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Imran Khan doing press conference right now


Drones also kill Terrorist

& this matter is a foreign to me
Can anyone explain how blocking NATO supplies will help Pakistan
& since federal Givt has control over pK army can Sharif
Sharafat chod ke Army ko order de sakta hai kee open the routes
Under US pressure ofcourse
@batmannow, the most ignorant poster who writes without head or toes, your strategy of fighting failed in the past 12 Years, let me post you figures 10 thousand soldiers handicapped 5000+ dead, billions gone wasted and the war not won yet here ignorant fool like you is advocating Pakistan to fight a war they can never win in a million years without Funds even with funds you won't, allow me also to give you the latest information on economy $7.2b loan depleted by pml-n and over the top the FOREX reserves dropped depleted from $15b to almost $8b that is $13b consumed by pml-n in just 5 months yet you fool and likes of you want to go to war well carry on lets see how long would it take to flush out your past friends that were supposed to liberate Kashmir for you.

Don't bother replying to me you are for along time on my ignore list.

That is why,I have suggested to apply 'divide and rule' policy and to apply 'targeted operation' strategy.
A war cannot be win on the basis of operations alone,to win a war we require:
-Proper media campaign,which we lack.
-Proper team of Think-Tanks in our civil regime,which we lack
-Proper foreign policy which has ability to sustain relationship between two rival countries with that of yours,thus building pressure over opponent hegemoney players,which we lack too.
-proper counter terrorism policy and proper implementation,we lack that too.

So,I ask you my friend,how can we win this war?
Our pathetic policies have strenghten them more then before,we haven't used political intelligence to weaken their moral or to divide them,nor social or media channels are used as tool by us.
So, just war and full fledge operation cannot not alone give us fruitful result.
That is why,I have suggested to apply 'divide and rule' policy and to apply 'targeted operation' strategy.
A war cannot be win on the basis of operations alone,to win a war we require:
-Proper media campaign,which we lack.
-Proper team of Think-Tanks in our civil regime,which we lack
-Proper foreign policy which has ability to sustain relationship between two rival countries with that of yours,thus building pressure over opponent hegemoney players,which we lack too.
-proper counter terrorism policy and proper implementation,we lack that too.

So,I ask you my friend,how can we win this war?
Our pathetic policies have strenghten them more then before,we haven't used political intelligence to weaken their moral or to divide them,nor social or media channels are used as tool by us.
So, just war and full fledge operation cannot not alone give us fruitful result.

Your suggestion is a very complicated one it needs everyone one the same page including a "strong credible Independent Pakistani Government", A will "ready to face consequences" from US which are most likely financial. The strategy you are advocating is has to be formulated and implemented systematically but would take years it can't just be done is a couple of years. My take put yourselves under sanctions but get rid of US they have become a cancerous disease better to die once than dying everyday the Chinese realized it as soon at the end of WWII.
Your suggestion is a very complicated one it needs everyone one the same page including a "strong credible Independent Pakistani Government", A will "ready to face consequences" from US which are most likely financial. The strategy you are advocating is has to be formulated and implemented systematically but would take years it can't just be done is a couple of years. My take put yourselves under sanctions but get rid of US they have become a cancerous disease better to die once than dying everyday the Chinese realized it as soon at the end of WWII.
And how your suggestion will get us rid of US influence,upon which they are working for years and are now sucessful enough to sit in our base such that their interest are fabricated with our interest,and both nations are in a situation to tolerate demerits of it,to attain their specific objective?
My friend, having total peace settlement with Taliban is just a dream,it is contrary to reality,I ask you mate,how it can resolve issues?
Haven't you seen TTP's past attitude?aren't you evident of their aggressive objective and inflexible nature?
Mate,can you guarentee that they will not re-strenghten themselves?replenish their outfits?and re-arrange themselves for new series of deadly attack?
I am not saying that 'do not have peace settlement with them,I am repteadly persisting to sustain your attitude towards TTP outfits,an umbrella organization,our policy must be to have peace settlement with them,as well as to do targeted operation against those groups who aren't ready or are willing to sabotage this,and stop drone strikes...so,what is so complicated here?that I am pointing out lapses such as lack of think tank in our civil regime etc,so how these lapses can make it complicated?the solution or requirement I am suggesting to recover our blunders is the greatest need of hour,don't expect it to be too simple or easy,seeing the complications!
If you think mate,that recovering basic lapses is itself impossible and long term process,then having complete peace settlement is also impossible ,because different groups are using TTP as umbrella,,they share 'resources' but not always agree with their decision.
You know TTP's demand?obviously to release arrested militants,if you agree with them and release them,then you are giving them a new leader,best example is current situation.
So,I will persist to balance it,not to go on any extreme,yes solution which I have suggested is 'long term' or 'slow' but it is the 'proper suggestion' mate,the greatest reason of our failure is till now that we are looking for short term/temporary solution!
@batmannow, the most ignorant poster who writes without head or toes, your strategy of fighting failed in the past 12 Years, let me post you figures 10 thousand soldiers handicapped 5000+ dead, billions gone wasted and the war not won yet here ignorant fool like you is advocating Pakistan to fight a war they can never win in a million years without Funds even with funds you won't, allow me also to give you the latest information on economy $7.2b loan depleted by pml-n and over the top the FOREX reserves dropped depleted from $15b to almost $8b that is $13b consumed by pml-n in just 5 months yet you fool and likes of you want to go to war well carry on lets see how long would it take to flush out your past friends that were supposed to liberate Kashmir for you.

