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Illegal Immigration from Bangladesh is Alive, Kicking and Hurting India

OK Dee Dee :)

Btw - long time no see? How are you?

You know that this is all bluster right, I sincerely doubt that any Indian political party has the wherewithal and cajones to actually have a policy driven initiative for deportation and management of illegal immigrants. Once the elections are over, a few more statements will be issued, perhaps an initiative or two will be halfheartedly implemented- and the latter itself is a BIG IF- EVEN IF some policy is brought in no one can state how effectively it will be implemented.

In the pursuit of preserving political capital all politicians are willing to let go of their stands, only the quantum of said compromise varies in relative terms.

IF Modi does take actual and concrete steps, which show measurable results on the ground in a time bound manner, then I will tip my hat to the fellow and count him among the likes of Shastri and Ambedkar wrt serving the nation.
You know that this is all bluster right, I sincerely doubt that any Indian political party has the wherewithal and cajones to actually have a policy driven initiative for deportation and management of illegal immigrants. Once the elections are over, a few more statements will be issued, perhaps an initiative or two will be halfheartedly implemented- and the latter itself is a BIG IF- EVEN IF some policy is brought in no one can state how effectively it will be implemented.

In the pursuit of preserving political capital all politicians are willing to let go of their stands, only the quantum of said compromise varies in relative terms.

IF Modi does take actual and concrete steps, which show measurable results on the ground in a time bound manner, then I will tip my hat to the fellow and count him among the likes of Shastri and Ambedkar wrt serving the nation.


Stopping illegal immigration is mainly Centre's duty as it happens through international border manned by central forces....
Stop? Man, the Congress in Assam and the Centre are tacitly allowing this infiltration as these people are a huge Congress vote bank.....The country be damned! :devil:
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The vernacular press in West Bengal is all charged up because BJP stalwarts have promised to deport Bangladeshis if the party comes to power at the Centre. Front page articles and editorials have all denounced this as a move to foment trouble in the state and create divisions between communities. Narendra Modi and Rajnath Singh have become villains in the eyes of this section of the media. Those who are indulging in such commentary have either not understood what the BJP wants to do, or are twisting the remarks to create controversy.

The issue of illegal immigration from Bangladesh is changing the demography of West Bengal and the earlier the country wakes up to the fact, the better for it. Compassion can never be an issue across borders unless persecution in the country of origin is decisively proved. Then, too, immigration may be allowed only on the merits of the case. Here, India is facing a situation where immigration is taking place unhindered and without reports of large scale persecution in Bangladesh. Further, most of those who are entering India illegally are from the majority community in Bangladesh. So the question of escaping from persecution does not arise. They are escaping from lack of economic opportunity and India cannot allow itself to bear the burden of such people. It has enough of its own to look after. But the vote bank blinkers donned by parties in West Bengal does not allow them to take a harder pro-India stand on the issue.

Narendra Modi has unequivocally said that for him, the country is the religion and the Constitution is the Holy Book. He has time and again said that solutions to all problems facing the country will be found by strictly adhering to the constitution. His record also does not show any instances where he has tried to subvert the constitution. So when he says that he will deport Bangladeshis, how do people infer that he is talking about all those who have migrated to India since 1947? That is not legally possible and no one can attempt to do that. Even those who migrated after the ‘Nehru-Liaquat Agreement’ of 1950 have legal sanction and cannot be deported. Those who migrated as a result of the Bangladeshi liberation war are covered under international agreements on displaced persons and refugees. India had allowed them to settle and earn their living in the country, even giving them concessions like non-transferable housing land at low cost (as in refugee colonies in Kolkata and other places of West Bengal). Most of them have become Indian citizens through naturalization with their children having acquired Indian citizenship by birth and that fact is indisputable.

But if someone makes out a case for retaining those who are entering India illegally since then, no right thinking Indian will tolerate it. Taking advantage of a porous border and corrupt security forces, illegal Bangladeshi immigrants have been entering India in West Bengal, Assam and Tripura. One only has to visit the border areas in these states to confirm this. Unscrupulous agents, backed by political parties out to create a vote bank, get them everything from ration cards, voter identification cards and driving licenses. Backed by these documents, if they do not find livelihood in the area, these illegal immigrants are going to places such as Delhi, Mumbai and the rest of the country. They work mainly as farm labour, vehicle drivers, industrial labour, masons, construction workers and goldsmiths. Their spouses do household work for middle class families. Sometimes entire families migrate while at other times, the earning male member migrates and sends back money to Bangladesh by the hawala route. He saves enough to buy a piece of land somewhere and brings in his entire family clandestinely. Some people even enter India as day labourers and go back in the evening. This is not something out of a C-grade Bollywood film. It is happening everyday on the Bangladesh border.

