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Imran and Reham fomally agree on Divorce.

IK should either patch up with Jemima or get a conservative lady.
mujhe aur kujh nahi chahiye bas mera kela yoon hona chahiye jaise :victory::victory::victory::victory:

aaj kal tu mujhe ungal hi karwata rehta hai :nana::nana::nana::nana:

iss liye mein bhi use dho dalta hoon nikal ke
Umar ka taqaza hay bhai
Please stop character assassination of Reham khan and maryam Nawaz both....... You don't have any right to blame someone for something common in our society just because these are famous ladies......... There are worst people around us with hidden affairs with more than one boy or girl. You don't know about them because they are not famous............ tell us about your private life before talking crap about someone...............
I think Reham khan is facing constant attack from our so called conservative society just because she accepted proposal of famous politician and married with him.................... She is facing another dilemma of divorce today after so much colourful life...............
Think putting yourself in her shoe................ I was fan and supporter of IK but I think he is such a arrogant person and don't respect ladies at all.........he divorced two nice ladies........ Jamimma and Reham......both are good human beings......................
To hell with his politics and all shit........ he is not indispensable for politics or Pakistan. .......... I think he is disturb guy and cannot handle office of PM......... Although he is much popular today........But remember IK as PM will be the greatest blunder of history of Pakistan. .............
Now i understand the failure of Imran Khan..people like you.

Only rule for Noonies:

1) Run out of argument.
2) Get personal, and take cheap shots
3) Run away when other person hits back.

Nothing new, just as what was expected from you and your kind.
did he marry her for promotion politics. aur husna tu chatoo laba na vota karasan.
It was bound to happen after IK barred her from entering politics. She was determined to pursue a political career, reason why she probably married IK. She is an independent strong woman and here is her husband trying to control her.

She couldn't stand by that. And the result is in front of us. IK can be very egoistic, too. The more she resisted him the more pressure he probably applied.

Time will tell but I think it's going to hurt IK and his party. Divorce is a huge stigma in our society. It sends message that you don't what you're doing in life, or you can't take control of your life and marriage. You're a failure. And in politics it comes back to bite you. As for Reham I don't think she's gonna stay in Pakistan, not does she have any role to play in the Pakistani politics or media or any other kind of public platform.
@FunkyGen and @fakhre mirpur

I have supported PTI and I acknowledge that Imran Khan committed a blunder by marrying this Westernized gold-digger. I feared that if this marriage fails, it will leave a bad mark on his reputation and these type of reactions will occur. I even heard rumors that this woman was planted to stop Khan's dharna against corruption. I am not in the position to verify such rumors but this divorce is not a good sign and will fuel such rumors or conspiracies.

If Imran Khan wishes to become a role model for Pakistan, he needs to make sound decisions in all walks of life.
Please for the love of God, don't turn this into a conspiracy theory.

We will never progress as a nation if we keep blaming others for our faults.
It was pretty obvious that all she wanted was to use Imran Khan as a springboard to enter politics. What a waste. At least IK saw it now, and ended it before things got worse.

I won't be surprised though, if Reham came out in a couple of days with some 'revelations' to defame IK as revenge for him not letting her get into politics.
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