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Imran Khan campaigns for Zac Goldsmith against Pakistan Origin Sadiq Khan?

@hinduguy , IK is a popular personality in the UK. IK has campaigned for Zac before and they are quite old-friends. No wonder Zac would use him to campaign, i don't see anything wrong in it. I don't think the general public in the UK would have a problem with the whole campaigning and all.

Point scoring gone completely wrong:sick:. They are civilized people, they don't go around shooting people they politically oppose. Quite swift to edit your post...

Pakistani people(or PMLN folks) shouldn't complain about IK standing with a gora and supporting him. Best candidate should win regardless of his race and etc, etc.

@waz ,@niaz , thoughts? who are you voting for?

Just because a person is Pakistani or Muslim does not make him better than a Jewish candidate. Policies of the Mayor of London effect residents of London directly. I live in a conservative Borough and they have not raised the “Rates” for the last three years; whereas previously it was a Labour Council and the Rates were increased almost every year.

Borough council is responsible for the education, waste Collection, environment including cemeteries, building regulations, public transport, resurfacing, repairing & cleaning of public roads & footpaths, parks and other recreational facilities in the borough, Housing, buildings regulation, street lightening and services for the older people etc. Rates (in effect the Housing Tax) are one the main sources of income for the borough council.

Whatever the reason, but not paying more for the privilege of living in the borough makes me happy; that is why I would most likely vote for the Conservative candidate. My wife has preference for Sadiq Khan because being from humble background, he is a self-made man and therefore deserves support. It is her vote and I have no problem with her choice.

Diehard Tory voters would vote for Zac Goldsmith come hell or high water just as Labour voters would go for Sadiq Khan. According to the polls Sadiq Khan has a slight lead over Zac Goldsmith as of now. There are a lot of Muslim & Pakistani voters in Greater London, quite a few of them floaters like me. Goldsmith is a Jewish surname and many Muslims voters, even those born in the UK, may hold anti-sematic bias. It is obvious that is the main reason why Zac has asked his brother in law, a Muslim & a Pakistani for help.

As far I am concerned, voting should be on issues first and on personality the second and I would be not induced to change my vote unless I can be persuaded that the Labour candidate Sadiq Khan (name & ethnicity is immaterial) would be more suitable.

It is possible that some Pakistanis may be swayed by Imran Khan’s support and switches their votes to Zac Goldsmith. Whether Imran Khan should help or not, it is his business and his conscience.
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What's wrong with this immature, junkie, c*** Imran Khan? I strongly believe that Imran khan is totally useless for Pakistan, but i did not know the level of his stupidity, on what grounds this clunge supporting Zac? Does he even know politics of Uk? Can someone please clarify this to me. BTW i am going to vote for Sadiq Khan.

Sadiqs the worst guy he is a sly brat who will do anything to win. He is a bigger Israel supporter than Zac (a jew) so dont expect him to turn on Pakistan the India lobby comes knocking.

We need vote on the basis of manifesto not affiliations.
What's wrong with this immature, junkie, c*** Imran Khan? I strongly believe that Imran khan is totally useless for Pakistan, but i did not know the level of his stupidity, on what grounds this clunge supporting Zac? Does he even know politics of Uk? Can someone please clarify this to me. BTW i am going to vote for Sadiq Khan.

We need vote on the basis of manifesto not affiliations.

:lol: if you know UK politics then enlighten us why you are so offended
:) well at personal level if a British politician in his personal capacity wants to support any candidate in Pakistan well that is fine for me.

But I don't see that coming since there is hardly any Pakistani British but there are hundreds of British Pakistanis :)

Are you sure? I think you need to stop lying i remember some of your posts you made a big fuss over PMLN getting support from Turkey and Saudi's during elections.

:lol: if you know UK politics then enlighten us why you are so offended

I don't have time to waste, you better ask your leader.
Who gives a crap....... he's free to support whosoever he wishes....... after all, there's no noon league in the UK!
Are you sure? I think you need to stop lying i remember some of your posts you made a big fuss over PMLN getting support from Turkey and Saudi's during elections.

Bwahahahahahahaha and when was that? I do not remember I had ever commented that NS is getting support from Turkey or Saudia in elections.

I don't have time to waste, you better ask your leader.
You do not have an answer. anyway Brit elections are not my headache
Pakistanis (and Indians) should be more worried about things like their leaders going abroad for treatment (Sonia Gandhi, not Modi). Let Imran do his thing for his ex, obviously to maintain some relations with their children.
Bwahahahahahahaha and when was that? I do not remember I had ever commented that NS is getting support from Turkey or Saudia in elections.

You do not have an answer. anyway Brit elections are not my headache

Are you stable?
If it's not your headache then why you asked at first place? It's London Mayoral elections.

Who gives a crap....... he's free to support whosoever he wishes....... after all, there's no noon league in the UK!

You're right but will he digest if some foreigner and elected MP support other political parties in Pakistan? :D
Who paid for Imran Khan's trip to the UK? Is goldsmith funding his trip or PTI? If the latter then why is no one in PTI questioning why party funds are being spent for imran khan's personal gains (getting ex wife's brother elected)!!!?
Who gives a crap....... he's free to support whosoever he wishes....... after all, there's no noon league in the UK!

actually it matters a lot to his potential voters in Pakistan to see how much influence goldsmith family has on him.....
I have personally no issue in this however if I was with Imran I would grab him by the collars and shout no scream grow political sense and understand the nature of the majority of the nation whose pm you wish to be..

The greatest malign campaign against Imran was that he is a Jewish agent and will be tied to the fingers of his Jewish in laws due to their support. It took him some time to get the elephant off and now he is in England in London campaigning for his Jewish brother in law in London against a Pakistani origin candidate and goldsmith is calling him a terrorist supporter.

You see Pakistani Adam is different from the forum awam or other nations.. This will go against Imran when a person sitting near elections hears this malign campaign now backed with this, immediately calls him an agent.. And you know how much we love to call conspiracy.

I hope this goes unnoticed but if not then this can be a political blunder.
Backing the conservatives who's PM is the legendary Dodgy Dave who profited from the Panama loot haven while simultaneously calling on the Pakistani PM to resign for similar reasons? This isn't just your normal every day hypocrisy, this is the IK legendary level of hypocrisy.

And for the record, I don't support Sadiq Khan either. I'd rather vote Greens.
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