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Imran Khan challenges Obama to give names of the people killed in Drone

Yet another "lazy" statement from an "armchair" politician.

He is the biggest known politician who seldom speaks against Islamists and suiciders.

Heck Imran should be the one compiling lists of all those who have died in North Wazirastan to show that `100% were civilians and Americans have not killed any terrorist hiding in NW.

Here is the news about killing of 8 suspected terrorists via drone.

Drone strike kills 8 people in N Waziristan – The Express Tribune

No body has stopped Imran to send in a fact finding mission and prove that none of the terorists were hit.

But Imran would not do that. Instead he will continue asking $tupid questions from Obama.

Oh well. This is what he has to do to score political points.

What a sad state of Pakistani affairs.


your own words suggest the word suspected, lets assume if they were not?

and Imran Khan has never claimed that those who are killed in drone attacks are all civilians...but its The Strategy that needs to be reconsidered !
your own words suggest the word suspected, lets assume if they were not?

and Imran Khan has never claimed that those who are killed in drone attacks are all civilians...but its The Strategy that needs to be reconsidered !

Then bhai sahib, ask Imran to suggest an alternative that can cleanse our Pak Sir Zameen.

Pakistanis like Imran have refused to cut the Talibotic Islamist cancer out of FATA and South Punjab. When Americans or NATO try to use their knife to treat the cancer, Imran shouts, Mullahs cry. But no one says, America Bahadur, please do not send your drones, this is our area, let's treat the cancer. And if we cannot clean it in X number of years, then you will be free to use drones or napalms or whatever treatment is necessary.

So far, Imran and Islamists do not help in the cancer treatment, and just shout "do not do it do not do it". That's childish behavior at its best.

. .

Then bhai sahib, ask Imran to suggest an alternative that can cleanse our Pak Sir Zameen.

Pakistanis like Imran have refused to cut the Talibotic Islamist cancer out of FATA and South Punjab. When Americans or NATO try to use their knife to treat the cancer, Imran shouts, Mullahs cry. But no one says, America Bahadur, please do not send your drones, this is our area, let's treat the cancer. And if we cannot clean it in X number of years, then you will be free to use drones or napalms or whatever treatment is necessary.

So far, Imran and Islamists do not help in the cancer treatment, and just shout "do not do it do not do it". That's childish behavior at its best.


He has, probably a thousand times, let me rephrase for you again.

since pakistan army takes money from usa to fight, the fatwa that circulates in taliban effected areas is that this army is ally of the americans who have invaded afghanistan, so fighting them and killing them is justified... by the way we say the same they are raw/cia/mossad agents...

now what Imran suggested is to totally disown the american military aid and their interference in our territory, make the tribal people stand with the credible government of pakistan... and those who still want to fight, make the tribal people stand against them...

there are issues ofcourse, like first Wazir tribe were used by Pak army to fight the Mahsuds and then the Army started killing Wazirs, now both are together against pak army...

it will be difficult but ultimately WE have to live here, not America... so we must workout an indigenous strategy, and to develop that the starter is a higher moral ground by quitting from american war and military aid.


Anyone familiar with basic military strategy can see the idiotic statement by Khalifa Imran.

OK Khalifa,

you send F-16 against drones, then NATO shoots the F-16 down, Once we loose 20 F-16s and their precious pilots then what?

Then what Khalifa Ji, then what?

Based on this statement, Khalifa Imran talks like a village barber or a nutcase Mullah.

Pathetic just pathetic. So sorry to see an English educated brain go to waste.
He has, probably a thousand times, let me rephrase for you again.

since pakistan army takes money from usa to fight, the fatwa that circulates in taliban effected areas is that this army is ally of the americans who have invaded afghanistan, so fighting them and killing them is justified... by the way we say the same they are raw/cia/mossad agents...

now what Imran suggested is to totally disown the american military aid and their interference in our territory, make the tribal people stand with the credible government of pakistan... and those who still want to fight, make the tribal people stand against them...

there are issues ofcourse, like first Wazir tribe were used by Pak army to fight the Mahsuds and then the Army started killing Wazirs, now both are together against pak army...

it will be difficult but ultimately WE have to live here, not America... so we must workout an indigenous strategy, and to develop that the starter is a higher moral ground by quitting from american war and military aid.

