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Imran khan disqualified

I am amazed that the Election Commission would cause such nation-rending turmoil over a paltry dispute over symbolic gifts to a national leader. From this distance (over in Virginia, USA) it appears that Pakistan is headed for another period of military rule. The PA has the cohesion and power that no one else does. Pray that there is a senior military leader who is a Pakistani patriot, not merely a mob boss out to preserve the PA's perquisites. Pakistan desperately needs a wise, unselfish COAS, if such a person exists and can be chosen by the neutrals.
I am amazed that the Election Commission would cause such nation-rending turmoil over a paltry dispute over symbolic gifts to a national leader. From this distance (over in Virginia, USA) it appears that Pakistan is headed for another period of military rule. The PA has the cohesion and power that no one else does. Pray that there is a senior military leader who is a Pakistani patriot, not merely a mob boss out to preserve the PA's perquisites. Pakistan desperately needs a wise, unselfish COAS, if such a person exists and can be chosen by the neutrals.
Show us by doing that in USA and then we may follow if we like it.
The problem IK has is that majority of his followers are just fans or electrol voters, his party followers are not ideological followers, otherwise millions would be on the road to Islamabad without IK call. He tried the first march and less than 50,000 attended out of 220M. What he is trying to do is build pressure on the establishment to allow him back in to power, he wants to reach compromise but establishment wants to control budget, foreign policy and politics, if IK agrees then he'll be the next Nawaz/Zardari and if he doesn't they won't allow him back. At the moment IK won't back down and so he lost the seat.
Less then 10,000
With 95% coming from KPK.

Some PTI people are saying they purposely want chaos, violance so they can impose martial law/ caretaker government for a year or 2 (supported by PDM in general and PMLn specifically cause thier politics is dead and they're fearing a clean sweep in general elections so they'll support the set-up to save their politics)

they're actively looking for violence to use it as an excuse

Did IK called off the protests cause of it?
Imran Khan asks people to go back?

The problem IK has is that majority of his followers are just fans or electrol voters, his party followers are not ideological followers, otherwise millions would be on the road to Islamabad without IK call. He tried the first march and less than 50,000 attended out of 220M. What he is trying to do is build pressure on the establishment to allow him back in to power, he wants to reach compromise but establishment wants to control budget, foreign policy and politics, if IK agrees then he'll be the next Nawaz/Zardari and if he doesn't they won't allow him back. At the moment IK won't back down and so he lost the seat.
Yeah dude, remember what happened 1-2 day's before the march
1000 to 2000 worker's, organizer's and leader's of PTI were taken into custody by the PMLn government of Punjab in the middle of the night and than blocking every road in almost every city leading to Isb

Go through the thread again with what was happening

Lawyer's movement is a successful model PTI can follow if they want
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@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE on a serious note ..our establishment will never tolerate powerful leaders or in the past... doubtful, they will accommodate Nawaz or Imran ... it seems they are masters of chaos so they remain in power from behind the scene.
Pakistan army is trying hard to destroy this country.
These reatard generals will go to any lengths like 1971 to preserve their ego.
When challenged this cowards don't take time in shiting their pants

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Maybe IK should join Nawaz Sharif andAltaf Hussain in London and remotely run PTI and form a remote string pulling coalition?
I am amazed that the Election Commission would cause such nation-rending turmoil over a paltry dispute over symbolic gifts to a national leader. From this distance (over in Virginia, USA) it appears that Pakistan is headed for another period of military rule. The PA has the cohesion and power that no one else does. Pray that there is a senior military leader who is a Pakistani patriot, not merely a mob boss out to preserve the PA's perquisites. Pakistan desperately needs a wise, unselfish COAS, if such a person exists and can be chosen by the neutrals.
These two professional retired bureaucrats... About General Kiyani .. how Obama and Mullen played well with Kiyani and fooled the Pakistani nation. But yes establishment for sale.

Start from .24

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From a strategic perspective, PMLN would try to taint Imran Khan with Toshakhana case, and then use this narrative to exonerate Sharif (which he is supposed to serve jail term for).

But the audio leaks completely expose the partnership between ECP and PMLN.

Imran Khan did everything legally to purchase Toshakhana gifts at 50% and used them on building roads and filed in tax returns.

But in hindsight, he should not have. Why get yourself into trouble over such trivial things when your predecessors were involved knee deep into this fiasco. The optics do not look good.

Imran Khan called off the protests. Maybe he thinks PMLn wants to deal PTI supporters with violence, and hope for the violence to spiral out of control, such that a martial law is declared?

Allowing protests here would give the optics that IK is allowing protests for his own personal gains. Not for the movement to overthrow the imported regime.
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Don't lie man. One signatures are missing. First 2 members were against it.
One buckled under pressure and threats to the family an took part in the decision under duress, which is illegal by itself.
The 2nd one still has not signed, it is said that he is off sick. We all know the excuses. He has already said that certain people came to see him, and put pressure on him and his family.
This decision is going to backfire big time, mark my words.

چلو شکر ہے آنکھ تو بچ گئی .....
From a strategic perspective, PMLN would try to taint Imran Khan with Toshakhana case, and then use this narrative to exonerate Sharif (which he is supposed to serve jail term for).

But the audio leaks completely expose the partnership between ECP and PMLN.

Imran Khan did everything legally to purchase Toshakhana gifts at 50% and used them on building roads and filed in tax returns.

But in hindsight, he should not have. Why get yourself into trouble over such trivial things when your predecessors were involved knee deep into this fiasco. The optics do not look good.

Imran Khan called off the protests. Maybe he thinks PMLn wants to deal PTI supporters with violence, and hope for the violence to spiral out of control, such that a martial law is declared?

Allowing protests here would give the optics that IK is allowing protests for his own personal gains. Not for the movement to overthrow the imported regime.

Imran Khan made the 50% when he caught red-handed he bought only 4 items at this rate all other were bought at 20%.
PDM objective was lifetime disqualification for IK. They failed.
This ruling of the ECP will be challenged in the higher courts and most likely to be stayed. After court proceedings the ruling will most certainly be quashed.
ECP is not a trial court and therefore it cannot disqualify anyone.
IK will now become even more popular and dangerous for the cabel known as PDM.
How can you be this retarded to make a decision like this?

Like at least pretend to find some loophole in the law or a weak ground, like Nawaz Sharif.

Don't outright do something which isn't even written in the law.

He didn't declar the proceeds, isn't it unlawful??
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