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Immoral shameless conspiracy based Aurat march

Allam Saheb was something really else !!!

His words, His predictions, thoughts, we see them today, how precise and far minded he was, Kaash ke unhon ne is Watan mein Apni zindagi ka kuch hissa guzara hota !!!
Allam Saheb was something really else !!!

His words, His predictions, thoughts, we see them today, how precise and far minded he was, Kaash ke unhon ne is Watan mein Apni zindagi ka kuch hissa guzara hota !!!

O Shahzade,

Allama Iqbal R.A. remained in OurLand till his last breadth!

I understand what you say... I wish both Jinnah R.A. and Iqbal R.A. would have lives five years post Separation from MaqboozaHindustan!

But it is what it is....

Such thrreads sap energies... I am more concerned about the Rules of the Game in Kabulistan... and the emerging scenario in ME... KSA/UAE and its impact on us....

Despite trying its hardest Pakistan is going to be sucked in The Game of Chicken...

Never believer... EVER... that things are random in our part of the world... TheThirdActor!

The mullahs are after a bigger prize, the government.
Whats wrong with it?
Lolz...Be a woman for a day then tell me your general problems!

Why focus on general problems? Every problem has multi dimensions! You wanting to block other aspects is not justified.
I am not a woman but God has given me a brain for a reason.
Focus on general problems because that aurat march is geared towards general problems and so called general injustices faced by women in society.
I have read somewhere that in Islam women in perioods can't read Quran, can't pray, can't fast and can't have sexual intercourse. Maybe its related to this
If that's true that means she is talking against Quran.
You dont discuss pornography but you think it is natural enough to be given as an example to counter something natural like periods? You see the problem? You dont wish to talk about periods (natural) and equate it to pornography (bayhudai)!

There is a BIG difference between SEX and pornography you equating the 2 or even using both in the same paragraph kind of shows alot!

Same internet also gives you WRONG information and misinformation, who is to guide you? As for sex education, if your mother who raised you cant educate you about it, why should a non mehram online educate you? How is that ok?

Yes, that is the thinking of one madhaab. Another states, She can read Quran, zubaan pak hoti hai....but yes the rest is true. Tell me how many guys knew that or understand that?

Physiologically speaking the women is weak during those times and even ALLAH allowed her to rest but in a Pakistani household, if she takes rest, she is questioned, made fun of and no one is there to understand her. THIS attitude is what women feel and bottle up frustration. When ALLAH allowed her to rest from something as important as namaaz and fasting, who is men to question her or degrade her?
Lol you are funny :lol:
I am thinking why you are replied in evening time ,I guess in day time you too were busy in that match :rofl: Just joking .
Now back on topic.
And why do you think that pornography can educate people on periods if they watch it and discuss it?? And btw there is no **** category which involves period sex or that kind of fetish :lol:
And according to you pornography sites is the only place where people get sex education. Sex education also comes in the form of articles published by female authors on different websites that doesn't pose a mehram namehram problem.You don't have to watch a **** video for sex education. In my opinion the best sex education comes in the form of well written articles with animated pics. Information can be wrong everywhere including on those aurat march banners or on public discussions on that particular topic. That's why I said don't make exceptions. And please don't just argue for the sake of arguing ( I guess that's a woman thing :lol:)
And that's not about ego that's indeed defaming . Because by that poster she is telling everyone Pakistani men think women are nasty because they got periods when in reality that's not at all true.
And I am not that narrow minded I discuss pornography and all such topics with my freinds in private but I do not condone doing such things in public . Tehzeeb,tameez, culture aur ikhlaq naam ki bhi koi cheez hoti hai.
It is not supposed to work in a manner YOU want it to....He hasnt apologized so he has the negative rating AND my warning. You can not force your will on others.

I'm not forcing my will on him, I only wanted to let you know that he's threatening me now.

I'm not taking it seriously, because he can't really do anything, but instead of bickering with him again, it's just better to let the mods know what's going on.

Last time this happened @Irfan Baloch told me to tell the mods.
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Chodu western feminists and their allies in non-western nations would criticize non-western men day and night,without understanding crux of the problem...There are not enough jobs to go around to employ full time all working age men AND women...western feminists should tell western men to do complete tech transfer, factory transfer, patent liberlization---->and then automatically our women would be free...western women got economic freedom during WW2 as there were not enough men to man the factories, and two decades later they got full sexual freedom....Our women won't go through that unless and until Western nations make it possible that we are on the same level as them economically

It doesnot cost much to shame non-western men, but it costs a lot to do complete tech transfer

America is the main "cultural imperialist" power of our times they are so good at doing that but non westerners just dont get it their are pawns of that
A protest is defined by the theme and essense it is held in, it is defined by the agenda that has been set by those that initiate it, Aurat march is not a congregation of masses but the brain child of a well known certain segment of our society, ignoring that reality and generalising it as some legitimate women movement would be NAIVE.
Once again, you say that but...


The list of demands seem quite reasonable to me.

I said nothing wrong and you will apologize to me .
Now I don't care about your punny negative ratings. That's the most you can do but I can hurt you much more if you don't apologize to me.
And don't reply here this is my thread . You are constantly trolling and offending other commentars here. You are not adding any value to this thread .
You are not even living in this country ,you don't know how our society works you are unfit to argue with us in this thread anyway.
Stop posting in my thread before I lose my temper and hurt and expose you even more.
Rather than offending me and other posters here you better prove in your home how much of a man you are.

