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Imploding Indian Army

India and Pakistan can solve Kashmir through discussions.india want to grab Kashmir forever.they are doing it for strategic purpose but hatred for India inside kashmir is growing under bjp rule.india thinks that Pakistan wants their kashmir.this is not true.pakistan want to solve this issue according to the wish of kashmiri people.india should solve this issue.i don't think that India and Pakistan have any issues except kashmir.they say terrorism is a problem.well if freedom fighters are fighting against them,there must be a reason for all this mess.problem is still kashmir.terrorism will end if they solve Kashmir.they think Kashmir as kind of strategic location rather than valley with full of Muslim population.
although i am not a forensic analyst of any particular document, but over writing is a clear indication' that it is fake.Maybe its forcefully signed .However its a long debate.The authenticity of this particular document is far from being called the real one.
lolz we are invaders, kashmir was a mess already when some of the " tribes" gone thier to help the locals, it was your army who took it by force and under the barrel of the gun. And lastly ,its not the measurement of land thats decide the future of kashmir but its people and the muslim MAJOrity.


Let the (in)famous denial mode begins.

Can i ask you when did Pakistan approached UN to dispute authenticity of above document? Your tribes went to Kashmir, raped, plundered and killed nuns. You again tried your luck in Operation Gibraltar, failed again, this time by locals themselves.

Until 1989, only JK police was sufficient to maintain law and order. IA and other central forces came in 1990. The year coincides with Soviet retreat from AF and Zia turning his Mujahids towards Kashmir. All along Afghan war, same Saudi poison was being injected in Kashmir through Mosques.

India held the sanctity of Art 370 otherwise there wouldn't be Muslim Majority in JK, infact pandits are living as refugees in India.

Let me ask, how many speak Koushar in your administered Kashmir? Or it's flooded by Punjabis just like Balochistan?

violation of treaty ? which is a mere piece of paper garbage ? i will eat pakoras in this piece of paper, people are getting killed and raped, suppression of their freedom of expression is in the process, everyday there is chaos, people denied access to everyday needs due to strikes and curfews and you are talking about the treaty bullshit.

suppression of their freedom of expression
What expression of freedom? Let me know.

Indian armed forces can wreck havoc in war, China ran from Dokhlam, forget about these rag-tag separatists who are living on mercy of India because Indian democracy allows them to live.

Do try to learn from mistakes, the same Kashmiri Mujahids that you used to love are now joining ranks of TTP.

Mast Gul wanted dead or alive

The rising number of terrorist activities being committed by Major Mast Gul, a former Kashmiri freedom fighter, who has now joined hands with the Taliban, is giving sleepless nights to the high ups of the security agencies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, who now want him dead or alive. A former commander of the pro-Kashmir jehadi outfit Hizbul Mujahideen (HuM), Mast Gul had attracted international media’s attention during the 1995 siege of Charrar Sharif shrine in Jammu and Kashmir while confronting the Indian security forces. He is once again hitting the media headlines, but in Pakistan this time, and for all the wrong reasons.

From KashmirDispatch: http://kashmirdispatch.com/?p=120969
Let the (in)famous denial mode begins.

Can i ask you when did Pakistan approached UN to dispute authenticity of above document? Your tribes went to Kashmir, raped, plundered and killed nuns. You again tried your luck in Operation Gibraltar, failed again, this time by locals themselves.
denial mode?? listen moron the wet dreams your country to adjoin kashmir will never come true. Secondly, lets turn your question around, have you (so called this depicted valid piece of paper ) presented it to UN ? to confirm the truth ?? No!! but yes, you are like your ancestors "the ultimate notunky baaz"' speak a 'lie' so hard again and again to make foolish people like you to finally believe in, as seen in your culture and society , "bollywood and dramas" are the product.You are born actors in real life.
And by the way kashmir isnt integral part of india ,so dont need to mention who attacked who whether its 1948,65 or 99......havoc,chaos, and killings started under the maharaja rule ,tribes helped the locals.
regarding mast gul , i dont have much knowledge about him, seems good to kick IA arse, every freedom fighter is a terrorist in the eyes of suppressor so nothing new.
Shameful for the so called world's largest democracy . They are sitting on a volcano.
denial mode?? listen moron the wet dreams your country to adjoin kashmir will never come true. Secondly, lets turn your question around, have you (so called this depicted valid piece of paper ) presented it to UN ? to confirm the truth ?? No!! but yes, you are like your ancestors "the ultimate notunky baaz"' speak a 'lie' so hard again and again to make foolish people like you to finally believe in, as seen in your culture and society , "bollywood and dramas" are the product.You are born actors in real life.
And by the way kashmir isnt integral part of india ,so dont need to mention who attacked who whether its 1948,65 or 99......havoc,chaos, and killings started under the maharaja rule ,tribes helped the locals.
regarding mast gul , i dont have much knowledge about him, seems good to kick IA arse, every freedom fighter is a terrorist in the eyes of suppressor so nothing new.