Don't bother replying to me you are for along time on my ignore list.
sorry here we go again, foolish peace despertors?
i m not going to give you a personal doze rant, cause its not my objective?
your, story line putting kashmir, into a terroistic conflict is amazing, comparing kashmir with TTp hit KPK fata?
so that mean , you think that the struggle of the TTp terrorists is a just cause?wow ?.??
asumptions created by your sorry mind, that our army failed in KPK of FATA the what was SAWAAT?
why still pakistani flag is flying high, there ?
ohh i, guss we failed there & its still in the hands of mullha sawaati?:nono:
in past 6 years, all of the political cowards have given the every kind of freedom to terrorists, i mean they were allowed to bomb everything they hve wanted to, churchs, mosques, schools , busses, but still been called as innocent tribals, or shaheeds by fools like IMRAN & MUNNAWAR?
with offers to open, offices?
sorry, when a tiny country like srilanka, which cant even produce a AK47 bullet, can fight & win the, insurgency why cant we, as a nation with huge resources, can fight & win?
ohh sorry i forgot, srilanka was the top ranking economy when they were fighting thier war against LTTE ,terror?:omghaha:
what you think armies are made for? ohh to wear nice uniforms & hold a toy guns?
sorry soilders born to fight get injured, or die in the battle field, they arent supposed to stop fighting just because, thier fellows got injured, or died just beside them?
they supposed to fight, die & destroy the enemy of the motherland? no!
its non willing of our political cowrds, who are scared to teeth, that they will lose power & would be the terrorist targets, thats why never a word came out of thier stupid mouths against terrorists, who are just pushing for more & more?
how many terrorists been sentenced in 7 years, how many of them captured?
how many civillians killed by terrorists?
ohh we need to accept, thier whatever because if we dont, they will keep killing us?:omghaha:
how many times peace been offered to the terrorists, what was thier reply?
ohh dam your laws, your country, your constitution? wow!
sorry, if PAKARMY was failed then today, you would be looking at a indian army truck , or a NATO forces truck , just out side of your godammed street?:omghaha:
no dont fake it, dont deny it, just for the sake of your worship of your political gods, who cant even mange thier own lives?
all this & that, but never feel ashamed of getting , the dam USAID the PTI kpk, govt , IMRAN & MUNNAWAR , but hve full love of terrorists?:enjoy:
this fight, is not that PAKARMY had chossen to fight, its been imposed by the cowards like imran & munawar, by the hands of terrorists, who never feel ashmed of taking head shots of a 14 years old, gril?
dont need to, qoute my posts, if you are the coward enough to know the reality, of your sory & sick mindhood?:crazy:
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@Slav Defence, Pakistan is fighting a war on all fronts, you must understand we have to get out of each systematically as soon as we detach ourselves from US you'll get a posture and liberation to decide what exactly you want not what exactly US wants you to do. This is the core problem that Pakistani Government/Armed Forces are doing what US wants it to do, isn't it the truth already?. We want to carry on fighting TTP and brands continue fighting for years against them with target ops not an all open pointless battle here and there but who will solve the problem of US strikes here and there on sovereignty of Pakistan what if the strike increases even more to Area in KPK and Balochistan would it not be a complete declaration of war or Army/Government would still be calling it US helping to eradicate alleged imaginary terrorists. Did you visit ISPR's website is there any condemnable statement against US strike so far nothing. I see it differently I take drone strikes and war against TTP/groups separately. Infact this has become a separate issue more appropriately attack on Pakistan, attack on sovereign nation, attack on people of certain region/part, this has become a definite violation even countries like Germany takes them as violation but here our Army and Government is non serious. From now on forward i will not mix ops against taliban/terrorists And drone strikes both have become a separate issue with drone strikes directly points at a separate war and inciting hate and to promote war against Pak Army, security agencies and among provinces this is the start.
