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Imran Khan gets another Boot from Media Giant

Wait for the youthians to call you Patwari in reply of this or posting a video of some PMLN thug supporting some another thug.
Sane ptians know the flaws of taliban policy and going against militry operation but kids can just do name callings
Sane ptians know the flaws of taliban policy and going against militry operation but kids can just do name callings
I personally haven't seen a sane Youthian as of yet.

No character, no brain, no ideology. Vulgar past, idiotic reckless present, and doomed future. What a disgusting person. Those attributes define a skewed person called Imran Khan. The dude live in the world of a typical charsi.
Real enemies are those who are killing Pakistani civilians and soldiers in terrorism and those who support them but IK even hesitate to declare Osama as terrorist lol

Osama was in Abbotabad as a guest of the military lol

Also, he makes an interesting point that one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. I will say that I despise everything Al-Qaeda stands for and despise all forms of terrorism, but you should know that the entire reason they attacked the US was to fight American imperialism and get them to leave the middle east alone.

So I don't think Imran Khan is pro-terrorist, as much as he is anti-imperialist/ anti-west. Even though he is/was soft on the Taliban, its also important to remember that so were the entire military establishment prior to 2010 as evidenced by the Waziristan Accord.
Osama was in Abbotabad as a guest of the military lol

Also, he makes an interesting point that one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. I will say that I despise everything Al-Qaeda stands for and despise all forms of terrorism, but you should know that the entire reason they attacked the US was to fight American imperialism and get them to leave the middle east alone.

So I don't think Imran Khan is pro-terrorist, as much as he is anti-imperialist/ anti-west. Even though he is/was soft on the Taliban, its also important to remember that so were the entire military establishment prior to 2010 as evidenced by the Waziristan Accord.
These are the excuses we hear from our enemy state i.e Afghnaistan and India. If talibans were puppet of Pakistan army then why they would be killing our soldiers and innocent civilians including children? You cannot goa aginst your master. Can you?
These are the excuses we hear from our enemy state i.e Afghnaistan and India. If talibans were puppet of Pakistan army then why they would be killing our soldiers and innocent civilians including children? You cannot goa aginst your master. Can you?

Afghan Taliban and TTP are completely different organisations. OBL was with the Afghan Taliban.

You and I both know that Pakistan has some links with the Afghan Taliban, maybe not sponsoring them but there is some level of communication happening.

I don't think Imran Khan has ever said he supported the TTP, but he has been vague on the Afghan Taliban like many in Pakistan have.
Afghan Taliban and TTP are completely different organisations. OBL was with the Afghan Taliban.

You and I both know that Pakistan has some links with the Afghan Taliban, maybe not sponsoring them but there is some level of communication happening.

I don't think Imran Khan has ever said he supported the TTP, but he has been vague on the Afghan Taliban like many in Pakistan have.
What you are talking about? Imran was talking about Pakistani taliban and he opposed operation against TTP and was talking about opening office for them in Islamabad when they were killing our people


secondly when Pakistan supported taliban rule in Afghanistan then they were not involved in any sort of terrorist activities and has no link with terrorist attacks of Alqaida. Pakistan simply supported talibans to defeat the ideology of Pahstunistan
What Honorable Imran Khan stated about certain cricketers is personal opinion, and as we saw some of the new players performed horribly in final

The national issue is really about Nawaz Sharif's corruption and his family's corruption allegations

Nation needs to focus on the real issues here

I personally am worried in delays in Court cases against Nawaz Sharif

From Imran Khan's prespective , Cricket is not the top priority and to some extent he is correct the court cases against head of state's corruption are more important from a National prespective

The military made the finals a success and it is 100% their effort
and obviously as Pakistani people appreciate the work by Army to send a strong message to world about safety situation in Pakistan
The national issue is really about Nawaz Sharif's corruption and his family's corruption allegations

Nation needs to focus on the real issues here
Why not focus on corruption of every corrupt person in any political party as many lotaz kept shifting from one party to others ?

I can't stand that Hamza Abbasi. Keeps defending PTI and keeps insisting, "I am not speaking as a PTI supporter but as a non-biased Pakistani."

He is as non biased as Ary news :D
It does not works this way , when you head of state is corrupt , your nation is running on auto mode

Cricket is a national passion however from political prespective Mr Imran Khan does have valid point

National priorities are misdirected

With that stated , Nawaz Sharif has been accelerating efforts to solve energy crisis and his Metro project has done well however the issue needs a resolution by Supreme court judges who need to be protected by Army to give a decision worthy of Pakistan's Supreme court stature

It is strange that western nations have leaders where people step down based on mistakes in reporting minor declarations under oath. And we have our head of state under some serious money laundring offences

Either the Supreme court needs to forgive the man under NRO or come with a conclusive decision it is quite Pathetic they can't come to a conclusive decision

As for Imran Khan's decision to call any specific player Pathicher or not , it is a personal opinion based on percieved performance of player or player(s)
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Real enemies are those who are killing Pakistani civilians and soldiers in terrorism and those who support them but IK even hesitate to declare Osama as terrorist lol




So the terrorist that kill by blowing themselves up are the only enemies in your eyes. What do you call the people whos incompetence caused the deaths of people because there were on beds in hospitals, or the people that killed civilians in Model town, or the people who are in power but are busy looting the country while kids are dying of starvation? What do you call those people?
So the terrorist that kill by blowing themselves up are the only enemies in your eyes. What do you call the people whos incompetence caused the deaths of people because there were on beds in hospitals, or the people that killed civilians in Model town, or the people who are in power but are busy looting the country while kids are dying of starvation? What do you call those people?
I am all for strict punishment against them if proven in court of law but at the same time you should realize this fact that its political culture of Pakistan to label each others corrupt especially your opponents to hurt their vote bank.


Imran ‘U-Turn’ Khan is losing his supporters after one misstep after another. As far as media is concerned, Bol tv was considered to be a stronghold for Khan and PTI, with the channel running special transmission during his drop scene of a Dharna last year as well as having the PTI Poster child/apologist, Hamza Ali Abbasi as a key anchorperson. Bol News has also been noticed to give more weightage to PTI related news and putting Imran Khan in a positive light. But Imran Khan’s recent cohesion with Geo News, which has typically bashed ‘Kaptaan’ & PTI in the past, has reportedly pushed the Bol tv management to put an end on pushing Imran’s narrative forward on their channel. These questionable decisions coupled with his recent controversial statements and declining popularity have led to the decision by Bol management to observe a less PTI tilted and a more neutral approach.

This is an interesting development – considering the fact that Bol posted a video update on their twitter page yesterday of Governor Sindh, Muhammad Zubair – a Noon-League politician visiting their headoffice and putting in good words for Bol and its management. Also a Bol employee reported that Mr. Asif Zardari has also recently visited the Bol office and had a tête-à-tête with Bol management … Can it be a signal of shift of allegiance from PTI to PML(N) and PPP?

May I remind you how many shaadiyan did Shahbaaz Sharif had as nakaam?

I think they were not nakaam. Shaadi ki din raat bed pe time guzara, phir thank you ma'am. Chalo kamsekam kamai haram ki hai chodayi tou haram ki nahi. Apna bhi check karwale tou bhi kahin Shahbaz ki "shaadi" ka nateeja na ho.
Shame on you. @WebMaster@The Eagle is this fair to be personal attack on some one if you don't like his comment about your ideal?
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