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Imran Khan at Davos - Religion, Politics and Terrorism in Pakistan

No, I am not saying that the state should give money to all of the poor people.


BUT the state COULD make sure; there was no corruption, equal rights, less fortune got equal opportunities to thrive, no nepotism and no military-ism.

State failed to deliver that; yet we say, THINGS WILL GET BETTER!!!
You lost a part of your country in 1971 but look at the irony!!!
Military said politicians were responsible and vice versa.
We lost a part and NO ONE came to the front!

We are loosing another part, Balochistan.
Yet, we are doing nothing.

Balochistan package--God damn, fool some infant on this.

No guys--Pakistan will get a better place--HOW and WHEN?
No one can answer...

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"
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The military and political leadership have bungalows, farm houses etc

Less fortune people are committing suicide everyday but the security of our generals and politicians is very important.

Did you ever, by any chance, crossed Army house Rawalpindi?
Presidency? PM house?
Could you even count the number of police and army men on your hands?

Have you ever went to PAF complex in Islamabad, near Margalla Hills?
The golf course there? Suits for guests?

The is what increases social and economic injustice which further leads to social and economic terrorism and the final stage is, revolution.
We are on the second stage but the last will be deadly.
American Eagle,

McChrystal and Petraeus have both talked of the necessity to deal with the Taliban and incorporate them in government if necessary. Does that mean that they have been pandering to the Taliban and Al Qaeda?
I respect your difference of opinions on Imran Khan, so will limit my response to how some, but by no means all, US leaders currently view dealing with the war on terrorism. These are my individual views which I suspect are shared by many other Amerians, but take that as a form of self agrandizement by me for me:

1. Many nations, including Saudi Arabia, are beating on the US and NATO to the effect that they hope to "convert" to a more peaceful outlook by some form of psychological and religious re-education those Wahabbist terrorists captured, convicted but not all executed inside Saudi Arabia.

2. This "line of thought" is to a greater or lesser extent being pursued now by Pakistan and one would hope (???) whatever semblance of civil governance now exists inside Afghanistan.

3. Ditto Yemen and a few other areas in the Muslim world.

My view of this process is tough. We flat out after WW II had to try and execute Japanese and German hardliners, they were hopeless and had killed millions not in combat but by sheer extermination and outright mass murders.

My view of the war on terrorism is that al Qaida and it's most closely linked allies are beyond re-education, ever, and have to be killed off or imprisoned for life. For the benefit of the taxpayers worldwide I toughly would prefer to see al Qaida snuffed, tried and found guilty of mass murders and executed. This again is my singular tough minded view.

I do admit that among the Taliban are many especially younger more nomadic tribesmen..and some young women, too...who basically are perpetually looking for something to do involving their lack of basic skills other than being a good shot and a "warrior." Perhaps some of these younger Taliban can be re-educated, but that likely will consist as much of getting them quickly into a steady paying basic skills career working vs. having to be guns for hire.

Blowing up girls schools leave not betterment and vocational outlook for young girls in Pakistan. This is such a grave injustice that I have to restrain my words to be somewhat civil.

It has taken several generations to bring to sanitize the former horrible attitudes and views of the Tojoists and the Nazis in Germany, along with the vile Fasacists in Italy...and Fascism is not yet really dead in Italy, I regret to note.

I took passing and strict enforcement of national anti-semitism laws in Germany and many formerly occuped by the Nazis nations in Europe to over many years tamp down the former horror brought about by raw Nazism.

The fact is that even today young Muslims on various sites I have written in since 911 (in past years since 911 this did include GLOBAL HUJRA ONLINE a subsite of KHYBER WATCH) want to start up all over again the hate mongering and kill the Jews mentality that existed pre WW II and during WW II under the Nazi Party.

I have been "slammed" by some unaware lacking in objective history and objective comparative religions on this site recently for reciting the WW II Muslim anti-semitic, anti-Jews in general theology of some pre partition of India Muslims. Let me explain this point of history where I noted that Hilter and his Nazi thug mignons got in league with the WW II radical Muslim movement which fought the Allies during WW II:

http://www.yale.edu/yiisa/jeffreyherfpaper2509.pdf (copy and paste this Internet reference to read the complete full dissertation. These are sequential excerpts, not the entire paper by any means. AMERICAN EAGLE.

