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Imran Khan campaigns for Zac Goldsmith against Pakistan Origin Sadiq Khan?

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Imran Khan campaigns for Pro-Israeli Jew against Pakistani Sadiq Khan
Chairman Pakistan Tehreek i Insaaf Imran Khan campaigns for Zac Goldmsith against Pakistani Sadiq khan,

He also raises funds for Zac Goldsmith; Board of Deputies Of British Jews thanks Imran Khan for support; Ben and Zac Goldsmith support Isreal against Palestinian Muslims.

By Indepth Pakistan UK correspondent

LONDON: PTI Leader Imran Khan spend Saturday in London campaigning for Zac Goldsmith against British Pakistani labour candidate Sadiq Khan.

Imran Khan leafleted with Zac and Ben Goldmsith in Richmond area and then in Ealing and Hammersmith. Imran Khan’s sons sulaiman and qasim were also with him. Imran Khan visited many homes with Zac Goldmith and distributed leaflets for Jemima’s brother.

Imran Khan told London voters to make sure that they don’t vote for sadiq khan and do everything to elect Zac goldsmith, his former brother in law.

Zac Goldmsith has the backing of Tory government and the British Jewish community who are very influential and powerful. Board Of Deputies Of British Jews is organisaing support for Zac Goldsmith.

Imran Khan was joined on the campaign trail by leaders of the British Jewish Securities Trust and Board Of Deputies Of British Jews who appreciated Imran khan for his efforts against sadiq khan and congratulated him for help Zac goldsmith.

Imran Khan attended a lunch late on Friday night at the Richmond Club to raise funds for Zac Goldmith and personally donated £5,000 for his campaign and asked his friends to donate as well. He said that he will get at least a dozen Pakistani donors to support Zac goldsmith.

Imran Khan will campaign for zac goldsmith on Sunday and Monday also before departing for Pakistan. He will come for campaigning again in the middle of May and will spend full week with Zac Goldmsith.
Both Zac and his brother Ben Goldmsith are know Zionists who have supported Israel during its murderous campaign against innocent Palestinians.

Imran Khan is staying with Ben Goldsmith in Rihcmond. Recently Imran Khan told Pakistani broadcaster Hamid Mir that he is supporting Zac Goldsmith because he is his brother and he entered politics on his advice. He said he will support Zac no matter what.
- See more at: http://indepthpakistan.com/2016/04/...st-pakistani-sadiq-khan/#sthash.WPBKUMVe.dpuf
Imran Khan accuses Channel 4 News of “significantly misleading” questions about Zac Goldsmith’s mayoral campaign


Pakistani politician Imran Khan has accused Channel 4 News of asking “a significantly misleading question” about former brother-in-law Zac Goldsmith’s mayoral literature and insists he’s still backing the Tory hopeful’s bid to succeed Boris Johnson.

Over recent weeks Labour have complained about the tone and content of Goldsmith’s campaign literature which has been crafted to address what the Tories claim are legitimate concerns within London’s BME communities.

During an appearance on Channel 4 news on Friday, Mr Khan was told that Goldsmith’s campaign had issued “a leaflet calling the opponent, Sadiq Khan, radical and divisive as a Muslim” and that the claim had been “seen as a huge offence by the Musilm community here in London.”

In response the former cricketer said: “I don’t know about it. I don’t think the issue of fundamentalism should be brought into this race”.

He later added: “The fundamentalist claim against the opponent, I don’t know what led to it, but maybe that wasn’t a good move”.

Mr Khan’s comments were seized upon by Labour who issued a statement in the name of Hampstead and Kilburn MP Tulip Siddiq, which said: “Zac Goldsmith’s nasty and divisive campaign has been criticised by senior Tories and community leaders from across London.

“Now even his own former brother-in-law, Imran Khan, has criticised his campaign.

“Goldsmith should get a grip on Crosby and his campaign managers and put a stop to this disgusting campaign immediately.

“I have no doubt that he will look back on this after the election and feel utterly ashamed.”

However footage of the interview has now been pulled from Channel 4’s website and YouTube page and Imran Khan says he was commenting based on the description of the literature in question which he had not seen at the time and now believes to be “misleading”.

In a statement he said: “When I was interviewed by Channel 4 News on Friday I was asked a significantly misleading question about the London Mayoral election.

“Specifically I was asked to respond to campaign literature which, I was incorrectly told, referred to Sadiq Khan’s faith and suggested he was ‘radical and divisive as a Muslim’. I have now seen the literature in question and it is clear that it says no such thing.

“Khan’s faith was not an issue in these leaflets or in any aspect of Zac’s campaign to become Mayor of London, which he is conducting with integrity, honesty, and by appealing to Londoners regardless of their colour or creed.”