@Slav Defence, Pakistan is fighting a war on all fronts, you must understand we have to get out of each systematically as soon as we detach ourselves from US you'll get a posture and liberation to decide what exactly you want not what exactly US wants you to do. This is the core problem that Pakistani Government/Armed Forces are doing what US wants it to do, isn't it the truth already?. We want to carry on fighting TTP and brands continue fighting for years against them with target ops not an all open pointless battle here and there but who will solve the problem of US strikes here and there on sovereignty of Pakistan what if the strike increases even more to Area in KPK and Balochistan would it not be a complete declaration of war or Army/Government would still be calling it US helping to eradicate alleged imaginary terrorists. Did you visit ISPR's website is there any condemnable statement against US strike so far nothing. I see it differently I take drone strikes and war against TTP/groups separately. Infact this has become a separate issue more appropriately attack on Pakistan, attack on sovereign nation, attack on people of certain region/part, this has become a definite violation even countries like Germany takes them as violation but here our Army and Government is non serious. From now on forward i will not mix ops against taliban/terrorists And drone strikes both have become a separate issue with drone strikes directly points at a separate war and inciting hate and to promote war against Pak Army, security agencies and among provinces this is the start.
So where on earth,I have favoured drone policy?when am I denying that we are having war in all fronts?infact I was the one who pointed out that due to war on terror,pressure on Indian side of border is reduced due to Pakistan's focus on WOT.
Second,Us grand objective is to indulge/engage us with Afghan talibans too,and let me tell you that Afghan Talibans and TTP are two different outfits,atleast their mission is different and due to difference of mission on the basis of interest, they are drifting apart.
Let me make this picture clear,TTP has aggressive objective since beginning to destroy Pakistan and introduce their sharia,while Afghan Talibans identifies US/NATO as their enemies,unlike TTP,Afghan taliban are capable to understand political game and thus avoiding Pakistan,as they have understand the importance of good relationship with Pakistan after US departure.
Now,US cleverly has understanding of this,that is why they want to drag Pakistan in their Afghan war and ensure to engage Pakistan against them by burning all bridges which will help Pakistan to establish relationship with these talibans.
On contrary to it,TTP is established with mission of vengenece and annhilation against Pakistan,our constitution,our sharia... everything.
TTP also lacks political farsightedness and their full focus is to use full force to destroy us.
Do not ignore foreign elements which are other regional hegemoney players as well,they are taking full benefit and thus funding and helping these outfits to grow.
So mainly,the TTP umbrella organization has such objective,however it's allies may or may not accept their decision,they are just using it's name to 'camoflauge' their presence and to get possible 'back up'
So,peace settlement fully is impossible,because my friend,US and other forces are not persisting Pakistan to do so alone,they are also 'pushing and provoking' TTP to so,plus on their back there are foreign elements too..who will never let TTP to make any deal with us.
If you think that peace settlements will take place,then I will tell you what will happen after that:
-TTP will get more time to replenish themselves.
-They will use media campaign against us like fazullah did,you must remember the swat valley case,and how peace settlement resulted and failed,operation against Fazullah etc and later on,how hi release via peace settlement has given TTP a new leader.
-Foreign players besides US will fund and push TTP and continue their funding,due to which TTP will get stronger and stronger.
-A single loop and TTP with new reason to wage their series of blast.
So,on contrary to US desire of 'do more' Pakistan in the end herself is not left with any other choice.
And luftwaffe,US want us 'full fledge operation and involvement against Afghanistan too',while Pakistan at this point should persist on targeted operation only,which will not only help to control TTP,it will also weaken them while peace talks will confuse them,kill and settle,kill and settle...divide and rule or Srilankan model,but only against TTP,not Afghan taliban.
First I did not say you favoured drone policy and nor am I against any ops against terrorist groups and I do agree on a detailed formula policy be developed regarding this matter including not negotiating with parties that want incentives and or demands. Pointing specifically at drone strikes I from now on see it a different war separately being waged by US against Pakistan.

