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Impressive China-Shenzhen Skyline from Diwang Tower

Stop trolling against Vietnamese. Seriously. Most of the Vietnamese here are polite. 素质很高. By trolling it does nothing to help ourselves and everything to hurt ourselves. It reflects badly on ourselves. If we were truly better, we don't have to troll. This isn't 网易 or some other internet toilet for 屌丝.

Eh thanks! are you really a Chinese?
Stop trolling against Vietnamese. Seriously. Most of the Vietnamese here are polite. 素质很高. By trolling it does nothing to help ourselves and everything to hurt ourselves. It reflects badly on ourselves. If we were truly better, we don't have to troll. This isn't 网易 or some other internet toilet for 屌丝.

Seems I have seen your nick, thanks!

Loser and winner is a temporal and relative term. Again, loser is not just in terms of economy. It also means strategically and more. You make China you enemy marking you a loser.

N Korea also had a good relationship with Soviet, right? Did China force fat Kim not to do it? Why the fat Kim can do it, you can't? Are you worse than the fat Kim?

Again, as I said, loser always find excuses to lose.

Now I think because there is a devil called "Dai Viet", you want to purge out Hoa to "purify" your country, that makes you lose: you want to occupy Laos and Cambodia, but a responsible China won't let you do. This was also the consensus between US and China in later 1970s.

I feel sorry for the Vietnamese.

You are wrong.
All the contradictions and conflicts only arised after had happened split China - Soviet. Your leaders asked Vietnam cut ties with Soviet Union, and when that did not satisfy, they turned to inciting Khmer Rouge against Vietnam.

Biggest damage to the economic development of Vietnam, which is the centrally-planned economy and the embargo of the US and the west.

I do not know the story between NK and China, but we definitely do not cut ties with this country at request of other country. We are an independent country.

Vietnam's economy although not as powerful as China's, but we also gained achievements so-so (not too bad, not too bad)

At that time the name Đại Việt no longer exist [changed to Việt Nam], but that is a heroic name with three times to defeat the ferocious Mongol Empire in the past.
Seems I have seen your nick, thanks!

You are wrong.
All the contradictions and conflicts only arised after had happened split China - Soviet.
..At that time the name Đại Việt no longer exist [changed to Việt Nam], but that is a heroic name with three times to defeat the ferocious Mongol Empire in the past.

to me, you are wrong either. you said something else to elude the most obvious point. that is the jealousy and racism from vietnamese. the more china develops, the vietnamese is more jealous. the result is more contradiction and conflict. that is why vietnamese posts somthing like this in this thread.
Off topic, but I want to add only one thing here:

making Vietnam to enemy is good to nobody. It serves better the regional and global Chinese interests, if seeks some sort of agreements with its brother in the south.
Off topic, but I want to add only one thing here:

making Vietnam to enemy is good to nobody. It serves better the regional and global Chinese interests, if seeks some sort of agreements with its brother in the south.
For sure, VN is there, better to think about collaboration
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