Kashmir was and is part of India since 5000 years, long before Islam was even formed as a religion. Kashmir name itself is derived from Hindu rishi kashyapa.

Yes, instrument of accession was presented to UN and it has Brit as governor.

If you don't believe these old agreements , then forget about World bank IWT. Its old and someone should have forced Indian side to sign it or I can see overwriting on IWT.

Which head of state would give 80% of its water to terror sponsoring Pakistan while even not using rest 20%?

Shameful for the so called world's largest democracy . They are sitting on a volcano.

Except Pakistan has lived half its age under military dictatorship directly and half indirectly while India has yet to experience even one year under military dictatorship.
Except Pakistan has lived half its age under military dictatorship directly and half indirectly while India has yet to experience even one year under military dictatorship.
operation blue star, genocide of gujarat , atrocities in kashmir , ethnic and inter religion discrimination all under your so called democracy ? to hell with that.
Kashmir was and is part of India since 5000 years, long before Islam was even formed as a religion. Kashmir name itself is derived from Hindu rishi kashyapa.
i am talking about its people , and you are crying about land, lolz part of india ? our ancestors ruled india for centuries.
Yes, instrument of accession was presented to UN and it has Brit as governor.

If you don't believe these old agreements , then forget about World bank IWT. Its old and someone should have forced Indian side to sign it or I can see overwriting on IWT.
i think u didnt took a dose of your medicines..go watch chota bheem..diverter.
Must be a painful Sight for Indian Army or BSF to see flag of Enemy in a occupied land .. how many Pakistani Flags they will remove or tear it down ? Pakistan is in Hearts of Kashmiri people you can't remove it from there .
Except Pakistan has lived half its age under military dictatorship directly and half indirectly while India has yet to experience even one year under military dictatorship.

So true yet Democracy is shameful at least in India. No to forget that india tops in corruption in Asia and indians are the most unhappiest people in South Asia, thanks to democracy. So good luck with this democracy.
Kashmir is a lost case for India, they can remove flags painted as Pakistani National flag but imprints of love for Pakistan and azaadi will grow day by day...

Days are numbered when fall of Indian union will start with the fall of Jammu and Kashmir.

I want to narrate an incident happened 10 years back while I was posted on LOC, Indian forces started to fire at Pakistani civilians and we have to retaliate and when we stared M.G and mortar fire at their positions they moved to Muslim areas and started fire at us as well on civilians with close proximity of IOK Muslim houses so we have to stop since we don't fire at civilians fearing causalities.....Then Kashmiri Muslim took loud speaker to inform us that they left their house and now you can fire at Indian pigs.

That day we kill 3 Indian soldiers and injured 17.
It is your ego problem that does not help you solve the Kashmiri conflict.
You think of Land and not the people living in those lands.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's our land. If the people wanna live there, go ahead. If they wanna leave, there's the exit. Can't get any more simple than that.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's our land. If the people wanna live there, go ahead. If they wanna leave, there's the exit. Can't get any more simple than that.

Tsk tsk tsk
our ancestors ruled india for centuries.

I wanted to reply to whole post but then i saw this gem in middle and disregarded rest.

So YOU concede that YOU
> Were invaders ?
> Ruled India ?

Let me reply in your own terminology

India can do the same. We can invade and we can rule for centuries. And given that you cheer your invaders, Kashmiris will do the same 1000 years down the line. No??

So true yet Democracy is shameful at least in India. No to forget that india tops in corruption in Asia and indians are the most unhappiest people in South Asia, thanks to democracy. So good luck with this democracy.

So you don't have any corruption? Your motorways, airlines, Radio etc are mortgaged, have you been living under rock all this time?
India can do the same. We can invade and we can rule for centuries. And given that you cheer your invaders, Kashmiris will do the same 1000 years down the line. No??
your army men are scared of balloons and pigeons!! and your claiming to invade us lolz :partay: goodluck.

wanted to reply to whole post but then i saw this gem in middle and disregarded rest.
you have nothing left to say notunkies ..
operation blue star, genocide of gujarat , atrocities in kashmir , ethnic and inter religion discrimination all under your so called democracy ? to hell with that.

i am talking about its people , and you are crying about land, lolz part of india ? our ancestors ruled india for centuries.

i think u didnt took a dose of your medicines..go watch chota bheem..diverter.

Could barely rule the other half of your country in the 21st century and somehow your "ancestors" ruled India for a 1000 years? Pray tell me, convert. Who exactly were YOUR ancestors? Could it be the same ancestors that invaded, raped and pillage their way from what is now Pakistan straight to Delhi? You could consider these outsiders YOUR ancestors? LOL. When it comes to Stockholm syndrome, there is no beating you. As always, you mongrels taking credit for other's achievements. I can't wait for the day where you guys decided to break through the LOC and liberate Kashmir as you have discussed so many times - that will be the day we can finally change the world map once again, once again not in your favor.
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