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1. abolish of 370.
2. Integrate Azad Kashmir and aksai chin with rest of kashmir by hook or by crook.
3. HR department in every govt organization
4. Reduce number of transfers, so that accountability of officials be fixed
5. Enframe all govt projects in time frame, failing which serious consequences to govt officials including termination from govt sector.
6. Increase 2 percent of GDP investment in Education, research and development, defence and spreading influence of hinduism and Indian culture.
7. Quota can only be provided economicaly and for a limited time frame.
8. Implement and adherence to e-governance in every govt sector.
9. Make provisions that inter religion conversion can not be done in Abrahmic religions. Limit the spread of abrahmic religions in India(especially by done by corrupt practices of church and population increase methods by muslims) and around the world.
Apart from the points members have already put:
1 will legalize prostitution
2 When a person gets a job on reservation, his and his children's certificate would be changed to general category. To stop spoon feeding generations and generations.
teach our neighbours some manners ? :D
Filhal toh mainey PM ki kursi Modi Key liye chor rakhi hai....................................

1.) Improve infrastructure and improve business environment in India to encourage entrepreneurs in India and FDI

2.) Reform the Indian Police Service

3.) Anti corruption measures

Everything else comes from alone after this (poverty reduction, lower crime rates, less bureaucracy/corruption etc etc)
Here is my list, not comprehensive, but a few of the issues that I feel need to be addressed urgently.

Education, Health, etc.:
1. Basic education for all, major focus on educational infrastructure in rural areas.
2. More social involvement in education, creating environment for engaging retired educated people in the process.
3. Use of virtual classroom technologies in rural schools so that they get maximum exposure to modern education and best of the teachers.
4. Encouriging quality research work in higher educational institutes, retaining talents by giving them opportunities they deserve to reduce brain drain.
5. Improving medical facilities in rural areas, improving administrative control in failing government hospital.
6. Increasing medical seats by opening many more medical colleges, we badly need more doctors, supply must increase.
7. Devise a system to recover entire cost of subsidized education from Indian professionals settling abroad.

Economy, Business, Industries, etc.:
1. Immediately taking steps to reduce trade deficits with other countries by reducing/stopping all imports that we locally produce or can produce if we want to. Especially stop all unnecessary imports from China. We need to go back to 2004 level in this area.
2. Encourage local industry by easing the process of setting up a manufacturing unit and running it. Create a land bank, give tax breaks, and keep the unions & politics outside the business.
3. Encourage labor intensive small & cottage industries in rural areas. Providing them free technical support through trained professionals.
4. More thrust on sustainable renewable energy and reducing petroleum consumption.

Agriculture, Agri Market & Distribution:
1. Encouraging scientific farming, improving network of surface water sources for farming.
2. Providing insurance facility for loss of crops, also allowing contract farming to reduce risk.
3. Encouraging organic farming, this could be good source of higher revenue and exports.
4. No genetically modified crops unless it was thoroughly tested for 20-25 years in other countries including USA & Europe, we are not guinea-pigs.
5. Huge infrastructure build up in storage & distribution of agri products, we need a large network of cold chains to reduce wastage.
6. Reducing the middle mans in distribution to ensure farmers are getting right price for their crops and retail prices are also not artificially increased.

Security, Defence, Insurgency, etc.:
1. Speed up the process of completing pending deals of critical weapon systems, we are at immediate risk in some areas, major focus is to be given on fighter jets and submarines.
2. Speed up the process of indigenization of defence equipment, special focus on Arjun and Tejas.
3. Setting up strong border fencing on our entire Bangladesh border to control illegal immigration. Also filling the gaps and weaknesses in Pakistan border.
4. Major focus on space technology for both civilian & defence use. Improving our capabilities in new age technologies like information technology and electronic warfare.
5. Improving connectivity and road & railway infrastructure for both civilian & defence use.

I have a huge list of "To do"s for cleaning up politics, reduce corruption, improving tax collection, controlling misuse of our financial system, and population control, but that is for some other time.

So, will you vote for me? :D

@chak de INDIA @Indischer @Dem!god @thesolar65 @scorpionx @levina @Parul @ExtraOdinary
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Education, Health, etc.:
2. More social involvement in education, creating environment for engaging retired educated people in the process.
7. Devise a system to recover entire cost of subsidized education from Indian professionals settling abroad.

Agriculture, Agri Market & Distribution:

2. Providing insurance facility for loss of crops, also allowing contract farming to reduce risk.
4. No genetically modified crops unless it was thoroughly tested for 20-25 years in other countries including USA & Europe, we are not guinea-pigs.
The above points are the reason why I WONT vote for you.:bunny:
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