Londoners will elect a new Mayor and the 25 members of the London Assembly on May 5th. Candidates for Mayor include Conservative Zac Goldsmith, Labour’s Sadiq Khan, Liberal Democrat Caroline Pidgeon, the Green party’s Sian Berry and UKIP’s Peter Whittle.


Zac Goldsmith attack on Sadiq Khan over links with 'extremist' imam backfires


Zac Goldsmith posed for a photo with a “repellent” imam he has previously criticised London mayor rival Sadiq Khan for sharing a platform with.

The Conservative London mayoral candidate yesterday described Suliman Gani as “one of the most repellent figures in this country”.

Mr Gani, a cleric from Mr Khan’s Tooting constituency, has condemned homosexuality and reportedly said women are “subservient”.

However, in the wake of Mr Goldsmith's comments, which were published in an interview in the Evening Standard, Mr Gani posted online a photo of himself standing alongside Mr Goldsmith.

“Oh no, I just read that Zac apparently calls me 'one of the most repellent figures in this country',” Mr Gani said, adding: “Dirty politics.”

In the same interview Mr Goldsmith attacked Mr Khan for giving “platform, oxygen and cover to people who are extremists”. Mr Khan is well known for actively campaigning against extremism.

The Labour candidate said earlier this week he was “disappointed” by the tone of Mr Goldsmith’s campaign.

The Tory candidate has been forced to deny his tactics have been “racist” in using attack lines that seem to highlight Mr Khan’s Muslim faith.

“I’m sorry he is allowing those running his campaign to lock away the real Zac Goldsmith and put forward this person that I don’t recognise,” Mr Khan said.


Labour candidate Sadiq Khan in Westminster (Getty)
Former Labour leader Ed Miliband also made a rare intervention on Wednesday, condemning Mr Goldsmith.

thought Zac Goldsmith was better than this gutter [Lynton] Crosby politics – and you can tell he doesn't really believe it,” he said.


Zac Goldsmith accuses Sadiq Khan of 'giving platform, oxygen and cover to extremists'
A spokesperson for Zac Goldsmith’s campaign said: “There are a million miles between Khan’s repeated errors in judgement and Zac getting approached for a photo by a stranger.”

The London mayoral election takes place on 5 May alongside the London Assembly elections, and on the same day as the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly, and some local council elections.

Polls give Mr Khan solid lead lead over Mr Goldsmith, with the Labour candidate doing best in inner London and among young people and the Conservative candidate doing best in outer London.


London mayoral race: Zac Goldsmith accused of playing with fire


On a London council estate last week, Zac Goldsmith – the Conservatives’ mayoral candidate – launched his manifesto with pledges on transport, housing and jobs. When he sits down to talk to reporters, no one asks about any of that.

Instead there’s just one subject he’s quizzed on: the racial politics of London. “Are you a racist?” is one of first questions. “Absurd,” replies the candidate. Things go downhill from there.

To some extent Goldsmith has only himself to blame – courting controversy by repeatedly attacking his Labour opponent Sadiq Khan, a former human rights lawyer, as being soft on crime and “providing cover to extremists”.

Goldsmith’s campaign has also sought to divide London’s faith-based communities. People with apparently Sikhs and Hindu names have been sent leaflets warning that a vote for Khan could lead to “a wealth tax on family jewellery”. Muslims, when they are mentioned, are “backward and sectarian”.

For many, Goldsmith’s campaign – he is advised by Tory election guru Lynton Crosby’s firm - is a dangerous attempt to win votes not by denouncing bigotry but by making subliminal appeals to it.

For critics, the Tory divide-and-rule strategy is playing with fire in as cosmopolitan a city as London – because it seeks to gain votes by creating community tensions where none existed.

London Labour MPs say they first noticed the trend during the last general election, when the Tories won the key bellwether seat of Harrow East by consolidating the Hindu Gujarati vote, a third of the electorate, behind their candidate.

Leaflets circulated in the seat called on Hindus to vote Tory as Labour and the Liberal Democrats had supported laws banning caste discrimination.

Shazad Amin, CEO of MEND, a thinktank which seeks wider Muslim voter engagement, said it was “a disgraceful spectacle to see Goldsmith’s campaign resort to incendiary and divisive rhetoric in this mayoral competition”.

He added: “He should be talking about the inequalities facing Muslims and other groups in London, not throwing around false accusations of extremism.” Amin’s organisation has links with senior Tories – Crosby appeared as their guest at the Tory party conference fringe in 2014.

