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Imran Khan gives ultimatum on drone strikes

what exactly has imran khan done for pakistan that many pakistanis are always praising him? all the politicians talk big,give these emotional speeches, ect. but what happens at the end? pakistanis are always dissapointed.

stop depending on imran khan and other politicians to bring change. start depending on yourselves. start taking responsibilty for yourselves. this is the only way we can see a progressive and prosperous pakistan.
Only 30% of the people vote in Pakistan. Most of these people are either those that live under a feudal lord and have to vote for him and the rest are those that have no interest in voting, but have been approached by workers of a political party by saying "Hey its a holiday today, I will provide you transport, chai paani samosa, just come along and vote - preferably for our party".

Pakistani ballots are filled with non-valuable votes. Like Imran is working against Drones, freedom and justice, he should work to instill this interest in casting a vote in the elections too. When the rest of the 70% come out to vote, when we as overseas Pakistanis especially plan to take our off days, spend money on a ticket (on ghareeb PIA, hopefully), cast a vote and come back, when that sort of spirit to vote would come up, only then will you see elections and true democracy coming to Pakistan.

Asim Aquil, it maybe true but not entirely. give some space to the youth who did vote PTI in lahore by elections, that was rigging that caused PTI defeat. Im sure the urban areas can bring change.

PTI needs to set goals to achieve its objectives

goal one must be to secure win in KP in next elections.

goal two must be to win seat of national and provincial assembly in LAHORE and SIALKOT. I dont know if they can win in Pindi or Faisalabad.

these goals achieved in 2013 elections, believe me 2018 elections are going to fall to PTI.

else way around is "Agitational politics" for that Im not sure, if it must be persuaded, chances are low given the hot weather, flexibility of Pakistani nation to bow to oppression, there is establishment military and bureaucracy and status quo beneficiary class that are strong to overcome... yet if country is chocked and military stays away (pessimally support the "Change") and do not interfere in politics, then it maybe a success. else end up like Egypt, continuing living enchained.
what exactly has imran khan done for pakistan that many pakistanis are always praising him? all the politicians talk big,give these emotional speeches, ect. but what happens at the end? pakistanis are always dissapointed.

stop depending on imran khan and other politicians to bring change. start depending on yourselves. start taking responsibilty for yourselves. this is the only way we can see a progressive and prosperous pakistan.

what he has done? he has never been in power, I dont want to discuss his achievements, Im sure you are well aware.

Academically very good suggestion, improve oneself, Im sure you know we live in a society and people intermingle with each other blah blah and it makes up a complex entity, called PAKISTAN.

Use some logic to support your view.
Imran Khan is not just a patriot, he is also doing exactly what this Nation needs at this time. This American Slavery must end now than a day later.

Everybody who supports Imran Khan must tell this to his friends and families.. I have found there are 10s of people who support him silently but haven't reached a point where they could surely say so. If you support Imran Khan, share it with them so they would know how many people around them are in the favour of Pakistan Tehree-e-Insaf.
Whom among you can tell me what his platform is other than just speeches to stop drones and look for "political solutions"?

Has he every specified his 'political solution' plan? let alone get into any specifics of how it would be different than what Musharraf tried?

do not always keep falling in love with your politicians on mere words

In the US we have some voters who just vote because the person belongs to a party they have always voted for or because promises are made. But vast majority of US voters are becoming what we term " educated " voters. This does not mean they are educated in terms of academics- it means they get to know/ demand specifics of a politicans platform and not just talk of " We must have a political solution" --- they demand a national debate - gives us specifics and not just words and slogans.

Do you know what Imran's platform is beyond beyond drones-? What is his economic platform, foreign policy platform or his domestic agenda? How does he plan to get Pakistan back into growth , debt free and moving forward again? What are his views on tackling inflation, oil and electricity shortages? things that affect the ' kitchen table' in Pakistani households? -

You must ask/demand from your politicans for their complete vision, debate it and throw out the notion of voting on party lines. They work for you...and not the other way around.
one who has learned firmly, must be strong and brave enough to be loudspeaker of PTI.

its no time to shy anymore or stay behind.

@ above Indian. many a times these questions you have raised are discussed and Answered. so either update yourself or avoid moving in circles.

@ above Indian. many a times these questions you have raised are discussed and Answered. so either update yourself or avoid moving in circles.

Negative, nothing has ever been " answered" on specifics of Imran's platform - answer the questions I have raised or simply ignore my comment.
I wonder what would Imran Khan say about the threat to Pakistan, called the TTP. As far as I know, the drones have been taking good care at keeping the pressure on the TTP. Once this pressure is gone, how does Pakistan plan to tackle this problem?
I wonder what would Imran Khan say about the threat to Pakistan, called the TTP. As far as I know, the drones have been taking good care at keeping the pressure on the TTP. Once this pressure is gone, how does Pakistan plan to tackle this problem?

Drone are part of the problem and not the solution, i think you don't have proper idea of the ground reality, Tribes in Fata are clearly fed up now with this daily drone attack that leave their women and children dead. If drones are not stopped then These tribes may well end up on the taliban side. Infact many have already because of army operations and drone attack that have left them with no choice but to fight for their lives.
Negative, nothing has ever been " answered" on specifics of Imran's platform - answer the questions I have raised or simply ignore my comment.

please visit National Politics section, search for Imran related threads and all your Questions will be answered. I will try to get the url for you.
here are few.

I wonder what would Imran Khan say about the threat to Pakistan, called the TTP. As far as I know, the drones have been taking good care at keeping the pressure on the TTP. Once this pressure is gone, how does Pakistan plan to tackle this problem?

once pakistan is able to get rid of American influence, pakistan will be in a position to enforce peace in its territory. it was americans who attacked and broke peace between army and tribal leaders previously,

one more thing despite the popular belief spread, TTP is not ANTI-PAKISTAN, its just that they are cornered. they offered to fight against India side by side with PAK army if india attacked (after mumbai case). so TTP will automatically vanish or change its focus as soon as America quits.

as far as your view about drones is concern it is a bit far from reality.
in the last last drone attacks 25 people were killed including old, women and children, in the second last one 45 Maliks were killed, besides you should know where drone attacks take place, they are pro-pakistani tribes.
what exactly has imran khan done for pakistan that many pakistanis are always praising him? all the politicians talk big,give these emotional speeches, ect. but what happens at the end? pakistanis are always dissapointed.

stop depending on imran khan and other politicians to bring change. start depending on yourselves. start taking responsibilty for yourselves. this is the only way we can see a progressive and prosperous pakistan.

What IK has done:

Won the world cup

Cancer hospital

Namal college

Helping the flood victoms

Providing an example that honesty and character counts

Proof from personal character that corruption and corrupt leadership will not take us anywhere

Message to the nation that we must break away from fear and achieve complete freedom

All of the above has been done without being a prime minister, President, COAS, Governer, Jageerdar, Industrialist or even a billionaire (all has been done with ALLAH's help, hard work and determination).

Stop depending on IK

May be, but there has to be leadership. Who will be the leader ?
please visit National Politics section, search for Imran related threads and all your Questions will be answered. I will try to get the url for you.
here are few.


Thank you for those links- but w/ all due respect- I'm afraid its a cheer leading section and no policy papers on specifics on his solutions offered. George Bush had a great " team' too. His great team hoodwinked us into Iraq. His team never had any specifics of the game plan or an exist strategy - just words" we will greeted as liberators" they said. had no clue what to do in its aftermath as evident.

where is imran's Khan's specifics on on any polices - what does a " political solution" entail? spell it out Mr. Khan or anyone who gives you guys slogans when running for office.
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