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Immoral shameless conspiracy based Aurat march

Not the burqa brigade again !! :hitwall:

Those brainwashed women who carry banners that say "The burqa is not my compulsion, it is my pride". :lol:

And below is from their FB page. In this they are very much united with the Hindutva Right-wingers in India :

Not the burqa brigade again !! :hitwall:

Those brainwashed women who carry banners that say "The burqa is not my compulsion, it is my pride". :lol:

And below is from their FB page. In this they are very much united with the Hindutva Right-wingers in India :

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what hypocrisy ??
if women who want to use abortion rights
want to destroy our society
talk against our army
agencies. they have the right
and on the other side, women who want these biatc..s to stop representing them are burqa brigade.
what hypocrisy ??
if women who want to use abortion rights
want to destroy our society
talk against our army
agencies. they have the right
and on the other side, women who want these biatc..s to stop representing them are burqa brigade.

Bhai, I am sure none among the Aurat March participants want to destroy Pakistan and bad-name Islam or Pak Army. All they want is removal of the Regressive social practices that are part of traditional South Asian culture.

By the way, the burqa has nothing to do with Real Islam.
Bhai, I am sure none among the Aurat March participants want to destroy Pakistan and bad-name Islam or Pak Army. All they want is removal of the Regressive social practices that are part of traditional South Asian culture.

By the way, the burqa has nothing to do with Real Islam.
who said burqa is part of islam??
its our culture so do women follow.

and for these women they openly badmouth against Army , Islam and our society.
plus they are the elite class who does all the atrocities to lower class women.
Mera jism meri marzi , was first raise
my body my rules in canada in 1995 for abortion right.
why should a muslim girl have abortion right??
if she is married and there is some problem with her, or she has some life threat giving birth every doctor everyone give him the right to abort,
but why a virgin want abortion rights??

next marvi and all these aunties openly are against two nation theory.
Bhai, I am sure none among the Aurat March participants want to destroy Pakistan and bad-name Islam or Pak Army. All they want is removal of the Regressive social practices that are part of traditional South Asian culture.

By the way, the burqa has nothing to do with Real Islam.
This is about repression and control of women.
This is why men
who said burqa is part of islam??
its our culture so do women follow.

and for these women they openly badmouth against Army , Islam and our society.
plus they are the elite class who does all the atrocities to lower class women.
Mera jism meri marzi , was first raise
my body my rules in canada in 1995 for abortion right.
why should a muslim girl have abortion right??
if she is married and there is some problem with her, or she has some life threat giving birth every doctor everyone give him the right to abort,
but why a virgin want abortion rights??

next marvi and all these aunties openly are against two nation theory.
Try them being allowed to choose their own husband's, to choose their career paths, the timing and frequency of their pregnancies, to not be blamed for being victims of rape, to bit be traded and bartered like chattels for the furtherance of their fathers and brothers financial and social interests, to be able to walk away from a marriage and keep their children.
In a word, just to be able to say no.
This is about repression and control of women.
This is why men

Try them being allowed to choose their own husband's, to choose their career paths, the timing and frequency of their pregnancies, to not be blamed for being victims of rape, to bit be traded and bartered like chattels for the furtherance of their fathers and brothers financial and social interests, to be able to walk away from a marriage and keep their children.
In a word, just to be able to say no.

well have you seen haya march participant?? were they men??
we are not opposing it because of the right you talking about to give them.

what fool will oppose these ??
but do you know how many men are jailed without any crime??
how many murder cases go through fair trail every time a wadera a Khan a sardar gets out without being charged.
a powerful party always gets out with crime. be its against men or women.

and most of these Mombati aunties they are among those poeple who themselves have girl or women servant and how they behave with them we all are aware of ...

and last all laws you talked about are already given them in our constitution.
and we dont have any problem with their march but we do have problem with their slogans , placards.
because not what they want , they are free what ever they do , but it affects society,
next marvi and all these aunties openly are against two nation theory.

They already are. You have to understand who these people are. They are foreign funded.
sir who opposed the law the repast

and who is involved in domestic abuse??

Domestic abuse is a complicated subject marra, it's not just as simple as man vs women! This is not America, sometimes it spans an entire family tree. I have been to an incident where a women was "killed" using kerosene because she wanted to complete her Masters and her dad wanted to marry her off!

I will never forget her face! Domestic abuse is NEVER okay!
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