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Illegal US drone strike kills six people in Pakistan: officials

Why Pakistan Gov is allowing drone attacks................what is the actual story.
And Pakistan disagrees with both and denies both - the US on the other hand openly accepts conducting illegal military operations on Pakistani soil, so there is no question of its violation of international law.

Secondly, given the obvious retort from people like you on the issue of 'safe havens in Pakistan constitution State Support for the Taliban', the presence of sanctuaries in Eastern Afghanistan for terrorists such as Mullah FM, terrorists that have massacred hundreds of Pakistani security forces and civilians in cross-border attacks from Afghanistan, would constitute 'US/Afghan State Support for terrorists attacking Pakistan'.

So before accusing Pakistan of 'State support' the US/Afghans need to eliminate the terrorist sanctuaries on Afghan soil responsible for the massacres of hundreds of Pakistanis.

Its a strawman argument. Afghanistan was full of taliban/terrorists (who were incidently supported and recongnized by only 1 govt - Pakistan at the time of USA invasion) when USA landed there. They have been fighting a foreign war to erradicate those terrorists for last 11 years and unfortunately have not been totally successful. On the other hand, Pakistan has made no effort to remove its strategic assets from its soil who are now designated as terrorists by UNSC. Which is one of the major causes for NATO not being able to remove terrorists completely from Afghanistan. Hence comparing the 2 is not only foolish but smacks of hypocrisy of the 1st order..
Pakistan Gov should strongly protest in UN. Or make a legal agreement war against terror. We also have enemies give us drone so that we can kill them.
Its a strawman argument. Afghanistan was full of taliban/terrorists (who were incidently supported and recongnized by only 1 govt - Pakistan at the time of USA invasion) when USA landed there. They have been fighting a foreign war to erradicate those terrorists for last 11 years and unfortunately have not been totally successful.
They have minimal to no troop presence in the areas of Eastern Afghanistan that the TTP terrorists have sanctuaries in to carry out terrorism in Pakistan. That does not by any means indicate any kind of 'effort'. The excuse provided by NATO is that they do not have the resources to deploy troops in those areas, which BTW is the same reason that Pakistan provides for not launching any major operation in North Waziristan.
On the other hand, Pakistan has made no effort to remove its strategic assets from its soil who are now designated as terrorists by UNSC. Which is one of the major causes for NATO not being able to remove terrorists completely from Afghanistan. Hence comparing the 2 is not only foolish but smacks of hypocrisy of the 1st order..
Pakistan has made as much of an effort to remove the Taliban on Pakistani soil as has the US to remove the TTP launching terrorist attacks against Pakistan from Eastern Afghanistan.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander - if the US is unwilling to act against TTP safe havens in Eastern Afghanistan by arguing 'lack of resources', despite NATO having many, many magnitudes more military and economic resources at their disposal than Pakistan, then Pakistan's rationale of a 'lack of resources' for not launching a military operation in North Waziristan is certainly a more valid reason than that provided by the US/NATO.
They have minimal to no troop presence in the areas of Eastern Afghanistan that the TTP terrorists have sanctuaries in to carry out terrorism in Pakistan. That does not by any means indicate any kind of 'effort'. The excuse provided by NATO is that they do not have the resources to deploy troops in those areas, which BTW is the same reason that Pakistan provides for not launching any major operation in North Waziristan.
You do realize that NATO is a force working in a foreign land because people from that land attacked them. Its an expeditionary force operating in a foreign country. It can not be held responsible for maintaining law and order there. Pakistan on the other hand has terrorists operating on its own soil that target almost all its neighbors (including China it seems). As I said, comparing the 2 is foolish at best.

Pakistan has made as much of an effort to remove the Taliban on Pakistani soil as has the US to remove the TTP launching terrorist attacks against Pakistan from Eastern Afghanistan.

Pakistan is responsible for terrorists on its soil. And it was Pakistan who supported the formation of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Now you cant hold America responsible for not having erradicated the same Taliban from Afghanistan.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander - if the US is unwilling to act against TTP safe havens in Eastern Afghanistan by arguing 'lack of resources', despite NATO having many, many magnitudes more military and economic resources at their disposal than Pakistan, then Pakistan's rationale of a 'lack of resources' for not launching a military operation in North Waziristan is certainly a more valid reason than that provided by the US/NATO.
Asked and answered.. However, I havent heard too much clamour coming from NATO about Pakistan launching the NW offensive. Looks like they are pretty content on the surgical strikes thru drones and an occasional Abbotabad kind of operation. It seems that its Pakistan that is not finding that option palatable enough and hence the regular cries against the drones. And while we are exchaning proverbs, the one that fits for Pakistan at the moment is that you cant have your cake and eat it too..
Want drone strikes on Maoists? :D

Did Maoist ever go inside Pakistan or any other country,killed some and ran back inside India under the protection of Indian Agencies?

You simply dont know Maoist, so stop comparing Maoist with Talibunnies or else you are making a mockery of yourself :lol:

Back to the topic... so if these drone strikes are "illegal" then why don't pakistan go to the UN or International Court and get US punished?
US drones strike again in the Shawal Valley

By BILL ROGGIO, July 1, 2012

The US launched its second straight drone strike in a remote valley in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan today, killing eight "militants."

The remotely piloted Predators or the more advanced Reapers fired a pair of missiles at a compound in the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan, according to AFP. Pakistani officials said eight "militants," including members of the Turkistan Islamic Party, a Chinese Islamist group, were killed in the strike along with fighters loyal to Hafiz Gul Bahadar, according to The Associated Press. The compound was set afire, burning several of the bodies beyond recognition.

No senior al Qaeda, Taliban, or allied jihadist commanders are reported to have been killed in the strike.

