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I’m An Indian Muslim And Here’s Why I’m Scared Of Living In India

This is what Modi and his chaddie wearing Sangh criminals are turning India into. That has been their aim all along. Worthless illiterate cow urine drinkers!
Modi and his RSS backers have a mission...and it does not look good for non Vedic Dharm followers...they wish to purify...
The vast majority backed the union, along with religious and political figure heads
Man, most pro Union Congressi Muslim politicians lost their deposit in the 1946 elections to the AIML candidates. :D
That's true to an extent, that some were forced to stay as they didn't have the means to reach Pakistan. But this was a tiny minority. The vast majority backed the union, along with religious and political figure heads e.g. Maulana Azad. However, it is the present that matters and there remains no such population in India now.
I too have met Indian Muslims who despise the RSS and other militant wings, but I have met none, and I mean none that hate India itself. I have actually met more Sikhs in the UK who can't stand India than Indian Muslims.
As for the Gujarati Muslims, I have't seen any cheering for the Pakistani cricket team and they tend to keep themselves quite separate from Pakistanis.
Its all depend on what Indian Muslims we are talking about. Some ulema of Hind opposed the creation of Pakistan because they were dreaming about ruling on Hindu in undivided India where Muslims would be in majority or at least equal to Hindus and others opposed it because they thought that those Muslims who will remained in India will be in terrible situation . No Muslim opposed creation of Pakistan because they were fond to live under extremist Hinduvata like Modi lol

Secondly I think that we cannot classify all Indian Muslim into one category as you have some who are pro Pakistan/pro Muslim, some are neutral while others are pro India. I have never seen any Indian Muslim in UK who is sharing his house/room with Indian Hindu or Sikhs but they were very comfortable to share their house and food with Pakistani Muslims. Mostly those Indian Muslims who are devout religious have positive views of Pakistan as they were mostly against nationalism. They were very vocal to criticise India and its anti Muslims policies after Hindus have elected Hinduvata butcher of gujraat as prime minister of India and atrocities of Indian army in occupied kashmir. Sure you also have some who are neutral i.e neither hate or love Pakistan and then you have those nationalist who hate Pakistan in order to prove their patriotism for India .

It also depend whether Indian Muslims you interacted with were living in Hindu dominated areas or Muslim dominated areas in India because those who suffered in the hand of Hindu extremist while living in Hindu dominated areas mostly keep negative view of India. You also have those Indian Muslims who have got some relatives living in Pakistan and they don't talk negative about Pakistan . I agree many Sikhs in Uk also despise Modi and Indian Government . Sikhs consider themselves Punjabi more than anything else lol
Man, most pro Union Congressi Muslim politicians lost their deposit in the 1946 elections to the AIML candidates. :D

That's true, but that mainly stemmed from the majority Muslim areas which became Pakistan. As for the rest, why did so many stay put?
The primary reason why our Akabireen Ulama opposed the creation of Pakistan was because they knew that Pakistan will be dominated by the secularised western educated class of feudalists. The difference between Muslims in India and Muslims in Pakistan is that Indian Muslims still consider Ulama as the natural leaders and representatives of the community; whereas in Pakistan the leaders are corrupt feudalists and alcoholic Army generals. In Pakistan, Ulama are not respected and will never be given a leadership position. This is why the Ulama who opposed creation of Pakistan had such a deep Firaasat and Baseerat and their warning proved true.
Pakistan is democracy so whoever elected by majority of Pakistani will be ruler in there so keep your conspiracy theories and non sense to yourself. Ulema need to convince the majority of Pakistani Muslims in order to get the leadership position

But if Pakistan was not created, Muslims in India would have greater strength and political clout to counter these frightening developments.
well Pakistan was created because Muslims of sub continent were not getting their social, political , economical an religious rights . you probably did not read about events which led to creation of Pakistan.
Muslims lost the trust of hindus the day pakistan was formed..muslims lost trust of indians when they cheered pakistan in cricket matches against pakistan...muslims lost trust of indians when they rioted hundreds of times across india amd killed many hindus

Hindus lost the trust muslim's trust when they butchered and murdered over a million innocent muslims and continue to do so to this date.

