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Imran Khan doing press conference right now

@Luftwaffe @batmannow
Both statements issued by you two s acceptable,I agree with both of you at this point.:D
so, at least yoube man enough to agree with me?
that political mafia, is just bzy making money & making press confrences while, pakarmy fighting the terrorists?
do we need this damocrazy? no we dont!
cause its failed to protect the poor pakistani,s life?
because its unable to defend or fight terrorism in pakistan!
Heh, butman is telling me mushy lived in London on his $900 something pension. While he can't keep himself from mentioning Imran Khan the Legend if I may say because it hurts butman praising IK.
if what, you think is wrong doing, why not be man enough & bring it to, mr monte carlo ?
after all, musharaf is the only one fighting every goddammed case, put one more, come on , just be man enough?
about MR, playboy IMRAN who didnt divorced his grilfrined & part time lover, jemaima khan smith, by UK laws, why?
ohh gold smiths, gold ? holy gold recovered from the secret nazi accounts?
well done IMRAN shb, keep it up your press/confrences, will recive new target details 2mmaow plz, make a dharna so to make fool the KPK awam, thats your job, attack after attack, press confrences is your, profession? :victory::cheers::victory:
for fighting terror, you need some thing vry rounded in between your legs, go ask to barrow it from musharaf , he got both of steels, he may not give you, but still can show you, what it takes to be the target of SS bombers?
‘US drones killing innocent Pakistanis from tribal areas’ - DAWN.COM ?
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Heh, butman is telling me mushy lived in London on his $900 something pension. While he can't keep himself from mentioning Imran Khan the Legend if I may say because it hurts butman praising IK.

Well commented mate,
At this point,I will say that our nation is desperately looking for a 'leader'.
After 1947-48,Pakistan has only gave birth to 'politicians' but in case of 'leader' this mother land has become 'barren',totally!
So,naturally...they have high hopes from Generals and they are to some extent,ready to compromise the actual criteria of 'leader',luftwaffe...
@batmannow ,I never denied pathetic policies and corruption of our civil regime,nor I have ever stated democracy as suitable system for Pakistan,infact I was the one, who explained demerits of democratic system and prepared a detailed report in which I suggested alternative system,seems like you haven't followed my posts,the reason that I prefer for not to quote you back sometimes is your 'immature/non serious tone'
Please be careful with it,read posts with full concentration,and become a good listener too,if someone disagrees with you sometime,it doesn't mean that he/she is wrong.
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Well commented mate,
At this point,I will say that our nation is desperately looking for a 'leader'.
After 1947-48,Pakistan has only gave birth to 'politicians' but in case of 'leader' this mother land has become 'barren',totally!
So,naturally...they have high hopes from Generals and they are to some extent,ready to compromise the actual criteria of 'leader',luftwaffe...
@batmannow ,I never denied pathetic policies and corruption of our civil regime,nor I have ever stated democracy as suitable system for Pakistan,infact I was the one, who explained demerits of democratic system and prepared a detailed report in which I suggested alternative system,seems like you haven't followed my posts,the reason that I prefer for not to quote you back sometimes is your 'immature/non serious tone'
Please be careful with it,read posts with full concentration,and become a good listener too,if someone disagrees with you sometime,it doesn't mean that he/she is wrong.
thats natural ?
i mean you couldbe better thn me, with your research things!
i am not a selfish person, who jst keep listening his own stupid songs?
no , i m not commenting on your hahaa hoo ?
just check musharaf accounts, his balances or even all of the genrls?
still all of them are more clear in thier financial dealings, non of them has the swiss account?

