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Imran khan disqualified

Per legal frame work you can keep gifts once u decalre them and pay govt appropriate fees.

However such laws should not exist or should they..?? Should all gifts be purely kept in the state
Thing is, IK should not had done that for the higher moral ground he has set.
Noonis and ppp promulgated SRO, import on low price and sell at higher than take sro back, that suits them.
Important thing is Messenger SAW did not allow gifts to be kept when given on official duty، paraphrasing.
صحیح بخاری 6979

And IK quote the Messenger Life every now and then. He will get another chance but he shall suffer.
PDM objective was lifetime disqualification for IK. They failed.
This ruling of the ECP will be challenged in the higher courts and most likely to be stayed. After court proceedings the ruling will most certainly be quashed.
ECP is not a trial court and therefore it cannot disqualify anyone.
IK will now become even more popular and dangerous for the cabel known as PDM.

So rest of his political will on mercy of stay-order??
PDM objective was lifetime disqualification for IK. They failed.
This ruling of the ECP will be challenged in the higher courts and most likely to be stayed. After court proceedings the ruling will most certainly be quashed.
ECP is not a trial court and therefore it cannot disqualify anyone.
IK will now become even more popular and dangerous for the cabel known as PDM.

Imran Khan also made a good decision to stop the protests as this would have a negative impact.

The protests should not be based on IK’s disqualification but on true democracy for Pakistan. I believe that’s as important narrative to fight for than on IK’s disqualification.
1- PTI resigned from National Assembly to expedite the process of New Election

2- Corrupt mafia , refused to accept the resignation

This is not a mistake from Imran Khan but it is a failure of State

As for the Tosha Khana is not a valid case

Pakistani People are fed up with debating in Courts for our Rights to Vote and elect our own Leader

If PTI is really interested for resignations they can go en-mass in front of speaker and confirm their resignations. Speaker will have no other choice and will accept their resignations, why can't PTI MNAs hold this little exercise??
Imran Khan asks people to go back?

Yeah dude, remember what happened 1-2 day's before the march
1000 to 2000 worker's, organizer's and leader's of PTI were taken into custody by the PMLn government of Punjab in the middle of the night and than blocking every road in almost every city leading to Isb

Go through the thread again with what was happening

Lawyer's movement is a successful model PTI can follow if they want

If IK cannot control the demonstration into peaceful one, than it will be boomerang. Strong leadership during the demonstration is important, dont just bring the mass without even the power to control it. The demonstration without strong control will be used by Police agent who will be among the demonstration and they will try to make the demonstration as violence as it would to discredit IK

1 Word


We are at state of war

People vs Election Commissioner / Pupet Shobaz
PDM’s miscalculations are compounding by the day - the situation is increasingly dire for the criminals.

I’m reminded of the saying of Imam Ali (as):
“ This world is a strange place where those that lack modesty are considered beautiful, cheaters are considered clever, and the loyal are considered to be fools.”

PDM’s miscalculations are compounding by the day - the situation is increasingly dire for the criminals.

I’m reminded of the saying of Imam Ali (as):
“ This world is a strange place where those that lack modesty are considered beautiful, cheaters are considered clever, and the loyal are considered to be fools.”

Imran Khan is a cheater.

Imran Khan also made a good decision to stop the protests as this would have a negative impact.

The protests should not be based on IK’s disqualification but on true democracy for Pakistan. I believe that’s as important narrative to fight for than on IK’s disqualification.

Bajwa was baiting IK so he could sit on your chests for another 10 years. IK isn’t that stupid and told people to go home.
Every thing is being done to get a deal under table to save their own asses. Khan will win the next election the writing has been on the wall for a while now but they see it clearly now.
He didn't declar the proceeds, isn't it unlawful??

Uhhh he did.

And secondly, ECP cannot disqualify anyone according to Article 61.

Secondly, you cannot proceed with a criminal case after 120 days.

Finally, let's suppose for a second that IK did indeed not declare the proceeds, then even then it isn't a crime under ECP because he did not contest any elections under that declaration.

It's your own lawyer Salman Akram Raja saying this.
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