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Immigrants will have to prove patriotism to get British passport

Imagine in USA where only 65% are white but 99+% in politics and power are White, the remaining 1% are non-white PUPPETS. Even worse in a nation like Mexico the native population which comprise 98%, yet 99% in power are white (or mainly white-mix). HOW CAN THAT BE DEMOCRACY??? How can that be human rights when not all humans are considered equal??? ANSWER: It's not. Until true & fair representative democracy exists, until corruption (and supremacists) are rooted out - our world will suffer! :guns:

Our world suffers because we gave to much power to those who shouldn't be in a position to make decisions like a potatoe seller on the street. Everyone is Created equal but everyone is NOT equal. Only people with similar levels of intellect should be able to vote. Thats the way it should be which apparently its not! for e.g everyone who has a Bachelors degree or anyone who runs a business where he employs a certain amount of people should be able to vote not a chicken seller ..sounds unfair? Its not.. to much power given to the people who aren't qualified to make decisions and you get the likes of George W Bush, Zardari, Mutahida Majlish-e-Amal (MMA) or people like Sarah Palin running for election.

Its easy to gather up and rally a bunch of ignorant fools who don't know what exactly they are protesting about. One guy starts shouting all the other sheep follow.. thats how i see it!! its tough but you have to have some credentials when it comes to voting power. Majority is not always right.. just as common sense isn't so common. People may think that who they are voting for is what they want or is in their interest when its not only later to face the consequences of their ignorance!! people in NWFP giving power to people like MMA thought they would have a good islamic society.. look what happened? Complete Stalement for 4 years with nothing accomplished.... Might as well leave the voting responsibility to those who have a little intellect or educational background.
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My sentiment is with both Durran and SinoIndus - however; I would point out that governments must not be seen to be acting against the letter and spirit of their own laws.

I very much agree that freedoms or civil liberties must not be thought of as license for anarchy or anti-social behaviour.

And I also agree that the larger problem is not immigration itself but the kinds of ideas that seem to animate the immigrants.

With your permission, I would like to point to a phenomenon: increasingly both nationally and internationally, a greater number of persons whoi previously were from the so called "heartland", that is to say, not from port cities or sophisticated metropolitan centers, are now part of the national and international opinion - and some of, actually most of, the kinds of ideas we see gaining currency among large numbers are ideas that appeal to this particular group. This is not just a Pakistani or Indian Phenomenon, it's really international - and if we keep this in mind, we will see much polarity in opinion for a while to come - ideas such as our common humanity as a bridge between us, will remain sidelined for some time to come, it seems to me.
It's as simple as this: The inevitable is a multipolar world BECAUSE everyone single human being counts. It's about time the (1) Jewish Supremacists + (2) White Supremacists + (3) Muslim Supremacists ACCEPT HUMAN EQUALITY!

As harsh as this may sound but the simple idea of religion is entrenched in differentiating one sect from another thus automatically canceling the idea of Human Equality. True Human equality comes from the belief in Humanism. Religion tends to differentiate one sect form another sect, that difference leads to quarrels, those quarrels lead to hatred and hatred to violence its a step by step route and procedure that a lot of people tend to overlook and say its peaceful when fundamentally its not.

You have to look for truth and morality and its affects on humans and the idea that with new knowledge, technology and information those moral codes could change thus keeping a consistent flow rather than sticking to archaic ideas, that's how Humanism works. When one group of people tend to advance forward while the other group stays behind sticking to their guns, when they shouldn't be due to fear of change now later try to seek and blend in with the new world only to find a severely different idea and way of life. Confused between age old traditions with new modern ways the Intelligent ones try to blend the good from old ideas and mix it with the new ones to form a vibrant yet traditional society, whereas the unintelligent get lost and try to change the new world back to the old
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As harsh as this may sound but the simple idea of religion is entrenched in differentiating one sect from another thus automatically canceling the idea of Human Equality. True Human equality comes from the belief in Humanism. Religion tends to differentiate one sect form another sect, that difference leads to quarrels, those quarrels lead to hatred and hatred to violence its a step by step route and procedure that a lot of people tend to overlook and say its peaceful when fundamentally its not.

You have to look for truth and morality and its affects on humans and the idea that with new knowledge, technology and information those moral codes could change thus keeping a consistent flow rather than sticking to archaic ideas, that's how Humanism works. When one group of people tend to advance forward while one group stays behind sticking to their guns when they shouldn't be would only affect those who for fear of change now try to seek and blend in with the new world
Durran3...I couldn't agree more.
Our world suffers because we gave to much power to those who shouldn't be in a position to make decisions like a potatoe seller on the street. Everyone is Created equal but everyone is NOT equal. Only people with similar levels of intellect should be able to vote. Thats the way it should be which apparently its not! for e.g everyone who has a Bachelors degree or anyone who runs a business where he employs a certain amount of people should be able to vote not a chicken seller ..sounds unfair? Its not.. to much power given to the people who aren't qualified to make decisions and you get the likes of George W Bush, Zardari, Mutahida Majlish-e-Amal (MMA) or people like Sarah Palin running for election.