Childish logic at best. Sorry to say.

Americans are in Afghanistan for many many years to come. Their military may go up or down in numbers but they are here to stay.

By extension they will be over the FATA skies as long as their troops are threatened by Talib scum hiding in Pakistan.

So how on earth Khalifa Imran will get Americans out of Afghanistan?

Or how could we blockade Afghanistan to force NATO out? Khalifa Imran doesn't have an answer to this brother and neither you do.

Talibotic Islamist cancer is in FATA, and Khalifa Imran is making it an American problem without ever considering the big picture. Just pathetic.
Childish logic at best. Sorry to say.

Americans are in Afghanistan for many many years to come. Their military may go up or down in numbers but they are here to stay.

By extension they will be over the FATA skies as long as their troops are threatened by Talib scum hiding in Pakistan.

So how on earth Khalifa Imran will get Americans out of Afghanistan?

Or how could we blockade Afghanistan to force NATO out? Khalifa Imran doesn't have an answer to this brother and neither you do.

Talibotic Islamist cancer is in FATA, and Khalifa Imran is making it an American problem without ever considering the big picture. Just pathetic.

That we will ensure not happen by making the tribes stand on our side...
Anyone familiar with basic military strategy can see the idiotic statement by Khalifa Imran.

OK Khalifa,

you send F-16 against drones, then NATO shoots the F-16 down, Once we loose 20 F-16s and their precious pilots then what?

Then what Khalifa Ji, then what?

Based on this statement, Khalifa Imran talks like a village barber or a nutcase Mullah.

Pathetic just pathetic. So sorry to see an English educated brain go to waste.
Then what ? Go around with a begging bowl substituting America for China and F for J as in F-16s for J-16s to replace the lost F-16s. In the meantime, we will see more queues outside Amreekan consulates utilizing their families hard-earned money to fund Amreeka for further wars against their very nation. The irony that is lost in all of this is the very wars that Amreeka wishes to fight against (AQ and Talibs) are the same people that are destroying PureLand from within and PureLandists have turned a blind eye against.
That we will ensure not happen by making the tribes stand on our side...

Bhai. you are talking about a time 50+ years ago. When tribes could defend themselves.

Now Talbian have totally demolished the tribal defenses. Simply because Taliban are 100 times more ruthless than the tribes.

Once Taliban come into the picture, Tribes are totally powerless. And thus we have to send in the proper army supported by strong air force and gunship helicopters.

Relying on tribes to defend FATA is a time long gone.

As I said, Khalifa Imran is living in a time that happens to be decades ago.

your knowledge of the ground realities in FATA are quite limited, 'historian'

(not your fault of course -- i doubt you or most others here have even ventured in that neck of the woods)

i agree with some of what you say, but rather than continuing your policy of personal attacks on those that dont agree with you (which is a talebanic type approach)

much of the TTP bases are in Afghanistan; FATA is of course part of this broader 'theatre'
Bhai. you are talking about a time 50+ years ago. When tribes could defend themselves.

Now Talbian have totally demolished the tribal defenses. Simply because Taliban are 100 times more ruthless than the tribes.

Once Taliban come into the picture, Tribes are totally powerless. And thus we have to send in the proper army supported by strong air force and gunship helicopters.

Relying on tribes to defend FATA is a time long gone.

As I said, Khalifa Imran is living in a time that happens to be decades ago.


Pakistani taliban movement is a reaction to pakistan being front line ally of the united states of america in war on terror, that is no mystery to anyone, it originated from tribes, and it can only be curtailed if the tribes are on our side...

