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Imran Khan: If elected, we’ll create an Islamic welfare state

As long as he doesn't make me pay Jizya tax or follow Zia's Islamization, it's all good then.
He has said clearly he will establish Islamic welfare system and Islam is Islam which is a complete system and he should focus on making economy according to Islamic orders as wished by Quaid e Azam in his last speech
As long as he doesn't make me pay Jizya tax or follow Zia's Islamization, it's all good then.

lol bhai i will pay for you don't worry just make sure your vote goes to him and not MQM this time around!!!! :rofl: & jizya are you christian,sikh,hindu or jewish???
Contradicting yourself, wearing a suit and tie, not saying allah hafiz instead khuda, saying happy birthday, not wearing hijab isnt harming anyone either

You are parroting ideas I have heard from our Shia brothers who hate everything that smacks of Arabic Culture. Why don't you learn to live and let live. Whether people say KHUDA HAFIZ or ALLAH HAFIZ is their choice. Why does that give you a heartburn ?
There is nothing wrong with paying Jazya
Muslims pay Zakat, non muslims pay Jazya.

What is the percentage for Zakat and Jazya? Who collects these taxes, the mosque or the government?
What is the percentage for Zakat and Jazya? Who collects these taxes, the mosque or the government?

O bhi he meant that justice will be provided to every one from where Zakat and Jazya came , these are just names of taxes , you can rename income tax to zakat or jazya and serve it to poors only or you may not change name.

mosque or the government?
How could you ask this idiotic question ? what mosque has to do with government affairs

Clear your misconception it will not be a mullah rule or dictatorship

But a pure democracy.
The liberal fascists, as we call them, in Pakistan have swallowed the Western caricature of equating "Islamic" with extremist. They are so ashamed of their identity and desperate for Western approval, they cringe with shame every time a Pakistani wears a hijab or has a beard or says the word "Allah hafiz".

"Liberal fascists"?! I think they don't exist in Pakistan in large numbers, if any numbers. The term is another figment of imagination by the conservatists. There are no forces in Pakistan who prevent others from wearing Hijab or from eating with your hands. Even the liberals like Dawn's Irfan Hussein does not shy away from seemingly 'Islamic' causes like that of the Palestinians. On the contrary, there are plenty on the other end of the spectrum who not only are quite vocal but don't shy away from getting violent.
So let's not give more power to the bigots by propagating terms like 'liberal fascist'. The bigots already have too much power, thanks to Zia.
As to Imran Khan's use of the term 'Islamic', well, even the 'secular' political party like the PPP uses 'Islamic democracy' as one of the pillars of its platform; the PPP did that even during its most liberal/progressive days from the late 60's.
Imran Khan is definitely appealing to a large segment of the society--a very conservative society at that. But, looking at the large number of urban and non-Hijab women I don't think Pakistani 'liberals' and minorities are threatened by Imran Khan.

Finally, I think, Pakistani politics is maturing in the sense that 'issues' are being given weight. The use of 'Islam' as the focus is largely abandoned by even the so-called 'Islamists' parties like PMLN. And all that is good for Pakistan.
lol bhai i will pay for you don't worry just make sure your vote goes to him and not MQM this time around!!!! :rofl: & jizya are you christian,sikh,hindu or jewish???

I'm Orthodox Jewish, I'm thinking of voting for Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party.
What is the percentage for Zakat and Jazya? Who collects these taxes, the mosque or the government?
Income tax has nothing to do with zakat/Jizya. Income tax is collected to run the state organ institutions. transport, roads, healthcare, army, police etc.

Zakat is a separate provision designed for the poor and needy and is in addition to the income tax. Muslims in western countries pay zakat on top of income tax, its only 4% of the total earnings applied to those not in debt. And it is up to each individual which organization or charity would they want to donate their zakat money to.

Since non-muslims r not obliged to pay zakat, jizya is collected from them for their protection. These are all in historical/classical context. In modern nation states i'm not sure how jizya would be necessary so long as the non-muslims pay income taxes.
"Liberal fascists"?! I think they don't exist in Pakistan in large numbers, if any numbers. The term is another figment of imagination by the conservatists. There are no forces in Pakistan who prevent others from wearing Hijab or from eating with your hands. Even the liberals like Dawn's Irfan Hussein does not shy away from seemingly 'Islamic' causes like that of the Palestinians. On the contrary, there are plenty on the other end of the spectrum who not only are quite vocal but don't shy away from getting violent.

I don't want to derail this thread, but there have been a few threads about the justification for the term liberal fascists. I can dig up quotes by Hoodbhoy where he views everyone with a hijab or beard as an extremist, and he explicitly makes blanket assertions that certain ethnic groups (balochis and, I think, sindhis) are not patriotic. These so-called liberals are utterly intolerant of any dissent and totally fascist in their outlook. Paracha is another one.

So, I stand 100% behind my labeling them as liberal fascists.

So let's not give more power to the bigots by propagating terms like 'liberal fascist'. The bigots already have too much power, thanks to Zia.

It is precisely these opposite extremists, these liberal fascists, who give power to the Islamist extremists. Almost to a man, these liberal fascists are the first in line to parrot Western propaganda and blame Pakistan for everything. The Islamists hone in on these fifth columnists to portray themselves as the only saviors of Pakistan.
Two extremes don't make a right, If Pakistan has an issue it is due to liberal fascists and warhammer mullahs. There are those utmost highest order of Islamic scholars in Turkey yet they are in harmony and peacefully convey messages. We do have problems with both but currently we have more problem with mullah parties-groups-itahads, why no one is listening to them is they are not focusing on the important issues rather focusing on don't wear ties, cover your faces, wear shalwar to a certain height and so on, after a while things become annoying. Pakistan is a Muslim country let people do research unless people core problems are not solved people won't give a damn about religious or other issues, in the end you provide them with roti, kapra and makan and jobs and see how the society is transformed.

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