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Important: Negotiations with several countries, including Egypt, to purchase JF-17 Thunder fighter


I with my own eyes saw Turks on social media saying to other Turks about not taking sides b/w Pakistan and India bcoz India also have huge Muslim population. Lol

As for selling weapons to Egypt, well it's perfectly fine, I don't see any chance of war between you and Egypt. Stop exegeration.

Even if war broke out I don't think a 4th Gen lightweight fighter is something which Turks can't handle, if Pakistan won't sale, Egypt will go to US or Europe and get it's needs, maybe more Rafale.

I with my own eyes saw Turks on social media saying to other Turks about not taking sides b/w Pakistan and India bcoz India also have huge Muslim population. Lol

As for selling weapons to Egypt, well it's perfectly fine, I don't see any chance of war between you and Egypt. Stop exegeration.

Even if war broke out I don't think a 4th Gen lightweight fighter is something which Turks can't handle, if Pakistan won't sale, Egypt will go to US or Europe and get it's needs, maybe more Rafale.

I didnt say it is not fine. I said if ''again if'' a war happens between any muslim country and Turkey you will take sides... if you really think we will be okay with ''Oh no you both muslim so lets give them ammo and spare parts, lets not embargo them so they can kill you'' than you don't know us. I showed you a simple fact, today Pakistan is in very unique position in Turkey but make just one mistake to support any -muslim or not- state against us and you will loose it.

You guys should understand it, We Turks using Greywolf as our symbol for a reason. We are loyal to our friends. But just one betrayel and you will see Greywolf has his claws.
I didnt say it is not fine. I said if ''again if'' a war happens between any muslim country and Turkey you will take sides... if you really think we will be okay with ''Oh no you both muslim so lets give them ammo and spare parts, lets not embargo them so they can kill you'' than you don't know us. I showed you a simple fact, today Pakistan is in very unique position in Turkey but make just one mistake to support any -muslim or not- state against us and you will loose it.

You guys should understand it, We Turks using Greywolf as our symbol for a reason. We are loyal to our friends. But just one betrayel and you will see Greywolf has his claws.

We will do what we like, last thing we care about is Turkey's anger..

We will do what we like, last thing we care about is Turkey's anger..

Oh, I don't think your leaders will cross this line. Of course if they do, dont cry later. ''Oh, Why Turkey supporting India? Why Pakistan is in black list in FATF? WHY?''
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Oh, I don't think your leaders will cross this line. Of course if they do, dont cry later. ''Oh, Why Turkey supporting India? WHY?''

Maybe bcoz our leaders don't live in imaginary world like some deleuded people.

It's only you who is crying here as of now.

You supporting India? as I said it's last thing to consider when India already have US, Russian, UK, French ,German, Israeli military complexes open for them 24/7. :p:
Maybe bcoz our leaders don't live in imaginary world like some deleuded people.

It's only you who is crying here as of now.

You supporting India? as I said it's last thing to consider when India already have US, Russian, UK, French ,German, Israeli military complexes open for them 24/7. :p:

Nope, they just know the realty... Lose the support of Turkey and your state's life will be a little bit harder. Isn't is Mr. Isolated?

Yes India has all this western complexes... But they are still trying to having good relationship with Turkey as you see in Erdoğan-Modi meetings. Do you know why? Not because they want to have just Turkish weapons, because they want to end your access to NATO weapons. You know ''Isolation policy'' already.

Btw, just for a note; We supported Pakistan in every war against India but this support was mostly limited, political. But one day in 1974-1975 India criticized Turkey about Cyprus Peace Operation. They wanted EU's support so they thought ''Turkey is an easy target!'' So, after that our support for Pakistan became more and more. I must say Pakistan took good advantage of this situation. India after 45 years still paying for this stupid language against Turkey.
Nope, they just know the realty... Loose the support of Turkey and your state's life will be a little bit harder. Isn't is Mr. Isolated?

Yes India has all this western complexes... But they are still trying to having good relationship with Turkey as you see in Erdoğan-Modi meetings. Do you know why? Not because they want to have just Turkish weapons, because they want to end your access to NATO weapons. You know ''Isolation policy'' already.

Btw, just for a note; We supported Pakistan in every war against India but this support was mostly limited, political. But one day in 1974-1975 India criticized Turkey about Cyprus Peace Operation. They wanted EU's support so they thought ''Turkey is an easy target!'' So, after that our support for Pakistan became more and more. I must say Pakistan took good advantage of this situation. India after 45 years still paying for this stupid language against Turkey.
lol u have no idea what yr talking abt! Our relations run far far deep in history....the Reason why u didnt support us in a material form that such doing 1965 and 1971 was because we were in American camp fully and had access to full American and European weaponry....still that doesnt mean we didnt buy anything from u, we actually did! it was that back then Turkey hadnt much to offer as def. industry in Turkey was still modernizing and building up!

Sunshine! we had even helped Turkey during Cyprus conflict both through manpower and material.........Heck do u know Pakistan is considering recognizing Norther Cyprus?:azn:

Our Entire Medical Units served behind the frontlines in Northern Cyprus territory treating Turkish soldiers who got injured fighting...

Our Defence Relations with Turkey specially in Airforce dates back to late 50s or early 60s, TuAF is the Airforce which is amongst the first ones with whom we signed the pilot exchange programs and training.....Reason is our Historical relations going back to Mughal Empire which Pakistan inherited and a sizeable Turkic population which is probably largest outside the usual Turkic World....We helped Ottoman Empire in WW1 too greatly in financial, manpower and weapons. Our Forces rebelled against British whom they were then surviving in Iraq's Busra when they came to know that they enemy they r supposed to attack was Ottoman Army, they rebelled gone AWOL and joined Turkish ranks and exposed all British planning, the rest who were not so luck to go AWOL WERE SHOT......but whey accepted that but did not fought against a fellow Muslim Empire who was our last remaining power left in the Muslim World. This is what our psyche is this is how we thing and behave as well as work!