Changing militant strategies | DAWN.COM

see they dont recruit their militants from Mars...
Pakistani taliban movement is a reaction to pakistan being front line ally of the united states of america in war on terror, that is no mystery to anyone, it originated from tribes, and it can only be curtailed if the tribes are on our side...

Changing militant strategies | DAWN.COM

see they dont recruit their militants from Mars...

Everything is a reaction of something. Anyone can take an issue and blame Baba Adama or Amma Hawwar for that. Or in case of Islamist in Pakistan, any issue can be blamed on America. Once you blame it on America, burn their flag, then all problems solved. NOT!

Oh Bhai sahib, TTP is reaction to a weak in the knee Pakistani quom who got bamboozled in the name of Islam. TTP is desi version of Khmer Rouge. Just do wiki and find out what Khmer were doing is what Mullah Omer and his Talibs have been doing.

When states refuse to control their areas, mafia and terror groups evolve in one name or the other. Just check out Somalia, Yemen, and other tribal societies of Africa. You will find a common thread.

When majority of the people in a country do not believe in their own territory, then qabza groups like TTP show up regardless of religion or race or ethnicity.

America never stopped us from ruling our territory. In fact drones will stop the day we start to rule and enforce laws in our areas.

And Imran being supporter of tribal behavior will never understand the meaning of a nation. Never. Nation is way above the tribe. But poor Imran won't know about it.

i agree with some of what you say, but rather than continuing your policy of personal attacks on those that dont agree with you (which is a talebanic type approach)

much of the TTP bases are in Afghanistan; FATA is of course part of this broader 'theatre'

No personal attacks dear. Simple respectful discussion. I can attack Imran's policies. He is not God. But I won't disrespect you if you are a supporter of his. Promise!

Well TTP base can go to Afghanistan or Mars or better go to hell. My question to you is. Have we cleaned up OUR area to make sure they are daffa door from our country? Have we?

Nobody made FATA the THEETHER, but us,

We shoved the draconian FCR on them for 60 years. Never treated them as equals, never allowed proper police and court system there. Never established the writ of the government, As a result it remained the hotbed of drug smuggling, illegal arms, kidnappings and ransom for 60 damned years. They were all along crying out of good healthcare facilities, education, jobs. But we told them by our actions and the damned FCR, that no you do not deserve any of this. We will build big hospitals and universities in Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar. But we will not given you any of these.

Then guess what, when we didn't establish our writ the Pakistani writ, then lowly Uzbeks, and coward jihadis from Middle east got in, forced themselves on simpleton guests, married their women, threatened them with overwhelming force, and snatched that territory from Pakistani quom.

And guess what our FATA brothers became THEETHER as you say, while we blabbered Islam Islam.

Oh Bhai sahib, there is still time. Change your tunes. Get rid of FCR, treat FATA brothers as equals, give them health care facilties, new schools, colleges, roads, clean water. And kick the sorry @rses of Talibleeses, Uzbeks, and Arabs out from there.

No FATA lushker can face Talibleesi force. It is time we step in like we did in Swat and provide better governance that they have deserved but lacked for 60 odd years.

Sorry mate. I get emotional when I think about the atrocities being committed by Taliblees quom on our FATA brothers. I get emotional. But no disrespect against you. never.

Then bhai sahib, ask Imran to suggest an alternative that can cleanse our Pak Sir Zameen.

Pakistanis like Imran have refused to cut the Talibotic Islamist cancer out of FATA and South Punjab. When Americans or NATO try to use their knife to treat the cancer, Imran shouts, Mullahs cry. But no one says, America Bahadur, please do not send your drones, this is our area, let's treat the cancer. And if we cannot clean it in X number of years, then you will be free to use drones or napalms or whatever treatment is necessary.

So far, Imran and Islamists do not help in the cancer treatment, and just shout "do not do it do not do it". That's childish behavior at its best.



Imran has already said it like several times that he will not allow ANY terrorist attack to originate from Pakistan's soil when in power and in return will not allow any drone attack too. So I fail to see why are you blaming him for not condemning Taliban and their attacks into Afghanistan.

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