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Please do something about those unpaid bills, line losses, thefts, etc


Otherwise, increasing the tariff is a never ending story.
Oil price should not be sticky, it should be flexible following international oil price.

If it is sticky and controlled by government rather than companies than any increase in price will be followed by private sector using the momentum to increase their goods/service price.

This happen in Indonesia when Gov regulate oil price and announce oil price increase that will be followed by price increase that will create more inflation. Since 2015 we have use flexible system and companies who will adjust the price

The main point is that economy is done by human and human has psychological sentiments.

Oil price in Indonesia is also just raised about 4 days ago by company who sell it, in this case state owned Pertamina who dominate the gas stations business

We can see inflation in Indonesia is gradually going down compared to what happened before we implement the system
Inflation was 20 percent during PPP.
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So all your arguments are saying that if Nawaz sharif drank pee, then Imran atleast reserves a right to taste it.

I mean what kind of arguments you guys present? Years in govt, still Nawaz and PPP to be blamed?

So if you haven't passed your masters, will we still blame your primary teacher for it?

How many years that we have to bear this bs.
IMF doesn't dictate their advisory committee suggests the easiest way out. It is always upto state of Pakistan on how to generate taxes to payback the installments of IMF. The structured reforms that we always talk about is implementation of tax regime to catch big fish in Pakistan which no one has done so far.
So all your arguments are saying that if Nawaz sharif drank pee, then Imran atleast reserves a right to taste it.

I mean what kind of arguments you guys present? Years in govt, still Nawaz and PPP to be blamed?

So if you haven't passed your masters, will we still blame your primary teacher for it?

How many years that we have to bear this bs.
There are two things Imran Khan cannot control:
a) International price of dollar

b) Devaluation of PKR caused by bankrupt economy as left in 2018

Imran Khan had to devalue PKR to stabilize the current account or else country would have defaulted. Devaluation leads to inflation. Likewise increase in global oil price leads to inflation. So tell me how both of them are Imran Khan's fault?
It is always upto state of Pakistan on how to generate taxes to payback the installments of IMF.
IMF loans are in dollars not rupees. Pakistan cannot collect taxes in dollars to payback IMF.
So tell me how both of them are Imran Khan's fault?
So that means Pti and Imran Khan can't deliver? And they are incapable? And does it also mean that Imran and Pti knew that there is so much mess that they will not be able clean? Then why they were dying to come in power? For corruption? Or they didn't know anything at all and now they are doing they regular and very much expected drama?

What are you trying prove?
So that means Pti and Imran Khan can't deliver? And they are incapable?
No, it means they cannot deliver milk and honey for the Khoti Awam that voted thieves before them who left bankrupt Pakistan for PTI.
And does it also mean that Imran and Pti knew that there is so much mess that they will not be able clean?
How can they know something without being in power first?
Then why they were dying to come in power? For corruption?
Yes of course they were dying to come in power for corruption by getting votes on anti corruption narrative. Typical Khota Biryani overdose.
Or they didn't know anything at all and now they are doing they regular and very much expected drama?
How is it expected drama? Imran Khan has never been in power before.
No, it means they cannot deliver milk and honey for the Khoti Awam that voted thieves before them who left bankrupt Pakistan for PTI.

How can they know something without being in power first?

Yes of course they were dying to come in power for corruption by getting votes on anti corruption narrative. Typical Khota Biryani overdose.

How is it expected drama? Imran Khan has never been in power before.

Bhai, all political supporters in Pakistan, of all types are non curable and incorrigible, be it a Nooni, PPP or a PTI supporter.

All I want to say is : inna lillahi wa inna ilyhi rajioon.
Bhai, all political supporters in Pakistan, of all types are non curable and incorrigible, be it a Nooni, PPP or a PTI supporter.

All I want to say is : inna lillahi wa inna ilyhi rajioon.
You gave PPP 4 terms to govern Pakistan since 1971.
You gave PMLN 3 terms since 1990.
You will have no problem letting above parties govern further in future.
But you have a problem with PTI's first term only.

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