You implied that in your posts everyone here can see. But when i used the exact word ( actually your word not my word) you got angry.


You can hurt me more? How exactly?

All you've done so far is call me names, you've done no "exposing" here. Nor did I imply anything about myself, that's just you justifying your own bad behavior towards me.

Also, this is a publically open forum. I gave my opinion, you were the one who started attacking me for sharing my opinion, which remains that this march isnt that big of a deal.

Yes, I do not live in Pakistan, but thay doesn't mean I do not go back regularly, nor does it mean I do not have family there.

The truth is that you're mad that I didn't automatically agree with you on this issue. Learn to take different opinions with a bit of grace.

Damn Shame too, because I genuinely had respect for you, but after the unwarranted attacks, you've lost all of it.

My offer is still open.

Now, I'm gonna go back to ignoring you.



Before we begin, I wanna say that I appreciate you being honest with me. It's nice to have a conversation that doesn't involve people yelling at each other, or calling names.

Well then this also applies to TTP, PTM, and other terrorist fiction as well.
as their top brass new the actual agenda and the lower level didnt even knew what they are being used for ..
this also applies to Khadim hussian rizvis or other dharna's i.e lal masjid ... only the top few knew the hidden agenda.

That doesn't apply here, as TTP and Rizvi top brass called for or use violence as a primary tool for pushing their agendas. That's why TTP is a terror organization, and Rizvi is in jail (or was, the last I heard anyway).

So far as I've seen, the marchers are protesting peacefully, and in fact, violence has been used against them.

I hold a similar view to PTM. They're dangerous, but unless they outright use violence, or call for it, no action should be taken, as it can back fire HARD.

Dear, can you allow a man peacefully undress in a bazar?
or can you allow the same for a women??
they are holding placards which are outside of the norms of the society.
tell me where in the law it is written a man cant roam around in underware?? but one have to respect socio norm .
That's not what these protests are about though.

Ignore the placards, there are what, 10, maybe 15 of them in a sea of thousands? Social media cherry picked the placards to make the issue bigger than it is.

No one is calling for the freedom to get naked in public.

Here is a new thread about the march, which shows ALL of their demands. Can you tell me which ones do you object to.


I have a hunch about one of them, and can see why people would be upset about it, but that one has nothing to do with this.

Remember, these are the ones that they officially want, and are demanding from the government.

we are also here to share our view.
same like you sir, we have our right what we feel is right we share it here.
and i am here to learn too, some times we look at things just one sided, and think that we are right what we see.
but all these discussion gives you a broader view.
And that's fine. I 100% agree and appreciate that fact. Whole I've held my tongue on whether the march is good or bad, I've given an opinion as well, just not about if the march is good or bad.

Just to repeat myself the opinion I've publically shared is that so long as it remains within the bounds of the law, no one should try and cause these women violence. Unfortunately, a bunch of cowardly men tried attacking them.


This is the sort of behavior we'd expect from the ttp, not regular civilized Pakistani men.
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O Shahzade,

Allama Iqbal R.A. remained in OurLand till his last breadth!

I understand what you say... I wish both Jinnah R.A. and Iqbal R.A. would have lives five years post Separation from MaqboozaHindustan!

But it is what it is....

Such thrreads sap energies... I am more concerned about the Rules of the Game in Kabulistan... and the emerging scenario in ME... KSA/UAE and its impact on us....

Despite trying its hardest Pakistan is going to be sucked in The Game of Chicken...

Never believer... EVER... that things are random in our part of the world... TheThirdActor!

Sir, related to game of chickens, check the other world.
Then in time, through friends,
Not everyone is blessed with the best of friends....so this kind of source is not good...I agree parents should be responsible!

Jab paida kia hai to zimidari banti hai important information convey karna.

Drug culture in universities was their brain child, sounds kool .
Nothing cool about drugs that too in schools!
Jab paida kia hai to zimidari banti hai important information convey karna.

Most parents and our society in general, Consider this a taboo to discuss, i am from a good Religious Background, My family and all but neither of my parents came up to me with this talk, I once as a kid, overheard my innocent mom asking my dad with my reference, “How do boys understand everything ?” And my father replied “Khud pata chal jata hai”,
Yeah ryt. My dad literally said to me about pubes ke "tmhare dost nahi batatey kiya?" I really dont understand why it is considered as a taboo among parents and children. My parents never told me about masturbation or homosexuality
I'm not forcing my will on him, I only wanted to let you know that he's threatening me now.
I am aware and his warning stays...
Not everyone is blessed with the best of friends....so this kind of source is not good...I agree parents should be responsible!

Nothing cool about drugs that too in schools!
Is there a drug culture in Pakistani universities?
I am not a woman but God has given me a brain for a reason.
Focus on general problems because that aurat march is geared towards general problems and so called general injustices faced by women in society.
I talked about those as well...And mind you, your brain doesnt enable you to feel what a woman feels not even for a second....esp not for a lifetime!

Is there a drug culture in Pakistani universities?
I have never been to a Pakistani uni but I have heard from cousins who claim they know people who do drugs and others who supply....
I talked about those as well...And mind you, your brain doesnt enable you to feel what a woman feels not even for a second....esp not for a lifetime!

I have never been to a Pakistani uni but I have heard from cousins who claim they know people who do drugs and others who supply....
I know for a fact that there is an alchohol problem, but the drug problem is new to me.
I am thinking why you are replied in evening time ,I guess in day time you too were busy in that match :rofl: Just joking .
bad joke
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