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Imran Khan gets another Boot from Media Giant

Can you please tell me what proof would you need to accept that the people in power are corrupt? NS and his family have been striped naked in the SC and the lies they have been telling the nation for years has finally caught up to them.
Dear, I am not Judge to pass my verdict on who is corrupt and who is not. Its for court of law to decide this after hearing the arguments from boht sides as there is due process of law thats why i said that if corruption charges get proven in court of law then i am all for as strict punishment as possible for any corrupt politician irrespective of which political party they are from. You simply cannot punish people because their political opponents call them corrupt as all political parties and leaders involve in this dirty politics and political propaganda to demoralize their opponents and to damage their vote bank by attracting their voters towards their own political party.
Thats not the same as supporting them.


He is a bit foolish for supporting negotiations with them, but that doesnt mean what you were implying.

Also, You seriously think Pakistan still doesn't support the Afghan Taliban? Have you not been following politics for the last decade

Even back in the Taliban era, they were supporting Al-Qaeda, its the whole reason why the US even invaded
What is supporting Taliban? He was talking about opening office and having negotiation with those who were killing our people and did not believed in constitution of Pakistan. You will be insane to have dialogue with those people who challenge the writ of the state. Imran khan is coward and he knew that ANP( Awami national Party) workers suffered heavy causalities in KPK because of their open opposition of talibans so he went the other way round to have freindly relationship with them in order to save their asses in kpk and do this dharna politics freely and this video about Osama was latest so his policy did not change much eventhough being confuse person give often contradictory statements.

Now Pakistan along with USA/KSA supported taliban(mostly afghan Pahstuns) rule in Afghanistan because of strategic reasons. Iran and India also supported non pashtuns group northern alliances for their own interests in Afghnaistan . Tablians tough were extremist in religious interpretation but did not involved in any terrorist activities prior to 2001. You cannot tell about any single terrorist incident before 2001 carried out by talibans. Osama and al qaida were fighting with talibans against russian occupation with support of CIA and ISI and problem started when Al qaida did 9/11 and Osama took asylum and protection of talibans. Talibans being stubborn did refused to hand over Osama even when our army delegation went their to convince them so thats when Pakistan started opposing them and then we all know what happened after this

Where are Mr neutrals?
What is supporting Taliban? He was talking about opening office and having negotiation with those who were killing our people and did not believed in constitution of Pakistan. You will be insane to have dialogue with those people who challenge the writ of the state.

Again, most of the establishment prior to 2010 had this same view. Its not exactly a revelation, many politicians were open to the idea of negotiations. Maybe IK took it too far, but that doesn't exactly make him pro-Taliban.

Now Pakistan along with USA/KSA supported taliban(mostly afghan Pahstuns) rule in Afghanistan because of strategic reasons. Iran and India also supported non pashtuns group northern alliances for their own interests in Afghnaistan . Tablians tough were extremist in religious interpretation but did not involved in any terrorist activities prior to 2001. You cannot tell about any single terrorist incident before 2001 carried out by talibans. Osama and al qaida were fighting with talibans against russian occupation with support of CIA and ISI and problem started when Al qaida did 9/11 and Osama took asylum and protection of talibans. Talibans being stubborn did refused to hand over Osama even when our army delegation went their to convince them so thats when Pakistan started opposing them and then we all know what happened after this

So now you admit that we were also involved with the Taliban?

By the way, they were a terrorist organisation prior to 2001.

Amnesty International, referring to the Taliban offensive, wrote in a 1995 report:

"This is the first time in several months that Kabul civilians have become the targets of rocket attacks and shelling aimed at residential areas in the city."
Again, most of the establishment prior to 2010 had this same view. Its not exactly a revelation, many politicians were open to the idea of negotiations. Maybe IK took it too far, but that doesn't exactly make him pro-Taliban.

So now you admit that we were also involved with the Taliban?

By the way, they were a terrorist organisation prior to 2001.