All said and done in the end Pakistan shall become somalia, nigeria, yemen, libya, syria and like of it where war would exist with no end for foreseeable future, no economy only politicians and generals would live and lead the best of life. The picture you showed us @Slav Defence is not pleasant step by step we are failing in our objectives if I may say we have no objectives.
First I did not say you favoured drone policy and nor am I against any ops against terrorist groups and I do agree on a detailed formula policy be developed regarding this matter including not negotiating with parties that want incentives and or demands. Pointing specifically at drone strikes I from now on see it a different war separately being waged by US against Pakistan.

All said and done in the end Pakistan shall become somalia, nigeria, yemen, libya, syria and like of it where war would exist with no end for foreseeable future, no economy only politicians and generals would live and lead the best of life. The picture you showed us @Slav Defence is not pleasant step by step we are failing in our objectives if I may say we have no objectives.
Totally agree with you mate.
The picture i showed you is reality,i wish that it could be just a dream.
I understand that you want to see Pakistan prosperous,economically strong as much as I do,and I agree with you of our policy failure,because honestly speaking mate,our civil regime does not even have guts to halt US drone strikes.
Army has typical mindset,to wage operation and finds srilankan model best,while political mindset who holds command is not learning from past mistakes.
As interview taken by @jaibi with army officer explains that how political mindsets are confused and their non serious,corrupted attitude is transforming Pakistan's success into failure,thus explains scenario completely.
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Totally agree with you mate.
The picture i showed you is reality,i wish that it could be just a dream.
I understand that you want to see Pakistan prosperous,economically strong as much as I do,and I agree with you of our policy failure,because honestly speaking mate,our civil regime does not even have guts to halt US drone strikes.
Army has typical mindset,to wage operation and finds srilankan model best,while political mindset who holds command is not learning from past mistakes.
As interview taken by @jaibi with army officer explains that how political mindsets are confused and their non serious,corrupted attitude is transforming Pakistan's success into failure,thus explains scenario completely.
confused political mindset! funny!
cause they never seems upset, making crouption of billions, buying mansions in LONDON, or everywhere else in the world, or even atending royal wine buffets, but they are confusd, when thier is a need to fight terror?
confused political mindset! funny!
cause they never seems upset, making crouption of billions, buying mansions in LONDON, or everywhere else in the world, or even atending royal wine buffets, but they are confusd, when thier is a need to fight terror?

Like mushy invested in US and UK and a multimillion dollars condominium in London, yeah we get it.
Like mushy invested in US and UK and a multimillion dollars condominium in London, yeah we get it.
lets put it in court plz , after all you must be hving proves of his crouptions? ohh no cant find it!
cause its all what you , got LIES!
ohh, till when IMRAN be ready to kiss the dirty feets of MULLHA SAWATI fazlullha, the innocent tribal terrorist?
so we, can hve some peace?
& will mullha the SAWAATI BUTCHER be pleasured by, that gentle & sweet kiss of IMRAN on his dirty feet?
thats al, we can expect from a former playboy, right?
cause in all other fileds, he has -0000000% experince?isnt this truth, you cantbe ready to accept, till now?
BTW way, whats that bani-galla story, took al lot of £s from the nice LADYSMITH?

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