Yet he describes Goldsmith’s tactics as “unbecoming of anyone wanting to lead a city like London that is so successfully multiethnic and multiracial”. He added: “From what we’ve seen so far, Londoners can be forgiven for wondering if Zac will be a mayor who works to bring London’s diverse communities together or one who will drive them apart.”

Others evince real surprise over Goldsmith’s stance. Over previous years, he had worked hard to win over many in the Muslim community, presenting himself as a maverick free thinker with impeccable green credentials.

Last year he gave a well-received speech at the Ramadan dinner of the Islamic Relief charity, telling the audience how he had read the Qur’an and of his visits to Pakistan to see his sister Jemima, who was married from 1995 to 2004 to Pakistani politician and former cricketer Imran Khan.

“He really charmed us,” said one who heard him speak. “Many in the community looking for an alternative to Labour’s machine politics were ready to give him a chance. Now we won’t.”

There is logic to Goldsmith’s campaign rhetoric. The Tories’ vote share among some ethnic minority voters has been steadily rising as the party’s toxic legacy of racism and apartheid support disappears from collective memory.

Boris Johnson, the current Tory mayor, outperformed his party by 40% to win in London in 2012. Three years later in the general election, polls suggested that more Hindus and Sikhs voted Conservative than Labour.

In targeting Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and those of Tamil ethnicity, the Tories are once again courting a suburban semicircle of boroughs in north London that traditionally are more likely to vote Conservative. These communities stretch from Ealing in the west through Harrow and Camden and over to Barking in the east.

Labour strategists also say that by using Khan’s faith, the Conservatives can tap into prejudices in older, whiter, less educated parts of the London electorate – voters hardly well-disposed to Goldsmith’s inherited riches and Eton education.

Despite this, Khan remains the favourite. In the latest polls, Labour’s candidate has extended his lead among first preference votes to eight points over Goldsmith. However, Crosby’s teams have a habit of defying the polls.

One expert on Muslim voting patterns, who requested anonymity as they worked with political parties, said Crosby appeared to be replicating a “mercenary voter” formula in London that worked for the Tories nationally in 2015.

She said the Conservatives’ continual insinuations that Khan is the London “lab rat” of Jeremy Corbyn’s communism, and that he backs extremism is designed to transmit the idea he would be “dangerous” to elect.

“Mercenary voters set aside their usual allegiances,” she said. “In the general election last year, the Tories created the idea of an immediate self-interest of voting Conservative that would deliver stability rather than chaos.

“I wonder if the calculation here, on the racially divisive politics, is to bring out the mercenary instinct among race communities in London.”

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Well when Pakistanis are Living overseas (educated one) we don't vote based on our ethnicity we vote based on agenda and proposal presented.

Ethnic line voting and identify is a very Pakistani thing that ends the moment we fly out of the airport

So perhaps the overall package presented by Goldsmith was more appropriate hardly any difficult task to understand. (Not that anyone is following any election)

Similar to perhaps in US election every one supports a particular country but folks vote along the lines of damage control
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Well when Pakistanis are Living overseas (educated one) we don't vote based on our ethnicity we vote based on agenda and proposal

I have been following London Mayoral elections very closely for the last 1 last year.

Zac Goldsmith:

- Son of a Billionaire
- Kicked out of School
- Never worked a job
- Never lived in London
- Campaigns to protect top 2% / Elite
- Backed by PM David Cameron

Sadiq Khan:

- Son of a Bus Driver
- Human Rights Lawyer
- Lived all his life in London
- Campaigns to protect labourers, lower middle class, and all races
- Backed by Jeremy Corban, a Socialist
I have been following London Mayoral elections very closely for the last 1 last year.

Zac Goldsmith:

- Son of a Billionaire
- Kicked out of School early in his age
- Never worked a job
- Never lived in London
- Campaigns to protect top 2% / Elite
- Backed by PM David Cameron

Sadiq Khan:

- Son of a Bus Driver
- Human Rights Lawyer
- Lived all his life in London
- Campaigns to protect labourers and lower middle class
- Backed by Jeremy Corban, a Socialist

Every one has their own proposal people should listen and vote on what they like

Preceptions are created during elections

Zac Goldsmith:

- Son of a Billionaire [But decides to leave life of luxury and ease to help the poor people]
- Kicked out of School early in his age [Decides to go into business like many successful Businessman]
- Never worked a job [Owned private business and investment group perhaps]
- Never lived in London [Lived all over England to learn about difficulties faced by Britons]
- Campaigns to protect top 2% / Elite [Believes that helping corporations on taxes can create jobs]
- Backed by PM David Cameron [Backed by experienced politicians]

Sadiq Khan:

