadcasted by geo news for exposing the corruption of politicians. And even if there is a show which criticizes the corruption then it's mainly against imran khan.
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RAW is involved then why not protest at international level instead of abducting innocents? If those people are involved in any unlawful activity bring them to court.. why to commit extra judicial murders?

And brother do u expect ganja sharif with his shining bald head will protest against raw terrorism in international level. He didn't even dare to spoke against drones. This ganja sharif only knows how to polish his bare head and he know nothing else.
And did u saw how cheap justice released those terrorist from jails by saying they are not guilty. And did cheap justice took any action against defaulters
Brother. Mubashar didnot backed off from his claims and neither did imran. It was na ahal Cheap justice which turned down the petition against geo news.

ignoring the bosh you wrote i will only ask when did Mubahsar Luqman went with the proof to the court and his proof was turned down? It was PEMRA who was supposed to provide proof but they withdrew.. then court asked if anybody else had any proofs please step forward by self proclaimed red capped Jihadi and Mubashar Luqman never showed up in court with so called proofs.

That show ajab ki ghazab kahani was aired lots of years ago, since than no show was broadcasted by geo news for exposing the corruption of politicians. And even if there is a show which criticizes the corruption then it's mainly against imran khan.

what do mean by lots of years ago? It was being shown in late 2012 and early 2013.. is a decade passed? yea Kamran Khan has a soft corner for PMLN.. which is wrong and PMLN's corruption must be exposed as well like Rauf Kalasra is doing.
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