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Imran Khan is ruling Pakistan for the past 30 years when country started to go broke?
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Tell me a single difference between Imran govt and Nawaz govt or even PPP govt? Now don't tell me how holy and great Imran Khan is. I know he will go to jannat, and I am not talking here about his personal life.
Governance is same.
Ah the IMF, the West's "Economic Mafia" to force nations to submit.

Pakistan must extricate itself from the IMF, for it does, Pakistan will find itself for the first time in history, free of any economic terrorism by the West.

Pay off their loans and tell them to eff off!!
Pakistan seeks IMF bailout package due to its struggling economic situation. Pakistani industrial capability is a lot to be desired (just check Pakistani exports) and internal corruption is too vast. Many in Pakistan have lot of money but do not pay taxes. PTI-led GOP is unable to fix this problem because its position is weak in Parliament and some of its own are involved in corruption. Regional security environment is also demanding.

IMF is international lending body (business entity) and not a charity organization. Its suggestions are in view of data on hand and information provided by the customer. Going to IMF is a matter of 'choice' as well - there are not many alternatives out there. It is embarassing to request loans from other countries in fact.

The most irrational thing to do is to blame other entities and declare them mafia when own house is not in order. Come on, man.

Sensible responses please.
So govt that doesn't give subsidies it doesn't have is not protector of the people? That's new :D

Since people like to compare petrol and electricity prices to the West. Let me tell you we in the UK subsidise workers by enforcing a minimum pay and if you sit at home for 50 years not working than the Govt will pay you for housing food energy education health care etc for those 50 years.
You should not starve or feel cold or remain uneducated or not get a job ( highest vacancies in 50 years) as long as you manage your free subsidised money and not smoke or drink it away in a pub or Bingo or the Bookies.
@Norwegian and inflation has increased to a level that I am afraid people might shoot Imran Khan in any street. Now don't show me BS charts, I know what is going on in streets.
IMF is international lending body (business entity) and not a charity organization.
It is a charity up to a point. It lends money at LOW LOW interest rates so High risk countries who are unable to borrow from other sources, and have exhausted their means of recovering.
It does attempt to ensure you carry out painful but necessary reforms to sustain the debt you have incurred, and to place the economy on a even keel.
Tell me a single difference between Imran govt and Nawaz govt or even PPP govt? Now don't tell me how holy and great Imran Khan is. I know he will go to jannat, and I am not talking here about his personal life.
Governance is same.
@Norwegian and inflation has increased to a level that I am afraid people might shoot Imran Khan in any street. Now don't show me BS charts, I know what is going on in streets.
People can run the govt themselves or get back that Bhagora from London if they are so worried about inflation
Since people like to compare petrol and electricity prices to the West. Let me tell you we in the UK subsidise workers by enforcing a minimum pay and if you sit at home for 50 years not working than the Govt will pay you for housing food energy education health care etc for those 50 years.
You should not starve or feel cold or remain uneducated or not get a job ( highest vacancies in 50 years) as long as you manage your free subsidised money and not smoke or drink it away in a pub or Bingo or the Bookies.
Who said your dumb UK was an ideal country to emulate? No wonder why you guys don't have enough lorry drivers when they are all sitting at home doing nothing
Electricity price isn't problem real problem is load shedding which has increased under PTI
Real problem is that every problem was discovered after PTI govt came into being 😂
This is another problem. Loadshedding have damaged some industries before.
Which industries? Pakistan has hardly any export industry
Our country is deliberately being DESTROYED by some international and local vested interests, one main reason is to strip us of our Nuclear assets.
Let me expand on the 'local vested interests' part for you. Why PML(N)-led GOP tapped IMF to manage Pakistani economic situation in its tenure? As if electricity tariffs and prices of commodities did not increase for all back in those days? And what about rampant money laundering and corruption which pushed Pakistan into radar of FATF?

Pakistan needs to put its own house in order. Thanks.
Which industries? Pakistan has hardly any export industry
Raw material processing plants for leather goods in particular. I have noticed some dead plants myself - painful. This reality was acknowledged in relevant report of SBP as well.

General pointers:

Ah the IMF, the West's "Economic Mafia" to force nations to submit.

Pakistan must extricate itself from the IMF, for it does, Pakistan will find itself for the first time in history, free of any economic terrorism by the West.

Pay off their loans and tell them to eff off!!

Ask Chinese or Saudis for a free loan of 7B. With no condition.
Very nice. I never had any doubt that IMF is here to destroy economies. This news has just reconfirmed that.
Why people keep blaming IMF ?
How many people in Pakistan pay taxes ? Just proper tax collection can alleviate majority of Debt situation.
When are you going to stop imports. Can people not live without some shiny trinkets if you have stopped all ability to make them in house. I have seen youtubers showcasing different shops. All I see is everything " Made in China" on all the shelves be it cutlery/ dinnerware/ decoration items. Even the basic day to day stuff is mostly imported. On my last visit to Pakistan I bought a couple of framed Quranic verses written on a parchment to put as decorations in my home. Guess what ? " Made in China"
I cannot have more than $3000 in an overseas bank without declaring it to IRS or they can and will lock me up for tax evasion. How much Pakistani wealth is amassed overseas without accountability ? and it was not sent out in the form of super duper PKR !
Cannot blame others till your own internal affairs are in order. Stop this Rona Dhona.
Deep pockets Sidaqut and Emanut.

I wonder if PMs marriage would survive inflation.

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