…the work that offered the entry point of Nazism’s propaganda to Arabs

and Muslims was its selective reading and quotation of the Koran and the traditions of

Islam. There were German diplomats who preferred to limit Arabic language propaganda

to appeals to secular Arab anti-imperialism directed against Britain and the United States

or to Arab anti-Communism. Others were more comfortable with explicit appeals to the

traditions of Islam. In practice, the distinction between secular and religious

dimensions blurred into insignificance. In the same texts and broadcasts, the Nazis

spoke the secular language of attacks on American, British and “Jewish” imperialism

while also appealing to what they depicted as the ancient traditions of hatred of the Jews

in Islam itself. Nazi Germany presented itself both as an ally of Arab anti-imperialism as

well as a soul mate of the religion of Islam.

A significant historical scholarship has also documented the actions and beliefs of the

Most important public face and voice of Nazi propaganda aimed at Arabs and Muslims,

Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.13 The mutual admiration between

Husseini and Hitler and his virulent Jew hatred are a matter of public record. Details

about his collaboration with Heinrich Himmler and his knowledge about the Holocaust

came to light after the war as well. Husseini was also key figure in finding common

ground between the ideology of National Socialism, on the one hand, and that of Arab

nationalism as well as doctrines of militant Islam. While the Mufti was a key figure in this

historical episode, so too were many other German intelligence officers, diplomats,

military officers, members of the German Foreign Ministry’s division of political radio,

announcers, writers, editors along with mostly anonymous native Arabic speaking radio

announcers and writers.14 The broadcasts were the result of a cooperative effort

including German officials working in the Division of Political Radio in Joachim von

Ribbentrop’s Foreign Ministry with occasional assistance from the Joseph Goebbels’

Propaganda Ministry. They received assistance from Orientalists in the cultural division

in Heinrich Himmler’s Reich Herf Security Main Office, and from German Orientalists

who advised the Foreign Ministry and worked in the SS research offices.15 The pro-Nazi

Arab exiles gave the Nazis a resource they had not had before or possessed in such

abundance, namely native Arabic speakers and readers who could make Nazism’s

message understandable in fluent, colloquial Arabic to Arabs and Muslims.

Should we not curse the time that has allowed this low race to realize their desires from

such countries as Britain, America and Russia? The Jews kindled this war in the interests

of Zionism. The Jews are responsible for the blood that has been shed. Despite

this, Jewish impudence has increased to such an extent that they claim that they alone

are the sacrifice of this war and that they alone are tasting bitterness. The world will

never be at peace until the Jewish race is exterminated., otherwise wars will always exist.

The Jews are the germs which have caused all the trouble in the world.

A year later the Husseini returned Egypt. The reaction offered an example of what the

OSS analysts had in mind. Throughout the war, American and British intelligence

agencies had been concerned about the pro-Axis sympathies of the Muslim Brotherhood

in Egypt. On June 11, 1946, Hassan al-Banna, its leader, sent the following statement to

officials of the Arab League.

“Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimin [the Moslem Brotherhood] and all Arabs request the Arab

League on which Arab hopes are pinned, to declare that the Mufti is welcome to stay in

any Arab country he may choose and that great welcome should be extended to him

wherever he goes, as a sign of appreciation for his great services for the glory of Islam

and the Arabs...The hearts of the Arabs palpitated with joy at hearing that the Mufti has

succeeded in reaching as Arab country. The news sounded like thunder to the ears of

some American, British and Jewish tyrants. The lion is at least free and he will roam the

Arabian jungle to clear it of the wolves...What a hero, what a miracle of a man. We wish

to know what the Arab youth, Cabinet Ministers, rich men, and princess of Palestine,

Syria, Iraq, Tunis, Morocco,, and Tripoli are going to do to be worthy of this hero. Yes,

this hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism, with

the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone, but Amin Al-Husseini will

continue the struggle...God entrusted him with a mission and he must succeed...The

Lord Almighty did not preserve Amin for nothing. There must be a divine purpose behind

the preservation of the life of this man, namely the defeat of Zionism. Amin! March on!

