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I'm sure Rohingyas are behind Bodh Gaya blasts: Myanmar monk


Aug 18, 2009
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I'm sure Rohingyas are behind Bodh Gaya blasts: Myanmar monk - Hindustan Times

Bhikkhu Wirathu, 46, is one of the most talked about figures in Myanmar. The Buddhist monk is the leader of the 969 movement, which is opposed to what they say, is the spread of Islam in the predominantly-Buddhict Burma, and is intended to safeguard Buddhism.
Bhikhu Wirathu leads the controversial 969 movement in Myanmar.

But many see his nationalist movement as a hate campaign against Muslims, and say it plays a key role in creating the climate for the country’s anti-Muslim riots, thus giving him the name ‘Burmese bin Laden’.

This has also led to raise concern about the rise of militant Buddhists. The Bodh Gaya attack on July 7, some felt, was in response to what was happening to Muslims in Myanmar.

Excerpts from an interview the monk gave to the Outlook magazine:

What is your 969 campaign all about?
It’s about protecting our religion 1and race

It talks about a Myanmar where Muslims almost have no place. Or do they?
No, you cannot look at it like that. The campaign is mainly to build our own fences and protect our race and religion from outsiders. It is similar to Gandhi’s call for a boycott of foreign products.

What are the reasons for Buddhist-Muslim clashes?
Muslims in Myanmar are trying to intimidate and create problems for Buddhists. Buddhists now attempt to resist those attacks.

Are Muslims a threat to country’s security and sovereignty; do you see them encroaching on Buddhists’ rights?
Those believing in jehad under foreign influence are a threat to Myanmar’s security. They’re destroying our religion; they’re trying to swallow up our race through cross-marriage. Though they live here, they’re doing nothing good for Myanmar.

How does the 969 movement propose to bring an end to the ongoing violence?
By means of the 969 movement, we can build our fence firmly and protect our race and religion. Then, we can’t be violated and attacked by them. But from our side too, we don’t need to respond against them.

How do you justify violence in the name of the Buddha?
There are no provisions for violence and revenge in any religion. If a religion provides such things, it cannot be respected as a religion.

You have probably heard of the suspicion that the Bodh Gaya blasts were caused by the Islamists upset with the treatment of Rohingyas in Myanmar. What are your reactions?
I am sure they did it. They are trying to take over Myanmar by violence, like what they tried in Southern Thailand. Unrest in Myanmar is almost over, but extremist forces are trying to use the clashes in Myanmar to justify violent activities elsewhere.

Tension between Buddhists and Muslims has also been reported from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangladesh and elsewhere. Do you think Indian Buddhists should be careful?
Sure. Not only Buddhist but other religions should also be careful. They all are in danger.

Can India get caught in the flames emanating from Myanmar?
The clashes in Myanmar stem from the actions of those hungry for blood and revenge. They use Myanmar’s name to cover their threat, justify their action.
Let the investigation finish first. Then we can come into a conclusion who did this coward act. No comments what he said.

Sri Lanka Bans Time Magazine Which Exposed Buddhist Racism In Myanmar

Sri Lanka has banned and seized copies of the latest issue of Time International magazine on the pretext that over its cover story on Myanmar’s Buddhist racism on Muslims where minority Muslim are massacred in ethnic cleansing headed by Buddhist monks.

The ban is not surprising , a Colombo based catholic individual said on social network who said even in Sri Lanka the Buddhist racism on rise who played key role on persecution of Tamils , Muslims and Catholics. Since defeat of Tamil rebels, the Buddhist monks have restarted their violence of Muslims and Catholics.

Time Magazine exposed the face behind Buddhist racism in Myanmar

“We did not allow this issue to be distributed in Sri Lanka because we felt it could hurt the religious sentiments of the people,” said Customs department spokesman Leslie Gamini. Real Buddhism which started by Siddartha in ancient time never preached racism. True sentiments of Buddhists not supposed to be hurt when a magazine exposes the racism which is completely opposite to real Buddhist principles.

The cover story on the July 1st issue of the magazine captioned ‘The Face of Buddhist Terror’ features Myanmar’s monk A. Wirathu, who leads the 969 Buddhist Nationalist movement against the Muslims. Similar movements are organised by Sri Lankan Presdient’s younger brother defence secretary and master mind behind Tamil genocide , Gottabaya Rajapaksa called ‘Bodhu Bala Sena’ and ‘Ravana Sena’. The movements have leading strong campaigns against ethnic minority Muslims in the island. Also some violence have been recorded recently when the members of these organisations attacked Muslim businesses.

Also a far right Buddhist political party Jathika Hela Urumaya is an ally in Rajapaksa’s government. Recently the Buddhist monks behind this party and in large have begun campaigning against 13thamendment which legislates the power devolution with ethnic Tamils in their homeland.

Buddhist-majority Sri Lanka, where tensions with Muslims and other minority religious communities have been rising, is the second country to censor the edition after Myanmar.
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