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‘Imran Khan is crushing the poor’: anger rises as inflation grips Pakistan

The inflation is global but why is PDF itching so much for a freaking propaganda and biased piece on Imran Khan. This shouldn't even have been a topic really.... The fuking Guardian how is that trustworthy... This is biased and politicized piece nothing to see here
Not imran khan , 90% business mens, wholesalers and shopkeepers are hajis who are masters in corruption , and are cancer for our society , they are looting the poor peoples at the name of inflation, im not denying inflation and poor management of PTI but fake hajis are biggest factor of Pakistani society
No doubt inflation is a big issue in Pakistan. The problem is people's income is not going up in proportion to inflation.

People are calling it a global phenomenon but they need to understand that buying 1 month of grocery for 2-3 people in UK takes about 2 days of income... For a lot of people just 1 day of income... So if inflation goes up it could be for 3 days of income under extremely worst case scenario

And in Pakistan its almost entire month's income... And when you are fighting against inflation... A lot of people are not able to keep up with their income. We should compare ourselves with the nations in the subcontinent and they are doing much better than us in providing relief to the most oppressed
I think your assessment is correct. What will make this clear is whether or not Pakistan’s real GDP growth is much lower or negative vs. other countries, especially peers.

IMO a lot of these effects are out of the control of the government, but they’ve dug their own graves with this too. Blaming random mafias and previous governments can only go so far in changing the narrative. Our politicians whenever they’re in opposition are happy to ignore macroeconomic realities and come down hard on the incumbents, it’s only when they get in do they start citing fair examples of how these things are out of their control. But if you helped build a narrative around your political opponents in the past, the same will come down on you when it’s your time. That’s what we’re seeing now.
Inflation is global. Here is the US it is at over 6+% year over year. Why is Pakistan so special?
The problem is people's income is not going up in proportion to inflation.
Because Pakistan is an import economy. Incomes go up in export economies because of productivity growth. Pakistan has none of that

But the fact that the exercise is still done negates the claim that Pakistan is a free market economy.
It's just Khana Puri. In reality prices automatically increase due to market forces
It's just Khana Puri. In reality prices automatically increase due to market forces

Incorrect. Pakistan is a (mis)managed economy stiflingly regulated by dimwits, and not just the present setup. Clearly.
Why is Pakistan so special?
Because Bughaz Imran
Incorrect. Pakistan is a (mis)managed economy stiflingly regulated by dimwits, and not just the present setup. Clearly.
Regulated? You can't regulate prices that much. In the end market forces always win. That's why there is non stop high inflation in Pakistan.
Mafia gets stay order from court hence zakhira andoozi as much as they like
Now sugar price coming down

why court gave stay order to sugar millls is beyond understanding happening since last 50 years.
Regulated? You can't regulate prices that much. In the end market forces always win. That's why there is non stop high inflation in Pakistan.

LOL. Clearly, this state of affairs is far removed from a "free market economy". At best, it is a "mixed economy":

Inflation is global. Here is the US it is at over 6+% year over year. Why is Pakistan so special?
It’s really not unique in terms of inflation, but it is in terms of growth, and ofc political immaturity.

In the end, inflation alone and growth alone only give half the story. Only an assessment of real GDP growth can tell us where we stand relative to peers.
It’s really not unique in terms of inflation, but it is in terms of growth, and ofc political immaturity.

In the end, inflation alone and growth alone only give half the story. Only an assessment of real GDP growth can tell us where we stand relative to peers.

Inflation is a balancing act in a growing economy, and Pakistan is of course not unique in this regard. The problem is that the capacity of the general population to absorb such factors has been steadily eroded to the point where neither the people nor the government has much leeway left to maneuver, resulting in social stresses that have to be managed or released somehow.
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