Its easy to gather up and rally a bunch of ignorant fools who don't know what exactly they are protesting about. One guy starts shouting all the other sheep follow.. thats how i see it!! its tough but you have to have some credentials when it comes to voting power. Majority is not always right.. just as common sense isn't so common. People may think that who they are voting for is what they want or is in their interest when its not only later to face the consequences of their ignorance!! people in NWFP giving power to people like MMA thought they would have a good islamic society.. look what happened? Complete Stalement for 4 years with nothing accomplished.... Might as well leave the voting responsibility to those who have a little intellect or educational background.

"Everyone is Created equal but everyone is NOT equal"

Yes, I agree! I should have also stated equal representation BY those with COMPETENCE. Yes, you are most correct about ability, but ability alone is still insufficient. What we need is:

Ability + Willingness to do good

There are so many capable people but they are either unmotivated or have ill-intentions. We don't even need to look further than our own lives and family. Everyone of us interacts with other people, either at work or school or club... First manage and raise our own families properly, conduct our behaviour respectfully and don't commit actions that have negative consequences for society (just because of the 'urge' at the moment, e.g. sleeping around, etc). Learn to work diligently at work or school and with cooperation with others.

If each of us does this, our society will become instantly better. And among us true competent leaders will naturally rise.
As harsh as this may sound but the simple idea of religion is entrenched in differentiating one sect from another thus automatically canceling the idea of Human Equality. True Human equality comes from the belief in Humanism. Religion tends to differentiate one sect form another sect, that difference leads to quarrels, those quarrels lead to hatred and hatred to violence its a step by step route and procedure that a lot of people tend to overlook and say its peaceful when fundamentally its not.

Religion tends to differentiate one sect form another sect... :agree:
. .
Screw Britain, nobody wants to go there, its a decaying society along with the rest of the europe.

As harsh as this may sound but the simple idea of religion is entrenched in differentiating one sect from another thus automatically canceling the idea of Human Equality. True Human equality comes from the belief in Humanism. Religion tends to differentiate one sect form another sect, that difference leads to quarrels, those quarrels lead to hatred and hatred to violence its a step by step route and procedure that a lot of people tend to overlook and say its peaceful when fundamentally its not.

You have to look for truth and morality and its affects on humans and the idea that with new knowledge, technology and information those moral codes could change thus keeping a consistent flow rather than sticking to archaic ideas, that's how Humanism works. When one group of people tend to advance forward while the other group stays behind sticking to their guns, when they shouldn't be due to fear of change now later try to seek and blend in with the new world only to find a severely different idea and way of life. Confused between age old traditions with new modern ways the Intelligent ones try to blend the good from old ideas and mix it with the new ones to form a vibrant yet traditional society, whereas the unintelligent get lost and try to change the new world back to the old

The erroneous claim that religious belief was the factor that prevented humanity from progressing and drew it into conflict has been disproved by historical experience. Humanists have claimed that the removal of religious belief would make people happy and at ease, however, the opposite has proved to be the case. Six years after the first Humanist Manifesto was published, the Second World War broke out, a record of the calamity brought upon the world by the secular fascist ideology. The humanist ideology of communism wreaked, first on the people of the Soviet Union, then on the citizens of China, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and various African and Latin American countries, unparalleled savagery. A total of 120 million people were killed by communist regimes or organizations. It is also evident that the Western brand of humanism (capitalist systems) has not succeeded in bringing peace and happiness to their own societies or to other areas of the world.

PS - Read the humanist manifesto and you will find that this ideology is intrinsically skewed towards the rejection of true religion and as such I find your rhetoric about differentiation hypocritical because humanism in itself seeks to actively reject that which most of the world holds dear.

It is the belief that we as humans will have nothing to answer for.
Why not prove their "patriotism" by spending time in the armed forces?

There are plenty of British born white individuals who are against the armed activities of the UK who ALSO regard themselves as patriotic, yet would never join the army for offensive means, and the true pacifists will never join full stop.

Patriotism does not equate to a willingness to engage in war whenever the current government desires; "spending time in the armed forces" may well mean spending time in another (unfortunate) country..

As a British national myself (from birth!) it’s a no brainier, and I don’t see what all the fuss is about!

According to Home Office sources, "unBritish" behaviour would cover unpatriotic acts like protesting against British troops, News of the world reports.

"Points could be deducted for those who fail to integrate into British life. This would be anti-social behaviour. Basically, act like a yob and you won't get through to the probationary citizenship stage," they said.