And you guys lost it over a cricket match?
Pakistan has never been a true democracy. How it is that Pakistan is created in 1947 but the first free and fair elections are in 1970? Even those elections were a sham since the results were rejected which resulted in the breakup of the country. Then another dictatorship comes (Zia) which further entrenches the power of the military, and yet another dictatorship (Musharraf). So it is clear to any cool headed analyst that democracy was only allowed to function in Pakistan under very restricted conditions, and even then once the feudalists and military consolidated their power and reduced the power and influence of the Ulama.

Pakistan was created to serve interests of the elite Nawabs and feudalists. Ask any impartial historian
again non sense and here is election history of Pakistan..


1 elections :1954 ( indirect election) =PML
2 elections : 1962 ( indiect elections )= PML
3 elections : 1970 = AML
4 elections : 1977 = PPP
5 elections : 1985 = PML
6 elections : 1988 = PPP
7 elections : 1990 = PMLN
8 elections : 1993 = PPP
9 elections :1996 = PMLN
10 elections : 1997 = PPP
11 elections : 1999. = PMLN
12 elections : 2002 = PMLQ
13 elections : 2008. = PPP
14 elections : 2013. = PMLN

Jinnah's first preference was not a separate homeland for Muslims but rather united India with extra constitutional powers for Muslim majority areas. It is only when Nehru backed out of the plan/agreement that Jinnah was left with no option other than to pursue the case of Pakistan. It is Nehru who deceived Muslim league and some of the congress leaders like Abdul kalaam Azad which ended up in formation of Pakistan

Jinnah was a visionary leader who understood well what India would face in future if it remains undivided. He prevented India becoming a battleground in each province or city. Jinnah's vision of Pakistan was great i.e tolerant, democratic etc country . Surely Jinnah's vision has not been fully implemented. However Pakistan has provided 1000 times more to its citizens in economic terms compared to its immediate neighbourhood
Consider where Pakistan started from? zero industry, zero university. And now with all its shortcoming, is doing better than where we were in 1947 even after having so many wars, martial laws, political instability and terrorism within Pakistan etc

Similarly compared KPK with Afghanistani provinces next door, and tell me if Afghanistanis across the border are doing 1000 times better as compare to their counterpart in Pakistan

Compare Pakistani Muslims with Indian muslims who are in worse economic condition as compare to others religious groups in India. Nehru with a Pseudo secular outlook should have allowed Muslims to migrate to Pakistan (east or west) safely rather then pleading them with false promises of secularism etc
Tell me why in Pakistan Nizam-e-Mustafa صلى الله عليه وسلم has never been implemented in not only letter but spirit also? Why is Pakistan dominated by feudalists and industrialist politicians, as well as libertine military generals who are completely westernised and living un-Islamic lifestyle?

If Pakistan is the homeland for the Muslims why did Pakistani govt. prevent the Biharis in Bangladesh from coming here? Remember when Prime Minister Benazir barred the Biharis from coming to Pakistan because she did not want to upset the "Ethnic balance", i.e., she did not want to upset her own Sindhi people? Pakistan has never been sincere to Islam or Muslims. Pakistan uses the name of Islam for the selfish interests of a specific elite class of people. Our akabireen Ulama warned against Pakistan not because we don't like the idea of a separate Muslim homeland, but because we knew that the people behind this movement are all secularists; just like the orthodox Jews opposed Zionism because they knew that the Zionists are using the name of Religion but in reality they are all faithless atheists. You cannot fool people of Religion; you can only fool gullible people.
Because in the process of trying to implement perfect Islamic system people tend to go Kaboom

The primary reason why our Akabireen Ulama opposed the creation of Pakistan was because they knew that Pakistan will be dominated by the secularised western educated class of feudalists. The difference between Muslims in India and Muslims in Pakistan is that Indian Muslims still consider Ulama as the natural leaders and representatives of the community; whereas in Pakistan the leaders are corrupt feudalists and alcoholic Army generals. In Pakistan, Ulama are not respected and will never be given a leadership position. This is why the Ulama who opposed creation of Pakistan had such a deep Firaasat and Baseerat and their warning proved true.

