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Imran Khan asks Trump to lift Iran sanctions until COVID-19 pandemic is over

It's not possible for an individual to reach that far without immigration control, and organize weapons and training... clearly there was a backing of state and a professional military, no doubt all fingers are pointed at Pakistan lead by Imran Khan and ministers.
Specially if one consider Imran Khan's hate over flow during his participation at OIC meetings, he was certainly very unhappy with Arabs, especially with GCC except Qatar.
In Pakistan as well he openly justified TTP's attack in Pakistan, which were on civilians and military.
This airstrike has exposed the evil from Pakistan to all world.
IK wife is some peerni (possibly bralvi sect). Since peerni is his spiritual guide, he is very much inclined towards mazrat, Iran and anti wahabi lobby.
they are living their with friends of Imran Khan

You believe that Pakistani FIGHTERs who were in Syria went all the way without support of Iranian mullas and lived in Syria on their own and fight their war with Syrian babies on their own.... i can expect such coverup here at pdf.


IK wife is some peerni (possibly bralvi sect). Since peerni is his spiritual guide, he is very much inclined towards mazrat, Iran and anti wahabi lobby.

what's her connection with zulf bukhari?.
You believe that Pakistani FIGHTERs who were in Syria went all the way without support of Iranian mullas and lived in Syria on their own and fight their war with Syrian babies on their own.... i can expect such coverup here at pdf.


what's her connection with zulf bukhari?.
I am taking about general inclination, plus lot I think there are numerous Shias in IK party. So your decision are as good as your company and advisors. For e.g IK Blunders in Afghanistan and PTM. Because his power base is KPK.
I am taking about general inclination, plus lot I think there are numerous Shias in IK party. So your decision are as good as your company and advisors. For e.g IK Blunders in Afghanistan and PTM. Because his power base is KPK.

Explains IK's visits to Iran on specific date. That's meritorious as well.
It's not possible for an individual to reach that far without immigration control, and organize weapons and training... clearly there was a backing of state and a professional military, no doubt all fingers are pointed at Pakistan lead by Imran Khan and ministers.
Specially if one consider Imran Khan's hate over flow during his participation at OIC meetings, he was certainly very unhappy with Arabs, especially with GCC except Qatar.
In Pakistan as well he openly justified TTP's attack in Pakistan, which were on civilians and military.
This airstrike has exposed the evil from Pakistan to all world.

I somehow thought this would turns towards Imran Khan.
when discussions turn on their heads in 360 turn, they are not worth having.
I dont consider Khameini and co, Muslims.
Anyone who have faith on the oneness of God and accept Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as final messenger of God is muslim, other then this it could be anything but not Islam and you are free to believe whatever you want
Why he is so much concerned for Iran?
every neighbour of Iran especially in Middle east should be worried about it, leave sect and politics aside think purely as rational person what would you prefer this pandemic in Iran to be dealt and control with in Iran or want it to get spread on continuous basis in the region .... ???

Any sensible person would chose the first option, and for this sanctions are required to be lifted ....
Why he is so much concerned for Iran?
Iran was dumping Zaireens on our border like trash, they didnt care for them or the safety of our country then why he is being so sympathetic to them?
Iran dont have money or sanctions problem they could simply stop their dirty games in Middle East and divert all the money to fight corona and even then some will be spared for their citizens.

Help someone in need and win them over being helpful and kind. Pakistan doesn't have conflicting interests with Iran after ChahBahar is becoming Part of one belt one road.
"I want to appeal to President Trump on humanitarian grounds to lift the sanctions against Iran till the COVID19 pandemic is over. The people of Iran are facing untold suffering as sanctions are crippling Iran's efforts to fight COVID19. Humanity must unite to fight this pandemic"

It is great to see PMIK taking the lead on this one.
Mr. Niazi may even offer a grand mausoleum for Trump in Pakistan if Trump smiles upon Iran as far as IMF Minister of Pakistan is concerned.

Iran to reject any US help offer, says Ali Khamenei
March 22, 2020

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei addresses the nation on Sunday. -- Screengrab
By Yaghoub Fazeli

DUBAI -- Rejecting any potential help from the US to combat coronavirus, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said the US should focus on helping itself.

“The Americans have so far said on several occasions that they are willing to help us with medicine. These are very strange remarks,” Khamenei said on Sunday during a live televised speech.

You are suffering from shortages ... if you have anything, use it on yourselves,” he said.

Khamenei said the US cannot be trusted to help fight coronavirus given accusations that it was behind the outbreak.

“You are accused of producing the virus. I do not know how true that is, but which sane country will trust you given the accusations against you?” he said.

The US may send Iran drugs disguised as humanitarian aid that would make coronavirus spread for a longer period in the country, said Khamenei.

“You might bring a drug into the country that will make this virus stay for a long time,” he said.

US officials are “liars” and “charlatans,” said Khamenei.

Iran “has the capacity to deal with challenges and problems at every level,” said Khamenei. “The important thing is that authorities identify these capacities.”

As of Saturday, 1,556 in Iran have died from coronavirus, and there are 20,610 confirmed cases. -- Al Arabiya English

One Iranian begs the world while another says we dont want any help.

Imran Khan should only worry about Pakistan.

but which sane country will trust you given the accusations against you?” he said.

Says the person who places private armies and missiles in Iraq , Lebanon , Syria and Yemen.

You could have those sanctions removed tomorrow if you remove your proxies and missile and took them back to Iran.

But instead of seeing to that your people are fed , you would rather play stupid ego and regional power games on the back of your people.


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