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Impressive China-Shenzhen Skyline from Diwang Tower

It looks like a city in the American or Japan...

It's quite far apart in reality.
The urban districts of Hanoi not allowed to build buildings too high and too close together.

A pic of Hanoi:
Looks like China in 1990's.
It looks like a city in the American or Japan...

京基100(KK100),it has 100 floors ,the tallest of Shenzhen now.there will be some other buildings taller than it in about 3 years ,such as 平安大厦
Looks like China in 1990's.

No wonder, Vietnam is in economic terms 20 years behind China. Thanks to some stupid and needless actions by some countries I don´t want to mention here.
Vietnam "opened door" later than China about over 10 years, while VN has less than the advantages to economic development and also weaker economic management. So I think today Vietnam's development is behind China 20-30 years, not surprised

Other very important reasons: Vietnam was embargoed by USA and its allies until 1995, while relation with China which was cut until 199x... [while from the late of 1960s China was on the bed with Uncle Sam]
Vietnam "opened door" later than China about over 10 years, while VN has less than the advantages to economic development and also weaker economic management. So I think today Vietnam's development is behind China 20-30 years, not surprised

Other very important reasons: Vietnam was embargoed by USA and its allies until 1995, while relation with China which was cut until 199x... [while from the late of 1960s China was on the bed with Uncle Sam]

Vietnam chose a wrong way.if stick in our bed,vietnam would be far better today.better international relationships, better economy,better everyting.it is not late though.we can help modernize your country if you open your real estate, energy, electricity, telecommunication to our companies.:cheers:
No wonder, Vietnam is in economic terms 20 years behind China. Thanks to some stupid and needless actions by some countries I don´t want to mention here.
Vietnam picked the wrong choice of ally in the form of Soviet Union.
Vietnam "opened door" later than China about over 10 years, while VN has less than the advantages to economic development and also weaker economic management. So I think today Vietnam's development is behind China 20-30 years, not surprised.
Other very important reasons: Vietnam was embargoed by USA and its allies until 1995, while relation with China which was cut until 199x... [while from the late of 1960s China was on the bed with Uncle Sam]
Soviets is a bad choice. History proved that.
Vietnam chose a wrong way.if stick in our bed,vietnam would be far better today.better international relationships, better economy,better everyting.it is not late though.we can help modernize your country if you open your real estate, energy, electricity, telecommunication to our companies.:cheers:

We opened all fields above for all investors.
However, Vietnam's telecommunication companies are now quite strong, foreign companies will not have the opportunity to enter this field.

Soviets is a bad choice. History proved that.

Not because Soviet Union, but centralized economy bureaucracy was a bad choice.
We opened all fields above for all investors.
However, Vietnam's telecommunication companies are now quite strong, foreign companies will not have the opportunity to enter this field.

Not because Soviet Union, but centralized economy bureaucracy was a bad choice.
how much state owned company played in VN economy? can you give me some excat data?
Vietnam "opened door" later than China about over 10 years, while VN has less than the advantages to economic development and also weaker economic management. So I think today Vietnam's development is behind China 20-30 years, not surprised

Other very important reasons: Vietnam was embargoed by USA and its allies until 1995, while relation with China which was cut until 199x... [while from the late of 1960s China was on the bed with Uncle Sam]

A fact is losers always find excuses to lose while winners find excuses to win.

Vietnam unfortunately embarks on a wrong way in the last a few decades after Vietnam War, and is continuing on that way: it is not only about de-sinicization, but also about attempting to makes trouble with China.

You try to establish your own identity, which is OK. But you try to establish your own identity in a wrong way. Thus, you have to pay, in the past, in the present, and if you don’t correct it, in the future.

In some sense, I feel bad for the Vietnamese: a brave and diligent people. They should deserve better than they do now.
Feeling really cramped, boring and sultry! I dont know why people like it.

I agree with you but am also understand people in Hong Kong, just like Singapore with limited spaces near their jobs, don't have that much choices. The only way these two cities can do is to build up instead of building sideways with big houses, big yards and double garages, so that people don't have to travel long distances to work.

With high gasoline cost now a days even the rural Americans find it unaffordable to live in ideal environments 100km from away from their jobs in big cities. Perhaps China's HSR developments have their merits after all.
how much state owned company played in VN economy? can you give me some excat data?

I have searched on Vietnamese online newspapers, In 2011 Vietnam has about 675,000 businesses.
According to Vietnam's President, to 2015 Vietnam has about 1.2-1.3 million business, and by 2020 about 1.8 - 2 million businesses.

The total number of state-owned businesses about over 1,300.

I would like adding about telecommunication field, there were some of foreign groups from S.Korea, Russia,... had invested in Vietnam, but they had to retreat because they could not compete with Vietnamese groups [state-own and private]

A fact is losers always find excuses to lose while winners find excuses to win.

Vietnam unfortunately embarks on a wrong way in the last a few decades after Vietnam War, and is continuing on that way: it is not only about de-sinicization, but also about attempting to makes trouble with China.

You try to establish your own identity, which is OK. But you try to establish your own identity in a wrong way. Thus, you have to pay, in the past, in the present, and if you don’t correct it, in the future.

In some sense, I feel bad for the Vietnamese: a brave and diligent people. They should deserve better than they do now.

Development less than China, that does not mean "loser".
We have also achieved many success, although VN economy only really started after the US lifted economic sanctions in 1995.

Troubles starting from China-Soviet split.
China demanded us cut ties with Soviet Union only because of the trouble between China and Soviet (!??)
We never accept a such proposal, even now.
It was a private problem between the two countries (China-Soviet), it should not cause damage to a third country (Vietnam).

I agree with you but am also understand people in Hong Kong, just like Singapore with limited spaces near their jobs, don't have that much choices. The only way these two cities can do is to build up instead of building sideways with big houses, big yards and double garages, so that people don't have to travel long distances to work.

With high gasoline cost now a days even the rural Americans find it unaffordable to live in ideal environments 100km from away from their jobs in big cities. Perhaps China's HSR developments have their merits after all.

Yes, I understand the reasons for its existence. Everywhere there are many apartment buildings same.

But it would be better if they were built with buildings designed different or painted different colors.
Stop trolling against Vietnamese. Seriously. Most of the Vietnamese here are polite. 素质很高. By trolling it does nothing to help ourselves and everything to hurt ourselves. It reflects badly on ourselves. If we were truly better, we don't have to troll. This isn't 网易 or some other internet toilet for 屌丝.

Development less than China, that does not mean "loser".
We have also achieved many success, although VN economy only really started after the US lifted economic sanctions in 1995.

Troubles starting from China-Soviet split.
China demanded us cut ties with Soviet Union only because of the trouble between China and Soviet (!??)
We never accept a such proposal, even now.
It was a private problem between the two countries (China-Soviet), it should not cause damage to a third country (Vietnam).


Loser and winner is a temporal and relative term. Again, loser is not just in terms of economy. It also means strategically and more. You make China you enemy marking you a loser.

N Korea also had a good relationship with Soviet, right? Did China force fat Kim not to do it? Why the fat Kim can do it, you can't? Are you worse than the fat Kim?

Again, as I said, loser always find excuses to lose.

Now I think because there is a devil called "Dai Viet", you want to purge out Hoa to "purify" your country, that makes you lose: you want to occupy Laos and Cambodia, but a responsible China won't let you do. This was also the consensus between US and China in later 1970s.

I feel sorry for the Vietnamese.
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