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Imran Khan Orders to Launch E-Voting System for Next Elections

PTI was behind by about 8000 votes before the last results where due to be called from about 30 polling stations.
The presiding officers where then taken into custody and returned on mass and 6 hours later their result were included, giving PTI a slim victory.
The turnout for all those polling stations before the last 30 was around 30%, which is typical in a bye election. In the last 30 polling station the turn out was higher at about 80% plus.
Now can anyone hand on heart believe this was not rigged.
I personally don't think this was due bone by civies.
Any how it just shows how unpopular PTI. Hopefully the death pangs of this monster won't further damage the country.
Media is only trying to asses the game in various discussions and pointing at lapses which only put question marks on the ruling clergy.

Whereas regime clearly seems not interested in investigation, or giving any sort of answers to the complete security lapse in NA75. Instead they are busy giving lame arguments, in attempt to dodge the inquiry.

So far it appears to me a botched rigging attempt by the state officials in favor of minority ruling elite.

Let's see how far media is able to pull out the truth and how deep does conspiracy runs in state.

However, considering the recent video leaks of previous senate elections, where PTI can bee seen doing horse trading, puts PTI in tight spot.

Considering the zero credibility and zero competence of PTI, investigation on the NA75 rigging must be lead by honest and upright police officers of Punjab police... my proposal remain SSP Gondal, ex CCPO of Okara.
Unfortunately I think PTI will no longer be a viable credible party as a third force. After I NIAZI whose following is now only for the deaf, dumb and blind the party has no credible people to lead it
Unfortunately I think PTI will no longer be a viable credible party as a third force. After I NIAZI whose following is now only for the deaf, dumb and blind the party has no credible people to lead it
And you figured that out by sitting in the UK and proudly flying the British flag?

51 year old with an IQ of a 10 year old.
Unfortunately I think PTI will no longer be a viable credible party as a third force. After I NIAZI whose following is now only for the deaf, dumb and blind the party has no credible people to lead it
I think this was done by the boots, who simply can't help themselves. They have worked out that this seat is important for the senate elections, and wanted to make sure that PTI would gain the seat. I don't think they give a shit about optics as they believe we civilians are nothing
And you figured that out by sitting in the UK and proudly flying the British flag?

51 year old with an IQ of a 10 year old.
Actually yes.
PTI was behind by about 8000 votes before the last results where due to be called from about 30 polling stations.
The presiding officers where then taken into custody and returned on mass and 6 hours later their result were included, giving PTI a slim victory.
The turnout for all those polling stations before the last 30 was around 30%, which is typical in a bye election. In the last 30 polling station the turn out was higher at about 80% plus.
Now can anyone hand on heart believe this was not rigged.
I personally don't think this was due bone by civies.
Any how it just shows how unpopular PTI. Hopefully the death pangs of this monster won't further damage the country.

there are many questions, but i'm not planning to state them here as they might alert PTI who is govt. who has his own people at most powerful position in state.

What i can state with conviction, PTI has raised a society which is dishonest and corrupt. People holding most sacred position in state are sold outs for simple promotions, extensions etc..
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I think this was done by the boots, who simply can't help themselves. They have worked out that this seat is important for the senate elections, and wanted to make sure that PTI would gain the seat. I don't think they give a shit about optics as they believe we civilians are nothing

Actually yes.
As they say you can take the paindu out of the pind but can't take the pind out of the paindu. The politics of PML-N is dead, the sooner you realize this the better old man.
And you figured that out by sitting in the UK and proudly flying the British flag?

51 year old with an IQ of a 10 year old.
I would be grateful if you would never communicate or mention me, I find your post offensive as they are always of a personal nature and abusive
I would be grateful if you would never communicate or mention me, I find your post offensive as they are always of a personal nature and abusive
I would gladly stop quoting you if you do not post crap about my country. If you do not like my posts that show you your auqaat you are welcome to ignore them. You post absolute bull shit and expect decency in return buddhay?
I would gladly stop quoting you if you do not post crap about my country. If you do not like my posts that show you your auqaat you are welcome to ignore them. You post absolute bull shit and expect decency in return buddhay?
This is a forum to share ideas, I have a right to post my thoughts. People like you would sell the country at a drop of a hat. You don't have the courage to give your name etc. You are the personification of trash
This is a forum to share ideas, I have a right to post my thoughts. People like you would sell the country at a drop of a hat. You don't have the courage to give your name etc. You are the personification of trash
I may be trash as per your definition but atleast I'm not a patwari chutia.

Go kill yourself.
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