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Il-78 aerial Inflight refuelling tanker aircraft

LMFAO! I own a Suzuki Mehran well its the 90s Alto but they are kinda same!
Well I mean they could do that couldn't they? For all I know it has already been done. Check these baby out! Note the Refueler is the KC-130

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LMFAO! I own a Suzuki Mehran well its the 90s Alto but they are kinda same!
Well I mean they could do that couldn't they? For all I know it has already been done. Check these baby out! Note the Refueler is the KC-130

Thanks for posting these pics bro, where did you find them?

Drop-tanks with refuelling probes inside them. I read about the Israelis using them somewhere but never saw pictures until now.
he get from Sargent Fletcher manufactures

first pic details

In addition to the KC-130H and buddy-store systems, Sargent Fletcher manufactures various fuselage-mounted hose reels. For example, the FR-600 hose reel is mounted in the fuselage of the U.S. Air Force KC-10 tanker, making it suitable to refuel U.S. Navy and probe-equipped aircraft from various allied forces. The Omega Tanker/Transport conversion of the Boeing 707-300 aircraft features multiple Sargent Fletcher FR-300 Hose Reel systems installed in what was formerly the aft baggage compartment. Recent U.S. Navy flight tests, with the Omega successfully refueling F/A-18 aircraft, have shown fuel transfer rates in excess of 500 GPM. Click here for information on this and other Sargent Fletcher aerial refueling systems

secend pic details

Current product development includes the qualification and testing of the Sargent Fletcher F-16 370-Gallon Aerial Refueling Tank/System (ART/S®). This unique concept is the product of the vast Sargent Fletcher experience in External Fuel Tank and Probe/Drogue Aerial Refueling systems design. The Sargent Fletcher 370-Gallon wing tank is modified to accept a retractable probe that will permit a F-16 aircraft to receive fuel from a Probe/Drogue-equipped SkyTanker. A proof of concept flight test was conducted to verify the compatibility of the design to the hoop-up loads. No fuel was transferred in this test. Instrumentation was installed to measure loads, deflection, and stiffness. The test confirmed the loads placed on the probe and the ease of hook-up including the compatibility of the system to several different tankers.

that good so perhaps C130 can fulfill our need of refuler for F16 IF we ever require them! no need to soend money on a different platform rather we can buy a few transport aircrafts from the same money!

Don't use the C-130s for this, they have been already upgraded by spending massive dough. I was just posting those pics to show that an F-16 can be refueled by the Russian/Ukrainian style Drogue. You don't even have to modify the jet alot. So there you go a definitive answer to all Indian questions regarding the IL-78 and F-16s.
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PAF don't need air refueling to send fighters to India. So if they have refuelers, or not, it won't change so much for India. High tech arms like U214 subs, missiles for JF 17, or J10, or even fighter like Su 30, 35 are a different story, but India is not in the position to say "Western" countries not to sell to Pak now.

Imagine a war time scenario where JF-17 is coming back from a bombing run on Mumbai. It has to land in order to get refulled, imagine if the same jet is refuelled allowing it to stay in air longer to perform other tasks.

Refueling will open other opps for Pakistan

On the Il-78, the only problem is that PAF is also getting them -)
Il-78 will provide greater endurance to the fighters on CAP duty.
Il-78 will provide greater endurance to the fighters on CAP duty.
and the AEWC escort fighters.

Greater range to the naval strike platforms too? JF-17 will certainly be used for this role, won't it need to be tanked to stay with the P-3 AEW/MPA and Atlantique MPAs?
Well still wating to see them! i understand the mirages & jf-17's will be taken care of wat about our fc-20's and f-16's?

the FC-20s have refuel pods, u can see them in all pictures of them.

I would assume they would be compatible with the UPAZ pods.

As for F16s, not sure. Maybe someone can provide more detailed infos.
Though this is not directly linked to IL-78 refuelling. It's related to F-16's refuelling.

Lockheed Martin is to add an all-new capability for the F-16 specifically to entice a massive order by the Indian air force.

Lockheed has designed and demonstrated a probe refuelling system that extends from the right conformal fuel tank of the F-16IN, a proposed variant of the Block 60 tailored for India's 126-aircraft medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) requirement.

The new probe-and-drogue refuelling capability was demonstrated to Indian pilots during flight trials performed in September in India, said Rick Groesch, Lockheed's regional vice-president for Middle East international business development.

It represents the first time Lockheed has offered a probe refuelling capability for a newly delivered F-16. The Indian air force does not operate an aerial refueller that employs a boom system, which is the standard for the F-16.

Although the probe attached to the conformal tank is being offered to India, Lockheed is also discussing the capability with multiple F-16 customers, Groesch said. The system can be added for any F-16 already designed to employ conformal fuel tanks, which includes Block 50/52s and Block 60s.

The additional capability will surely boost the F-16's standing in the hotly competitive MMRCA competition. Its rivals, including the Boeing F/A-18E/F, already come with a probe and drogue refuelling system.

After completing the flight trials in India last September, the Indian air force will start Phase 3 evaluations in January, Groesch said.The F-16 will be tested in the USA for weapons and systems, such as the Northrop Grumman APG-80 agile beam radar, that could not be shown in India. India is expected to select the MMRCA supplier by late 2010, but subsequent contract negotiations could last for years.
the FC-20s have refuel pods, u can see them in all pictures of them.

I would assume they would be compatible with the UPAZ pods.

As for F16s, not sure. Maybe someone can provide more detailed infos.

russia /china/india/Pakistan use the hose-and-drogue refuel pods
US use the UPAZ pods

So PAF's F16.......
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Okay let me ask a question, When India got the Il-78's, everyone from Indian side was talking about how inferior the PAF has now become. Now when we get the same thing its like " It wont affect the STRATEGICAL BALANCE in the region". We get Bullpups Indian say that they won't work but when India gets the Tevor they are happy. Why are Indians Double Faced? Can't Indian people be true to their word?

Its simple dude..how the strategic balance will be affected even if PAF induct few refuellers..sure it will give PAf tremendous boost by giving Paf aircraft extended operational capabilities but do you think that IAF has inducting more phalcons just for flight training..,nop..PAf jets will be detected long before it even enter Indian airspace and IAf interceptors will be waiting for some good AWACs controled interceptions...moresoever PAF is a defencive airforce and refuelers are basically meant to refuel jets on long range combat missions...but it is good for PAF fighters for long duration patrols over pakistani terrirtory for continuous airspace protection....:cheers:
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