In this very forum there was thread opened a few years ago of Pakistan's support to Turkey in that conflict with photos, yr still a new member here, it will take some time for u to fully understand! The reason why Turkish leadership is meeting Modi is because we encouraging Turkey to do so.....Because we DO TRULY BELIEVE THAT A STRONG AND PROSPEROUS TURKEY IS GOOD FOR PAKISTAN'S INTERESTS! U MUST DO TRADE AND MAYBE SOME DEFENCE SUPPLIES AS U ALREADY DO WITH INDIA it will help u.

This is called International Relations and Strategic Planning......We want u to do Turkey First policy! So u become Strong and we can have more and more deeper Economic and Defence relations with you......THINK ABOUT IT! IF TURKEY WILL HAVE MONEY AND LIRA WILL BE STRONGER THEN U WILL BE ABLE TO MAKE MORE POWERFUL WEAPONS FOR PAKISTAN:azn:


We will like Turkey to follow strong Nationalistic TURKEY FIRST POLICY! because thats what our history has taught us too and we want our country to follow as well

And dont worry about some kids here they r fools who Read RT, that Russian News source too much as it has plenty of Anti Europe and American news that they enjoy reading....they r living in a fool's paradise.

U dont allow yrself to feel insecure because of these dumb teenagers, they r the sort of guys whose Girlfriends even talking to a guy and they feel she has already cheated on them:rofl:

Concentrate on senior members who have spend good amount of time in this forum or are Title holders. Even i dont take or even bother to read much into their posts even though they r my countrymen.
I didnt say it is not fine. I said if ''again if'' a war happens between any muslim country and Turkey you will take sides... if you really think we will be okay with ''Oh no you both muslim so lets give them ammo and spare parts, lets not embargo them so they can kill you'' than you don't know us. I showed you a simple fact, today Pakistan is in very unique position in Turkey but make just one mistake to support any -muslim or not- state against us and you will loose it.

You guys should understand it, We Turks using Greywolf as our symbol for a reason. We are loyal to our friends. But just one betrayel and you will see Greywolf has his claws.
Yes yes, send Dostum to trial and hang him first before you claim Turkish are so brotherhood to Pakistanis. How many pashtun this warlord killed? Why turkey is so keen to protect such a murderer? Is it becos he is Uzbek who is closer to Turkish than Pakistanis pashtun?

Turkey policy is very simple. Turkish first, be it murderer or evil. Others are second.

@Max bro, refrain from engaging this unknown guy into creating Pak-Turk argument..

Call anyone as you wish. I am a Turk, and I am behind my word. Being nice is over when you said ''Egypt is a muslim state so we wont do anything even if they attack you'' I am pretty happy to show you your place. Now you can cry other Turks as you wish And I don't care.

Just a question.

when did Egypt is being considered as the enemy state of Turkey?
@Max bro, refrain from engaging this unknown guy into creating Pak-Turk argument..

Just a question.

when did Egypt is being considered as the enemy state of Turkey?

''Unknown Guy'' It is a forum. Everbody is unknow there...
I told it more than 5 times but it looks like your IQ point wasnt enough to understand it. Okay I will repeat once more, Egypt is an example. It could be Iran or SA, the point is if you try to support any state against us in a war (Muslim or not), there will be problems for you. Understand now? Or should I repeat more?
One of Pakistani said killing Turks with Pakistani jets is fine if you are a muslim state and I told him, more than once, we wont care for relagion and would punish you for this. Do you guys really dont understand this simple fact?
Since you're reaching the 100 Comments mark..., could you care to share who this brilliant 'Pakistani' is who made that comment earlier.

Note to ALL Nations: Don't sell Weapons to another Nations. You never know if Fiji might start an assault on Turkey based on @Turan09 .
Nope, they just know the realty... Lose the support of Turkey and your state's life will be a little bit harder. Isn't is Mr. Isolated?

Yes India has all this western complexes... But they are still trying to having good relationship with Turkey as you see in Erdoğan-Modi meetings. Do you know why? Not because they want to have just Turkish weapons, because they want to end your access to NATO weapons. You know ''Isolation policy'' already.

Btw, just for a note; We supported Pakistan in every war against India but this support was mostly limited, political. But one day in 1974-1975 India criticized Turkey about Cyprus Peace Operation. They wanted EU's support so they thought ''Turkey is an easy target!'' So, after that our support for Pakistan became more and more. I must say Pakistan took good advantage of this situation. India after 45 years still paying for this stupid language against Turkey.

Turks should be the last one lecturing us on isolation, it's your dictator who poke countries every now and then not Pakistan.

You are not the only one with NATO weapons (all of whom are subject to US approval bcoz of components) and I don't think ATAK or ships will ever materialize if Pakistan don't improve relations with US. Go hug modi.

Our support will be limited as well. Political statements. We don't expect others to fight our wars, nor should you.
Turks should be the last one lecturing us on isolation, it's your dictator who poke countries every now and then not Pakistan.

You are not the only one with NATO weapons (all of whom are subject to US approval bcoz of components) and I don't think ATAK or ships will ever materialize if Pakistan don't improve relations with US. Go hug modi.

Our support will be limited as well. Political statements. We don't expect others to fight our wars, nor should you.

I would advise brothers here to chill.

The thoughts of a few individuals on here doesn't reflect the thought of a nation or for that matter leadership.

No need to fuel fitna.
Everyone please come back to topic and don't derail the thread.

Any mod please delete all the crap in last few pages on an unlikely event with lots of if and but.
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