God is with you! We are behind you! We are willing to sacrifice our necks for the cause.

To death! Forward March.86


The history of Nazi Germany’s Arabic language propaganda aimed at North Africa and

the Middle East during World War II and the Holocaust was not a story about one man,

the “Grand Mufti of Jerusalem,” Haj Amin el-Husseini. Rather, it was part of a much

broader story of the diffusion of Nazi ideology from Europe to the Middle East and of the

Nazi regime’s efforts to integrate propaganda with military strategy in its unsuccessful

military operations in the region. With the added material from American and German

archives, we are now able to offer more detail and texture to the history of Nazi

Germany’s efforts to extend beyond a eurocentric framework as well as to understand

how it interacted with Islamic and Arab radicalism. The propaganda barrage drew on

political and ideological fusion between National Socialist ideology, radical Arab

nationalism and equally radically and militant Islam. Just as Nazism rested on a

selective reading and appropriation of some elements of European and German

traditions, so too did the militant Islam expressed by Husseini and his associates in

wartime Berlin. Both represented a radicalization of already existing components of

European and Christian, on the one hand, and Arab and Muslim, traditions, on the other.

While neither were simply expressions of these traditions in general, they also cannot be

understood without also seeing them also as a result of their selective appropriation,

reception and radicalization. In wartime Berlin, the improbable diffusion of Nazi ideology
and its hatreds to non-Aryan “Semites” in the Middle East presupposed a leap beyond

the racial particularism and extreme nationalism for which Nazi Germany was justly

famous and resulting appeals to unlikely of allies. The political and ideological

cooperation between Nazi officials and their Arab and Muslim allies in wartime Berlin

was an example of what historians in recent years have called “trans-nationalism” or

“hybridity” though it perhaps was not what is usually meant by those terms. The radio

broadcasts and printed material that emerged from the hothouse of wartime Berlin

documented a meeting of hearts and minds of two different traditions that found common

ground in hatred of the Jews and liberal modernity despite their starkly different starting

points, ethnic differences and linguistic barriers. The Arab exiles aided in this

radicalization of their own traditions by pointing out where their understanding of

passages from the Koran offered entry points to radical anti-Semitism and hatred of

democracy. The Nazi officials, including Hitler, were pleased to learn that cultural

components of another civilization produced hatreds similar to their own. Just as the

Nazis had learned how to radicalize pre-existing anti-Semitic potentials in European and

German culture, so the officials and ideologues working on propaganda aimed at Arabs

and Muslims learned how to build on the already existing anti-Jewish themes that

comprised one component of the traditions of Islam. An adequate answer to the

important question of the impact of this propaganda barrage in North Africa and the

Middle East remains beyond the evidence presented in this paper. The evidence is

compelling and persuasive that Nazi Germany’s appeal both to Arab nationalism and to

the traditions of radical Islam played a central role in its fortunately failed efforts to

extend its influence to North Africa and the Middle East.

1. War II and the Holocaust (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006).
2. Mallmann and Martin Cuppers Halbmond und Hakenkreuz: Das Dritte Reich, die Araber und Palästina (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006). Also see Robert Lewis Melka, The Axis and the Middle East: 1930-1945 (unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1966); Francis R. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1999); Josef Schröder, “Die Beziehungen der Achsenmächte zur Arabischen Welt,” in Manfred Funke, ed.,
Hitler, Deutschland und die Mächte: Materialien zur Außenpolitik des Dritten Reiches (Dusseldorf: Droste Verlag, 1976), 365-382; Philip Bernd Schröder, Deutschland in der Mittlere Osten im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Göttingen: Mustershmidt, 1975); Wolfgang Schwanitz, Germany and the Middle East, 1871- 1945 (Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers, 2004); and Heinz Tillmann, Deutschlands Araberpolitik im
Zweiten Weltkrieg (Berlin: Deutsche Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1965).
3. University of Chicago, 1972.
5. Also see Bernard Lewis, Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice (New York: W.W. Norton, 1986 and 1999).