As for the present situation of India, the Hindutva and RSS forces are emboldened and implementing their nefarious agenda. But if Pakistan was not created, Muslims in India would have greater strength and political clout to counter these frightening developments.
Pakistanis consider ulema as natural leaders?Really where ?I have been to all provinces of Pakistan and in all places the influence of Molvis doesnot extend beyond religious affairs
Perhaps you failed English class, I never said "Pakistanis consider ulema as natural leaders" quite the opposite
Sorry was feeling a little drowsy mixed up Indian and Pakistan
On topic no Indian Muslims dont consider ulemas to be their leaders they vote for anti Pakistan bjp and are fully Indian we have nothing in common
And on our leaders well they are corrupt the reason isnt that they are not Islamic enough but because our system encourages that in many cases using Islam as a shield to aid corruption by the powerful

And on secularism well if its so bad why do you live in a secular,democratic,liberal state?

The ulemas who are against Pakistan will see fate similar ti Zakir Naik they will be on the run in India

Perhaps you failed English class, I never said "Pakistanis consider ulema as natural leaders" quite the opposite
Sorry was feeling a little drowsy mixed up Indian and Pakistan
On topic no Indian Muslims dont consider ulemas to be their leaders they vote for anti Pakistan bjp and are fully Indian we have nothing in common
And on our leaders well they are corrupt the reason isnt that they are not Islamic enough but because our system encourages that in many cases using Islam as a shield to aid corruption by the powerful

And on secularism well if its so bad why do you live in a secular,democratic,liberal state?

The ulemas who are against Pakistan will see fate similar ti Zakir Naik they will be on the run in India
Its all depend on what Indian Muslims we are talking about. Some ulema of Hind opposed the creation of Pakistan because they were dreaming about ruling on Hindu in undivided India where Muslims would be in majority or at least equal to Hindus and others opposed it because they thought that those Muslims who will remained in India will be in terrible situation . No Muslim opposed creation of Pakistan because they were fond to live under extremist Hinduvata like Modi lol

Secondly I think that we cannot classify all Indian Muslim into one category as you have some who are pro Pakistan/pro Muslim, some are neutral while others are pro India. I have never seen any Indian Muslim in UK who is sharing his house/room with Indian Hindu or Sikhs but they were very comfortable to share their house and food with Pakistani Muslims. Mostly those Indian Muslims who are devout religious have positive views of Pakistan as they were mostly against nationalism. They were very vocal to criticise India and its anti Muslims policies after Hindus have elected Hinduvata butcher of gujraat as prime minister of India and atrocities of Indian army in occupied kashmir. Sure you also have some who are neutral i.e neither hate or love Pakistan and then you have those nationalist who hate Pakistan in order to prove their patriotism for India .

It also depend whether Indian Muslims you interacted with were living in Hindu dominated areas or Muslim dominated areas in India because those who suffered in the hand of Hindu extremist while living in Hindu dominated areas mostly keep negative view of India. You also have those Indian Muslims who have got some relatives living in Pakistan and they don't talk negative about Pakistan . I agree many Sikhs in Uk also despise Modi and Indian Government . Sikhs consider themselves Punjabi more than anything else lol

Look at the 1946 elections

Indian Muslims voted for the Muslim League. You can argue that they did not know the consequences of the vote.
I have not seen a single Indian Muslim own up to the consequences of their vote
The community leaders of Indian Muslims are Ulama, such as Arshad Madani, Mahmood Madani, Shahi Imam, Kalbe Sadiq, Kalbe Jawwad, etc.

Secularism is not bad when we Muslims are a minority. In that scenario, secularism is there to protect our freedom to practice our religion. Hence I am not critical of secularism in India. I am critical of secularism in Muslim countries, because secularism in Muslim countries means the State actively suppresses Islamic movements and enforces westernisation.
Metha metha hap hap karwa karwa thoo thoo ?
@Hell hound @The Sandman
how representative is the author of Indian Muslims? not very imo
The Muslims of India chose to stay in India and didn't believe in Pakistan. So why on earth would they lose your trust. As for cheering Pakistan, every Indian Muslim I have met has been a fanatical follower of the Indian cricket team.
Oh and riots are a two way street.
Actually until the early 80s , hindus were called the majority with a minority complex.
The politics of the country was such that hindus felt marginalized.
For votes congress overplayed its hand and the backlash started in the 80s and is still continuing.
Modi should seriously speak out more forcefully against the vigilantees , even though law and order is a state subject .
Around 40% states are under non bjp rule.
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