- Son of a Bus Driver [How does this makes him better person ?]
- Human Rights Lawyer [Rich brat Lawyer we all know how those lawyers are , with big salaries]
- Lived all his life in London [Never experienced living in smaller cities of England]
- Campaigns to protect labourers and lower middle class [Rich lawyer what does he knows about middle class]
- Backed by Jeremy Corban, a Socialist [Even his own society leaders don't support him]

Only way to vote : Read the 10-15 page proposal by candidate (promise) and then vote
after confirming the credibility of the person

In USA big marketing companies get involved in promotion , who continuously monitor the public perception and adjust the deception (I meant campaign) until last hours of voting
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Oh please, Sadiq is a coconut politician. He only has brown 'chamri'. For people trying to show him as an individual taking a stand on moral issues, know this guy has basically bent over backwards to woo the Zionist lobby (http://www.foa.org.uk/new/sadiq-khan-i-do-not-support-boycotts-of-israel/, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...rty-star-Khan-damns-leader-anti-Semitism.html).

I dont care about PTI vs PML issues. I dont support either party but trying to show Sadiq as some moral crusader up against evil Zionist Goldsmith is just pure intellectual dishonesty.
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Sadiq Khan or Zac both are contesting Brit elections so whether Imran or Zardari or anyone else supporting or campaigning for Zac or Sadiq has nothing to do with Pakistani politics and Pakistani internal affairs .
should pakistani politicians be campaigning in british election? What if brits do the same, will pakistanis accept that?

I think sadiq will win this election. Labour has made significant gains in many london boroughes.
Sadiq is smart politician, well spoken, so 'brown muslim' wont really stick, and many white people will most likely vote him.
zac is an unknown face, people vote for face not party in mayoral election.
Every one has their own proposal people should listen and vote on what they like

Preceptions are created during elections

Zac Goldsmith:

[But decides to leave life of luxury and ease to help the poor people]

[Decides to go into business like many successful Businessman]

[Owned private business and investment group perhaps]

[Lived all over England to learn about difficulties faced by Britons]

[Believes that helping corporations on taxes can create jobs]

[Backed by experienced politicians]

Sadiq Khan:

- [How does this makes him better person ?]

- [Rich brat Lawyer we all know how those lawyers are , with big salaries]

- [Never experienced living in smaller cities of England]

- [Rich lawyer what does he knows about middle class]

- [Even his own society leaders don't support him]

Only way to vote : Read the 10-15 page proposal by candidate (promise) and then vote
after confirming the credibility of the person

Zac Goldsmith:

His policies don't make him 'help the poor'

Yeah goes into business lol with his father's assets

But then as a Conservative, he tries to avoid paying taxes and he is being backed by the Prime Minister who himself is in such position

Doesn't matter where he has lived outside, its about serving London only. Its a job of being a Mayor

Experienced Politicians that don't pay taxes.... Also interestingly, the present Mayor belonging to the same party is supporting him and he is half American...

Sadiq Khan:

It matters that he belongs to son of a Bus Driver. He has been through times in his life. Family lived in 1 room and with that he campaigns for things like affordable housing which is a serious problem in London

A Human Rights Lawyer.... who has worked his way up from bottom... Its a different category.... Sure they make money but not as much as people who work in corporations with conflicts of interests.

True Corban may not be popular but in Mayor polls thus far Sadiq Khan is leading by 10 points. He has been able to do something to work....
That is your perception (And a valuable one)

I don't know the two folks closely but if Imran backed Zack he must have credibility
But to see how folks are supporting Sadiq he might also be good candidate

Tough call good luck to both candidates

Since Imran never backs anyone or gives our endorsements easily it was surprising to see he supported someone offshore

For me personally Imran's endorsement is a big thinking point I would take closer look at Zack then what is stated in press

(PS: My comments were not to endorse any candidate as I don't support any one of them nor the political parties they may or may not represent.)
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should pakistani politicians be campaigning in british election? What if brits do the same, will pakistanis accept that?

Should Pakistani politicians be campaigning in British election?
Pakistani answer: Well if am NOT wrong our law does not stop anyone even from campaigning in Indian election :)

Now only the British can answer if any foreign politician can campaign in her election. So you must ask them
Should Pakistani politicians be campaigning in British election?
Pakistani answer: Well if am NOT wrong our law does not stop anyone even from campaigning in Indian election :)

Now only the British can answer if any foreign politician can campaign in her election. So you must ask them
there is no legal obstacle.. I know either in Uk or pakistan,
I was asking whether its okey to do, and whether pakistanis would like if a british politician campaigns in their domestic election... I am guessing you wont mind at all :)
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