batmannow, the most ignorant poster who writes without head or toes, your strategy of fighting failed in the past 12 Years, let me post you figures 10 thousand soldiers handicapped 5000+ dead, billions gone wasted and the war not won yet here ignorant fool like you is advocating Pakistan to fight a war they can never win in a million years without Funds even with funds you won't, allow me also to give you the latest information on economy $7.2b loan depleted by pml-n and over the top the FOREX reserves dropped depleted from $15b to almost $8b that is $13b consumed by pml-n in just 5 months yet you fool and likes of you want to go to war well carry on lets see how long would it take to flush out your past friends that were supposed to liberate Kashmir for you.
Don't bother replying to me you are for along time on my ignore list.
sorry here we go again, foolish peace despertors?
i m not going to give you a personal doze rant, cause its not my objective?
your, story line putting kashmir, into a terroistic conflict is amazing, comparing kashmir with TTp hit KPK fata?
so that mean , you think that the struggle of the TTp terrorists is a just cause?wow ?.??
asumptions created by your sorry mind, that our army failed in KPK of FATA the what was SAWAAT?
why still pakistani flag is flying high, there ?
ohh i, guss we failed there & its still in the hands of mullha sawaati?
in past 6 years, all of the political cowards have given the every kind of freedom to terrorists, i mean they were allowed to bomb everything they hve wanted to, churchs, mosques, schools , busses, but still been called as innocent tribals, or shaheeds by fools like IMRAN & MUNNAWAR?
with offers to open, offices?
sorry, when a tiny country like srilanka, which cant even produce a AK47 bullet, can fight & win the, insurgency why cant we, as a nation with huge resources, can fight & win?
ohh sorry i forgot, srilanka was the top ranking economy when they were fighting thier war against LTTE ,terror?
what you think armies are made for? ohh to wear nice uniforms & hold a toy guns?
sorry soilders born to fight get injured, or die in the battle field, they arent supposed to stop fighting just because, thier fellows got injured, or died just beside them?
they supposed to fight, die & destroy the enemy of the motherland? no!
its non willing of our political cowrds, who are scared to teeth, that they will lose power & would be the terrorist targets, thats why never a word came out of thier stupid mouths against terrorists, who are just pushing for more & more?
how many terrorists been sentenced in 7 years, how many of them captured?
how many civillians killed by terrorists?
ohh we need to accept, thier whatever because if we dont, they will keep killing us?
how many times peace been offered to the terrorists, what was thier reply?
ohh dam your laws, your country, your constitution? wow!
sorry, if PAKARMY was failed then today, you would be looking at a indian army truck , or a NATO forces truck , just out side of your godammed street?
no dont fake it, dont deny it, just for the sake of your worship of your political gods, who cant even mange thier own lives?
all this & that, but never feel ashamed of getting , the dam USAID the PTI kpk, govt , IMRAN & MUNNAWAR , but hve full love of terrorists?
this fight, is not that PAKARMY had chossen to fight, its been imposed by the cowards like imran & munawar, by the hands of terrorists, who never feel ashmed of taking head shots of a 14 years old, gril?
dont need to, qoute my posts, if you are the coward enough to know the reality, of your sory & sick mindhood?