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‘I’M THE VICTIM’ Brit ‘ISIS matchmaker’ who groomed jihadi brides is found in Syrian refugee camp an

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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Tooba Gondal, now 25, gained notoriety after luring jihadi brides to Syria with sick propaganda – with Shamima Begum rumoured to be among her recruits.

2nd April 2019, 4:44 am

View media item 17923Tooba Gondal left the UK at the age of 22 to join ISIS and became a key recruiter

The former Goldsmiths university student and daughter of a successful businessman left her London home at the age of 22 to join the terror group.

She is now living in Ayn Issa camp with her children following a failed escape bid from ISIS-held Baghouz village to the Turkish border, Rojava Information Centre reported.

Despite once calling Britain a "filthy country", Gondal, who uses the pseudonym Umm Muthanna Al Britaniyah, is now pleading to come home.

“The British public are scared, they don’t want to deal with us. But they must," she said.

“We can’t stay in this camp for the rest of our lives, they must deal with us. We are not threat to their society, we just want a normal life again.”

The jihadi insisted she was the real victim and said she posed no threat to Britain.

“The women and the children [of ISIS] became the victims,” she reportedly said.

“I did not harm anyone, if I committed no harm in Syria for four years, what kind of threat can I be to Britain?”

Gondal complained that Syrian Democratic Forces confiscated her possessions – but she still has her passport after sewing it into her two-year-old son’s diapers.

“They took our money, they took our gold, all our electronics, we have to start life from zero,” she moaned.

She now fears for the safety of her children in the camp.

“They will grow up to not have any manners and not have any education…the women will maybe lose their sanity… more sicknesses, more diseases, cases of death.”

The extremist was initially married to a key ISIS recruiter, Abu Abbas al-Lubnani, who offered cash incentives to teenage girls via a UK-based cell.

But after he was killed, Gondal married at least one more man, a Pakistani fighter who was killed in Khsham village.

After leaving for Syria, she launched a sick online campaign to tempt others to follow in her footsteps.

In online rants printed in the Mail on Sunday, she praised the Paris attacks writing: "Wish I could have seen the hostages being slaughtered last night with my own eyes. Would have been just beautiful."

She was then caught trying to lure girls to join her in war ravaged Syria when she contacted an undercover journalist and plotted to get her to fly to Switzerland before making her way by land to Syria.
View media item 17922The former Goldsmiths university student and daughter of a successful businessman lured other Brit girls to join the terror group.

Pay attention to these words:

Businessman, ISIS/Daesh, Gondal (Pakistani Punjabi Caste), Pakistani ISIS/Daesh Fighter?

Sounds Intricate? But that's how MOSSAD successfully poured Thousands of ISIS/Daesh fighters in Syria. Plus the Girl is attractive and looks quite modern but LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING.
@Ahmet Pasha @Gillani88
Well she was fool and now she will face the music for being stupid. This happens when you are away from the true teachings of Islam.
The interesting thing to observe is all such cases involve pretty modern looking, party-going men & women... Why & how ?
Well she was fool and now she will face the music for being stupid. This happens when you are away from the true teachings of Islam.
The interesting thing to observe is all such cases involve pretty modern looking, party-going men & women... Why & how ?

Yes there is always a majority of foolish stupid peoples, but there are Assets of Foreign Intelligence too, who are squeezed. Its hard to digest the money of MOSSAD or RAW or CIA. In the end they squeeze the last drop from their operatives and all businesses build on their money. So if you are CIA Businessmen, then know your destiny well!

Syrian civil war holds a lot of keys to puzzling & challenging riddles, which one cannot simply cannot comprehend without being part of intelligence agency which actively engaged in Syrian Civil war.
Well she was fool and now she will face the music for being stupid. This happens when you are away from the true teachings of Islam.
The interesting thing to observe is all such cases involve pretty modern looking, party-going men & women... Why & how ?

When they are ignorant and never took the time to study Islam, and then get taken for a ride by CIA and Mossad to go fight a war against fellow peaceful Muslims, and cheer their deaths and slaughtering and lure other women to be raped and used as slaves or men luring machines.
The only one they got to blame is their ownself.
When they are ignorant and never took the time to study Islam, and then get taken for a ride by CIA and Mossad to go fight a war against fellow peaceful Muslims, and cheer their deaths and slaughtering and lure other women to be raped and used as slaves or men luring machines.
The only one they got to blame is their ownself.
Britain actually is stereotyped in most parts of the world as a country that fosters fascism, radicalization and hate mentality.

No wonder Pakistanis adore everything British.
Yes there is always a majority of foolish stupid peoples, but there are Assets of Foreign Intelligence too, who are squeezed. Its hard to digest the money of MOSSAD or RAW or CIA. In the end they squeeze the last drop from their operatives and all businesses build on their money. So if you are CIA Businessmen, then know your destiny well!

Syrian civil war holds a lot of keys to puzzling & challenging riddles, which one cannot simply cannot comprehend without being part of intelligence agency which actively engaged in Syrian Civil war.
Yes, we can learn a lot from US & Israel's created & supported ISIS and how it operated. That's their way of recruiting people..using social media.
Regardless of who's behind ISIS, these people all went in with eyes open that they will be conducting jihad against kafirs, invading other people's land.

Everyone on this site is serving someone's agenda whether they know it or not. There are the Shia haters, the afghan haters, the Sharia bringers, the liberals. You're either following Pak govt agenda, the armed forces agenda, the Jamaat agenda, KSA, Iran or the western, liberal secular agenda. And we all hold each other to account for our views. So why should Isis fans get any leeway?

They are hateful, ignorant, insecure fools who caused suffering to thousands and they need consequences.
They killed thousands upon thousands of Muslims and now there stateless and citizenshipless and crying like the little slag she is .

**** this bitch and all the rest of this death cult rot in this life and the next .
Britain actually is stereotyped in most parts of the world as a country that fosters fascism, radicalization and hate mentality.

No wonder Pakistanis adore everything British.

I wouldn't believe anything the daily mail writes. Right wing gutter media, make Indian media look like charity newsletters

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