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If you had 3 Billion Dollars to build an Air Force, what Aircrafts would you buy?

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By building an air force I think you also have to bulid air fields, infrastructure and train personnel. Aircraft are just one part of an Air Force.

Having said that with that budget one should go for budget aircraft like JF17, Tejas, T50 and FCK1 and have them upgraded with better avionics and weapon systems.
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Many western Joe Blow people OVERLOOK the huge benefits offered by DSI tech, they are:

#1) DSI structure significantly reduce fighter craft total weight
= Longer Range + Higher Missiles Payload
#2) DSI structure significantly reduce fighter craft RCS.
#3) DSI air flow significantly boost the final fighter craft T/W ratio.


F-22 is an INFERIOR and OBSOLETE design in terms of DSI air intake tech and their Stealth coating.
Why ?
Because F-22 does not have DSI tech and F-22 Stealth is useless vis-a-vis PLA Anti-Stealth Radar system.
This is all fact -- usaf F-22s are afraid to patrol ECS from South Korea or even SCS from Guam.

usaf F-22s were shell shocked when they were shadowed by J-10A, yes J-10A, ... ... not by PLAAF best fighters.
J-10A intercepted F-22 groups twice in ECS on ( OCT 2015 and FEB 2016 ).

This is fact. -- 3 other PLAAF fighters ( J-10B, J-10C, J-11B ) are all superior compare to J-10A.
Yet, PLA did not sent out their best fighter to intercept those F-22s flown from South Korea.

Afterward, all F-22 flown back to Alaska to heal their bruised overhyped ego.
This is fact. F-22s are no longer deployed in South Korea and Guam.
Why are F-22s not in South Korea or Guam anymore ??
Maybe, some Indian and americese members would volunteer and answered that.

:enjoy: :yes4: :sarcastic:

F22--inferior--RCS--no DSI--1a.jpg
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lots of F-16s and probably a couple of mig-29 's :D
Assuming this is for a random nation, with no political links to any countries in particular, and that all the infrastructure such as SAM, aircraft, maintenance etc. is already in place.


10 JF-17 (35m per unit)
12 F-16 (20m per unit)

Next Gen:


4 J-20

Old gen aircraft:

50 F-7/J-7 (3m per unit)
11 Su-25 (10m per unit)
20-40 Mig-21 (500k-1m per unit)

because many are being retired, and due to the increasing tech gap I think they could be bought for cheap.

AWAC type aircraft:

2 E-2 Hawkeye

Total 300 million on an AWAC type aircraft, would maybe have to get the second plane on lease.


5 BAE Hawk (20m per unit)
18 T-38 (5m per unit)
6 Yak 130 (15m per unit)

spend 5m left over on simulators and such


500 million on various aircraft such as the Chinook, and KC-135 possibly on lease or something


30 CH drones assorted (5m per unit)
13 MQ-1 drones (4m per unit)
18 falco drones (1m per unit)


100 million on electronic warfare systems

400 million in R&D programs

obviously if we went to war with this inventory we would be fucked over, but its varied enough to deter any potential enemies, and put up a hell of a fight in the process. Since most airforces have older decaying fighters in inventory it should give us an edge because of the money we put into electronic warfare and research, at least until the 5th generation planes finally move into production.
For 3 billion dollars ten million of these would be my air force:


This is the purple martin. It is one of the most efficient hunters of airborne insects. Within a few decades my "air force" would wipe out the world's mosquitoes and with them all the nasty communicable diseases they carry.
I would focus my budget on licensing rights to produce aircraft locally. If I have money left over I would procure a few Tucano and L-15 trainer.
Not exactly sure what total cost per bird would be, but I would invest in as many Colonial Vipers as I possibly could.

Many Joe Blow people OVERLOOK the huge benefits offered by DSI tech, they are:

#1) DSI structure significantly reduce fighter craft total weight
= Longer Range + Higher Missiles Payload
#2) DSI structure significantly reduce fighter craft RCS.
#3) DSI air flow significantly boost the final fighter craft T/W ratio.


F-22 is an INFERIOR and OBSOLETE design in terms of DSI air intake tech and their Stealth coating.
Why ?
Because F-22 does not have DSI tech and F-22 Stealth is useless vis-a-vis PLA Anti-Stealth Radar system.
This is all fact -- usaf F-22s are afraid to patrol ECS from South Korea or even SCS from Guam.

usaf F-22s were shell shocked when they were shadowed by J-10A, yes J-10A, ... ... not by PLAAF best fighters.
J-10A intercepted F-22 groups twice in ECS on ( OCT 2015 and FEB 2016 ).