Is that an inside joke?

anti-social behaviour = being british!

just walk around any towm centre in the UK on a friday night and youll know what I mean...

Or just film a group of british men on their stag-doos out in amsterdam or spain...
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An absolutely ignorant claim to say the least, not only is your history in the tank your whole notion of blaming humanism for Word war 2 is absolutely hysterical. Please allow me to clarify your misconceptions and give you an insight on your absolutely erroneous claims that you are making.

The erroneous claim that religious belief was the factor that prevented humanity from progressing and drew it into conflict has been disproved by historical experience.

Nothing has been disapproved its human rational thought that has allowed humanity to move forward, i laugh every time someone gives credit to religion for human progress. 'Thou shall not kill' is not so much a religious idea than it is common sense and rational thought. No one wants to live in a society where people kill each other. Human learning, Constitution, law, Science, technology, research, space travel all stemmed from the enlightenment starting mid/late 18th century which was stemmed from the Renaissance which respected the Human as an art form, something to be proud of which was seen as despicable from the threshold of absolute religious clergy (the dark ages from mid 12th century to the late 17th century). People like Galileo were hanged and killed because of idiots who thought the world was flat which was proven false by Galileo.People like Newton's whose law of Gravity revolutionized physics but was termed a heretic. Innocent women were killed because they were termed witches just because some of them enjoyed practicing medicine.

When you are forbidden to question, you are are undermining critical thought and critical thought is what shuns a society and the advancement of technology. Education at it's best encourages people to think independently and to not feel guilty about considering things that are unpopular. Religion says "this is how it is" and discourages any questions or free thinking.

The simple mindset that this world is mere dust and the 'real' is somewhere beyond our reach and lies in the metaphysical realm is fallacious to say the least. You automatically create a mindset which is depriving humans of achieving their true potential because they think they'll achieve something better in the after life thus allowing them to live in the most miserable of conditions simply because this world is not 'real' . This thinking at its basic root is dangerous and holds society back.

I would nonetheless like to touch upon the most important idea. The concept of 'Hellenization' the blending of Greek philosophical idea of reason and rational thought into religion that set the pavement for western democracies later.

Humanists have claimed that the removal of religious belief would make people happy and at ease, however, the opposite has proved to be the case

Bullshit you have no evidence to support that claim. I am a humanist and i am very happy and try to be an optimistic person who loves to learn and who dearly loves the wonders of this world. Happiness comes from personal satisfaction and the will to enjoy what you love doing. Happiness takes many forms and to say that only religious people are happy is so stupid and absurd it makes me want to question your intellect. In fact we sometimes do get sad and angry when we see a suicide bomber run into a group of innocent people to blow himself up or when we see little children being brainwashed by 'Jesus will save us' mentality its sad watch the documentary Jesus Camp.

Six years after the first Humanist Manifesto was published, the Second World War broke out, a record of the calamity brought upon the world by the secular fascist ideology. The humanist ideology of communism wreaked, first on the people of the Soviet Union, then on the citizens of China, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and various African and Latin American countries, unparalleled savagery.

Sorry! Humanism has nothing to do with Communism. I hate communism and i am a responsible capitalist. The Basic idea of secularims and humanism is the fact that humans are born with a free concious and are free to persue what they deem fit. Something communism oppresses. In fact communism at its basic root is closest to a religious society, a total Welfare society. The mullahs in Pakistan want nothing more than a total welfare system something that communism has been successful at. Right now almost all the Scandenvian countries are agnostic/atheist and have the most number of volunteers working around the world to make the world a better place and donate a tremendous amount of money to charity in places like Pakistan, Africa, Far east Asia. Is there a morality collapse there or are people miserable? NO.. In the 21st century let me compare 5 countries whose populations are more than 55% Athiest/Agnostic vs with five Religious countries..

Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Finland, Japan, France and South Korea are the most athiest with over 70% people Athiest/Agnostic.. Now lets look at the other half (almost all the Muslim countries) plus

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Israel.

So your saying people who are secular or humanists aren't happy? absolutely silly argument on your part.

A total of 120 million people were killed by communist regimes or organizations. It is also evident that the Western brand of humanism (capitalist systems) has not succeeded in bringing peace and happiness to their own societies or to other areas of the world.

PS - Read the humanist manifesto and you will find that this ideology is intrinsically skewed towards the rejection of true religion and as such I find your rhetoric about differentiation hypocritical because humanism in itself seeks to actively reject that which most of the world holds dear.

beep! see the above post.

Its Capitalism which allows the humanist idea of freedom to do what you deem fit a success not communism. Communism is no different than caliphate!! have a nice dictator sit on the bench to rule over everyone who can't think for himself. Capitalism mixed with a little socialism is what is the best society by todays standard like those of western Europe and Canada.

