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Imran Khan: If elected, we’ll create an Islamic welfare state

This guy is promising whatever comes to his mind without giving a thought about reality. End corruption in 90 days..who is he kidding ?

He should promise modest things, achieve more so that the psychological effect will be more. Intead he is promising the world and whatever little he achieves will look only as a failure after the expectations he has helped grow.
Populist rhetoric plays well with the masses, especially in the developing world, and is necessary to get into office.

What I will judge the PTI on, if it gets elected and completes 5 years in office, is on how well it addresses issues of revenue generation, losses in the PSE's, and reforms on the law enforcement and judicial side.
give obama another chance woh shikaayat ka moqa nai day ga loadshedding bi lay aaaey ga :D

No worries there either. USA is much more than just a President. Much, much more. ;)

We can judge his accomplishments, or lack of, after a PTI led government completes five years in office.

That is a very good point. If the system gets into a routine of orderly change of government by the ballot, there can be nothing better!

Yes indeed the USA - SUPERPOWER EXTRAORDINAIRE. 1 in 6 on food stamps. Incredible debt burden. Hated and disliked everywhere and whatever you touch. Mass murderers of innocent lives. Liars and of course ran by zionists - yep superpower supertw*ts. That guys descendants cry tears of blood for their land. Same story wherever USA lay their hat and make their home tears flow. Lets see how long they last..

............... but no loadshedding, and plenty of guns and beer! :D

Depends what you expect. If you expect the world to re arranged in the next 5 years - it isnt going to happen. If you expect gradual and patient improvement - yes. Agno Rome wasnt built in a day - but one thing is for certain i believe he will put his whole heart and soul in the task in hand.

But the dollar fails soon, and WW3 happens, and Yajooj Maajooj fight..... :D

That leaves IK with very little time, doesn't it?
Populist rhetoric plays well with the masses, especially in the developing world, and is necessary to get into office.

I know. India has it's share of populist politicians. But a look at the promise they give and what this gives shows the level of how much each has understood about politics & voter mindset.

What I will judge the PTI on, if it gets elected and completes 5 years in office, is on how well it addresses issues of revenue generation, losses in the PSE's, and reforms on the law enforcement and judicial side.

Majority of the aam admi won't go into the specifics. To them its just what he said and what he did. On that count he will look only as a failure.
No worries there either. USA is much more than just a President. Much, much more. ;)

Yess I know first provide jobs to every US citizen then boast.... A country who has more interest destroying other countries rather than caring for her own people shows what that country is..... Who are the people who want to occupy wall street Afghanis ? Pakistanis ?? and why they are there ?? Taliban Supporting them ?? NO they are the people who lost their jobs first take care of them then come here
No worries there either. USA is much more than just a President. Much, much more. ;)

That is a very good point. If the system gets into a routine of orderly change of government by the ballot, there can be nothing better!

............... but no loadshedding, and plenty of guns and beer! :D

But the dollar fails soon, and WW3 happens, and Yajooj Maajooj fight..... :D

That leaves IK with very little time, doesn't it?

lolz - good one VC... I love the Pakistani flag ( ;)) and the nation and pray everyday for that ray of light for things to improve and with IK - I believe the future looks bright and i cant wait for IK to come forward and grasp the batton of Pakistans future
Majority of the aam admi won't go into the specifics. To them its just what he said and what he did. On that count he will look only as a failure.
IK's success on the issues mentioned will play into resolving the circular debt crises plaguing the power sector, it will play into more funds for infrastructure development, and it will start playing into perceptions of 'accountability and justice for all'.

When the aam admi and industry have electricity for most of the day (unlike right now) that will be an achievement.

When the aam admi sees roads, schools and hospitals being built, that will be an achievement.

The current Zardari led PPP government has been such a miserable failure, that even moderate improvements in infrastructure and law enforcement and judiciary will seem like huge successes.

The aam admi will judge movement in corruption by looking at these main issues first, and once resolved, will judge corruption by how well the government deals with his/her remaining basic needs - this is where institutional reforms in the bureaucracy will come into play - how can the PTI make these bureaucratic systems quicker and more efficient ....
Correct words, but, at risk of drawing you ire with another one-liner, "who will bell the cat"?

I am quite skeptical that IK/PTI is the team that will take this baton forward, despite the recent hysteria. The Army knows that things are simply too messy for it to take over and get saddled with the blame. The established politicians are still making merry as usual.

Forgive my crudity Sir, but I see the same old wh-0res in different lipsticks still for the foreseeable future.

But the choices are few and far between. If time were at hand we could have waited for a leader to mature. You will agree that as a nation we dont have too much time. Any further damage and we may not be able to recover from the mess at all. So therein lies the dilemma facing the nation and the only plausible solution to the problem. Plus if you are looking for a fresh thinking, old guards will not do.
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