i was best with, killing thats what they trainned us for, we proved that in the battle fields?
what you guys hve done sitting in mamma,s laps watching old good movies?
its been us, who were sent to, all goddammed hells on the earth? may it be f,loods earth quacks or, the enemies?
what you guys hve done, sorry i m jst getting crazy but its just, another of our sufferenings , which we got defending this land?
we hve been told by these godammed politicians, that the ones killing us, & our civillians are innocent terrorists, our martyers been disgraced, our leaders been charged with, every thing they can, while this country allready hit the rock bottom?
just check the time , mushraf resigned what , was the the ammount in the accounts of pakistan?
then where it all went?
who took that all politicians? or PAKARMY?
no body to ask anything?
just blame army, even doing every stupid thing they can!
when our genrls, getting shaheeds we, been told they are not shaheeds but terrorists are?
sory, me & the poors of this nation, we all are fed up with this stupid political croupt media mafia drama, which keeps running whole 24/7 ?
now those who, think they are safe & they are elites ?
just now they hve to give all the answers?
if not better prepared for a brutal heavy boot, to rock on thier backs vry soon!
these press/ conferences are just, showtime of these stupid, foolish politicains who cant even put thier own famlies in order, how can they create a heaven in this country?
what happened after this press-conference , he went to eat good food, smiled & slept, for another press conference next day? thts it!
but let me guss you, something from my, experince in the field with a uniform, that drones going to hit more & more in very near future?
not a week ago, pakarmy was openly declared a kaffir army, whose dead ones will not be called, shaheeds?
now its for the dumbo, IK & MUNNAWAR to take the dam constitution in thier hands & show to drones, so they can hve thier mercy on them, cause sorry pakarmy was openly declared a hurdle for peace!
its thier turn to , show up what they got, if not time is running out for damocrazy in pakistan, you ill going to witness it soon!
now go & deal it, PTI & peace lovers, stop crying & stop doing stupid press conferences?
@slavdefence friend, i have allways listend to opposing posters, but not to the terrorists supporters, who ever they are, thinktankers or whatever?
just check the history, of this country, this country only progressed under militry rule, in which poors got thier share any how, even the LBs were the best then , this whole damocratic govts?
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PTI is responsible for the mess we are in today!
They did long march to re-instate Iftikhar ch., than they continue in the name of democracy and demanded Pervez Musharraf resignation.
To the much disappointment of its naive followers, Imran Khan refused to take part in elections and to more surprise Mr. 10% voted to President seat.
He sat quietly during last 5 years destruction, and now he is only fooling the nation further.
Oh,I didn't knew that you have fought against WOT or you have served in armed forces,If I were then I would have given you the response you deserve,for the whole time I was thinking that why the hell you are making fun of these politicans,sorry this is what I have guessed from your post,my bad.
Now Mr.Batmannow(oh will you please change that ID and your avatar..looks too non serious)
there is a differce in sympathisizing Talibans and considering peace settlements as solution to halt this anarchy.
Do you think that @Luftwaffe does not love his armed forces?or he hasn't recognized our sons as martyrs?ofcourse he do,he cares for Pakistan just like we do,and he can't see that how Pakistan is suffering because of US war on terror today,the reason that he is persisting for peace settlements is that he want to see you all safe to,we also want our sons back from field and enjoy fruit of their Struggle by having good time with us,don't you think?
That is why I told you to listen him for god sake,and again you have assumed that he is sympathies with these terrorist outfits.
Me and rest star members Mr.Batmannow are favouring operations,even luftwaffe agreed for targeted ops,and none of us are blaming our armed sectors,it is just that we are diagnosing lapses which has caused this mess in both armed sectors and political regime as well.
And about drone strikes,i have mentioned near dark merits and demerits too but again you haven't followed my posts,i don't want to repeat them,however I will say that demerits are greater.
Oh,I didn't knew that you have fought against WOT or you have served in armed forces,If I were then I would have given you the response you deserve,for the whole time I was thinking that why the hell you are making fun of these politicans,sorry this is what I have guessed from your post,my bad.
Now Mr.Batmannow(oh will you please change that ID and your avatar..looks too non serious)
there is a differce in sympathisizing Talibans and considering peace settlements as solution to halt this anarchy.
Do you think that @Luftwaffe does not love his armed forces?or he hasn't recognized our sons as martyrs?ofcourse he do,he cares for Pakistan just like we do,and he can't see that how Pakistan is suffering because of US war on terror today,the reason that he is persisting for peace settlements is that he want to see you all safe to,we also want our sons back from field and enjoy fruit of their Struggle by having good time with us,don't you think?
That is why I told you to listen him for god sake,and again you have assumed that he is sympathies with these terrorist outfits.
Me and rest star members Mr.Batmannow are favouring operations,even luftwaffe agreed for targeted ops,and none of us are blaming our armed sectors,it is just that we are diagnosing lapses which has caused this mess in both armed sectors and political regime as well.
And about drone strikes,i have mentioned near dark merits and demerits too but again you haven't followed my posts,i don't want to repeat them,however I will say that demerits are greater.
thts what you judge a poster here on PDF, by his avatars , how much he/she can be serious?
i guss, you are a good , kid!
keep educating yourself friend!
but let me tell you, this WOT will not going to stop, with your clever posts or the stupid press conferences done, by living on USAID politicians like IMRAN & munnawar?
it will only , stop when we as nation strt fighting with stronger will, just only then you can tell, anyone that, STFUP ?
its the bottom line, dont needto go into details, friend?
its 2+2=4, if our politicians cant get that, it means they only deserve a, point blank on thier stupid top of head!
anyway you are not the concerned authority , to,disscuss that!
but yes i hve seen your posts, on drones quite good ideas ! but what you think, that would inspire, nawaz or even imran, to leave the USAID money, & follow your plans?

Pakistan, US hold sixth round of strategic talks - DAWN.COM
while news conferences been carried out thts, was happening targets got selected! lolzzx

well plz, remember this once & for all, i m here longer enough to know who is who, plz stop telling me, who means what , & when?
keep up your good work!
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