6. On the anti-Semitic traditions within the religion of Islam see
Andrew G. Bostom, ed., The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History (Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2008).

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"I respect your difference of opinions on Imran Khan, so will limit my response to how some,"

I appreciate your kindness but a constructive criticism is appreciated here.
It will start the process of thinking on my side.
"The fact that even today young Muslims on various sites I have writteon on overseas since 911 want to start up all over again the hate mongering and kill the Jews mentality"

We seek the blessings of God. Be it Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh etc

Personally, I am not against peace loving Jews.
"Taliban can be re-educated, but that likely will consist as much of getting them quickly into a steady paying basic skills career working vs. having to be guns for hire."

You are right that it will take a lot of time, perhaps generations to integrate those people, but at the end of the day, when we think about the things we did, we will feel proud!

Our souls will be satisfied.

I do admit that among the Taliban are many especially younger more nomadic tribesmen..and some young women, too...whose basically are perpetually looking for something to do involving their lack of basic skills other than being a good shot and a "warrior." Perhaps some of these younger Taliban can be re-educated, but that likely will consist as much of getting them quickly into a steady paying basic skills career working vs. having to be guns for hire.

It has taken several generations to bring to sanity the former horrible attitudes and views of the Tojoists and the Nazis in Germany, along with the vile Fasacists in Italy...and Fascism is not yet really dead in Italy, I regret to note.

I took passing and strict enforcement of national anti-semitims laws in Germany nd many formerly occuped in Europe by Germans nations to over many years tamp down the former horror brought about by raw Nazism.

The fact that even today young Muslims on various sites I have writteon on overseas since 911 want to start up all over again the hate mongering and kill the Jews mentality that existed pre WW II and during WW II under the Nazi Party.

I have been "slamed" by some on this site recently for reciting the Muslim Division anti-semitic, anti-Jews in general theology of some pre partition of India Muslims. Let me explain this point of history where I noted that Hilter and his Nazi thug mignons got in league with the WW II radical Muslim Division which fought the Allies during WW II:

When you say re-educated, you're saying they should be subservient to corrupt treacherous puppets like Karzai and not resist foreign occupation of their homeland?
You cannot in any way compare a Nazi, a Fascist to Taliban. They wanted to extend their rule over other nations and extend their dominance. What did the Taliban want? To rule Afghanistan without interference from the outside. There is no comparison.
Christianity is a complete and total way of life, as is Islam. Difference is in the US we do have a secular government system which thus allows freedom and toleration of all religions. This is not true of many other faiths, whose more radical adherants are extremists, in the case of Islam have become terrorists to kill off those whom they disagree with...creating the awful sight of Sunni Muslims murdering Shiias and vice versa, depending on which sect in which geopolitical setting has the working majority of the Islamic population.
You hit the nail on the head there ; Extremism has had so much infiltration in the political mainstream, that any talk in the Land of the Pure of separating Religion from the State, can result in your head being separated from your torso. So while Liberals adopt a wait and watch approach, the Land of the Pure will continue to produce more Quadris, Kasabs and Shahzads to embrace the extremist version of Islam.
You are a well spoken young man, but you know better.

The Taliban as allies of al Qaida supported and still support a Pan Islamic Caliphate and seek to destablilze all the world which in their view does not meet "their" criteria as radical Muslim Islamics. Our and my continuing term for them is Islamo Fascists. See the detailed article above I just posted about the WW II era Muslim radical leader of Jerusalem as to how he left WW II and was re-accepted into the radical schools of thought in 1946, yes 1946, or the still trying to get on top radical Islamic terrorist movement.
I think you misunderstood something.

Common people support him but the election process does not allow him to come to power.

Feudalism per se...

Out of curosity i am asking this question. If common man want him, they will vote for him and he will be elected, no matter what electoral system is in place, as long as people vote him , he will get the vote.

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