Amnesty International, referring to the Taliban offensive, wrote in a 1995 report:

"This is the first time in several months that Kabul civilians have become the targets of rocket attacks and shelling aimed at residential areas in the city."
We are going in circle. I never denied that we had support for taliban in the past and i told you the reason for this and secondly the report you are referring is about civilians who got killed because of war between talibans and others group for political power in Aghnaistan. well i have clarified my points already and if you still think Imran is not pro talibans then I cannot do much but just to disagree
We are going in circle. I never denied that we had support for taliban in the past and i told you the reason for this and secondly the report you are referring is about civilians who got killed because of war between talibans and others group for political power in Aghnaistan. well i have clarified my points already and if you still think Imran is not pro talibans then I cannot do much but just to disagree

Lets agree to disagree, Im not denying that IK has questionable motives towards the TTP, however at some point most of the establishment did and as I stated before that doesn't necessarily equate to outright support for the group as much as it just calls for an end to bombings and attacks.
But if he does anything bad for the nation, we would oppose that and expose him.

So when are you exposing him over corruption and money laundering or his lies on the floor of the parliament which was labelled as Saisi Bayan by none others but his own lawyers?
So when are you exposing him over corruption and money laundering or his lies on the floor of the parliament which was labelled as Saisi Bayan by none others but his own lawyers?
You need to grow up kid. Rather than asking me for that (which makes no sense in any case), if you or other PTI supporters have any evidence/proof against NZ, just go to the court and present your proof there. Mud-slugging on the Internet is not going to get you anything. You guys are just disgracing the PDF seriously. That's all you achieve here.
You need to grow up kid. Rather than asking me for that (which makes no sense in any case), if you or other PTI supporters have any evidence/proof against NZ, just go to the court and present your proof there. Mud-slugging on the Internet is not going to get you anything. You guys are just disgracing the PDF seriously. That's all you achieve here.
So anybody who asks you a question you would reply him with "You need to grow up kid". Is that all you got? In case you haven't noticed i have been a member here since 2007 while you were probably in your diapers sucking your mama's tities. And where did PTI or IK support came into this discussion? or is your head too far up your rear to see any thing other than PTI and IK bashing?
As for disgracing PDF, I will let mods handle that. Dont need a certificate from a patwari troll.
And why should i not ask you specially when you claimed to expose Nawaz if he does something wrong. So my question still stands When are you going to do that? Are you man enough to do that against your king?
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Imran Khan don't need a channel for his marketing. He is a charming personality and he himself is enough to gather supporters.
BTW this post is nothing other than amusing :D :D
Dear, I am not Judge to pass my verdict on who is corrupt and who is not. Its for court of law to decide this after hearing the arguments from boht sides as there is due process of law thats why i said that if corruption charges get proven in court of law then i am all for as strict punishment as possible for any corrupt politician irrespective of which political party they are from. You simply cannot punish people because their political opponents call them corrupt as all political parties and leaders involve in this dirty politics and political propaganda to demoralize their opponents and to damage their vote bank by attracting their voters towards their own political party.

So you are saying that you don't use your own brain to work out if something is right or wrong. Anyway lets wait for the SC verdict.

@kabooter_maila you said alot of things about IK, what do say now about your beloved NS
So you are saying that you don't use your own brain to work out if something is right or wrong. Anyway lets wait for the SC verdict.
I know corruption is wrong but its not my job to declare who is corrupt and who is not. We can not punish people based on our personal perception. There is judiciary and criminal procedure to follow and there are qualified people in there to declare others corrupt/criminals/innocent etc after investigating the matter and looking at all evidences available and hearing the legal arguments/counter-arguments from boht side so yes let wait for verdict of honourable judges
I know corruption is wrong but its not my job to declare who is corrupt and who is not. We can not punish people based on our personal perception. There is judiciary and criminal procedure to follow and there are qualified people in there to declare others corrupt/criminals/innocent etc after investigating the matter and looking at all evidences available and hearing the legal arguments/counter-arguments from boht side so yes let wait for verdict of honourable judges

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