On examining census figures in West Bengal (see chart), it is clear that in both the periods, 1981-1991 and 1991-2001, the jump in Muslim population in the state was much higher (almost 6% higher) than the jump in Muslim population on an all India basis. It did not mean that the West Bengal Muslims were procreating more. It simply meant that their ranks were swelling due to continued illegal immigration from Bangladesh. We have to keep in mind that the first period under review is from ten years after the 1971 war and up to twenty years later. That means that these immigrants were not those who India had so graciously accommodated as displaced persons and refugees. These were just plain criminals breaking international laws by paying a price. The situation in Assam was even worse during this period. When the census figures were released, there was much hue and cry all over the country. This scared the agents who brought them in. But the illegal immigration continued unabated. Only the strategy of settling them in West Bengal and Assam was changed.

When we examine the figures for the period 1991-2001, we see a marked drop in the rise in Muslim population as compared to the all India figure. While in the previous decade the difference was nearly 6 percent, it had come down to just 2.5 percent in this decade. So did illegal immigration started to peter out? No, it was continuing with abandon. Only, now the immigrants were not being settled in West Bengal or Assam to escape detection in the census. They were being sent to Delhi, Maharashtra and Kerala, among other states. This tirade about “all Bengali speaking people are not Bangladeshis” is old hat. Even we know that. But to give shelter to Bangladeshis under this pretext will not do. If we have the welfare of the country in our heart, Bengalis themselves should take the lead in identifying and helping in deporting illegal immigrants from Bangladesh who are a menace to the country in more ways than one.

If proof was required than it could not have come from a better apolitical source than the Chief of the Indian Army. Speaking at a seminar organized by a think tank as currently as in February 2014, General Bikram Singh said that the problem of illegal migration in Bangladesh has led to demographic changes in the northeast. It has led to serious internal security challenges in Assam.” The same is true for West Bengal. He further said that it is a matter of grave concern and a threat to national security. If political parties resist the move to stop this illegal influx and that to identify and deport those already here, then they are doing a great disservice to the nation, all for a tiny vote bank.

Illegal Immigration from Bangladesh is Alive, Kicking and Hurting India » The Indian Republic
i will come to india illegally and live there rest of my life :yes4:. I will have big family of 50 kids :rap:
You know that this is all bluster right, I sincerely doubt that any Indian political party has the wherewithal and cajones to actually have a policy driven initiative for deportation and management of illegal immigrants. Once the elections are over, a few more statements will be issued, perhaps an initiative or two will be halfheartedly implemented- and the latter itself is a BIG IF- EVEN IF some policy is brought in no one can state how effectively it will be implemented.

In the pursuit of preserving political capital all politicians are willing to let go of their stands, only the quantum of said compromise varies in relative terms.

IF Modi does take actual and concrete steps, which show measurable results on the ground in a time bound manner, then I will tip my hat to the fellow and count him among the likes of Shastri and Ambedkar wrt serving the nation.
True - it is easier said than done. Fingers crossed :angel:
i will come to india illegally and live there rest of my life :yes4:. I will have big family of 50 kids :rap:

Wrong timing. :lol:

Stop? Man, the Congress in Assam and the Centre are tacitly allowing this infiltration as these people are a huge Congress vote bank.....The country be damned! :devil:

And still some of our fellow Indians here believe in secoolarism Congressi style.

Needless to mention whom I am referring to.
Assam massacre of Muslims have started already.

Be happy

Why terming them Muslims instead of Assamese Muslims ? I have read that already government has started arming Assamese Muslims to defend themselves.

Politicians always put their interest over nations. Its the Muslim vote-bank which decides the political outcome in India.

Most of these parties who rely on Muslim votebank, have Muslim clerics in their pocket. If a Muslim cleric passes a fatwa that Muslim should vote for a particular party then Muslims will vote for it. These Muslim politicians and clerics have become billionaires but the condition of common Muslim voter hasn't improved a bit. And they blame the majority for it. When Narendra Modi talks about development its doesn't appeal to them. When Gandhis talk about reservation/quotas and schemes for Muslim community they face lighten ups. Indian Government has spent billions on schemes for Muslims. But the money barely reached the community. Most of its stolen their own Muslim politicians and clerics which they fail to realize. For example have a look at one of the richest politicians in India Abu Azmi officially hes worth around 150 crores unofficially around 30,000 crores. His constituency is one of the poorest filled with slums. Another mumbai Muslim MLA Baba Sidduqe comes to my mind. Guy has illegally grabbed slum residential projects meant for poor Muslims living in slums of Bandra area. He stole every fund's money meant for the underprivileged majority in his constituency. But still hes popular among Muslims.

Thats the reason why incompetent leaders are more popular and powerful in India.

