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I'm Being Held Hostage By Chinese Factory Workers

What's with these fellows? Remember, a few months ago, an Indian businessman working for an American Company was similarly held hostage in a Chinese factory for months in spite of the fact that an American businessman owed the factory some money!!!

Kidnapping and hostage taking for ransom seems to be the new business mantra in the land of the Hans!! :cuckoo:
law is just some pretty words on paper in India. the reality is that managers were burned to ashes by workers in India. I know he's setting up factories in India, that's why I mentioned he need to prepare for a Maruti Suzuki scenario.

with 500,000 of your citizens in labor camps with no due process , hardly think India's law is just pretty words. I guess he thinks his chances of being protected are better than in China. I mean you do have cases where you guys have murdered your bosses...no?

The point here is, obviously you Chinese are not getting it is- regardless of the fact that this looks like misinformed workers, your govt should have had law enforcement intervene.
China should let the workers have union then these poor workers could get their fair paycheck for dismissal.

Cry a river this American exploiter, next stop....Incredible India, they will treat you better and if you mistreat them, they will burn you alive....

so are they or are they not blocking him from leaving for days. Those state approved media shots not withstanding.

China should let the workers have union then these poor workers could get their fair paycheck for dismissal.

Cry a river this American exploiter, next stop....Incredible India, they will treat you better and if you mistreat them, they will burn you alive....

another Chinese who does not do well reading an article before he speaks. They are NOT moving all business to India , only one small portion, less than 30 workers load.

Btw- killing bosses is not unique to India. http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/blog/eyeonasia/archives/2009/07/rioting_chinese.html
^^^^ your post reported

now read your own link...

About 100 workers are demanding generous severance packages identical to those offered 30 workers being laid-off from the company's plastics division. The demands followed rumors the entire plant was being closed, despite Starnes' assertion the company doesn't plan to fire the others.
being taken "hostage" but free to give media interviews. I saw a CNN report saying how he treats the workers well and gave them lucrative severences, the typical bullshit.

The guy should just pay his dues and it will be over.
What will YOU do if you go to work one day, find out that everything in the factory has been packaged and ready to be shipped away, then your boss tell you:" No worry, we are still in business, head office is wiring money, you will get the pay we own you soon......but now you need to let me go back to USA first."???????
I don't have my 'citizens' in labor camps that I am aware of, and I see one of my citizens here did not get burned to ashes by some mobs. The US embassy/chamber of commerce representatives are there, if there is foul play, they would be the first one to act. And apparently they are helping him negotiate with the workers (with access to lawyers). Negotiation sounds much more civilized than getting torched. But I am worried that if he carries his way of doing business into India, he has very high likelihood of ending up like the managers working for maruti suzuki, and the useless law will only mock him once he ends up in an urn.

Indian labor protection regulations and laws are a joke. The vast majority of the Indian workforce is temporary, and thus unprotected by design. Even the workers in Vietnam and Indonesia are getting much better working conditions and salaries. The laws are just excuses for red tapes and baksheesh.

with 500,000 of your citizens in labor camps with no due process , hardly think India's law is just pretty words. I guess he thinks his chances of being protected are better than in China. I mean you do have cases where you guys have murdered your bosses...no?

The point here is, obviously you Chinese are not getting it is- regardless of the fact that this looks like misinformed workers, your govt should have had law enforcement intervene.
Welcome back, can't wait till you get your next ban :D
Look whos talking :omghaha:


Yeah right.

In India, the workers burn the owners alive with rubber tires around the neck if they didn't get a raise. I read about these kind things in the news many times.
You are a joke.

Just pay the workers 2 months backpay and you are free to go.
And don't let the door hit you fat butt on your way out anal sphincter.
False flagger.
Just because an indian started the thread,lets discuss about what happens in India..A canadian not caring much about a fellow american and defending chinese,ranting about India.
Yes,you are a canadian :agree:
Look whos talking :omghaha:

False flagger.
Just because an indian started the thread,lets discuss about what happens in India..A canadian not caring much about a fellow american and defending chinese,ranting about India.
Yes,you are a canadian :agree:

you are really good at morale-boosting.
The truth is, China has make much more contribution to the world, people like to cooperate with us.
First, China tourists' abroad consumption accounts for 24% of the total tourists all over the world. Our tourist brings the whole world so many jobs and income.
Second, Chinese product makes people all over the world convenient, although some product are low quality, people choose product that best suitable for themselves.
Third, you should not begging for respect. We wins respect because our people are hardworking, making fortune both for themselves and the world. So we win respect. What about you? Boasting your so called democracy but doing nothing to promote your people's living standard, taking over other nation's job opportunity.
I don't have my 'citizens' in labor camps that I am aware of, and I see one of my citizens here did not get burned to ashes by some mobs. The US embassy/chamber of commerce representatives are there, if there is foul play, they would be the first one to act. And apparently they are helping him negotiate with the workers (with access to lawyers). Negotiation sounds much more civilized than getting torched. But I am worried that if he carries his way of doing business into India, he has very high likelihood of ending up like the managers working for maruti suzuki, and the useless law will only mock him once he ends up in an urn.

Indian labor protection regulations and laws are a joke. The vast majority of the Indian workforce is temporary, and thus unprotected by design. Even the workers in Vietnam and Indonesia are getting much better working conditions and salaries. The laws are just excuses for red tapes and baksheesh.

it is apparent that you are void any intellect on this subject both from obviously not having read the article to your knowledge of a " democratic " country and its laws. Just another seditious Chinese in the US. Hostage taking does not equate to negotiations and murdering bosses ( as in the link I provided earlier is not exclusive to India). There is a reason why you guys do so poorly compared to Indian immigrants population in the US

an incident in India = that is the status quo there... but multiple incidents like this china, where even bosses get killed, is a-okay. got it
What will YOU do if you go to work one day, find out that everything in the factory has been packaged and ready to be shipped away, then your boss tell you:" No worry, we are still in business, head office is wiring money, you will get the pay we own you soon......but now you need to let me go back to USA first."???????

what would you do if you read the article one day and found out, only 30 workers got laid off, well compensated. But the rest thought they were also getting laid off ( rumor) and took him hostage- when none of them were getting laid off...
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