Communism is not, however, inherently atheistic. It is possible to hold communist or socialist economic views while being a theist and it isn't at all uncommon to be an atheist while staunchly defending capitalism — a combination often found among Objectivists and Libertarians, for example. Their existence alone demonstrates, without question, that atheism and communism are not the same thing.

It is the belief that we as humans will have nothing to answer for.

Tell that to the Suicide bomber or the 911 hijackers!! The fact of the matter is humans have the capacity to think and make rational decisions. Thus humans themselves have created a system called Law and that law defines what you are suppose to and are not suppose to do and these laws change every time new technological or knowledge is available thus nothing remains stationary. The Constitution of a country tells us and limits our behavior to whats appropriate and whats not. These laws have come into existence from our past experiences and will continue to change as we learn more from our previous mistakes.

Cheers and Peace (now thats a rare word isn't it)
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Our world suffers because we gave to much power to those who shouldn't be in a position to make decisions like a potatoe seller on the street. Everyone is Created equal but everyone is NOT equal. Only people with similar levels of intellect should be able to vote. Thats the way it should be which apparently its not! for e.g everyone who has a Bachelors degree or anyone who runs a business where he employs a certain amount of people should be able to vote not a chicken seller ..sounds unfair? Its not.. to much power given to the people who aren't qualified to make decisions and you get the likes of George W Bush, Zardari, Mutahida Majlish-e-Amal (MMA) or people like Sarah Palin running for election.

Its easy to gather up and rally a bunch of ignorant fools who don't know what exactly they are protesting about. One guy starts shouting all the other sheep follow.. thats how i see it!! its tough but you have to have some credentials when it comes to voting power. Majority is not always right.. just as common sense isn't so common. People may think that who they are voting for is what they want or is in their interest when its not only later to face the consequences of their ignorance!! people in NWFP giving power to people like MMA thought they would have a good islamic society.. look what happened? Complete Stalement for 4 years with nothing accomplished.... Might as well leave the voting responsibility to those who have a little intellect or educational background.

You are missing the point. The power of democracy is not that the potato seller is so smart or well informed. He may be, but in all probability he is not. No the power of crowds is that since the majority has not the slightest clue what the hell is going on, they are as likely to swing one way as the other. This leaves the people who actually have some idea how things should go to tip the balance to slightly in favor of the "right" decision.

Look up Francis Galton's ox weighing experiment. Basically it is this: the median value of the crowds' guess at the weight of an ox beat all the best estimates of several cattle experts. It was within 2 pounds, for a 1000 pound beast, this is fairly impressive. Of course, most of the crowd had not a clue, but the wildly ranging guesses canceled each other out, allowing those who had a good idea to determine the outcome.

This also applies to trivia shows. If a contestant "Asks the Audience" to chose the correct answer out a choice of several possible, the audience is correct almost 95% of the time, even on incredibly difficult questions. Why? Because those who don't know the answer either abstain or guess randomly, allowing those who do know to skew the vote towards the correct answer.

Read The Wisdom of Crowds if you are interested. My point is this democracy works beautifully if everyone is allowed to make an independent decision. The problem is of course that this rarely happens in reality. There are political machines, bribery, coercion, patent lies, and crowd psychology to consider. That does not mean democracy is flawed, just that individuals have to make sure they are actually reaching their own decisions, and concerned citizens try and counteract propaganda. Think about it, why does Wikipedia work when every moron can freely edit it?

1. Large pool of qualified experts---everbody...
2. Good moderators to cull the fluff and bullSh*t

Democracy works, you just need somebody to keep a muzzle on the rabble rousers. In the U.S this is done simply through the amount of money needed to launch an effective campaign(You tell me the effectiveness of that...There are some surprisingly wealthy morons), other countries have byzantine application processes and limits on hate speech(Germany). If it works, emulate it.

The elites can't make the decision for everybody, in fact they are not even as good as it as they imagine, or need to be.
This quote, from Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds elucidates the flaw in democracy that persists despite what I have said previously said.

"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."

Oh, and just so you know, there has never been any indication that educational/economic level effects the tendency of individual to "Follow the crowd". The "elites" just live with a different herd so to speak...
Religion tends to differentiate one sect form another sect... :agree:

Currently the most violent of these is Islam and Hinduism. Christianity places a distant 3rd. In times past though Christianity was #1. can anyone name how many trouble spots of the world are being stoked by Islamic extremism? all in the name of Allah!
I forgot to add earlier Sinoindusfriendship I am an American Indian. Only a very small fringe of American Indians want to have the land back. We recognize the need to change and adapt with the times. What we fight to keep is our culture during change. The Palestinians could learn something from us in this respect. Indians and Pakistanis could as well.

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