This is fact. -- 3 other PLAAF fighters ( J-10B, J-10C, J-11B ) are all superior compare to J-10A.
Yet, PLA did not sent out their best fighter to intercept those F-22s flown from South Korea.

Afterward, all F-22 flown back to Alaska to heal their bruised overhyped ego.
This is fact. F-22s are no longer deployed in South Korea and Guam.
Why are F-22s not in South Korea or Guam anymore ??
Maybe, some Indian and americese members would volunteer and answered that.

:enjoy: :yes4: :sarcastic:

View attachment 351114

So aside from your usual anti-American hyper nationalist garbage, are you actually going to post what Air Force you would build with 3 billion dollars as the OP's topic asks?
... ..., are you actually going to post what Air Force you would build with 3 billion dollars as the OP's topic asks?

@gambit ,, @Providence ,, @Surya 1 ,, @500 ,, @DavidSling ,,
@A.P. Richelieu ,, @mike2000 is back

Glad that you ask ... ...

:enjoy: :yes4: :sarcastic:

As many westerners, Japanese, and Indians wish, Chinese can only clone and copy.
Chinese are NOT creative and innovative.
Thus based on these characteristic above, this is how -- I will use the 3 billion usd

1.) firstly, exchange all those 3 billion usd into RMB, before usd devalues rapidly.

2.) to buy approximately 1 millions Chinese DJI drones + ( Supporting batteries + Accessories,
+ IED ) and split them into 3 groups.

3.) I will donate Group 1 -- approx. 333,000 Chinese DJI drones to our IRANIAN brothers and sisters
-- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and encourage them to use the Drones to mesmerize Israelese.

4.) I will donate Group 2 -- -- approx. 333,000 Chinese DJI drones to Anti-Trump protesters in US,
and encourage them to use the Drones to terrorize and mesmerize and maim
Trump whitey americese supporters.

5.) I will keep Group 3 -- -- approx. 333,000 Chinese DJI drones as reserve.

:D :enjoy:

@oprih ,, @grey boy 2 ,, @hirobo2 ,, @maximuswarrior
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$3,000,000,000 Billion Dollars

My Azad Airforce

Research Division
200 Million spent on Radar & Avionics Technology, next generation local production
for F-5/Mirage
100 Million for Local Air-Air Missile manufacturing
100 Million for "SPECIAL GIFT"
30 Million for Local Bombs manufacturing

48 JF17 Thunders: Unit Cost 25 Million Total 1 Billion Dollars
100 F-5 : Unit Cost $2.1 million Total 210 Million Dollars
100 Mirage 5 : Unit Cost $2.1 Million Total 200 Million Dollars

Special Division
2 Strategic Bomber: Unit cost 70 Million Total 140 Million Dollar (Nuke Dropping)
10 J20 : Unit Cost $50 million Total 600 Million Dollars (Nuke Dropping)
1 Awacs : Unit Cost 200 MIllion Total 200 Million Dollars (Buy Used)

Money Spent 2.8 Billion Dollars

  • 20 Million would be spent for my special Nuclear Bunker with food supplies for 70 years

The message on door will read - "See you all in 70 years"
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Or could just buy 10,000 Nuclear Tipped ICBM , much easier with 3 Billion dollars forget the airforce
@gambit ,, @Providence ,, @Surya 1 ,, @500 ,, @DavidSling ,,
@A.P. Richelieu ,, @mike2000 is back

Glad that you ask ... ...

:enjoy: :yes4: :sarcastic:

As many westerners, Japanese, and Indians wish, Chinese can only clone and copy.
Chinese are NOT creative and innovative.
Thus based on these characteristic above, this is how -- I will use the 3 billion usd

1.) firstly, exchange all those 3 billion usd into RMB, before usd devalues rapidly.

2.) to buy approximately 1 millions Chinese DJI drones + ( Supporting batteries + Accessories,
+ IED ) and split them into 3 groups.

3.) I will donate Group 1 -- approx. 333,000 Chinese DJI drones to our IRANIAN brothers and sisters
-- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and encourage them to use the Drones to mesmerize Israelese.

4.) I will donate Group 2 -- -- approx. 333,000 Chinese DJI drones to Anti-Trump protesters in US,
and encourage them to use the Drones to terrorize and mesmerize and maim
Trump whitey americese supporters.

5.) I will keep Group 3 -- -- approx. 333,000 Chinese DJI drones as reserve.

:D :enjoy:

@oprih ,, @grey boy 2 ,, @hirobo2 ,, @maximuswarrior

So are you tagging some of those people in hopes that a few of them maybe gang up on me? :sarcastic:

Anyway, I have to be fair and I give you some credit, because I do see on the first page that you did stay on topic in your first post.
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