Today's strike in Shawal is the second in the valley this week. On June 26, a similar strike on a compound in Shawal killed five militants. So far this year, four of the 25 drone strikes in Pakistan have hit targets in the Shawal Valley.

Al Qaeda, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, and Taliban fighters under the command of Hafiz Gul Bahadar, the leader of the Taliban in North Waziristan, are all known to operate in the Shawal Valley, which is near the Afghan border. The area is used to launch attacks across the border in Afghanistan.

Read more: US drones strike again in the Shawal Valley - The Long War Journal
Pakistan is either hosting or turning a blind eye to its sovereignty being breached by every known islamic terrorist group in the world. It is hypocrisy either way.
These Terroists feel the impact only when a Agm-114 Hellfire missiles destroys their hideouts.
Pakistan Gov should strongly protest in UN. Or make a legal agreement war against terror. We also have enemies give us drone so that we can kill them.

Why do you think someone needs to give you something to kill your enemies. Use your own resources..

These Terroists feel the impact only when a Agm-114 Hellfire missiles destroys their hideouts.

I dont think they even feel it ..Such missiles end up creating an out of body experience ;)..
You do realize that NATO is a force working in a foreign land because people from that land attacked them. Its an expeditionary force operating in a foreign country. It can not be held responsible for maintaining law and order there. Pakistan on the other hand has terrorists operating on its own soil that target almost all its neighbors (including China it seems). As I said, comparing the 2 is foolish at best.
NATO can absolutely be held responsible since it is the occupation force that itself has taken on the responsibility for 'establishing democracy and building local institutions, especially security institutions'. If NATO does not want to be held responsible, then it needs to end its massive military presence in Afghanistan - there is no way to dance around this fact.

As long as NATO has a military presence in Afghanistan, it will be responsible for acting against terrorists operating out of Afghanistan.

Pakistan is responsible for terrorists on its soil. And it was Pakistan who supported the formation of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Now you cant hold America responsible for not having erradicated the same Taliban from Afghanistan.
NATO/ISAF/ANA is responsible for the terrorists operating from its soil, and the CIA supported some of the very same militant groups that suited its purpose during and after the Soviet presence in Afghanistan, so that point of yours is irrelevant to the discussion that NATO needs to act against the terrorists operating out of Afghan territory that it is responsible for.
Asked and answered.. However, I havent heard too much clamour coming from NATO about Pakistan launching the NW offensive. Looks like they are pretty content on the surgical strikes thru drones and an occasional Abbotabad kind of operation. It seems that its Pakistan that is not finding that option palatable enough and hence the regular cries against the drones. And while we are exchaning proverbs, the one that fits for Pakistan at the moment is that you cant have your cake and eat it too..
You must be living with your head buried in the sand then, given Panetta's recent comments about 'the US is losing patience' - the clamor from the US on wanting Pakistan to launch a military operation in North Waziristan is pretty loud and consistent. Pakistan does not find the option of unilateral drone strikes palatable, given that they are patently illegal and unauthorized. Pakistan is willing to accept drone strikes that are conducted jointly or PAF air strikes.

Why do you think someone needs to give you something to kill your enemies. Use your own resources..
Pakistan has offered to use its own resources - one of the proposals made by Pakistan involves replacing illegal US drone strikes with precision PAF strikes.

These Terroists feel the impact only when a Agm-114 Hellfire missiles destroys their hideouts.
So do innocent civilians killed in illegal US drone strikes ...

Pakistan has offered to use its own resources - one of the proposals made by Pakistan involves replacing illegal US drone strikes with precision PAF strikes.

Unfortunately there is a thinking in pakistan, Any object that attacks pakistan militants from air with a US flag in it always result in collateral damage.

My question is when the people hate Precision strikes from Agm-114 Hellfire missiles and Small Scorpion Weapons how can the same people love when they are bombed by Precision Guided bombs.

It seems Pakistanis love Precision guided bombs more, Hope next time i request CIA Authorities to use GBU-12,GBU-28 etc.

Unfortunately there is a thinking in pakistan, Any object that attacks pakistan militants from air with a US flag in it always result in collateral damage.

My question is when the people hate Precision strikes from Agm-114 Hellfire missiles and Small Scorpion Weapons how can the same people love when they are bombed by Precision Guided bombs.

It seems Pakistanis love Precision guided bombs more, Hope next time i request CIA Authorities to use GBU-12,GBU-28 etc.
Actually, once you are done boot licking the Yanks, the 'thinking in Pakistan' is pretty straightforward - unilateral US drone strikes are illegal and unacceptable. Pakistan has proposed joint US-Pakistan operated drone strikes as well as precision PAF air strikes based on joint US-PAK intelligence cooperation.

There is nothing wrong with 'Pakistani thinking' on this issue - the problem is entirely one of US hubris and bullying in order to continue its illegal drone strikes.
Pakistan cant argue with Afgan/Nato to clear TTP safe heavens in Afgan border since they are not ready to clean up their own home and not letting others to do so.

Also keep in mind that 2 TTP chiefs were killed by CIA drones only. TTP is an enemy of NATO too. and IF nato is letting TTP a free hand, then it is only because of Pakistan's stubbornness regarding to destroy the Haqqanis.
Actually, once you are done boot licking the Yanks, the 'thinking in Pakistan' is pretty straightforward - unilateral US drone strikes are illegal and unacceptable. Pakistan has proposed joint US-Pakistan operated drone strikes as well as precision PAF air strikes based on joint US-PAK intelligence cooperation.

There is nothing wrong with 'Pakistani thinking' on this issue - the problem is entirely one of US hubris and bullying in order to continue its illegal drone strikes.

Drone attacks are also carried out on the basis of Joint Pakistan US Intelligence Co-Operation.
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