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Imran Khan : India have never used Drone attack on their Naxalite areas but we did it on civilians

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But we humans can digest pork as well, why dont you eat that if being digestible is the only law?
We are forbidden to use many things of enjoyment in this world that not include only Pork but Prostitution and Alcoholism , Gambling etc etc
Point is, there is a very thin line b/t Do's and Do Not....trespassing a God's will have no harm in this world except it can make you little SINFUL
We are forbidden to use many things of enjoyment in this world that not include only Pork but Prostitution and Alcoholism , Gambling etc etc
Point is, there is a very thin line b/t Do's and Do Not....trespassing a God's will have no harm in this world except it can make you little SINFUL

Now I believe you understand that just because you can do something, doesn't make it right.

I don not see animals inferior to me, I can see a female goat love for a lamb, I can see them having emotions like me, a will to live, a family to raise. If I do not want to kill the poor creatures for my taste and benefits (claimed power), isn't it more humane and un-selfish?
I've few points......Nexalities in India are not tough fighters like we have in our FATA region moreover that area also engulfed many SUPERPOWERS in the past....on the other hand nexalities are VEGGIES like Indian vegetarians army
its like comparing ORANGES with MANGOES :hitwall:

You are right, india does not have terrorist culture, we dont have it in in our blood.
1st bhartis don't have armed drones, they can't manufacture a good uav let alone drone.
2nd this guys is the most stupid politician we ever had.

aur samajdar politicians ka batatay hain aap ko sir: 200 billion in Swiss : 100 Billion owned by two House.... ... and best politics ... kooom ko chutya bana rakha hey..... performance big zero... 40 arab ka recent loan.. ye hey politicians tumharay!
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The man has lost all the respect he once had. His ex-wife comes out on media and shows what a fool and hypocrite he is, at least once a week. And after Karachi elections he must understand where he stands. Almost none of his youthiyas came out and voted for him.
And as far as his claim is concerned he must know that India does not have the capability to attack with UAVs, the UAVs they posses aren't able to fire missiles.
This guys Stupidity has crossed all the limits, once a idiot he will always remain an idiot. there is no hope left for him, InshaAllah he will loose KPK in next term as well. a guy who refuses to learn should not have a province to govern.
Now I believe you understand that just because you can do something, doesn't make it right.

I don not see animals inferior to me, I can see a female goat love for a lamb, I can see them having emotions like me, a will to live, a family to raise. If I do not want to kill the poor creatures for my taste and benefits (claimed power), isn't it more humane and un-selfish?
Iam a laymen....so my replay is based on my personal experience based on conjecture or HYPOTHESIS
I think there two types of laws ....God Laws are absolute Universal all over the world and Man made laws are device strategy that are outcome of geographical restraints, Lets take a scenario.....in old world Desert and Mountain dwellers were forced to leave their land for search of food /water so they wont have big list of Food except relying on sheep, yaks etc on the other hand India was a fertile land. and considered Gold Sparrow ...they device clever strategy...which describe as leaving India was consdiered a great Sin (which is a man made laws based on Geo politics)

Maybe in some period they got hit by great FAMINE so they device another strategy of not taking life of an Animal and they've numbers of reasons to implement such thinking bcoz they wont have any shortage of food
It must be the case, why else would India looses all wars :chilli:
Yes india lost all wars in your head......who told you indians dont have meat, we dont have red meat.....or specifically cow meat....atleast we punjabi eat meat and chicken every alternate day....but yes to grow more brain cells you need to eat green vegetables like spinach, ladyfingers, methi, cabbages and etc....start eating vegetables and you will start getting good grades....

Comparing insurgency in India with the one in Pakistan is foolish. This man has no brains, seriously.
Dude what do you think??the naxals come with sweets and fruits??even they fight ferocious wars and that to guerilla warfare......and that is what makes them effective, taliban on the other hand dont need to hide....they are very motivated and fear nothing, so dont compare these two, as both fight with different tactics, diffrent reason for fighting and very diffrent conditions
1st bhartis don't have armed drones, they can't manufacture a good uav let alone drone.
2nd this guys is the most stupid politician we ever had.

Imran Khan's geopolitical knowledge is pretty pathetic. After APS, when NWA agency was cleared, Zarb-e-Azb was in full steam, TTP was decimated and escapted to Afghanistan, terror attacks fell by 90% ...at that time IK gave a statement that we should talk to TTP, just the way Afghan taliban are talking to Americans. I mean, Afghan Talibs control the momentum on the battlefield, they can capture cities at will, they are in a stronger position vis-a-vis the Afghan govt..that is why Ghani had to talk. TTP was decimated, they were no where to be found, their ability to attack was gone, yet IK wanted to talk to them.
He also wanted a joint nuclear plant of India and Pakistan..and he also wanted an open border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Trust me if this guy, somehow comes to power, he won't last 3 months due to his stubborn and domineering attitude and stupid decision making.

when this one happened??

Correction needed: "India is operating armed drone since Ancient Time" :lol

Nope noob.

Just to extend scope of your knowledge,there are 2 kinds of UCAV,one which acts like aircraft,bombs and return base (hunter killer)and one which acts like missiles,crash and destroy target(hunter).

India is using Harpy drone since 1999.
what does our expert politician say about Indian activities in Kashmir, why are drones struck on his throat. Just wait and watch as he becomes another Tarek Fateh once he realizes he has no chance of winning any elections.
ohh how can i forget that!!!!, simple its very simple, puppet actors like Jarnail singh bhindranwale were supported by you people and yes anyone who goes against the republic of india will be slaughtered like pigs, let me remind you "I AM A PUNJABI" and yes khalistan is dead!!!!! and also "paint job accha hai burraq ka, crash hone pe bhi kharab nahi hua!!!":partay:
:lol: i don't give a fukc to you or your race, you can keep denying everything it's in your nature---just like this photos (it's not in Pakistan) ;)

I posted the article so that you don't act like a monkey. The fact that burraq is a Chinese drone doesn't seem to register in your mind makes you a dumbass. I suggest you read the full article...you need to glide over the part about "Pakistan's full capability to manufacture armed drones....because that's bull shit. It's a pak painted Chinese drone.
:lol: you were caught lying, keep jumping like monkey your race look alot like them BTW---I know what we are capable of, unlike you, go and cry in front of DRDO to make something to cheer about.

when this one happened??

Nope noob.

Just to extend scope of your knowledge,there are 2 kinds of UCAV,one which acts like aircraft,bombs and return base (hunter killer)and one which acts like missiles,crash and destroy target(hunter).

India is using Harpy drone since 1999.

Are you talking about Mig-21 aka 'Flying coffin' :lol:
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