Its the same even in other religious communities, there have been sadhus, priests and granthis who have appealed for giving their vote for particular candidate or party. So what about that ?
Why terming them Muslims instead of Assamese Muslims ? I have read that already government has started arming Assamese Muslims to defend themselves.
You heard wrong. There was a proposal to protect the principal votebank of Congress and AIUDF. But the idea never gained steam because most have lost voting rights anyway (D voters now). There have been some weapons distributed but nothing on the scale to prevent them from being kicked out.

The Bodos act swiftly and mercilessly. The moral compulsions don't rein them in.
You heard wrong. There was a proposal to protect the principal votebank of Congress and AIUDF. But the idea never gained steam because most have lost voting rights anyway (D voters now). There have been some weapons distributed but nothing on the scale to prevent them from being kicked out.

The Bodos act swiftly and mercilessly. The moral compulsions don't rein them in.

Which is a headache waiting to hit us, the Bodos will mop the floor with them no doubt but then they very well might aim their guns at our CAPFs and folk.

One lesson that is essential, NEVER dilute the state's exclusive authority over organized violence. IF you do dilute it, thinking that the folks you've just given a free pass to will take orders from you, sure they will, for a while, till they develop their own interests and momentum at which point they will not want to be the junior partner anymore.

The clean up is necessary AND it must be done by the state. As I said, I've voted for him so to say, now lets see if he delivers.
Which is a headache waiting to hit us, the Bodos will mop the floor with them no doubt but then they very well might aim their guns at our CAPFs and folk.

One lesson that is essential, NEVER dilute the state's exclusive authority over organized violence. IF you do dilute it, thinking that the folks you've just given a free pass to will take orders from you, sure they will, for a while, till they develop their own interests and momentum at which point they will not want to be the junior partner anymore.

The clean up is necessary AND it must be done by the state.
Exactly. Remember the Sturmabteilung? The SA of 1930s wanted to replace or merge with the Reichswehr. There are similar examples closer home as well. Power should be confined in the state apparatus alone. That is the ideal

But what has happened is this - the people have been left in the lurch. There is an absolute absence of Governance with respect to illegal immigration on our eastern frontier. So the extra legal groups function with impunity. It is natural that they will fill up the power vacuum. It's bad, but inevitable.

The clean up will be done. And by the State. That's what the people want. This issue has gained priority over many others and is likely to remain a major flashpoint. So, BJP will have to make good a part of this promise true.
Exactly. Remember the Sturmabteilung? The SA of 1930s wanted to replace or merge with the Reichswehr. There are similar examples closer home as well. Power should be confined in the state apparatus alone. That is the ideal

But what has happened is this - the people have been left in the lurch. There is an absolute absence of Governance with respect to illegal immigration on our eastern frontier. So the extra legal groups function with impunity. It is natural that they will fill up the power vacuum. It's bad, but inevitable.

The clean up will be done. And by the State. That's what the people want. This issue has gained priority over many others and is likely to remain a major flashpoint. So, BJP will have to make good a part of this promise true.

Lets just hope its not too late.

Once people take up arms its difficult to get them to relinquish them.

Once these arms facilitate their pursuit of interests which might be contrary to the interests of the nation, well you end up with the TTP..from there it just metastasizes.

Of course only when governance really breaks down do such groups get oxygen, either that or when the authorities themselves aid them.
You heard wrong. There was a proposal to protect the principal votebank of Congress and AIUDF. But the idea never gained steam because most have lost voting rights anyway (D voters now). There have been some weapons distributed but nothing on the scale to prevent them from being kicked out.

The Bodos act swiftly and mercilessly. The moral compulsions don't rein them in.

I have read the news 2 days back that Assam state government is arming Assamese Muslims against the Bodo attacks. By the way , this arming has nothing to do with elections as the elections were already held in Assam. And i cant understand how can you talk in favor of bodos who have hoisted Pakistani flag in Assam. :crazy:
Lets just hope its not too late.

Once people take up arms its difficult to get them to relinquish them.

Once these arms facilitate their pursuit of interests which might be contrary to the interests of the nation, well you end up with the TTP..from there it just metastasizes.

Of course only when governance really breaks down do such groups get oxygen, either that or when the authorities themselves aid them.
No - the Bodo groups are armed only with local weapons that we find in farmer's, hunter's households, axes, saws and the like. Very very few have got guns. The massacres are largely not done by any organization as the Government likes you to believe. They are done by the local civilian population - who are in complete unanimity. The militant actions news is fed to make people believe that this was not a communal clash.

I have read the news 2 days back that Assam state government is arming Assamese Muslims against the Bodo attacks. By the way , this arming has nothing to do with elections as the elections were already held in Assam. And i cant understand how can you talk in favor of bodos who have hoisted Pakistani flag in Assam. :crazy:
Bodos will prefer death to that. Bangladeshis and Indian Muslims were involved in that case.
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