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Impressive China-Shenzhen Skyline from Diwang Tower

Looks like it belongs in a star wars movie just need to be like 20km taller.

It is unique as the building is shaped like a Namaste greeting this is what I meant by designing buildings with a more local theme rather than the same things you see in every major city not to say they are not a visual treat to see also.
Just amazing but wish we see more buildings with a asian style theme instead of those copied like the west

You live in Europe, so you should know that not ONE single major city in Europe looks like this.

European cities are pretty much all low-rise, with old-style buildings.

Chinese cities have a higher population density, which is why you see more skyscrapers here. In fact, my city HK has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world.
You live in Europe, so you should know that not ONE single major city in Europe looks like this.

European cities are pretty much all low-rise, with old-style buildings.

Chinese cities have a higher population density, which is why you see more skyscrapers here. In fact, my city HK has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world.

Yeah thats true that you do have higher buildings and some of the worlds tallest one I like the most is the Shanghai tower design. London used to have a no higher rule to anything that shadows over St paul's cathedral but that has changed now first with the Gherkin and now the Shard which is the Tallest in Europe but that would still be not even be close to anything in height to the ones you have in China.
Yeah thats true that you do have higher buildings and some of the worlds tallest one I like the most is the Shanghai tower design. London used to have a no higher rule to anything that shadows over St paul's cathedral but that has changed now first with the Gherkin and now the Shard which is the Tallest in Europe but that would still be not even be close to anything in height to the ones you have in China.

True about London, but I also meant European cities in general.

I've taken several trips to Europe, places like Germany/Switzerland/France/Italy etc. and I have not found one single city that looks anything like my home city of Hong Kong.

The only cities that remind me of HK are ones like Shanghai and Shenzhen.

This is how Chinese modernization is working. High-rise buildings save a lot of space, so it is more practical and cost-efficient in cities with a higher population density.

To me, cities like HK and Shanghai are always instantly recognizable, and I've never mistaken them for any city in the West.
True about London, but I meant European cities in general.

I've taken several trips to Europe, places like Germany/Switzerland/France/Italy etc. and I have not found one single city that looks anything like my home city of Hong Kong.

The only cities that remind me of HK are ones like Shanghai and Shenzhen.

This is how Chinese modernization is working. High-rise buildings save a lot of space, so it is more practical and cost-efficient in cities with a higher population density.

Hong Kong is a bit like Mumbai in that respect where you have a high population density and not a big land area so the only solution is to build up with skyscrapers. The only cities in Europe I can think of which has a decent skyline is London and Frankfurt but Moscow is also building a financial district with many new high rises.
most our buildings are designed no more than 100m.so in China it is very easy to guess the height of the buildings.those most seen are about 100m.:cheesy:
Splendid China 锦绣中华 is a miniature theme on Chinese structures and culture located in Shenzhen.








Insider the China Folk Culture Village there are many unique villages from the 56 ethnic groups.


I had been here. Was there in shenzhen for 1 year. Really really really great city
It's hard to surpass Honk Kong's skyline:

View from Kowloon, Victoria Peak in the background

View from Victoria Peak, Kowloon in the background

Aerial view

International Commerce Center, the tallest building in HK(4th in the world), 484 meters and 118 floors of hotel and offices, c2010

Typical tenement complex- building up





Hong Kong's Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣 world's priciest retail area: Survey

New York - New York's Fifth Avenue ended its 11-year run as the world's most expensive retail area, dethroned by Hong Kong's Causeway Bay, according to a survey by real estate services company Cushman & Wakefield.

The average retail real estate rent in the Causeway Bay shopping area surged 34.9 per cent from a year earlier to an annual US$2,630 (S$3,200) per square foot, Cushman & Wakefield said in its report released on Tuesday.

full story: http://www.plushasia.com/article/19044
Whatever we might argue with culture etc etc. but having this kind of skyline too is a great deal. Awesomeness from China. Only city which comes near to these tier 2 cities of china is Mumbai. Now u can imagine where do we stand as far as infrastructure is concerned. India indeed has a long long long way to go and with the attitude and mentality Indians have and the political system that we have where we allow development as per consensus rather than structured policies, I dont see even in near future we wud be somewhere near to Chinese cities. Sad but true.
It's hard to surpass Honk Kong's skyline:

I'll always love my home city HK the most, but I mean look at Shanghai:


Hong Kong has peaked in terms of the skyline, while the mainland cities still have a lot of room to develop theirs.

In several more years the mainland cities will beat us easily in terms of skylines. I would argue that Shanghai already has done that.
Götterdämmerung;3597047 said:
To be honest, I have only visited this city once and hated it. Any other Chinese city has more soul and spirit than this one. Maybe in 50 years, something like a local identity will emerge and then soul and spirit will have fertile soil to grow.

I really don't like Shenzhen either. Its not just about soul or spirit but the safety and the culture. The culture is a typical fast food culture. There's no technology, real technology like steel mills, semiconductor foundries, machine shops, oil refineries, the technology you can smell and hear. Nor is there technology that you can't hear - the major internet companies are all based in Beijing. they are consumers of technology, not producers of them. I don't count Foxconn as technology because hell its not. Its *less high tech than 19th century British textile mills*.

There's no reward for innovation there. There's great reward, on the other hand, for tricking people and exploiting others.

It looks like a city in the American or Japan...

I prefer the one above, but in VN, the buildings look too crowded, quite close to each other. Is it dangerous or your tradition ?

It's quite far apart in reality.
The urban districts of Hanoi not allowed to build buildings too high and too close together.

A pic of Hanoi:

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